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-   -   New Posting Features - Easy Forms - Create a form or multiple forms without php or html knowledge (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=201097)

bananalive 01-07-2009 10:00 PM

Easy Forms - Create a form or multiple forms without php or html knowledge
1 Attachment(s)
EASY FORMS FOR vB 4.x here

Easily create forms with no HTML or PHP knowledge. Questions can be made compulsory and are checked before the form is submitted. Forms can be previewed. (You can create multiple forms)

Backwards compatible with vb v3.7.x and 3.6.8

Example Form | Help File | Version History

Question Types:
  • Single line text
  • Multi-line text
  • Multi-select checkboxes
  • Single-select radio buttons
  • Single Select Dropdown
  • Yes/No
  • Multi-line text field using vbeditor (max one per form - limited by vB)
  • Human verification question
  • Custom Question (can query database or do whatever you want)
  • Date (month/ day/ year fields)
Form can Submit to:
  • new thread in forum
  • new post in thread
  • new pm to user
  • email address
  • save to database
Installation:More Features:
  • Form list categories (optional)
  • Preview form (can disable for individual forms)
  • Optional questions
  • Form Sections
  • Prefix support - you can choose which prefix you want thread to have
  • Different thread/pm title to form title with variables {username} {userid} and {q_1} (replacing 1 with appropriate question number)
  • Poll Options: Multiple choice, public vote, poll question, poll options, poll timeout
  • Regular expression match for single line text input field
  • Usergroup permissions per form
  • Forumid/threadid/username can be specified by input via {value=X} in dropdown, single line input or radio buttons
  • Multiple dropdown select for form usergroup permissions (still optional - leave blank to not use)
  • Option to show link to form list in navbar and quick links (separate options)
  • Import/ Export your forms as XML files - great for transferring forms across forums or creating backups
  • Specify bbcode for questions/ answers/ sections for the form's output
  • Form Hooks: (uses php code)
    1. Before form submitted
      Useful for: your own form validation, multiple form outputs, etc.
    2. At form start
      Useful for: banning userids/usergroups from form, setting minimum post count,etc.
  • Attachments allowed for posting new thread
  • Mass Copy Forms & their questions
Coming soon:
  • Allow attachments for posting in thread

bananalive 01-08-2009 06:49 PM

Version History

- Added template hook for form hidden fields
- Added compulsory question * as phrase
- Form Results Table and Form Results Poll moved to templates
- Form Navbar link moved to tempalte
- JavaScript sort results table
- added permissions for Usergroups to view form results (those who can edit forms can also view form results)

- Form Results in table format

- multiple vbeditors in one form

- fixed reported bugs with import/export forms
- added copy forms (multiple times)
- reduced queries on edit form by using vbulletin cache
- Forum drop-down select instead of box for forumid
- fixed post moderation for users posting in forum they couldn't view

- disable form preview
- link to forms in navbar when viewing a form only shows if user has permission to view form list
- hidden form fields

- prefix support
- $closed= true; in form hook: before submit means thread is closed

- Fixed $phrasegroups
- Added poll timeout option

- Edit Form Redesigned
- Multiple Form Actions

- Redirect to url after form is submitted (accepts $newpost[postid] for newthread being created and $postid for new post in thread being created)
- Custom Form Output Conditionals: <if condition="$q[4]">$qn[4]: $q[4]<else />Field left blank</if>

- Added security to prevent possible use of macroses in form inputs by members using form
- Guest only questions
- Modify post top with macroses & bbcode
- Search Form Results saved to database
- Option to not show form on form list (only applicable for those who cannot edit forms)
- Added rel="nofollow" to links on formlist
- Increased performance by consolidating preg_replace functions

- Added form start hook
- Fixed form description [center] bbcode not working
- Date question

- Save form output to database
- Fixed custom output of checkbox & multi-line
- Fixed guests posting new thread error

- Form hook which executes before form is submitted (can be used for more specific field validation)
- Removed human verification question from form output
- Fix bug which prevented double quotes in bbcode

- Custom form question

- Specify bbcode for questions/ answers/ sections for the form's output

- Fixed attachment issue for creating new thread
- Update display order of the questions in edit form screenshot

