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sunrise2006 01-08-2009 10:00 PM

Angular Advertisement System
1 Attachment(s)
Angular Advertisement System
New Generation of vBulletin's Advertisement Systems

In the Internet world, advertisements had a special place, because of than we see most of Internet web sites have assign special sectors of their pages to this affair, so I thought to design this system for vBulletin with a new idea, of course.

What is my purpose of angular?
I choose 'angular' prefix for this system, because general purpose of Angular Advertisement System is display some information in each fourth angles of the screen with a fixed position, so vBulletin's administrators may use this system to display important advertisements, notices, thoughts and etc to users by a powerful inform way.

What are features of Angular Advertisement System?
  • Perfect integrating with vBulletin and ability to integrate with third-party scripts
  • Using Administrator's permission system
  • Easily styling the advertisement to be displayed via Advertisements Manager panel without need to additional tools
  • Display advertisements to specific users which have bundle of specific qualification (Set Criteria)
Overall Traits
  • Using vBulletin Options
  • Using Datastore (Cache System) - To optimize load of pages
  • Wholly Phrased
  • Completely Control Panel Help
  • Includes Hooks - To using for third-party scripts
  • Quick and Easy Installation
Installation Guide

Prenotion: This modification work with vBulletin 3.8.0 and also vBulletin 3.7.x
  1. Upload the files in the upload folder to your vBulletin root.
  2. Import the 'angular_advertisements.xml' via Product Manager system.
  1. If you have changes on default vBulletin's directory names, please attention to upload each file to pertain location.
  2. Make sure that 'images/angularadvertisement' directory is writeable by your host (CHMOD 777), of course if you would like to upload images for Angular Advertismenets.
Congratulation, you are successfully installed Angular Advertisements system on your board.

If you have using Style's that not support Auto-Template, you may read this post.

If you want to have an feature to limitation of displaying advertisement for specified date range, you may click here. I say thank you to cgine for this change.

My Note: I hope this modification will be useful for you and I say already thank you to people who using this hack.

Please don't forget if you have installed this modification, click Mark as Installed to aid me to more support this modification in the next releases.

Thank you,
Hamed Haddadian

SEOvB 01-08-2009 11:11 PM

Nice work!

I'm tagging this to check it out when I get a chance

Hornstar 01-08-2009 11:20 PM

I see from the screen shot 2 possibilities but I am assuming there are more places where this can be used correct?

sunrise2006 01-08-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1705733)
I see from the screen shot 2 possibilities but I am assuming there are more places where this can be used correct?

You may place your advertisement on these angles:

Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right
Top-Left, Top-Right

Of course this hack include some other features for styling and displaying the advertisement that you can see this features in these screenshots:


GrendelKhan{TSU 01-09-2009 12:31 AM

great job. will definitely be checking this out. :)

TimberFloorAu 01-09-2009 12:36 AM

Looks like a neat idea, and can be used to drive members to specific parts of the forum.
Can it be assigned on an "per forum basis ?"

Will look into the entire mod later.

Good WORK !:up:

tansu 01-09-2009 06:16 AM

Nice one.
Is there a working demo?

redlabour 01-09-2009 06:18 AM

  • What about displaying Ads after X Posts, at Footer, at navbar? Center?
  • What about random Ads at the same Place, automatic Refresh Ads after X Seconds or Minutes?
  • Priority of displaying a Ad?
  • Maximum show of a Ad per Day, Week, Month ....?
  • What about Fullscreen Ad after X Clicks/Threads/Postings?
  • What about displaying Ads at Archive?
  • What about count Clicks?

Need more Information. If i watch the Screenshots it seems not one of this Features are build in yet. Am i blind? If they are all missing every other AdManagement miss your nice Extrafunctions but the others allready have this more important Basicfunctions of a AdSystem. :eek:

Sorry, absolutely nice try so far but unusable for installing and using this yet at this Point of Development. :(

Hope there will be a final Release soon. Then it would be perfect. ;) :up:

sunrise2006 01-09-2009 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by tansu (Post 1705984)
Nice one.
Is there a working demo?

