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Paul M 12-27-2008 10:00 PM

Enhanced Reputation Checks
As of 24 Nov 2017 this modification has been withdrawn.

This modification adds a whole set of extra checks whenever members try and give reputation to posts.

The main features are ;

Require Positive Reputation Comment
Members must leave a comment in order to give a post positive reputation.

Reputation Power Cap
Sets the maximum reputation giving power for any member, as well as the default forum wide setting, it is possible to set different caps in specific forums. Please carefully read the setting notes on how to do this (examples are given).

Positive Reputation Multiply Factor
Any positive reputation given will be multiplied by the "Positive Reputation Multiply Factor" - See Custom Factors below.

Negative Reputation Multiply Factor
Similar to above - any negative reputation given will be multiplied by the "Negative Reputation Multiply Factor" - See below.

Custom Forum Based Multiply Factors
As well as the default forum wide factor settings for positive and negative reputation, it is also possible to set custom values for specific forums. Again, please carefully read the setting notes on how to do this (examples are given).

Closed Threads Limit
Posts in closed threads, that exceed the given age, cannot be given reputation. It is possible to stop reputation being given on any post in a closed thread.

Open Threads Limit
Posts in open threads, that exceed the given age, cannot be given reputation. If you desire, it is possible to stop reputation being given on any post in an open thread.

Allow or Disallow List
A list of forums can be supplied and then reputation either be allowed only in those forums, or be disallowed only in those forums. It is also possible to stop reputation being given in any forum (basically suspending the reputation system).

User Ban List
An option to ban individual members from being able to give reputation to anyone.

Custom Usergroup Based Multiply Factors
These are basically the same as the forum based custom factors, but based on the giving members usergroup. Note that these will override any forum based multiplier.

All settings are in vBulletin Options > Enhanced Reputation Checks

Unzip the XML and import into vB using the ACP Product Manager.

Points to note ;
  • Posts that you cannot give reputation on will not display the reputation icon/link.
  • In order to give negative reputation to a post a comment must be supplied - this is part of default vb 3.6 onwards and cannot be changed by this modification.
  • If a member does not have permission to give negative reputation then any negative reputation they try and give will be set to zero - in default vb they ended up giving positive reputation.
  • If set, the vb fixed admin reputation value will still be multiplied by any Multiply Factors specified in this modification.
  • If the negative reputation factor is 0.5 (to replicate default vb) then there will be one minor difference, a member whose positive reputation power is 1 will have a negative reputation power of 0, in default vb this would be -1.
  • The reputation cap is checked after any multiplication factors have been applied - so no member can give more than the set cap, no matter what factors are applied first.


v3.8.001 : First release for vb 3.8.

haothiencz 12-28-2008 12:52 PM

The second reputation mod :)

Thx you.

Mike-D 12-28-2008 02:44 PM

Still a great admirer of your AddOns and I've never had any problem with them :) Thank you, Mr. Marsdenhttps://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/01/19.gif

Phaedrus 01-26-2009 02:09 AM

*wish list*

A way to make a certain User Group "reputation free" for those people who take it too seriously and want to be removed from the system.

beatyourtruck 02-02-2009 01:44 AM

Seems to work great! 8) THANKS Paul!

Alfa1 02-02-2009 05:06 PM

Please be so kind to add the following function:

minimum reputation comment length.

Or alternatively; could you explain how to add this function?

Naco 04-08-2009 03:11 AM

Great work, Thanks!

But If the positive reputation factor set to 0.5, a member whose positive reputation power is 1 give the positive reputation also is 0!

Paul M 04-08-2009 11:13 AM

Thats correct, since you cannot give half a reputation point.

apokphp 09-23-2009 03:47 PM

Right now, the usergroup multiplier supersedes that of the forum multiplier. Is there a way to have the opposite?

For instance, I'd like reps in Forum A to be 30% of a member's rep power.
Forum B can be default with 100%.
Forum C is more important, so I want that to have 150% of a member's rep's power.

