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DJ's AMEs :: Media Definitions for AME 2.5 :: More Video, Twitter, Pinterest...
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NEARLY 300 SUPPORTED SITES FOR VIDEOS, AUDIO, GAMES AND MORE! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/36.png This is the most current repository of definitions for DJ's AME :: The Ultimate Automatic Media Embedder. These media definitions will expand your AME to support embedding from hundreds of websites. More videos. More than videos. These definitions will let you embed content from sites that include games, widgets, music players and so much more. This repository was seeded by contributions from the vBulletin community over several years, but are curated here for easy access. Special thanks to Hotwheels and Danyloski for starting the tradition. [hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] NEWS DJ's AME 2.5.7 is out! What are you waitin' fer?! [hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] IMPORT DEFINITIONS ARE NOT INSTALLED They're imported through your AME CP. Which means you have to have AME installed first. You DO NOT import definitions through your Product Manager. I mean, you can try. But I'll make fun of you. The READ ME file explains in more detail. Please don't skip it. I named it in big letters and everything. [hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] VERSION INFO These definitions are for AME 2.5. A BETA set of definitions for AME 3 can be found here. [hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] LIVE DEMO This is my development area with a lot of test thread. As such, it's not a comprehensive list of all working definitions. You can find that below... [hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] MEDIA DEFINITIONS LIST The full list of definitions is available in the second post of this thread. Requests for new definitions should be made here (no registration required), rather than in this thread. It makes it easier for me to keep track and to prioritize. Please do not use this area to contact me. Code:
The password is: LetMeIn#33 [hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] SUPPORT I can't stress this enough. I NEED LINKS in order to troubleshoot problems. Links to the video. Links to the thread. I can't do anything without knowing what videos are causing the problem. If all you do is post that a particular site is not working and provide me with nothing to look at, well, how can I fix it? Following this simple guideline will save us both a lot of time and effort. (And check the FAQ on the first page. I worked really hard on that one. :erm: ) Please note that I do new definition requests in the order they were received and as timely as I can. |
The AME 2.5 FAQ has been moved here.
DEFINITIONS LIST The following is the most current list of supported websites and media. View the Extra Code.html file to see which definitions require the Advanced Options feature to work fully. [imgrft]https://www.diigo.com/item/p/pebbaazbrobabqdpzbbqoeooe[/imgrft]Games
Music & Audio
Miscellaneous [IMGrft]https://www.diigo.com/item/p/pebbaazbrocodreezbbqrdosp[/IMGrft]
Locally Hosted Content
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Here's a few Q&As, FAQs and FYIs about some of definitions available and some tips and tricks with regard to the AME modification itself. When referring to editing definitions, it will be assumed you're in your Admin CP ? AME CP ? Display Definitions list. **Internal Linking This set of definitions is available here, but not in the main post. The reason why is it's buggy. It works, but with conditions that might put you off of it. This set is designed to auto convert links from your vB 3.x website. It includes a definition for threads, single posts, forums/categories and user profiles. Links to these page will convert to a formatted link with the name of that page, and the noembed.png image to it's left. The problem doesn't occur during posting, which worked for me %100 of the time on two separate installations. The problem occurs if you try to edit. If two of the same kind of links share a paragraph, then the rest of the paragraph gets stripped out when you hit the edit button. I don't know why, and I've tested for a couple of years now off and on with different regexs to try and root out the problem. Since I can't seem to work it out, I decided to let anyone who wants to tinker with them try them out. Note that the issue only occurs when two of the same kind of link share a paragraph. AllPosters.com (Thumbnails) et.al.: This set will convert almost all product links form AllPosters.com into thumbnails like the Amazon and CafePress definitions. There's very few products that will not convert, and these appear to be only frames, or anything that's been framed. Also note that you can use your own affiliate ID with AllPosters if you have one just by replacing the three instances of mine in the Replacement HTML. But if you want to leave them in there, you won't get ANY