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Haqa 11-17-2008 10:00 PM

LDAP Authentication
1 Attachment(s)
I've only recently started using vBulletin, and this is my first mod so if you use this, please click Installed!

This mod (which builds on the fine work from malcomx and zemic) is intended to lower the barriers to using and LDAP directory as an external authentication source for your board. The idea is simple; capture a login attempt before authentication and test it against LDAP first, if that succeeds, see if there is already a matching user in vBulletin. If there is not, create one, using data from the LDAP to fill in the required fields, if there is already a matching user (Determined by comparing email addresses) then update the user.

You might be asking why this mod is better than the two mods I've mentioned above? Well firstly the only additional file is the XML file for the new hooks (See below), and no changes to vBulletin code so installation is simple, and upgrades to vBulletin don't get over complicated by re-applying changes. Secondly, all the settings are controlled from the admincp rather than an external config file. Thirdly (as if two wasn't enough) I've added some hook points so this mod can be extended, for example to get additional data from the LDAP and put it in user profile fields.

One important similarity with the two earlier mods is that in the admincp and modcp no LDAP authentication is performed, this is a safety feature, so even if the mod or an extending to it, breaks your board, you shouldn't ever get locked out of the admincp so you'll be able to turn if off quickly.

Additional Hooks

The mod is essentially a single plugin (plus options and help) which runs at global_complete which is before most other things have happened, but just after all the global setup has occurred.

To enable the additional hooks, you need to upload the file hooks_ldap_auth.xml to /includes/xml under your forum.

The following new hooks are created by this mod:
  • ldap_auth_start - After the list of attributes to fetch has been created, this list is in $ldapAttrs. You can simply add your own attributes to this array here.
  • ldap_auth_all_user - After a new user has been added to vBulletin or existing user has been updated, but before the user has been saved. The new user is in $newuser and the LDAP data is in $userData. This happens before ldap_auth_new_user or ldap_auth_existing_user.
  • ldap_auth_new_user - After a new user has been added to vBulletin, but before the user has been saved. The new user is in $newuser and the LDAP data is in $userData.
  • ldap_auth_existing_user - After an existing user has been updated, but before the user has been saved. The new user is in $newuser and the LDAP data is in $userData.

By requesting new attributes at ldap_auth_start and then applying them at either ldap_auth_all_user, ldap_auth_new_user or ldap_auth_existing_user you can setup your users easily without having to write all the LDAP code yourself!

AdminCP Settings

This mod creates a new options group called LDAP Authentication between email options and user registration options where you set the host name and port number of the LDAP server, the initial authentication type (Anonymous or authenticated), optionally the BindDN and Password for the LDAP server. You also set which attribute matches the vBulletin username (The default is cn which works well for inetOrgPerson based entries). You can set additional attributes to retrieve (If you want to quickly knock up a simple plugin which uses them at one of the hook points above). There is also the facility to disable (or rather make unavailable) accounts which exist in vBulletin but not in LDAP. Given that your initial admin may fall into this group, there is also a list of userids who should be allowed to log in anyway.

  • PHP 4.3+ with LDAP support.

I'll try to provide support to users of my mod, but please bear in mind I fairly new to all this, so I may not be able to solve all problems immediately. Support will only be provided via this thread (Don't PM or email me unless I ask you to). Priority will be given to users who have clicked Installed.

Release Notes
  • 1.0 - Initial release
  • 1.1 - Corrected SQL queries to use TABLE_PREFIX
  • 1.2 - Corrected a bug which prevented the settings page from being created correctly
  • 1.3 - Corrected where the existing, new and all user hooks are called (Before, not after the user profile fields are set) to support dependant plugins
  • 1.4 - Added the ability to set a search base for directories which do not permit searching from the root
  • 1.5 - Fixed reported bug where hooks were called in the wrong order

  1. Add the command define('DISABLE_PASSWORD_CLEARING', 1); to your includes/config.php - This will NOT be overwritten by upgrades, so only needs doing once.
  2. Upload the file hooks_ldap_auth.xml to includes/xml under your forum.
  3. Install the latest product file (below) using the Add/Import Product link on the Manage Products page under Plugins & Products in your AdminCP.


Haqa 11-18-2008 06:43 AM

Ok, so how do you use the hooks to make a mod which can use and extend ldap_auth?

