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iogames 11-05-2008 03:33 AM

Congratulations to Obama and welcome to reality, now 75% of the world disagrees with you :D

p.s. and 35% simple hate you... ;)

lasto 11-05-2008 05:10 AM


you could of kept this in the other thread but ....................

iogames 11-05-2008 05:29 AM

Don't you know that from today on we are more 'free' :D

lasto 11-05-2008 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1659751)
Don't you know that from today on we are more 'free' :D

1st up congratulations for gettin a new president but who do you think paid for his campaign ? - This guy now has to start repaying the favours for those who sponsored him.

Now ive already said in the other thread about things not changing which they wont.Lets look at the situation in 12months time and see who was right.It wont be long before you all calling for Obama`s neck because of some policy which u dont agree with.

Also why are you more Free ............. Explain to me how you came to this decsion..

11-05-2008 06:37 AM

I guessed right for the result.
And do you know aobut his family, I have found a family tree for Obama.

Baldilocks 11-05-2008 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1659753)
1st up congratulations for gettin a new president but who do you think paid for his campaign ? - This guy now has to start repaying the favours for those who sponsored him.


It was primarily private citizens paid for his campaign. Your point is moot.

lasto 11-05-2008 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Baldilocks (Post 1659776)
It was primarily private citizens paid for his campaign. Your point is moot.

you are kidding me aint you - do u honestly believe for one minute he don`t owe no favours now he in power.People dont give money away for nothing - they all want a return on their investment.

nexialys 11-05-2008 10:21 AM

americans always think profit, never pride or fellowship... never... it's too dangerous...

iogames 11-05-2008 01:38 PM

Well lasto I don't know why are u so mad, first thing I'm more realistic, he can't change this 5000 old world to something drastically better... he's just a 'barrier-breaker' and ppl celebrate barrier-breakers... can he change something? make this world better than the last 20 centuries? I doubt it, is just Utopia.

Shelley_c 11-05-2008 01:45 PM

why are there two political related obama threads? Is this some kind of obama/mcCain vs nexys obama vs mcCain vs iogames obama vs mcCain face off threads?

We need a merger.

lasto 11-05-2008 01:46 PM

nay im not mad m8 i just think you lot are going over the top.In a few yrs time if he changed things around,and pulled you lot out of the crap you already in,then you have your man but your all jumping though hoops just cause he got voted in and yet this person has not done anythig except talk the talk.

Actions speak louder than words so lets see what happens in the future - remember americans policies affect us all regardless if we are americans or not so in a way we all have a say on this subject.

iogames 11-05-2008 01:57 PM

Agree on the merger, simple I didn't think the Canadian friend was interested on southern affairs...

And yes lasto, I do believe his 'eloquence' just blurs our ability to perceive reality or where his mind processes stand for...

Gio~Logist 11-05-2008 02:19 PM

He said it himself in his speech (a great one at that).

Something like "This election has brought the opportunity for change, but it's up to us to take that opportunity and make something out of it". He's right in every word. We can only hope that the movement will.. continue to move ;)

Caddyman 11-05-2008 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1659830)
americans always think profit, never pride or fellowship... never... it's too dangerous...

ridiculous ain't it?

Congrats to Obama and my home stater Joe Biden....

iogames 11-05-2008 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Gio~Logist (Post 1659927)
He said it himself in his speech (a great one at that).

Something like "This election has brought the opportunity for change, but it's up to us to take that opportunity and make something out of it". He's right in every word. We can only hope that the movement will.. continue to move ;)

So far we agree in something: He got connected his brain to his mouth, let's see if he got it connected to his hands :p

11-06-2008 12:25 PM

Is not about the man, it's about the rules and laws they have to follow.

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 11-06-2008 05:30 PM

Just curious, did he ever breakdown and salute the American Flag? Or was that just another bad rumor that had been going around?

Ziki 11-06-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1659696)
Congratulations to Obama and welcome to reality, now 75% of the world disagrees with you :D

p.s. and 35% simple hate you... ;)

35% + 75% = 110%

Seems like the USA has more people than we thought ;)

Brandon Sheley 11-06-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1659696)
Congratulations to Obama and welcome to reality, now 75% of the world disagrees with you :D

[high]* Brandon Sheley wonders where you get your stats from?
:rolleyes: :D

Sawa Dee SohL 11-06-2008 07:25 PM

Thank Gawsh McCain lost. I'd hate to see this country go down another 8 years of crap.

I'm waitin for Biden bot be elected President. -Although I don't want him to be.

Caddyman 11-06-2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bro_Joey_Gowdy (Post 1660634)
Just curious, did he ever breakdown and salute the American Flag? Or was that just another bad rumor that had been going around?

he didn't wear a flag pin cause he thinks that you shouldn't have to prove that you support America with a pin on your lapel (which i agree with) but i think he eventually started to wear one cause all the BS flack he caught.

Ohiosweetheart 11-06-2008 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bro_Joey_Gowdy (Post 1660634)
Just curious, did he ever breakdown and salute the American Flag? Or was that just another bad rumor that had been going around?

If you're talking about the pic of him, Hillary and someone else on the stage, and everyone BUT Obama saluting the flag during the national anthem....no, he never did, that I know of.

smacklan 11-07-2008 12:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
All I can say to this is hmmm...

KW802 11-07-2008 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bro_Joey_Gowdy (Post 1660634)
Just curious, did he ever breakdown and salute the American Flag? Or was that just another bad rumor that had been going around?