- Fixed issue with resizing poll options on edit form
- Form list only shows in navbar/ quick links if user has permission to view form list
- Form list only contains forms user has permission to view (unless user can edit form)
- Create Form link only shows for users with permissions to create forms
- Fixed missing <tr> tabs around Create new form
- Usergroup permissions changed to allow permissions through secondary usergroups
- Change bbcode for questions and answers easily in plugin
- Change null value easily, needed to stop bbcode messing up (default '-' )

- JavaScript re-sizable text-areas
- New macrose {qn_*}
- Import/ Export your forms as XML files - great for transferring forms across forums or creating backups

- Attachments for new thread
- Custom output form layout

- Forumid/threadid/username can be specified by input via {value=X} in dropdown, single line input or radio buttons
- Human verification question
- Multiple dropdown select for form usergroup permissions (still optional - leave blank to not use)
- Option to show link to form list in navbar and quick links (separate options)
- Form can be emailed

- More question variables
- Regular expression match for single line text input field
- Usergroup permissions per form

- Poll Options: Multiple choice, public vote, poll question, poll options

- Form categories for form list
- vbeditor field
- Thread/pm title with variables

- Add sections to forms

- Enabled bbcode for form title & description and for form questions and questions' descriptions

- Fixed 'Error' displaying in navbar on form submition
- Fixed validation for boolean

- Initial Release

bananalive 01-08-2009 06:50 PM

reserved post

Trek 01-08-2009 08:01 PM

This looks really nice and easy to use. I've already spent way too much time getting the other product FormHack to finally work, but I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

Nice work!

ssslippy 01-08-2009 08:26 PM

The vbulletin admin panel needs to be done with check boxes not a scroll list. We have around 30 usergroups and this is a huge pain to scroll through this little box.

Getting this error when creating a form


Database error in vBulletin 3.7.4:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE forms SET title = 'test', description = 'test', displayorder = '1', action = '2', forms.where = '', threadtitle = '', category = '', polloptions = '', pollquestion = '', poll = '0', publicpoll = '0', multiplepoll = '0', usergroups = '', submitmessage = 'test' WHERE fid = '3';

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'submitmessage' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, January 8th 2009 @ 03:01:40 PM
Error Date : Thursday, January 8th 2009 @ 03:01:40 PM
Script : http://www.website.com/forums/misc.p...editform&fid=3
Referrer : http://www.website.com/forums/misc.p...editform&fid=3
IP Address : ***
Username : SSSlippy
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.0.45
Had to manually do "ALTER TABLE forms ADD submitmessage text NOT NULL"

Not sure why it did not update with the upgrade.

vithorius 01-08-2009 11:49 PM


hope this one is easyer to edit than theother one "FormHack"...

Thank You!!! :up: :up:

bananalive 01-09-2009 02:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1705524)
The vbulletin admin panel needs to be done with check boxes not a scroll list. We have around 30 usergroups and this is a huge pain to scroll through this little box.

Getting this error when creating a form

Had to manually do "ALTER TABLE forms ADD submitmessage text NOT NULL"

Not sure why it did not update with the upgrade.

Import attached file and that should fix the problem

bananalive 01-09-2009 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by vithorius (Post 1705772)

hope this one is easyer to edit than theother one "FormHack"...

Thank You!!! :up: :up:

I've tried to make it as simple and easy to use as possible

buurman 01-10-2009 10:38 AM

is it possible to make an option to upload attachments in a form?

anuanu 01-10-2009 04:03 PM

Found possible error.

When i set the permissions in the "Easy Form Options" It still wont let the user groups view the form. The permission for the Form list seems to work correctly but to view the actual form doesnt.

So far only Administrators can view the form.

bananalive 01-10-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by buurman (Post 1707137)
is it possible to make an option to upload attachments in a form?

v1.9 (to be released) supports attachments for threads

Originally Posted by anuanu (Post 1707435)
Found possible error.

When i set the permissions in the "Easy Form Options" It still wont let the user groups view the form. The permission for the Form list seems to work correctly but to view the actual form doesnt.

So far only Administrators can view the form.

First check your usergroup permissions in Easy Form Options then check the usergroup permissions for the particular form.

bananalive 01-10-2009 05:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's Pre-Release v1.9

anuanu 01-10-2009 05:33 PM

Sweet that fixed the problem. But now i found 1 more.

1. When i choose "Field using vb editor" It shows up just fine, however for example:

q_1(vbeditor) answer1
q_2(vbeditor) answer2

outputs this:

q_1(vbeditor) answer2
q_2(vbeditor) answer2

How would i go about using the vbeditor twice?

bananalive 01-10-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by anuanu (Post 1707547)
Sweet that fixed the problem. But now i found 1 more.