Roughly like this:
  1. Set a plugin on hook ldap_auth_start which adds the additional LDAP attributes you'll be using to the array $ldapAttrs.
  2. Choose when you want to use the attributes:
    • If you want to use them every time a user logs in, plug in at hook ldap_auth_all_user
    • If you only want to use them if the user has never logged in before choose ldap_auth_new_user
    • If you want to use them only if the user HAS logged in before, choose ldap_auth_existing_user
  3. Whichever hook (or hooks) you choose the process is the same:
    • If you want to add data to the user, you'll find the users datamanager object in the variable $newuser
    • If you want to set a value into the users profile fields, then you just need to set that value into the array $userFields with the key being the field name

There are, of course, many other things you could choose to do in your plugin, for example if you call the standard_error function, you'll display a nice error message page (For example if the user has a flag denoting the account is disabled) HOWEVER you need to call process_logout() first as the user will be partly logged in (If their account already exists in vBulletin).

Examples of this can be found in the LDAP Authentication plugin in this mod, or in the Full Name Support for LDAP Auth and Location Support for LDAP Auth mods (Coming soon).

Hope this helps


codershark 11-18-2008 06:56 AM


Haqa 11-18-2008 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by codershark (Post 1667953)
Absolutly Great Timepoint where you post it, because I need it for my exam !

Thanks !

Well be careful, I don't claim that the code is perfect, only that it works for me - There may well be hidden bugs, or aspects of vBulletin that I don't understand properly yet.

Good luck with your exam!


codershark 11-18-2008 07:08 AM


Lionel 11-18-2008 07:21 AM

You should use TABLE_PREFIX for vbulletin :-)

daFish 11-18-2008 07:46 AM

Great to see this addon and I have one single question as of now: What if I use this with an empty directory? Does this addon automatically inserts the users to the LDAP?

Haqa 11-18-2008 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1667961)
You should use TABLE_PREFIX for vbulletin :-)

You are right, I should (And I though I did...). I'll fix this and release an update.


Originally Posted by daFish (Post 1667966)
Great to see this addon and I have one single question as of now: What if I use this with an empty directory? Does this addon automatically inserts the users to the LDAP?

No, the way it works is it takes users from the directory and creates them in vBulletin as they log in. It doesn't work the other way round.

There are a number of good tools for LDAP management, I use yala, though this does open a potential security hole unless you are VERY careful (It exposes your LDAP to the internet via the web).


daFish 11-18-2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Haqa (Post 1668039)
No, the way it works is it takes users from the directory and creates them in vBulletin as they log in. It doesn't work the other way round.

There are a number of good tools for LDAP management, I use yala, though this does open a potential security hole unless you are VERY careful (It exposes your LDAP to the internet via the web).

I don't know if this is achievable, but it would be great if there would be an tool for synchronize the user databases, especially if you try to connect your forum to an backend with LDAP as the authentification service.

Freezerator 11-18-2008 01:54 PM

Nice hack, planning on using this in the future to have only one userdatabase :)

Haqa 11-18-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1667961)
You should use TABLE_PREFIX for vbulletin :-)

Thanks for the pointer, this is fixed. Also I noticed I'd forgotten the hook definition file, this is now available above...


codershark 11-20-2008 06:49 AM


Haqa 11-20-2008 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by codershark (Post 1669201)
Is it possible to make a SingleSignOn ??? When someone logIn into Windows he is also logIn in forum ????

In theory, yes that should be possible, but it would require so pretty extensive changes to the VB login pages, which would pretty much break upgradability. The problem is that windows login sso works using a version of HTTP Digest auth (AFAIK) which is normally only supported by IIS - This would need to be faked by the login system, and is probably beyond my current level of experience with VB.

The other point is that I'm trying to make my mods so that they don't break upgradability of VB (or any other products).

Anyone else know of a simpler way to do Windows SSO?


Haqa 11-24-2008 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by codershark (Post 1669201)
Is it possible to make a SingleSignOn ??? When someone logIn into Windows he is also logIn in forum ????

I've been doing some reasearch, and if you have control over your webserver (and the modules installed) you could try playing with mod_auth_vas which implements SPNEGO - The basis for windows domain login support for IIS/IE.

You'd still need some fairly significant mods to vB, (or perhaps a plug somewhere near global_start???) to tell it to use and trust the external username supplied by SPNEGO.


anybodytech 11-27-2008 10:12 AM

Very nice mod - installed with no fuss.

I though had the problem that my LDAP server was containing a new user where the username was not used in vB, but the email was already taken by another username in vB.

This means that your plugin tries to create the new user when a correct username/password is issued (seen from the LDAP server). But due to that the email already exists i vB with another username then the creation of the new user fails. This is properly okay, as two different users can not have the same email. But the error messages indicates that a wrong password/username is issued.