Depends upon in which context you mean; whether at a particular function or in general.

Here's an article that deals with the subject. The spin doctors on both sides can twist it to fit their needs.

iogames 11-07-2008 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Ziki (Post 1660651)
35% + 75% = 110%

Seems like the USA has more people than we thought ;)

Oh Ziki boy! get some sleep ;)

Part of the world disagree with you, and part of that world simply hate you because it's easier than disagree...

irregardless of the number, he's on the hype right now, let them slip into reality and make those 5000 years of history speak for the next 8... Remember the King Midas?

Ziki 11-09-2008 05:56 AM

Yes indeed,I am quite unpopular in my town as well.Don't understand why though.

Guest210212002 11-09-2008 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1659830)
americans always think profit, never pride or fellowship... never... it's too dangerous...

Please refrain from making sweeping generalizations about my countrymen, and I'll do the same for yours.

iogames 11-15-2008 09:29 PM

an African-American President, a Woman 4 Stars General, what's next!?!?! ...Christian Strippers!?!?! :eek:

Disclaimer: I'm socially color blinded ;) which it means I don't notice or give importance to the color of the ppl...

Sticky1 11-16-2008 01:41 PM

I am totally amazed at how ignorant voters are today. Most of you who voted had no idea of the backround of the person you voted for! This goes for both parties.

For those who talk abot the terrible job the persidents do.......What the hell do you really know? We will NEVER be privy to what goes on at the top levels. So you herd from john who herd from jane who herd from joe the rag man that...........

Actually YOU / WE really don't know the real reasons for why thigs happen at the top. ALL politcal turds LIE. Its a fact!!......

So......your opinion is based on crap!

Now what do we really know about O-bamma?


Once upon a time there were two carismatic polititions whom promised all the same as in this election to all. He also promised to beef up homeland security, national healthcare, spread the wealth.........etc.:mad:

Can you guess who they were?:eek:

lasto 11-16-2008 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sticky1 (Post 1666793)
I am totally amazed at how ignorant voters are today. Most of you who voted had no idea of the backround of the person you voted for! This goes for both parties.

For those who talk abot the terrible job the persidents do.......What the hell do you really know? We will NEVER be privy to what goes on at the top levels. So you herd from john who herd from jane who herd from joe the rag man that...........

Actually YOU / WE really don't know the real reasons for why thigs happen at the top. ALL politcal turds LIE. Its a fact!!......

So......your opinion is based on crap!

Now what do we really know about O-bamma?


Once upon a time there were two carismatic polititions whom promised all the same as in this election to all. He also promised to beef up homeland security, national healthcare, spread the wealth.........etc.:mad:

Can you guess who they were?:eek:

what u on about ? who cares who is in the whitehouse - you`ll still mess the world up :)

ericgtr 11-16-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1659696)
Congratulations to Obama and welcome to reality, now 75% of the world disagrees with you :D

p.s. and 35% simple hate you... ;)

Actually, the reality is that most of the world DOES agree with Obama. Get your facts straight.


iogames 11-16-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by ericgtr (Post 1666838)
Actually, the reality is that most of the world DOES agree with Obama. Get your facts straight.


So u live in Obamatopia? no man in history can resolve all problems of society... so if they trust their lives to one person, it's practically an Utopia...

I never waited for someone to resolve my problems... I just love thriving in life ;)

ericgtr 11-16-2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1666856)

So u live in Obamatopia? no man in history can resolve all problems of society... so if they trust their lives to one person, it's practically an Utopia...

I never waited for someone to resolve my problems... I just love thriving in life ;)

Your statement was:

Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1659696)
Congratulations to Obama and welcome to reality, now 75% of the world disagrees with you :D:

And that is simply not true and not even remotely the "reality" of it. If you have a different argument, then make it but I would suggest checking your facts first. Ignorance is not always bliss.

iogames 11-16-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by ericgtr (Post 1666879)
Your statement was:

And that is simply not true and not even remotely the "reality" of it. If you have a different argument, then make it but I would suggest checking your facts first. Ignorance is not always bliss.

You disagree with me I disagree with you, it's healthy... but mostly you are mad because you created a site dedicated to Obama? then forgive me! :D


p.s. Hey you avatar is the one with pointing fingers ;)

ericgtr 11-16-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1666899)
You disagree with me I disagree with you, it's healthy... but mostly you are mad because you created a site dedicated to Obama? then forgive me! :D


p.s. Hey you avatar is the one with pointing fingers ;)

Yes, I support our new president 100% and thanks for the plug :)

Now, if you can present me with some facts to support your argument, as I did mine, then we can discuss it. If it is your opinion that 75% of the world disagrees then fine, but it is not fact. Just because I support Obama does not make me blind to factual sources. So let's see it.

Paul M 11-16-2008 05:28 PM

Keep it calm people. :)

ericgtr 11-16-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1666944)
Keep it calm people. :)

Are you kidding, this has to be the nicest political thread I have seen during this entire campaign season. :D

Sticky1 11-16-2008 06:07 PM

I personally dont understand why a site like this one allows political threads. Political threads Should be closed because Obama is a socialist that will drive this country in the ground along with flager, ayres, acorn, and the like........ Spread the wealth my butt!!! I earned what I have, why don't you!!!

And while we are at it screw these bailouts.....!!!

KevinL 11-16-2008 07:31 PM


iogames 11-16-2008 07:33 PM

Relax, relax...

you want data? count the posts in favor and against ;)

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