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GSeybold 12-24-2008 06:11 PM

Hwo much do you tip the pizza delivery person?
How much do you tip the pizza delivery person?

I just relized that I've been a cheap SOB with my pizza delivery guy all these years. I have always been giving him 3-4 bucks. Then today I relized that why shouldn't he be getting the usually 20%, the same as our waiters? So I made a new rule as of today, 20% for my pizza delivery too. This poor guy, he was so shocked and grateful for a crappy 10 bucks. I felt so bad.

P.S. If later I complain about having a belly ache, just tell me to blow off as I just ate half of a chicken BBQ pizza and washed it down with a 1/2 liter of Dr. Pepper. :o Not like me, the pizza part and I''m feeling it. :o

So how much do you tip the pizza delivery guy or gal?

KW802 12-24-2008 06:16 PM

Usually $5 (USD) if I need to add to the bill or more if the change needed is around that much (eg: if the bill is $23 I'll give him $30 and to keep the change).

The job of a waiter/waitress is a bit more involved then a typical delivery so their tip should be higher accordingly.

GSeybold 12-24-2008 06:26 PM

Yeah but it's such a sucky job-and the gas must be a killer. Around my neck of the woods, they are not re-reimbursed for expenses (gas). I'm a softy I guess. I don't know. This guy obvious doesn't have a pot to piss in, bad teeth, and here he is delivering, about twice a week, to my house, a place of obvious gluttony. :( Makes me feel unusually uncomfortable.

KW802 12-24-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by GSeybold (Post 1693071)
Yeah but it's such a sucky job-and the gas must be a killer. Around my neck of the woods, they are not re-reimbursed for expenses (gas). I'm a softy I guess. I don't know. This guy obvious doesn't have a pot to piss in, bad teeth, and here he is delivering, about twice a week, to my house, a place of obvious gluttony. :( Makes me feel unusually uncomfortable.

Maybe you're feeling uncomfortable with him making deliveries for the wrong reasons? If it was a clean-cut (aka: well groomed) driver with perfect pearly whites making deliveries in a 2008 Mustang would you still feel uncomfortable about how much the tip was?

Brandon Sheley 12-24-2008 06:54 PM

I almost always tip around 20%, unless it's bad service

Paul M 12-24-2008 06:56 PM

Dont like pizza.

AFAIK, tipping the delivery person is not normal in the uk.

GSeybold 12-24-2008 06:58 PM


I don't know but that's a fair question. I'll have to think about that. To be honest, today I felt sort of disgusted with myself. Here I am, sitting at home, a zillion presents under the tree, driving a nice car, living in a decent house and here this guy probably doesn't even have enough money to one present and delivering pizza in his middle age. Just sort of threw me back a few, made me realize how good I have it and how cheap I've been with this person.

deezelpope 12-24-2008 08:03 PM

I discovered one very important factor...the higher the tip, the faster the delivery. And oh yes, they DO remember who the good tippers are, and who's cheap. How much we tip depends on how much our total is...we usually do like KW802, and round up to keep the amount even...sometimes they get a nice tip, sometimes it's just average, but they never get a bad one or none...we're not cheap. :D

KevinL 12-24-2008 08:12 PM

Like deezelpope. You never want to be cheap! They are bringing you food...you don't want to piss them off haha

PremierFootball 12-24-2008 08:53 PM

I never leave a tip. At the end of the day it's their job. :o

KevinL 12-24-2008 09:02 PM

I'm sure they appreciate that since most of them work for tips...

deezelpope 12-24-2008 09:08 PM

Definitely not something I'd be proud to admit. For shame.:down: And I'll bet it takes twice as long for PF to get his food.:rolleyes:

PremierFootball 12-24-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by deezelpope (Post 1693161)
Definitely not something I'd be proud to admit. For shame.:down: And I'll bet it takes twice as long for PF to get his food.:rolleyes:

In England I don't think anyone gives a tip, well I don't and my friends don't.