But I have different usergroups that carry more weight than others. So I want to give Group X 120%, Group Y just default, no changes..

Obviously, Group Y would be subject to whatever % allowed by the forum. The way you have it now, Group X however, will rep 120% in all forums. What I'd like is for Group X's rep power (which is increased over the default by 20%) to be subjected to the weight of the forum.

It would be like this...

Group Y in Forum A = 1.0 x 0.3 = 0.3 (or 30%) of the member's rep power
Group Y in Forum B = 1.0 x 1.0 = 100% of the member's rep power
Group Y in Forum C = 1.0 x 1.5 = 1.5 (or 150%) of the member's rep power

Group X in Forum A = 1.2 x 0.3 = 0.36 (or 36%) of the member's rep power
Group X in Forum B = 1.2 x 1.0 = 1.2 (or 120%) of the member's rep power
Group X in Forum C = 1.2 x 1.5 = 1.8 (or 180%) of the member's rep power

Right now...the way it is set up...all groups would be the same as Group Y. I can only adjust "caps", but that doesn't seem to work with providing the weighted adjustments of usergroups.

Paul M 09-23-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by apokphp (Post 1889490)
Right now, the usergroup multiplier supersedes that of the forum multiplier. Is there a way to have the opposite?

Only by editing the code.

apokphp 09-25-2009 01:14 AM

Would that be a consideration for a future feature?

Paul M 09-25-2009 10:28 AM

No, not really. One has to override the other, and my choice was for usergroup to override forum. Im happy with that choice.

lm3a.net 12-11-2009 09:55 AM

good work,

thank you..

best regards

smooth-c 12-15-2009 05:15 PM

Will this be updated for vb4 once it goes gold?

Gero50 12-16-2009 08:47 PM

Works great, it installed perfectlly on the first time keep up the hard work.

iacas 12-23-2009 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by smooth-c (Post 1931255)
Will this be updated for vb4 once it goes gold?

Curious as well. Hopefully!

Paul M 12-23-2009 08:38 AM


iacas 01-10-2010 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1936167)

[S]I'm not sure it will take much. It seems to work as it is already...[/S]

Derrr: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231790 .

Alfa1 05-18-2010 11:13 AM

The reputation cap function doesn't work for me. Does this modification work together with:
Let user choose how many reputation points to give (up to their limit).

Paul M 05-18-2010 11:51 AM

I have no idea if it works with that or not.

Alfa1 05-18-2010 01:05 PM

I feared that answer. But fair enough. A lot of people are using that modification though, as its a very basic function. The coder is gone since years. So there is no hope for a vb4 version. I hope a qualified coder will create this functionality for vb4 or integrate it into a hack like this. hint, hint.
Can I throw in some Dr.Pepper apparel or trays of Dr.Pepper as a means of persuasion?

Ark del KAOS 06-28-2010 07:02 PM

Hi Paul!
Maybe you can help me ;)

With the 3.8 version, I was using some of your reputation enhancement addons.
With them, and some changes in the postbit code, I used the reputation of the post to rank it. "Interesting" "Very Interesting" "Bad" "Very Bad"

With the 4.0.3 I want to make the same modification, with some improvements.
The most important one is than every usergroup of the forum has a limited and exact reputation power.
The lowest usergroup has only one point, the next one two, the third...3....and the last one seven.
Very simple...or so I think.

But there's no option to set a exact reputation power to a usergrup.

....but...and there's where this mod jump to the scene....
....maybe I can set the Reputation Power Cap to 1 point, and the Custom Usergroup Based Multiply Factors to the power I want to that usergroup.
Well, 1*x=x ^ ^

And with that I could continue with my addon ^ ^

I don't know if this addon can be instaled and used with the vb4, or you're planing to upgrade it....but some help would be very very helpful ^ ^

Paul M 06-28-2010 08:54 PM

The vb4 version is listed in my profile, just like all the others.

You cannot use the cap like that, as it is applied last, after any factors.

However, I believe that if you set all the standard vb settings that increase rep power to 0, then everyones power will be 1, which you could then apply factors to.

Ark del KAOS 06-29-2010 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2061338)
The vb4 version is listed in my profile, just like all the others.

You cannot use the cap like that, as it is applied last, after any factors.

However, I believe that if you set all the standard vb settings that increase rep power to 0, then everyones power will be 1, which you could then apply factors to.

It's there the vb4 version??!! O___o

LOL....Honestly, I looked up for it XD
Thanks anyway for your hard work...

Diggo11 09-03-2010 11:46 AM

Is there any way we can edit the imported products' PHP to make decimal reputation values round instead of truncate? I assume this is as simple as adding "+ 0.5" somewhere in the code, but being no PHP expert my trial and error approach has failed ;(

Paul M 09-03-2010 12:45 PM

I believe you would update these lines ;

PHP Code:

if ($reppos)
$score intval($pfactor*$score);
if (
$score intval($nfactor*$score);

Diggo11 09-03-2010 11:00 PM

Thanks :) So I was looking in the right place, however I should have subtracted rather than added 0.5 to the negative reputation. Was thinking product 3 multiplied the whole thing by -1 afterwards at "$reppower = $reppower * -1;", apparently not! (Still don't know how I managed to get it to give 100% reputation value instead of rounding yesterday, but no matter :|)

Great mod ;)

Moshe1010 09-07-2010 06:18 PM

is there any chance that this mod doesn't work on 3.8.6 PL1? I've difficulties with this mod. When it's ON, my whole reputation system doesn't work, when it's off everything is fine. There is no allow/disallow list and I tried to change the mod settings and still something is wrong there.


Paul M 09-08-2010 12:12 PM

Im not aware of any changes in 3.8.6 that would affect this. I have no 386 to test it on.

Edmund Tan 09-29-2010 08:17 AM

Can I ask why I cant set the max rep power cap on? This seems not to be working in my site.

Paul M 09-29-2010 07:33 PM

What makes you think its not working ?

MD_Hacker 01-17-2011 10:46 AM

It works great, but there seems to be a small bug. When giving a negative reputation without a comment it returns the error message that you'd get when giving a positive reputation without a comment. It should probably tell the user that they can't give a NEGATIVE reputation without a comment to avoid confusion.

Paul M 01-17-2011 11:36 AM

This does not force comments on Negative Reputation, thats built into vb by default.

MD_Hacker 01-17-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2150415)
This does not force comments on Negative Reputation, thats built into vb by default.

Sorry, I should have clarified a little. I know that it is an inbuilt feature of vBulletin to force comments on negative reputation. However, my issues lies within:


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2150415)
If a member does not have permission to give negative reputation then any negative reputation they try and give will be set to zero - in default vb they ended up giving positive reputation.

Where, without a comment inputted into the field, it will return a "You must enter a reason to give positive reputation." notification. That's a part of the mod's "Require Positive Reputation Comment" feature. I can see why it does this, but it seems like a confusing notification to give to a user who believes they are leaving a negative reputation.

Paul M 01-17-2011 06:15 PM

That again is vbulletin, not the mod.

By default vbulletin assumes 0 to be positive, and therefore gives the positive comment. There is nothing can be done about that since it has to assume one or the other, and generally (+) is more likely to be correct than (-).

If its an isue then simply edit the positive message to remove any reference to +/-, but rather just say a comment is required. :)

Pocket Aces 03-21-2011 08:09 AM

This is a great mod. Hopefully you'd consider adding a new option where users can choose how much reputation they can give not exceeding their total cap. Similar to an abandoned mod somewhere in the old version of vB.

zascok 07-07-2012 08:59 AM

Nice one! thank you. Any chance you can make a lite version of hook that only works on allow/disable reputation for particular forums? The beer is on me(stouth, ale..) underline the appropriate one :) Old Trip???

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