My suggestion for improvement is to give better response to this case.

Best regards

Haqa 11-27-2008 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by anybodytech (Post 1673937)
Very nice mod - installed with no fuss.

I though had the problem that my LDAP server was containing a new user where the username was not used in vB, but the email was already taken by another username in vB.

This means that your plugin tries to create the new user when a correct username/password is issued (seen from the LDAP server). But due to that the email already exists i vB with another username then the creation of the new user fails. This is properly okay, as two different users can not have the same email. But the error messages indicates that a wrong password/username is issued.

My suggestion for improvement is to give better response to this case.

Best regards

Thanks :)

I'll have to look into this bug, that's NOT what's meant to happen - It's supposed to rename the user to match the LDAP...

I can see what you mean though, the error message is unhelpful in this instance, but in keeping with normal login failure message procedure, I've tried not to allow a potential brute-force attacker know what he/she got wrong (username/password etc). A more "helpful" error message might give away the fact that users are being created on the fly from an external database, and that might give an opportunity to inject a user into the system. (Sorry if I seem paranoid, but it's my job, I work with system security all day).


secrtagnt 12-18-2008 01:55 PM

The plugin is populating vB's db properly when an exisiting LDAP user tries to login to the forums but doesn't exist in vB; however, it won't log them in -- stating they have entered an incorrect password. The samething happens for existing vB users.

The passwords are stored as an MD5 hash in LDAP, and I also made sure define('DISABLE_PASSWORD_CLEARING', 1); was in includes/config.php. The stange thing is, if I disable the plugin both exisiting and newly created users (from LDAP) can successfully login.

Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Rondo44 01-06-2009 01:03 PM

I have installed this plugin, but cant get it to work. Has anyone gotten this plugin to work in an active directory environment. thank for your help.

ludachris 01-08-2009 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rondo44 (Post 1703230)
I have installed this plugin, but cant get it to work. Has anyone gotten this plugin to work in an active directory environment. thank for your help.

I was just going to ask if this worked with Active Directory.

sysadm 01-22-2009 11:19 PM

didn't you mix up your hooks in product-ldap_auth-1.4.xml? your ldap_auth_existing_user is called when you're creating a fresh user, while ldap_auth_new_user is called when the user has been found in forum... am i confused??

khan2002 01-27-2009 02:34 PM


I installed the plugin, but i get several errors or strange behaviours:

1) I can't login with an admin account
2) I get always following error at the login with an other user:


Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied for user 'xxx'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /var/www/virtual/xxx/htdocs/_forum/includes/functions.php(5721) : eval()'d code on line 106
the new user is cerated, and after i gi back to the mein site he is logged in, but befor i get this message....

Anyone an idea?

thanks in advance

Haqa 02-21-2009 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by secrtagnt (Post 1687996)
The plugin is populating vB's db properly when an exisiting LDAP user tries to login to the forums but doesn't exist in vB; however, it won't log them in -- stating they have entered an incorrect password. The samething happens for existing vB users.

The passwords are stored as an MD5 hash in LDAP, and I also made sure define('DISABLE_PASSWORD_CLEARING', 1); was in includes/config.php. The stange thing is, if I disable the plugin both exisiting and newly created users (from LDAP) can successfully login.

Any ideas on what might be causing this?

I'll have to investigate this, I have it working so it sounds like I missed something from the instructions. If I did, sorry, I'll fix it as soon as I find it.


Originally Posted by Rondo44 (Post 1703230)
I have installed this plugin, but cant get it to work. Has anyone gotten this plugin to work in an active directory environment. thank for your help.


Originally Posted by ludachris (Post 1705225)
I was just going to ask if this worked with Active Directory.

I have made this work with AD, but it requires a little fiddling. At work we have AD replicated into a real LDAP server so that normal access can be used. I'll post some instructions shortly.


Originally Posted by sysadm (Post 1721697)
didn't you mix up your hooks in product-ldap_auth-1.4.xml? your ldap_auth_existing_user is called when you're creating a fresh user, while ldap_auth_new_user is called when the user has been found in forum... am i confused??

Oops, Did I? I'll check, but I don't think I did. If I did, sorry, I'll fix the download shortly.


Originally Posted by khan2002 (Post 1726208)

I installed the plugin, but i get several errors or strange behaviours:

1) I can't login with an admin account
2) I get always following error at the login with an other user:

the new user is cerated, and after i gi back to the mein site he is logged in, but befor i get this message....