Live Demo (Persian) : http://forums.gtpland.com/

sunrise2006 01-09-2009 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1705987)
  • What about displaying Ads after X Posts, at Footer, at navbar? Center?
  • What about random Ads at the same Place, automatic Refresh Ads after X Seconds or Minutes?
  • Priority of displaying a Ad?
  • Maximum show of a Ad per Day, Week, Month ....?
  • What about Fullscreen Ad after X Clicks/Threads/Postings?
  • What about displaying Ads at Archive?
  • What about count Clicks?
Need more Information. If i watch the Screenshots it seems not one of this Features are build in yet. Am i blind? If they are all missing every other AdManagement miss your nice Extrafunctions but the others allready have this more important Basicfunctions of a AdSystem. :eek:

Sorry, absolutely nice try so far but unusable for installing and using this yet at this Point of Development. :(

Hope there will be a final Release soon. Then it would be perfect. ;) :up:

In actually now this system seems to a advanced notice and announcement manager system with more controls to display them and choose of Advertisement word for this hack was through which it's a globalization consequence for announcements, notices and propagation.
Because of I put some qualification on show the advertisements (or each item) to users, but if I want to reply to your question about features I may say these:

Through features which you hint to those, display Ads after X posts and displaying Ads at Archive is observe now but other features not spot yet for this system but at next version I will add some more features, of course after finish of my college exams :D

Note that now in this system conflict not allowed (not randomly displaying ads) and priority of displaying is by dateline (time of add advertisement to system), but don't worry because of I will better this sufficiency in the next release.

redlabour 01-09-2009 09:21 AM


In actually now this system seems to a advanced notice and announcement manager system with more controls to display them and choose of Advertisement word for this hack was through which it's a globalization consequence for announcements, notices and propagation.
:eek: Maybe you should think about this again. :cool:

sunrise2006 01-09-2009 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1706093)
:eek: Maybe you should think about this again. :cool:

Yeah, now when I think with myself about this word, I think I must change this title for next ;)

sunrise2006 01-09-2009 11:40 AM

Please don't forget if you have installed this modification, click Mark as Installed to aid me to more support this modification in the next releases.

Already say thanks to people who aid me to this way.

RaceJunkie 01-09-2009 01:29 PM

This looks great. I am interested in the angular notices at the corners. I will be checking this one out once I upgrade to 3.8. Please do continue with the mod as I think it will be a definite hit to some.

sunrise2006 01-09-2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by RaceJunkie (Post 1706276)
This looks great. I am interested in the angular notices at the corners. I will be checking this one out once I upgrade to 3.8. Please do continue with the mod as I think it will be a definite hit to some.

Thank you, this hack is work perfectly with vBulletin 3.7.x too.

RaceJunkie 01-09-2009 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1706321)
Thank you, this hack is work perfectly with vBulletin 3.7.x too.

Oh I will be upgrading this weekend.. ;)

alishahbazi 01-09-2009 02:36 PM

thank you hamed.
مرسی حامد

shahryar_neo 01-09-2009 05:48 PM

hello dear hamed ,

would please tell us about your transparent Unread private message in your screen shot ? it's so nice !


sunrise2006 01-09-2009 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by shahryar_neo (Post 1706566)
hello dear hamed ,

would please tell us about your transparent Unread private message in your screen shot ? it's so nice !


Hi excellency Shahryar,

You may make it with apply a number between 1 to 100 for Transparency (Blur) field on advertisement manager (rather between 60 to 90 of course for have this scheme did you see in the screenshot that I attacheted for hack), in addition to display container as a bar you may enter 100% for width field.

For 'Contents' field you may put this or the same:

You have {pmunread} unread private message(s)
Good luck

burlesque 01-10-2009 01:35 PM

I've spotted a small bug in this mod - but nothing too serious!

If you use an apostrophe - (') in the Advertisment Contents box, it throws up an SQL error when you try to save it.

samuelss 01-10-2009 04:24 PM

I have installed this bit it does not appear to be working. I have uploaded a test image and can see it in the image directory and have set up all the required info and yet nothing seems working.


sunrise2006 01-10-2009 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by burlesque (Post 1707283)
I've spotted a small bug in this mod - but nothing too serious!

If you use an apostrophe - (') in the Advertisment Contents box, it throws up an SQL error when you try to save it.

Thank you for report this problem. I will fix this in next release.

sunrise2006 01-10-2009 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1707460)
I have installed this bit it does not appear to be working. I have uploaded a test image and can see it in the image directory and have set up all the required info and yet nothing seems working.


Please try to use Contents (HTML) for angular advertisement and if the problem is still persistence inform me to present another solution.

samuelss 01-11-2009 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1707692)
Please try to use Contents (HTML) for angular advertisement and if the problem is still persistence inform me to present another solution.