I don't give tip's because half the time some food is missing or they added the wrong thing.

Wayne Luke 12-24-2008 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by GSeybold (Post 1693064)
How much do you tip the pizza delivery person?

I just relized that I've been a cheap SOB with my pizza delivery guy all these years. I have always been giving him 3-4 bucks. Then today I relized that why shouldn't he be getting the usually 20%, the same as our waiters? So I made a new rule as of today, 20% for my pizza delivery too. This poor guy, he was so shocked and grateful for a crappy 10 bucks. I felt so bad.

P.S. If later I complain about having a belly ache, just tell me to blow off as I just ate half of a chicken BBQ pizza and washed it down with a 1/2 liter of Dr. Pepper. :o Not like me, the pizza part and I''m feeling it. :o

So how much do you tip the pizza delivery guy or gal?

$5-$10 depending on the size of the order. I don't tip 20% because a pizza delivery person doesn't do the job that a waiter does. They don't get my drinks, make sure my drinks are properly filled, bring my food to me on plates or most of the work.

SEOvB 12-25-2008 02:06 AM

I usually just pick it up since its only 5 doors down from my house.

But on those lazy days when they have to walk it over, I usually toss them 5 bucks for it.

KW802 12-25-2008 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by PremierFootball (Post 1693148)
I never leave a tip. At the end of the day it's their job. :o

At least in the US most food service employees (waiters/waitresses/delivery guys/etc.) get paid either close to minimum wage or, in some cases, below, with tips making up the bulk of their income. If you are in a restaurant with seated service and your server does a good job, then the decent thing to do is to give them a tip. When it comes to delivery service, as Deezlepope mentions, it pays off to be kind to the delivery guy/gal by giving them a decent tip; it does make a difference.

... however, I do object to fast food places & other counter service establishments putting a cup by the register with "Tips" handwritten on it. Often the owner/manager does not even know that their employees are doing it.

deezelpope 12-25-2008 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 1693265)
At least in the US most food service employees (waiters/waitresses/delivery guys/etc.) get paid either close to minimum wage or, in some cases, below, with tips making up the bulk of their income. If you are in a restaurant with seated service and your server does a good job, then the decent thing to do is to give them a tip. When it comes to delivery service, as Deezlepope mentions, it pays off to be kind to the delivery guy/gal by giving them a decent tip; it does make a difference.

... however, I do object to fast food places & other counter service establishments putting a cup by the register with "Tips" handwritten on it. Often the owner/manager does not even know that their employees are doing it.

You're absolutely right, Kevin. Most food service jobs don't pay very well hourly, and tips are a large part of your wages...some waitstaff make only $2 or so, hourly. You depend on them as part of your income, so when a customer doesn't tip, or stiffs you, it's very disappointing, especially if you provided exemplary service.

Again, I agree! That's just tacky!!:down:

Brad 12-25-2008 11:17 AM

At least $5 although he usually gets more because I just tell him to keep the change. I also tip them in beer from time to time. The lucky ones that deliver during a party have been known to not leave until the next morning. ;)

Wayne Luke 12-25-2008 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 1693265)
... however, I do object to fast food places & other counter service establishments putting a cup by the register with "Tips" handwritten on it. Often the owner/manager does not even know that their employees are doing it.

The only tip jar that I put money into is at the coffee shop just down the road from me. I go in there often enough that the employees know me and they do a much better job than what you would find in any Starbucks. Great little family owned place.

Lynne 12-25-2008 05:12 PM

I guess I'm weird but I can't remember the last time we got food delivered. :erm:

Zachariah 12-25-2008 05:25 PM

I cook, no need to order in, so Zerro.

GSeybold 12-25-2008 06:32 PM

a coder and a cook? A man after my own heart:D

can you canoe too?