Anyone an idea?

thanks in advance

That sounds like your database access is at fault, but I don't understand why that would be the case if the rest of your site is working. As I stated above, I'm relatively new to VB and don't have all the answers. Perhaps someone here might know how a VB can work but sometimes throw a MySQL login failure?

Certainly though, failing to log into MySQL would prevent anyone logging in... Is the site sending you database error emails?


awillys 02-22-2009 12:18 AM

Hi, does this work with vB 3.8.x and/or 3.7.5?


awillys 02-22-2009 07:06 PM


I have installed the plugin on a vB 3.7.5 following the above instruction.
I then created a new user usingthe forum registration and that user was not added in LDAP. what did i do wrong?

is it possible to get users added on ldap upon registration from the forum?


jmccaffrey 03-16-2009 08:09 PM

I am not using this plugin, however I developed a different product to help me use a different login source than ldap, and I used this as a base. I noticed that the hook global_complete is called AFTER login logic takes place, this seems to be counter to how the hook is designed. This might be causing some of the issues people are seeing. I modified my plugin to use global_setup_complete instead. Note, using this approach requires a bit more setup logic to be used.

Haqa 03-16-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by awillys (Post 1751075)
Hi, does this work with vB 3.8.x and/or 3.7.5?


Still testing with 3.8, though it looks promising.


Originally Posted by awillys (Post 1751677)

I have installed the plugin on a vB 3.7.5 following the above instruction.
I then created a new user usingthe forum registration and that user was not added in LDAP. what did i do wrong?

is it possible to get users added on ldap upon registration from the forum?


I think you may have the purpose of the plugin backwards. This allows people in your LDAP to login to your VB even if they've never registered. You appear to be trying to get VB users put into your LDAP, which this plugin is not intended to do, sorry ;)


Originally Posted by jmccaffrey (Post 1769945)
I am not using this plugin, however I developed a different product to help me use a different login source than ldap, and I used this as a base. I noticed that the hook global_complete is called AFTER login logic takes place, this seems to be counter to how the hook is designed. This might be causing some of the issues people are seeing. I modified my plugin to use global_setup_complete instead. Note, using this approach requires a bit more setup logic to be used.

I can see your point, as I've said this is my first mod. I'll go back to the code and see what refactoring would be needed to switch. However I am using this mod at work and it's working well (Or seems to be). I have many users who have all signed in without using the signup logic (Which I've disabled) and then have returned, re-logging in etc...

I'll have to revisit the code.


Haqa 03-16-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by sysadm (Post 1721697)
didn't you mix up your hooks in product-ldap_auth-1.4.xml? your ldap_auth_existing_user is called when you're creating a fresh user, while ldap_auth_new_user is called when the user has been found in forum... am i confused??

You are quite right. I'll try to get a revised version up ASAP. It shouldn't prevent anything else working, unless you've written your own plugins triggered from my hooks, in which case they will get called at the wrong times.



anthonym16 03-20-2009 03:31 PM


I've been trying to get the plugin running with vb 3.8.1. I noticed that the gobal_complete hook isn't called on a login. I'm just learning the hooks but do I need to change that the plugin to fire on global_setup_complete?


Haqa 03-20-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by anthonym16 (Post 1772662)

I've been trying to get the plugin running with vb 3.8.1. I noticed that the gobal_complete hook isn't called on a login. I'm just learning the hooks but do I need to change that the plugin to fire on global_setup_complete?


I've just upgraded my dev system to 3.8.1 so it shouldn't be long before I've got a version which does support 3.8.x


anthonym16 03-23-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Haqa (Post 1772902)
I've just upgraded my dev system to 3.8.1 so it shouldn't be long before I've got a version which does support 3.8.x


I just got the plug-in working w/ 3.8.1. I had to add my own hook in login.php so I'm interested to see what you come up with so that no vb code is altered.

Also, I had a problem with DISABLE_PASSWORD_CLEARING. I traced it back to line 598 of global.php. I had to switched the 1 and 0 on that line so $show['nopasswordempty'] would get the right value.


vocoder 04-01-2009 12:42 PM

any updates on how to get this working with Active Directory? Additionally I would like to use it without anonymous query access...for other apps that authenticate with Active Directory I have a specific user for that...

Haqa 04-01-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by vocoder (Post 1781703)
any updates on how to get this working with Active Directory? Additionally I would like to use it without anonymous query access...for other apps that authenticate with Active Directory I have a specific user for that...