complaints from me. Examples: ?aid=1244576320 | ?aid=F0048675431 Amazon.com (Thumbnails) and (Links): The original Thumbnail version of the Amazon Links was created by nevetS in one of the old XML threads and it was the first definitions created to demonstrate turning product links into thumbnails rather then links. Note that I have also included my affiliate IDs in these definitions, mainly because these are constructed on my live site. To work in your own affiliate ID in either the Links or Thumbnails definitions, look for the instances of the ?tag= in theReplacement HTMLand replace the following IDs with your own. Or, again, you can leave them in. Won't hurt my feelings. Examples: ?tag=stopmomstop-20 | ?tag=citofgamonlco-20 As noted above, you don't want Thumbnails and Links turned on at the same time, which is why I have them both in the Master XML, but one of them set to off. eSnips.com (Videos) (Music): Unfortunately, you will only be able to use one or the other of these definitions, which is why eSnips (Music) is turned off by default. The URLs were not distinctive enough to make a RegEx that could tell video pages from music pages. Until this changes, this is the one caveat you'll have to contend with. Google.com (Search Results) (Let Me Google That For You): These definitions convert your Google search results links into formatted links in a couple of ways. Note that they cannot be both turned on at the same time, which is why (Search Results) is the only one active when you import them. (Search Results) converts your search results links in simple link with the search terms and the google icon. Examples: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/66.jpgGoogle: Star+Wars | https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/66.jpgGoogle: Scooby+Doo (Let Me Google That For You) on the other hand, will convert links into a funny redirect to LetMeGoogleThatForYou.com. This definition is a variation on the one originally created by Vitaly. For Google (Search Results) to work, you'll need to add these images to your images/misc directory. This first is the old Google favicon and the second is the new one. The definition uses the new icon by default, but you can change the definition to the old one just by changing the Replacement HTML image source from _new to _old. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...3&d=1231280056 https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/66.jpg MP3 Local Hosted Audio: I hope you like the new player I added. Unfortunately, I can't take all the credit. The player was created under the Creative Commons Licence by neolao production. The great thing about this player is that it's fully customizable, and can even support it's own skin if you happen to have one. Go to http://flash-mp3-player.net/players/maxi/generator/ and set the colors and settings to your liking. Copy and paste over the code into your MP3 definition under Replacement HTML. Just remember that you MUST replace the MP3 URL (http%3A//flash-mp3-player.net/medias/another_world.mp3) that they provide with $p1. Otherwise, your MP3s won't work. Alternatively, you can download the flash player and host it on your own site, but you'll need to change the source of the video player in your Replacement HTML to the location on your server. NewsClipper.org: This is one of those definitions that I consider "imperfect" in that it's functional in every way it needs to be, but not as fully as you would like it to be. Newsclipper.org is a website that manages to collect news videos from all the major video news sites: MSNBC, CNN, CBS NEWS, FOX NEWS, Associated Press, Rutgers, BBC, Sky News, ESPN and Comedy Central. But because all their videos are pulled from different sites, every video has different aspect ratios. There's currently no way to dynamically set the height and width of a video using AME (or in this case, an iFrame). So you'll have to set those attributes to your liking in your AME CP. I currently have them set to the widest and highest of the videos I found. This will leave a white square around videos that have smaller aspect ratios. (Not a big deal if your postbit color is already white.) You can change the color of this area by adding the color code in the style attribute: style="background-color:#000000;". But this will only works in FireFox. IE users will still see a white empty area surrounding the video. UOL.com.br: Yes, that many files was needed to make UOL work. Each category is like it's own website with it's own embed source code. The site is vast, and is essentially several websites grouped under one domain. As noted, the one peculiarity is that URLs with "assistr" in them wont embed. This is because, for whatever reason, these pages have no usable code in the HTML or URL to backreference. Not sure why. It could be this page is actually a front page that changes content often, so most of the content is handled via javascript. Either way, these URLs are infrequent, and shouldn't be encountered too often. Sort Order: One thing I've