Not sure what you mean by Contents (HTML)


sunrise2006 01-11-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1708627)
Not sure what you mean by Contents (HTML)


It's mean you may set a text for Contents field to understand the problem.

Also after installed the hack, in vBulletin forum home view the Source Code (through Right Click on page and click View Page Source) and search for follow term:

/* Angular Advertisement */
If this not exist in the page source code will that mean the auto-template function could not done for style.

samuelss 01-14-2009 08:53 PM

Thanks for this Mod again. The top-right and the top-right does work on the defauly vb style. It does not work however using the bottom-right and bottom left the the default vb style. It did not work also on my other customised styles.

Any idea of how to rectify this?.


sunrise2006 01-15-2009 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1712547)
Thanks for this Mod again. The top-right and the top-right does work on the defauly vb style. It does not work however using the bottom-right and bottom left the the default vb style. It did not work also on my other customised styles.

Any idea of how to rectify this?.


You're welcome.

I used auto-template by follow replacements for global zones, please check these.

On headinclude template:

search $style[css] and replace with fit template.
On header template:

search <!-- logo --> and replace with fit template.
So, please ensure that these parameters are exists on headinclude and header templates on your style.

AWJunkies 01-15-2009 07:46 AM

Just FYI if you have firefox and have Adblock plus firefox add-on this will BLOCK this advertisement and would need to do an exception rule to allow it.

samuelss 01-15-2009 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1712980)
You're welcome.

I used auto-template by follow replacements for global zones, please check these.

On headinclude template:

search $style[css] and replace with fit template.
On header template:

search <!-- logo --> and replace with fit template.
So, please ensure that these parameters are exists on headinclude and header templates on your style.

Thanks for your reply but i must say that I do not really understand what you want me to do.


sunrise2006 01-15-2009 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by AWJunkies (Post 1713118)
Just FYI if you have firefox and have Adblock plus firefox add-on this will BLOCK this advertisement and would need to do an exception rule to allow it.

Are you sure for this problem! Because I don't used any applet or JavaScript code for this!

sunrise2006 01-15-2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1713148)
Thanks for your reply but i must say that I do not really understand what you want me to do.


I think that parameters who I used for replacement in template not exists on your style and for escape from this problem you may add those parameters (who I said already) to the templates that called on before post of me.

I have a question from you, now is hack installed on your board? Because when I try to find angular css on the source of your forum (that place on your signature) I not found anything.

AWJunkies 01-19-2009 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1713269)
Are you sure for this problem! Because I don't used any applet or JavaScript code for this!

It is not a problem just letting people know if they have addblock plus firefox addon it will block the image so if they experience it not showing up that is why.


sunrise2006 01-19-2009 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by AWJunkies (Post 1717542)
It is not a problem just letting people know if they have addblock plus firefox addon it will block the image so if they experience it not showing up that is why.


OK. Now I understand your purpose, because of this hack has 2 method to show advertisement, by image or text.

In totality I say thank you to inform this note.

PossumX 01-19-2009 01:56 PM

Excellent work. Installed moments ago, and will be testing over the next week or so.

This has real potential to be a grand addition to many forums.

Get your exams passed, and get that next release going !! :cool:

sunrise2006 01-19-2009 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by PossumX (Post 1717890)
Excellent work. Installed moments ago, and will be testing over the next week or so.

This has real potential to be a grand addition to many forums.

Get your exams passed, and get that next release going !! :cool:

Thanks. My exams will finished in 3 days later and I will start working on new version that contains add some new features and fix small bugs that exists on current version.

buileminh 01-20-2009 06:32 AM

Can I display ads at the 4 angles at the same time?

sunrise2006 01-20-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by buileminh (Post 1718698)
Can I display ads at the 4 angles at the same time?

Yes, this is possible.

buileminh 01-21-2009 06:51 AM

I have not installed and tried it yet but I guess it use JS to keep ads at the fixed positions. Does it slow client's computer down?

sunrise2006 01-21-2009 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by buileminh (Post 1719830)
I have not installed and tried it yet but I guess it use JS to keep ads at the fixed positions. Does it slow client's computer down?

I used a CSS to keep advertisement at fixed position and I never used any JavaScript code for it.

kollam003 01-21-2009 10:07 AM

Is adsense ads Possible here ? Is it against Google's TOS, also where will i get an image like that

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