Unfortunately my AD server had an accident (Well it corrupted its boot disk) so I can test AD at the moment, but the Bind DN and Bind Password are what you need for the user and password for non-anonymous access - But remember you'll need to be running in mixed (compatible) mode or the AD will require kerberos which PHP doesn't support out of the box (Or at all as far I can tell).

You should find the it will work, but you need to set the correct Naming Attribute, can't remember what it needs to be of the top of my head, but and LDAP browser should be able to connect and you should see which entry you want.


zhangyc 04-08-2009 04:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Haqa,

I'm using your LDAP add-on (version 1.5) on my vBulletin 3.8.1 Patch Level 1.
I'm a new to LDAP, I tried a lot of times, but still could not get the parameters right.
Attachment is my configuration, would you please teach me what's wrong with my parameters? Thank you!

Haqa 04-08-2009 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by zhangyc (Post 1786335)
Hi Haqa,

I'm using your LDAP add-on (version 1.5) on my vBulletin 3.8.1 Patch Level 1.
I'm a new to LDAP, I tried a lot of times, but still could not get the parameters right.
Attachment is my configuration, would you please teach me what's wrong with my parameters? Thank you!

I'd say you're pretty much spot on with the parameters. (For those looking for the attribute names for AD, these are they!!) however there appears to be an issue with 3.8.x where the hook I was using no longer occurs in the correct place.

I'm working on a new, 3.8 compatible version (Which therefore will probably NOT work on 3.7) but due to work commitments it's not going as quickly as I would like.


zhangyc 04-08-2009 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Haqa (Post 1786361)
I'd say you're pretty much spot on with the parameters. (For those looking for the attribute names for AD, these are they!!) however there appears to be an issue with 3.8.x where the hook I was using no longer occurs in the correct place.

I'm working on a new, 3.8 compatible version (Which therefore will probably NOT work on 3.7) but due to work commitments it's not going as quickly as I would like.


Hi Haqa,

Thank you for your generous reply, I just get the vBulletin 3.7.6 and tried again, no matter I configured as the picture you posted, or as the picture I posted, it still doesn't work. Can you explain me the exact meaning of the fields "Naming Attribute", "Search Base DN" and "LDAP Attributes"? And can these fields be blank? Thank you!

Haqa 04-08-2009 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by zhangyc (Post 1786386)
Hi Haqa,

Thank you for your generous reply, I just get the vBulletin 3.7.6 and tried again, no matter I configured as the picture you posted, or as the picture I posted, it still doesn't work. Can you explain me the exact meaning of the fields "Naming Attribute", "Search Base DN" and "LDAP Attributes"? And can these fields be blank? Thank you!

Ahh.. hmm.. Yes, to use this product you need to know a little about how LDAP works. I don't claim to be a total expert but I'll try to help.

Firstly LDAP is a hierarchical database, that is it is structured like a file system with branches (Think directory) and leaves (Think file). Each node, either branch or leaf has a Distingushed Name (DN) which is made up of the Naming Attribute followed by the DN of the node in which it sits so if you have a branch of your tree called:-


And the naming attribute for an inetOrgPerson class is CN then an inetOrgPerson with CN=fred would have the DN of:-


The search base is the point in the tree to start searching from. Think of it like this, if on a windows machine you are searching for a document, you don't want to search the entire hard disk, you might start searching in "C:\Documents and Settings" to limit the time taken to find the file. This is what the search base does, so in my example above, to find fred I might set the search base to:-


The Additional LDAP Attributes setting is to support my add-on products, like Location Support and Fullname Support. For them to work you need to put the attribute name here so that the LDAP Authentication module pulls out the data needed by the add-on modules. If you are not using any modules which extend LDAP Authentication then you don't need to put anything there.

While I'm at it, don't forget that some AD servers don't support what's known as Simple Bind (Which is all that standard PHP can do) but instead need a different sort of login called Kerberos. If your Windows Server is configured to only support Native authentication then there is a good chance that PHP won't be able to bind (Login) and my module just won't work at all. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about that, it's simply not possible with the standard version of PHP.

I hope this makes a rather complex and confusing subject a little clearer.


n0manarmy 04-08-2009 07:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Haqa I'm having a heck of a time getting this to work with 3.8.2.

I know you don't have it certified to work with it yet but I've seen a few others mention that they got it working with their AD setups.

The information in the screen shot is a copy and paste from a working LDAP tie in from a PHP/Tomcat application as well the PHPBB forums which I had running BEFORE I purchased VBulletin to switch over.