PremierFootball 12-25-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 1693265)
At least in the US most food service employees (waiters/waitresses/delivery guys/etc.) get paid either close to minimum wage or, in some cases, below, with tips making up the bulk of their income. If you are in a restaurant with seated service and your server does a good job, then the decent thing to do is to give them a tip. When it comes to delivery service, as Deezlepope mentions, it pays off to be kind to the delivery guy/gal by giving them a decent tip; it does make a difference.

... however, I do object to fast food places & other counter service establishments putting a cup by the register with "Tips" handwritten on it. Often the owner/manager does not even know that their employees are doing it.

I don't think that way, at the end of the day the waitress applied for that job. Who's fault is it if he / she is on minimum wadge?

Brad 01-04-2009 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by PremierFootball (Post 1693561)
I don't think that way, at the end of the day the waitress applied for that job. Who's fault is it if he / she is on minimum wadge?


Originally Posted by Mr. Pink from the movie Reservoir Dogs

Nice Guy Eddie: C'mon, throw in a buck!
Mr. Pink: Uh-uh, I don't tip.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't tip?
Mr. Pink: Nah, I don't believe in it.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't believe in tipping?
Mr. Blue: You know what these chicks make? They make shit.
Mr. Pink: Don't give me that. She don't make enough money then she can quit.
Nice Guy Eddie: I don't even know a ++++ing Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip?
Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.
Mr. Blue: Hey, our girl was nice.
Mr. Pink: She was okay. She wasn't anything special.
Mr. Blue: What's special? Take you in the back and suck your ++++?
Nice Guy Eddie: I'd go over twelve percent for that.

...Later on...

Mr. Pink: I'm very sorry the government taxes their tips, that's ++++ed up. That ain't my fault. It would seem to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government ++++s in the ass on a regular basis. Look, if you ask me to sign something that says the government shouldn't do that, I'll sign it, put it to a vote, I'll vote for it, but what I won't do is play ball. And as for this non-college bullshit I got two words for that: learn to ++++in' type, 'cause if you're expecting me to help out with the rent you're in for a big ++++in' surprise.

I love that movie. ;)

KW802 01-04-2009 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by PremierFootball (Post 1693561)
I don't think that way, at the end of the day the waitress applied for that job. Who's fault is it if he / she is on minimum wadge?

You're missing the point; often they are working for less than minimum wage, one of the few industries in the US that allow that, because proper etiquette in the US is to tip food servers. So it is nobodies "fault" that they are working the job as much as you have elected to go against the norm.

It says a lot more about you than them. For your sake, I hope that there is not a particular restaurant, with table service, that you use often. Some of those stories are based on truth...

Brad 01-04-2009 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 1700820)
For your sake, I hope that there is not a particular restaurant, with table service, that you use often. Some of those stories are based on truth...

Very true. There are two types of people in this world that you never want to get angry; Women and people that handle your food. Combine the two and you're just asking for trouble. ;)

I learned from my dad growing up that you always tip well unless the service was horrible. I've only seen the old man not leave his usual $3 - $5 tip one time in my life. Usually he gets great service though. It seems like no matter where we go he knows most of the waitresses working in the place...he even buys Christmas gifts for a lot of them. >.> His girlfriend of many years has never been too happy about that. :D

steven s 01-04-2009 12:55 AM

Usually depends on the weather and if it's a holiday.
I'll tip more in bad weather or a holiday when mostly everyone else is off.

Guess I'm $5.00 on a nice day which is usually around 20%.

Shelley_c 01-04-2009 02:33 AM

My husband will tip around 30% or to the nearest ball part figure. He'll order a buy one get one free at a cost of 11.99 and give the pizza delivery guy 15 sometimes 20. I never eat takeaway food, so I have never tipped.

dismas 01-04-2009 02:40 AM

Speaking as someone who used to deliver pizzas...

I don't tip 20% but usually either round up or throw in a few extra singles if it's something like $19 or $29, etc.

I always made min. wage plus tips. Sometimes I'd do better than the waitresses making $2-3 per hour plus tips and sometimes they'd do better than me. I never got reimbursed for gas although this was back in the cheap gas times of the late 90s.

And yes, I did know exactly which houses tipped better than others. Some I could tell you their exact order without looking at the ticket. One house would always pay with either a $100 bill or all in coin. It was way out in the boonies and the tips were either non-existant or sucked. If you forgot to bring change for a $100, you had to drive all the way back out with their change.

If it was a slow night and I knew that the house wouldn't tip, I took my time. If I knew they tipped well, I took short cuts or ignored speed limits. (I always took note of where/when I saw the town cops) If it was a busy night and I knew the house wouldn't tip, they either got delivered last or I got to them quick just so I could make up the lost money getting back for another delivery which would likely tip better.

Riceman 01-04-2009 11:26 PM

Over here in Australia (in my experience) tipping is virtually non-existent. Hospitality related workers get paid their wage and sometimes there may be a small tip, but that is generally unusual. Of course, no-one gets paid $2-$3 an hour, the minimum wage is more like $8 or $9, with most restaurants paying their waiters/waitresses $12-$20 an hour. I must say though, I think the idea of reducing the standard wage and having tips as a normal practice would be good, mainly to increase the performance of workers. Australian workers (in hospitality) are typically lazy and I presume service standards are a fraction of the quality that would be present in the US.

I never get food delivered at all, but I used to work in a pizza store.

PS. The pay is obviously in AUD, so conversion is probably necessary to make a proper comparison.

columbusgeek 01-08-2009 01:26 AM

My dad used to deliver pizzas as a part time job to escape my mother. He said 2 bucks was the average and he as fine with it if I recall.
I tip around 2-3 bucks myself on a 30 dollar order. My food always comes fast and hasn't been wrong yet.

Of course I live in Central Ohio, not NYC or anyplace with a higher cost of living.

lasto 01-08-2009 05:28 PM

we always go pick ours up - we ring them up then they say what time it be ready for.
Cant be bothered with Delivery guys at the door expecting a tip just cause they doing their jobs.KK we all know part of their wage is the tips they get,because they get such a low wage,well heres a tip :

Get a better paid job u loser :)

Caddyman 01-08-2009 05:38 PM

2-3 dollars is what we tip, people in the seedier parts of DE rob pizza guys....a lot, many restaurant refuse to deliver to a few parts around my way.

one of my forum members has been robbed twice in a few month and just quit delivering pizzas.

GSeybold 01-08-2009 05:56 PM

Hi Lasto,
In my case, the gentleman that delivers to my home frequently is developmentally disabled so I doubt he would be able to do or have available to him, a large variety of jobs. Additionally, most delivery people in my area are high school or college kids just trying to make a little extra money for college or car payment-just a stepping stone in their lives-like most of us have at one time or another. I highly doubt this is a long term career goal for most. LOL


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1705374)
we always go pick ours up - we ring them up then they say what time it be ready for.
Cant be bothered with Delivery guys at the door expecting a tip just cause they doing their jobs.KK we all know part of their wage is the tips they get,because they get such a low wage,well heres a tip :

Get a better paid job u loser :)

djxcee 01-08-2009 08:25 PM

$2/per pizza.

Do they even deserve tip?

Dilmah 01-11-2009 07:28 AM


Get a better paid job u loser
Cheaparse loser.

dismas 01-11-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by djxcee (Post 1705521)
$2/per pizza.

Do they even deserve tip?

When I was delivering, I never got reimbursed for gas, so it's nice to pay for that at least. And if you tipped, you got your food faster. Delivery people remember the good houses... and the bad.

Cromulent 01-11-2009 08:32 PM


Tipping seems much more prevalent in the US compared with the UK.

Gio~Logist 01-11-2009 09:21 PM

I need to stop tipping...

deezelpope 01-11-2009 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by dismas (Post 1708711)
And if you tipped, you got your food faster. Delivery people remember the good houses... and the bad.

That is so very true!:up: The quoted, estimated delivery time is 30-45 minutes...we always get ours delivered in 20-30...they know (and remember) we tip well.;)

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