been annoyed with in AME is trying to get some kind of display order that makes sense. I found out while working on these, that entries with the same Display Number sort by alphabetically order. So what I ended up doing was setting all my working files to 1, and all my non working or in-progress files to 0. This made to where I could keep them in alphabetical order and create pseudo-categories. Special Characters: For some reason, AME doesn't always convert Special Characters correctly. Instead of an ampersand (&) you'll get the HTML equivalent (&), etc. One of the things you can do is edit the post after posting, and simply change the name of the link, without altering what it links to. (In the Full Editor, all you would do is edit the exiting name. In the Basic Editors, you would simply change the name between the [url][/url] tags.) Wikipedia (Links): In order for Wikipedia to work you need to save this image to your images/misc directory. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/66.jpg Examples: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/66.jpgStar_Wars Keep in mind that Wikipedia is a beta, meaning that it really only works for English entries. International Wikipedias didn't have the consistency in the HTML code needed to make this work for all of them.YouTube.com: Periodically YouTube goes down for maintenance. This means that some features, like embedding, is disabled during this time period. If you see "Video Not Available" and YouTube was working yesterday, hang on for a little while. Also, check to see if a video says "Embedding Disabled by Request "in the embed code box. If so, the video will be blocked from embedding and will give the Not Available message as well. A new feature worked into YouTube is called Deep Linking. Sounds like something you'd get from the back end of the video store, right? Not in this case. Deep linking is YouTube's relatively new ability to jump to a fixed time frame inside a video. In order to do this, append the URL of your YouTube video with ?t=XXs where XX is the number of seconds into the video you want to jump. (NOTE: I know some of you already know of this, but what's different here is that you cannot use minutes and seconds in the URL. You have to use seconds only, so you'll have to do just a little head math and convert minutes into seconds.) For example, click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuQRmtBq-ls#t=120s and playback will begin exactly 120 seconds or 2 minutes into the video. zSHARE.net, et al: For badges to work, you'll need to add all the following images to the images/misc directory for your forum and/or any different styles you use. So, for example, if you have a forum that uses the default style and a custom skin named Centura, you would need to add it to the default image/misc folder (yoursite.com/images/misc) AND into the folder for the Centura style (yoursite.com/centura/misc). https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/02/48.png https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/02/49.png https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/02/50.png https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/02/51.png https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/02/52.png https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/02/53.png |
Updates History
This is here just to help me keep track of things. You don't need to download each and every update if your just starting out. Just the Master XML file. 2008.12.19 2009.01.05 2009.09.16 2009.09.18 2009.09.18 2010.01.09 2010.04.09 2010.12.11 2011.09.23 2013.01.24 2013.01.25 2013.02.03 2013.03.10 2013.10.21 2013.10.24 |
How To Create Media Definitions for AME 2.5 --BirdOPrey5 explains the basic info you need for creating media definitions. Embed RegEx --A Brief explanation as to how to use the Embed regexp (now called Extraction RegEx) field in definitions. www.Regular-Expressions.info --Comprehensive Regular Expressions Tutorial and Reference Guide. DJ's Frequently Asked Questions (AME 2.5) --An update of Dannyloski's Trouble Shooting Guide, this FAQ addresses the most common problems associated with AME. DJ's Definitions FAQ --Information on specific definitions and their peculiarities as well some tips and tricks on how to use AME. RegExBuddy Buddy Trial Download --Limited free trial period with option to buy licence. I'd advise learning with this first, before trying the freeware below. Expresso --Free Regular Expressions tester for beginners or the advanced. Excellent version if you don't want to spend quite that much on a tester. This is the one I currently use. Requires registration after a trial period, but remains free after registration. PowerGREP --A newer RegEx tester that also has a free trial period. I have not tested this one personally. regexpal.com --An Online JavaScript Regular Expression tester based on open source project XRegExp. Works very similar to RegExBuddy. |
thanks a lot. you have outdone yourself again :)
any chance of getting justin.tv added?
Been waiting for this for a long time.
when you put a video with youtube in footer says
" title="YouTube" target="_blank">YouTube |
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times...DJ is THE man! :D
Thanks for going out of your way to support the AME mod and to organize these updates as you do. :) |
sorry if this is already answered but I can't seem to find it.
Does it work with the .mp3, .wma, .wmv links? i tried to post a direct link like that and it doesn't work, or do I need to add a different definition for it? If so then can u help me with the definitions for those direct link ? |
Go to my profile page and click on the link for my other XML thread called (Third Times the Charm) and you can get the definitions for Local Hosted Videos. I will be adding them to this thread to, once I get the size variables added, but you can still use the other ones on any version of AME. Be sure to follow the instructions for Local Hosted Videos as described in the thread. |
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I think I'm either missing something or being really REALLY stupid.
I can't get it to import all the defs. After importing the master file and making no changes to what's enabled etc I still only end up with 25 defs showing as active, including the original five included with The Geek's hack. :( What am I doing wrong? :confused: |
I'm not sure why it would do that, but it shouldn't be letting you import anything if you have the default definitions still installed. Try deleting all your definitions and doing a full import afterwards.
Anything else I can try? :erm: |
Import with firefox
Not sure if that's meant to be a question or a statement. I only use Firefox, but I don't suppose IE would hurt to try. Can't see what difference it would make though. |
1. Upgrade ame 2.5 RC 1 2. Display Definitions-> All Delete 3. Import Definitions 4. Browse 5. Select DJ's Master XML 2.xml 6. Import 7. Import Completed |
Hey DJ, are these the same definitions from the "Third Times a Charm" or should I switch over to these. I'm using AME 2.5.
Any idea why all the videos i post comes out very small?
Wasnt like this before i imported this definitions. Like: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/59.jpg but they used to be like this: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/60.jpg |
Just a thought, but check with your host to see there's any reason they would put a limitation on file imports. I don't know of anything of hand that would do that, and the XML isn't particularly a large file, but you never know. Quote:
So I have to install 2.5 one? im using 2.0.2
My fault, I titled this thread so early in the morning, I mistakenly said these where for 2.0. These are for 2.5. If your not using AME 2.5, you don't need these definitions and the older one will work fine. I'll be keeping both version updated simultaneously.
Simple misstake.
Then ill wait for 2.5 to go gold and get this definitions :) Thanks anyway |
Got a question tho :P
Is there a possibility to add Deezer definition to 2.0.2, if yes, how? Thank you |
Deezer is included in the Master XML and in the Main ZIP on my other thread.
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Due to unusual instance of a % symbol in some Daily Motion links, a slight tweak to the definition is required. Please delete your old Daily Motion definition and import this new one. The Master XML 2 was also updated.
this is an example for AOL source of definition Code:
<object height="$ameinfo[height]" width="$ameinfo[width]"> Code:
<object height=" height="480"" width=" width="640""> Code:
<object height="480" width="640"> Code:
<object $ameinfo[height] $ameinfo[width]> |
Thanks DJ. Updated to RC1
I've also just tried splitting the .xml down so that it was in batches of 20 defs, with <AME></AME> at start and finshed as required. But this time it only imported 17 of the first 20. :confused: I'll contact my host just incase there is something set their end to cause this issue. But I'm stumped now lol. Thanks though. |
Installed. Thanks you for your great work, for support this and for help people in AME thread too.
If i used the old version would i just override with this new one? it wouldn't cause video conflict right ? can u give more detail on how to upgrade? if we were using the old version. |
Digital Jedi: do you know why YouTube doesn't have full screen button for 2.x version ? I just upgraded to 2.x and now i lost that function. Can this be fixed ? Thx in advance !
I've got a problem with youtube size after recent upgrade. It used to show videos in normal size :-
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/11/35.jpg |
I just tested two MySpace videos and both of them 'hang' on the little logo in the middle of the video.
Anyone know if I have to do something special to make those play? |
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