When I activate the plug-in
  • Cannot log in with the admin account (after the fact on another browser)
  • Cannot log in with a normal account

I don't need to add users to the database, all I really need is VB to reach out, see that the user is there, see that their password is correct and then let them in. We're an educational institution with our own Active Directory structure and we just want to unify as much as possible around one account system.

Side Note:
If anyone has any information on where I can turn on advanced logging to see if there's additional information I can get out of the VB that would be awesome.

zhangyc 04-09-2009 02:01 AM

Hi Haqa, with your so detailed explanation, I think I get a little understand LDAP.
But still, I could not get the authentication passed.

I tried four times with different parameter groups, these parameters are not changed through my test:

"LDAP Server" is set "" (IP address of my AD server),
"LDAP Port" is "389" (Default value),
"Naming Attribute" is set "cn",
"Search Base DN" is set "dc=test,dc=com" (My domain is test.com),
"LDAP Attributes" is always blank,
"Allow Built-in Accounts" is always set "1".

The other fields in the four test groups are:

1. "Anonymous Bind" is set "Yes",
"Bind DN" and "Bind Password" are set blank,
"Disable vBulletin Users" is set "Yes"

When I login with my domain account, it shows "You have entered an invalid username or password. ..."

2. "Anonymous Bind" is set "Yes",
"Bind DN" and "Bind Password" are set blank,
"Disable vBulletin Users" is set "No"

When I login with my domain account, it shows "You have entered an invalid username or password. ..."

3. "Anonymous Bind" is set "No",
"Bind DN" is set "Administrator"
"Bind Password" is set password for account "Administrator" in domain "test.com",
"Disable vBulletin Users" is set "Yes"

When I login with my domain account, it shows "Failed to bind to LDAP directory (Initial bind)"

4. "Anonymous Bind" is set "No",
"Bind DN" is set "Administrator"
"Bind Password" is set password for account "Administrator" in domain "test.com",
"Disable vBulletin Users" is set "No"

When I login with my domain account, it shows "You have entered an invalid username or password. ..."

Could you please tell me that did I get anything wrong for your program? Thank you!

n0manarmy 04-09-2009 11:52 AM

I think I figured my problem out.


In your instructions you say to place the line below in to config.php

//LDAP Access Control

Did you mean to say global.php?

Once I added it to global.php I was able to authenticate most of my users. I do believe there's a problem with users that have very long passwords. They're not able to log in.

anthonym16 04-09-2009 12:30 PM

I got some PMs asking how I got Haqa's plugin working in 3.8.1 so here's what I did...

Start off by creating a hook in login.php and registering it by following the directions here:

Do the edit to global.php mentioned in the directions above. I verified that the 1 and 0 for DISABLE_PASSWORD_CLEARING in global.php were swapped in 3.8.1. If you don't do that edit, vb will encrypt the user's password in an md5 hash onsubmit of the login form. Unless your AD passwords are stored in an md5 hash, the password check will fail.

Install Haqa's plugin and go into the plugin manager and set it to fire on the new hook you created. I setup some logging in the plugin code so I could see what was going on. If you get this far, it's all configuration from there.

I extracted the logging code from the plugin linked above to help me debug and added it to Haqa's plugin code:


define('LDDEBUG', true);
function wrlog($text)
        global $fp;
        if($fp){fputs($fp, date("d/m/y : H:i:s", time()) ." >> " . $text . "\n");}

if(defined('LDDEBUG')) { $fp=fopen('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\forums\logs\ldap.debug', "a+"); }
if(defined('LDDEBUG')) { wrlog("++ -------- begin ldap log -------- ++"); }

The only downside of this approach is that I had to edit vb source. This is only a temporary solution I hope. I just upgraded to 3.8.2 and saw that global.php and login.php were both overwritten... Hopefully Haqa comes up with a way do to all this without altering any vb source.

Something else for people that are having trouble... vb uses your email as a primary key for users. Initially, my vb admin account was setup to use my email. When I went to test the plugin by using my username from AD to log in, the plugin code tried to create me a new account but failed because my email was already in use by the admin account.

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More Information
Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
  • (1)ad_footer_start
  • (1)ad_header_end
  • (1)ad_header_logo
  • (1)ad_navbar_below
  • (1)bbcode_code_printable
  • (25)bbcode_quote_printable
  • (1)footer
  • (1)gobutton
  • (1)header
  • (1)headinclude
  • (6)option
  • (1)pagenav
  • (1)pagenav_curpage
  • (2)pagenav_pagelink
  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete