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-   -   Chat Modifications - Flashchat 5: Who is chatting (Add On) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=194602)

Mosh 10-25-2008 10:00 PM

Flashchat 5: Who is chatting (Add On)
1 Attachment(s)
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This hack has now been discontinued - this means that while it will remain available for download and use, there will be no further updates as this thread is no longer monitored. I am also not interested in doing paid work requests to update this hack at all.

IMPORTANT NOTICE 2: This hack only works with FlashChat 5 and later versions, and will not work with FlashChat 4.7.x.
There is version of this hack that will work with FlashChat 4.7.12, and can be downloaded here.

What Does This Hack Do?[hr]hr[/hr]
This is an add-on/enhancement to Paul M's Flashchat: Who is chatting hack.
This is the v3.8 port of my v3.7.x hack with extra 10 extra display locations, and enabling display locations per usergroup via usergroup permissions (no longer centrally, so allowing extra flexability).

What hacks need installing before installing this hack?

These hacks need to be installed in this order and working correctly, for this hack to work.
  1. Tufat's FlashChat v5.x.x
  2. Paul M's Flashchat 5 Integration for vB 3.8 v3.8.002
  3. Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 v3.8.002
  4. Then install this hack.

This does not change the functionality of Paul M's hack, this is just an enhancement to your installed version of Flashchat: Who is chatting.

The members on my forum requested that the Members currently using Flashchat box be moved to the top of the forums as it was a long way to scroll down to see who was chatting, at the top members could see who was chatting.

As members had to enter the chat or visit the forum homepage again to see who was chatting, I fixed it so that my members could also see who was chatting as they browsed the various forums and threads as well as on the who is online pages.

Paul M's has kindly given me permission to use some of his code in my Who is chatting add-on hacks.

Thank you Paul, for all your work on the Flashchat integration, it makes all our lives easier :)

What You Get
  1. It displays the chat list under the navbar in the following locations:
    • Forum Home
    • Forum Display
    • Show Thread
    • Who is Online
    • Members Profile pages
    • Search pages
    • Tag Search
    • Social Groups
    • Calendars
    • FAQ
    • Albums
    • User Profile
    • UserCP
    • Private Messages
    • Subscriptions
    • Members List
  2. The list view is collapsible, so you see just the number.
  3. Users who should display as coloured or bold etc are displayed correctly (based on the display usergroup)
  4. If you 'hover' over a username it will show the room they are chatting in and their status (away etc).
  5. If the chat is empty, a simple "No one is currently using the chat." message is displayed.
  6. Display the Most Ever chatters if enabled.
  7. The ability to turn it on/off is in the AdminCP Options (independent of Paul M's hack).
  8. The ability to select which locations this hack is displayed (independent of Paul M's hack).
  9. The ability to allow only certain usergroups to view the list (again, independent of Paul M's hack).
Note: This hack cannot display any bots in the chat, due to the strange way that FlashChat stores this information.

vBulletin Version Compatibility[hr]hr[/hr]
This hack can only be used with v3.8.0 and later versions.

For the unsupported v3.7.x version of this hack - check here. For the unsupported v3.6.x version of this hack - check here. For the unsupported v3.5.x version of this hack - check here.

NOTE: I will not be upgrading this hack to vBulletin v4.0.x.

Install/Uninstall Instructions[hr]hr[/hr]
The InstallInstructions.txt instructions file is included in attached .zip file.

Show in this order:
  • Usergroup permissions
  • Who is Chatting box
  • AdminCP options

Version History[hr]hr[/hr]
v3.8.005 - Friday 20th February 2009
-- Final v3.8.x Release
-- Updated: To bring in line with Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 hack v3.8.002 (rev 1.6)
-- Changed: Installation Instructions (now has uninstall instructions)
-- Added: VersionHistory.txt

v3.8.004 - Thursday 27th November 2008
-- Updated: To bring in line with Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 hack v3.8.002 (rev 1.5)
-- Changed: Installation Instructions

v3.8.003 - Tuesday 25th November 2008
-- Changed: Usergroup permissions code in all plugins
-- Changed: Installation Instructions
-- Changed: Screenshots
-- Removed: 1 plugin (no longer needed)
-- Removed: 17 AdminCP Options (no longer needed, now set via usergroup permissions)
-- Added: 17 Phrases
-- Added: 1 bitfield file

v3.8.002 - Tuesday 18th November 2008
-- Updated: To bring in line with Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 hack v3.8.001
-- Changed: Install code
-- Changed: Installation Instructions

v3.8.001 - Sunday 26th October 2008
-- Initial vBulletin v3.8.x Release
-- Added: 10 new plugins (for new display locations)
-- Added: 10 AdminCP Options

Thanks go out to Paul M who gave me permission to use some of his install code.

Show Your Appreciation [hr]hr[/hr]
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.

Bounce 10-26-2008 10:00 PM

Thanks for this,very good :)

Now...... How do I move the box to below the forums on forumhome, is this possible? lol:eek:

cherylferraro 10-27-2008 11:49 PM

Thank you for this mod, I know our users will appreciate it.

I do have one problem. The description of the mod indicates "If the chat is empty, a simple "No one is currently using the chat." message is displayed."

On the forum home page it displays correctly:


On the other pages, such as the thread display page, it looks like this:


What can I do to fix this?

Mosh 10-27-2008 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by cherylferraro (Post 1654186)
Thank you for this mod, I know our users will appreciate it.

I do have one problem. The description of the mod indicates "If the chat is empty, a simple "No one is currently using the chat." message is displayed."

On the forum home page it displays correctly:


On the other pages, such as the thread display page, it looks like this:


What can I do to fix this?

This is a classic sign that you have not done all 3 edits in Step 3 of the installation instructions ..... these edits need to be done to show the stats on other pages apart from the forumhome, otherwise they will be blank outside of the forumhome page.

cherylferraro 10-28-2008 02:00 AM

Thank you for your prompt response.

I did complete each of the edits on Members in Flashchat 5 (2). Perhaps I have done something wrong... If you don't mind I will post the Members in Flashchat 5 (2) that I am using.

PHP Code:

if ($show['wic'])
$lang $vbulletin->options['chatlang'];
$chat $vbulletin->options['chatfolder'];
$fcprefix $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'];

$configlist $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
        SELECT config_id, value 
        FROM "
        WHERE instance_id = 1 AND config_id IN (9,802)

$fcc = array();
    while (
$config $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($configlist))
$fcc[$config['config_id']] = $config['value'];

    if (
THIS_SCRIPT == 'index' OR $vbulletin->options['wicao'])

$chatlist $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
            SELECT connections.*,rooms.*,user.*
            FROM "
.$fcprefix."connections as connections
            LEFT JOIN "
.$fcprefix."rooms as rooms ON connections.roomid = rooms.id
            LEFT JOIN "
.TABLE_PREFIX."user as user ON connections.userid = user.userid
            WHERE connections.userid > 0 AND connections.ip != '
            AND connections.updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 
{$fcc[802]} SECOND) 
            ORDER BY start

$i 0;
        foreach (
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'][$lang]['status'] as $value
$i += 1
$status[$i] = $value

        unset (
$totalchatters 0;
$chattersdesc $vbphrase['wic_using_flashchat'];
        while (
$chat $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($chatlist))
$totalchatters += 1;
$chat['roomname'] = "In private room";
            if (
$chat['ispublic']) $chat['roomname'] = "In ".$chat['name']; 
            if (
$chat['state'] > 1$chat['roomname'] .= " (".$status[$chat['state']].")"
$ugroup = ($chat['displaygroupid'] > $chat['displaygroupid'] : $chat['usergroupid']);
$chat['opentag'] = $vbulletin->usergroupcache[$ugroup]['opentag'];
$chat['closetag'] = $vbulletin->usergroupcache[$ugroup]['closetag'];
'$chatters .= "' fetch_template('Display_Chatters_User') . '" . ", ";');

        if (
$chatters substr($chatters0, -2);
$chatters $vbphrase['wic_no_chatters'];

        if (
$fcpath 'misc.php?do=flashchat';
$fcpath $vbulletin->options['chatfolder'].'/flashchat.php';

        if (
$vbcollapse['collapseimg_forumhome_chatusers'] = '_collapsed';
$vbcollapse['collapseobj_forumhome_chatusers'] = 'display:none;';

$totalchatters vb_number_format($totalchatters);
$chattitle construct_phrase($chattersdesc,$totalchatters);