1. When i choose "Field using vb editor" It shows up just fine, however for example:

q_1(vbeditor) answer1
q_2(vbeditor) answer2

outputs this:

q_1(vbeditor) answer2
q_2(vbeditor) answer2

How would i go about using the vbeditor twice?

You can only use the vbeditor once per page - this is limited by vBulletin not me. I don't think a way around it has been found.

Dax IX 01-11-2009 04:24 AM

I think this is going to come in handy for several of my sites. :)

I do have a question, tho...I'm trying to add a template conditional to the Forms link in the Navbar, but for some reason nothing I do is working...

It's most likely me because I'm so new at actually writing any code, but if you could let me know how to get template conditionals to work, I'd be very grateful. :)

SnowBot 01-11-2009 05:09 AM

We need a link to


adding somewhere :0

Also when making a new form, when hitting "submit" nothing happens, the page just refreshes. It does do the action but no redirect to the forms page.

metalguy639 01-11-2009 06:01 AM

What is the code for "Custom Form Output" what is the standard code like something to go by so i can copy it and then make it to what I want it to be? Having it there is great but you did not give any instructions on how to use it or what the varibles are called or codes we need to have in the template.

tylneyt 01-11-2009 06:34 AM

Fantastic Mod!

dfe 01-11-2009 07:14 AM

Absolutely brilliant product!

Is there any future possibility of adding SAVE TO DATABASE option as well as post to a thread?

bananalive 01-11-2009 10:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Chani (Post 1708197)
I think this is going to come in handy for several of my sites. :)

I do have a question, tho...I'm trying to add a template conditional to the Forms link in the Navbar, but for some reason nothing I do is working...

It's most likely me because I'm so new at actually writing any code, but if you could let me know how to get template conditionals to work, I'd be very grateful. :)

What conditional did you want to use? To use the usergroups permission you will need to unserialize() the vboption and then use in_array()

Originally Posted by SnowBot (Post 1708248)
We need a link to


adding somewhere :0

Also when making a new form, when hitting "submit" nothing happens, the page just refreshes. It does do the action but no redirect to the forms page.

You can add the link to the forms list manually or using easy forms options to add it to navbar or quick links.

It should redirect to editing the form, once it has been created.

Originally Posted by metalguy639 (Post 1708285)
What is the code for "Custom Form Output" what is the standard code like something to go by so i can copy it and then make it to what I want it to be? Having it there is great but you did not give any instructions on how to use it or what the variables are called or codes we need to have in the template.

I'm creating a help file, attached which should help you. The default code goes through each option and depending on the question type creates the form answer.

Originally Posted by dfe (Post 1708308)
Absolutely brilliant product!

Is there any future possibility of adding SAVE TO DATABASE option as well as post to a thread?

Possibly, there could be a possible issue if the form changed and then the old data might be corrupted.

Vitaly 01-11-2009 12:35 PM

Wow! Helpfile :) . Product seems to become solid :) .

May be, question _content_ macro ? That's not absilutely necessary, but convenient: no needs to duplicate text in template, and no needs to syncronise template when you clarify question text.


Question1text: {q_1}
Question2text: {q_1}

Will be:
{qn_1}: {q1}
{qn_2}: {q2}

No ideas about macro name. Just an example.

bananalive 01-11-2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1708482)
Wow! Helpfile :) . Product seems to become solid :) .

May be, question _content_ macro ? That's not absilutely necessary, but convenient: no needs to duplicate text in template, and no needs to syncronise template when you clarify question text.


Question1text: {q_1}
Question2text: {q_1}

Will be:
{qn_1}: {q1}
{qn_2}: {q2}

No ideas about macro name. Just an example.

I'll add {qn_*} in v2.0

buurman 01-11-2009 06:46 PM

Awesome work, really like the way to make the forms, way easyer than the old one I had..

Tank you.

I tryed the 1.9 pre-release, and thanks for the attachment addon.
To bad the added attachments are not posted with the rest of the form, so it doesnt work yet.

But thanks, hope you will be able to make this functional soon...


bananalive 01-11-2009 07:02 PM

v2.0 Released
- JavaScript re-sizable text-areas
- New macrose {qn_*}
- Import/ Export your forms as XML files - great for transferring forms across forums or creating backups

SnowBot 01-11-2009 07:27 PM

Nice one :) Looks much better :0

MadK 01-11-2009 07:29 PM

I cannot access your demo page, thanks.

bananalive 01-11-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by MadK (Post 1708881)
I cannot access your demo page, thanks.

You'll need to register first.

SnowBot 01-11-2009 07:45 PM

Iv got an idea......gonna PM you :)

samuelss 01-11-2009 09:32 PM

Thanks for the Mod. I have just installed the mod but does not see how to set the permissions. I have gone to VBOptions Easy Forms, a List of all the default Usergroups are already added and cannot add or remove any of them from:
Usergroups Allowed to View Form Lists
Usergroups Allowed to View Forms
Usergroups Allowed to Edit Forms

When i click on Form List it tells me that I do not have permission even as the administrator


SnowBot 01-11-2009 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1709007)
Thanks for the Mod. I have just installed the mod but does not see how to set the permissions. I have gone to VBOptions Easy Forms, a List of all the default Usergroups are already added and cannot add or remove any of them from:
Usergroups Allowed to View Form Lists
Usergroups Allowed to View Forms
Usergroups Allowed to Edit Forms

When i click on Form List it tells me that I do not have permission even as the administrator


On the list of groups you have to select them by clicking on the group name. To choose more than one group use your ctl key :)

yotsume 01-12-2009 01:14 AM

I will have to try this out. There is another mod that is is similar that has a paid for pro version but has many bugs. I am looking forward to trying this out...

Dax IX 01-12-2009 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1708438)
What conditional did you want to use? To use the usergroups permission you will need to unserialize() the vboption and then use in_array()

Thank you for responding. :)

Let's just say that I'm a beginner at PHP...um...how would I do this? :o

I was trying to edit the link plugin, but no matter what I did, it either took the link away for all, or left it there for all.

I'm sorry to bother you...I'm just pretty confused right now. :o


LOVE your mod, BTW! :)

Haenk 01-12-2009 04:44 AM

I can't see the option

Veer 01-12-2009 05:49 AM

Hi, nice hack :)

Can you include an option to browse n upload images/files?


bananalive 01-12-2009 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Chani (Post 1709310)
Thank you for responding. :)

Let's just say that I'm a beginner at PHP...um...how would I do this? :o

I was trying to edit the link plugin, but no matter what I did, it either took the link away for all, or left it there for all.

I'm sorry to bother you...I'm just pretty confused right now. :o


LOVE your mod, BTW! :)

Edit Plugin: Easy Forms AutoInsert Links

Replace all
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->options['easy_forms_navbar'] && $vbulletin->options['canviewformlist'] && in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], unserialize($vbulletin->options['canviewformlist']))) { $ef_navbar_link "<td class=\"vbmenu_control\"><a href=\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/misc.php$session[sessionurl_q]?do=forms\">$vbphrase[forms]</a></td>";
'$template_hook[navbar_buttons_left] .= $ef_navbar_link;'); }
if (
$vbulletin->options['easy_forms_quicklinks'] && $vbulletin->options['canviewformlist'] && in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], unserialize($vbulletin->options['canviewformlist']))) { $ef_quicklinks "<tr><td class=\"vbmenu_option\"><a href=\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/misc.php$session[sessionurl_q]?do=forms\">$vbphrase[forms]</a></td></tr>"
'$template_hook[navbar_quick_links_menu_pos4] .= $ef_quicklinks;'); } 

bananalive 01-12-2009 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Haenk (Post 1709331)
How can I submit to email adress
I can't see the option

Edit Form

Action: Email
Email Address: email address to be emailed

bananalive 01-12-2009 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pehchaan (Post 1709368)
Hi, nice hack :)

Can you include an option to browse n upload images/files?


It's only available for post new thread at the moment.

Action: Post new thread
Then check 'Allow attachments'

Haenk 01-12-2009 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1709644)
Edit Form

Action: Email
Email Address: email address to be emailed

I cannot see "Email" in the Actionbox, only pm, thread, post in thread

bananalive 01-12-2009 01:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Haenk (Post 1709666)
I cannot see "Email" in the Actionbox, only pm, thread, post in thread

This is what you should see:


valendono 01-12-2009 01:45 PM

I duno this bugs or not.. after submit question in form


Question created, you are being redirected to the form now.
but that not redirected

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