$pid 'paulm_wic_37';
        if (
$pemdata37['set'] == true)
$data_wic =& $pemdata37[$pid];
            if (
$pemdata unserialize($vbulletin->options['pemdata']))
$pemdata['set'] = true;
$data_wic =& $pemdata[$pid];
$data_wic = array('version' => 'N/A');

        if (!
            if (
// Use template hook if it exists.
eval('$template_hook[\'forumhome_wgo_pos2\'] .= "' fetch_template('Display_Chatters') . '";');
// Use old template injection system.
$stext '<!-- end logged-in users -->';
$rtext $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'];
$itext $vbulletin->templatecache['Display_Chatters'];
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($stext,$itext.$stext,$rtext);

        if (
$chatlist $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("
                SELECT COUNT(userid) AS total
                FROM "
                WHERE userid > 0 AND ip != '
                AND updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 
{$fcc[802]} SECOND) 
$totalchatters vb_number_format($chatlist['total']);
        if (
        if (empty(
            if (
// Datastore extension exists, use it
                if (
// Fetch failed, use original datastore
// No extension, use original datastore

        if (
$totalchatters intval($vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchatters']))
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchattersdate'] = TIMENOW;
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchatters'] = $totalchatters;


        if (
            if (
$description $vbphrase['wic_members_24'];
$description $vbphrase['wic_members_day'];

$chatmax construct_phrase
vbdate$vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchattersdate'], true ),
vbdate$vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchattersdate'] ) 

$chatters $chatmax "<br />" $chatters;

Mosh 10-28-2008 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by cherylferraro (Post 1654240)
Thank you for your prompt response.

I did complete each of the edits on Members in Flashchat 5 (2). Perhaps I have done something wrong... If you don't mind I will post the Members in Flashchat 5 (2) that I am using.

Try this instead, as I know it works:
PHP Code:


cherylferraro 10-28-2008 02:48 PM

I tried using the code you provided and the display is still incorrect.

I am also using vbadvanced and vbseo on this forum, could one of those cause this problem?

Mosh 10-28-2008 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by cherylferraro (Post 1654574)
I tried using the code you provided and the display is still incorrect.

I am also using vbadvanced and vbseo on this forum, could one of those cause this problem?

Yes, it is more than likely. People have used this with vBSEO without issue (so is probably not the culprit, but it is possible), so I would suspect that vBAdvanced is the probable case of the issue.

You may need to globalise some variables due to the fact that you have vBA installed, so check out my profile and look at the flashchat hacks that I wrote for vBA (but no longer support them) and look at the installation steps that mention Portal Output Global Variables, entering the three variables is your most likely way of getting this to work.

However, the above is only a suggestion, as I will not provide support to get this to work with vBA (or vBSEO), so if it works, then it is all good, if not, then there is nothing I can do to help further.

Greek76 10-31-2008 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1654320)
Try this instead, as I know it works:
PHP Code:

if ($show['wic'])
$lang $vbulletin->options['chatlang'];
$chat $vbulletin->options['chatfolder'];
$fcprefix $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'];

$configlist $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
        SELECT config_id, value 
        FROM "
        WHERE instance_id = 1 AND config_id IN (9,802)

$fcc = array();
    while (
$config $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($configlist))
$fcc[$config['config_id']] = $config['value'];

    if (
THIS_SCRIPT == 'index' OR $vbulletin->options['wicao'])

$chatlist $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
            SELECT connections.*,rooms.*,user.*
            FROM "
.$fcprefix."connections as connections
            LEFT JOIN "
.$fcprefix."rooms as rooms ON connections.roomid = rooms.id
            LEFT JOIN "
.TABLE_PREFIX."user as user ON connections.userid = user.userid
            WHERE connections.userid > 0 AND connections.ip != '
            AND connections.updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 
{$fcc[802]} SECOND) 
            ORDER BY start

$i 0;
        foreach (
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'][$lang]['status'] as $value
$i += 1
$status[$i] = $value

        unset (
$totalchatters 0;
$chattersdesc $vbphrase['wic_using_flashchat'];
        while (
$chat $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($chatlist))
$totalchatters += 1;
$chat['roomname'] = "In private room";
            if (
$chat['ispublic']) $chat['roomname'] = "In ".$chat['name']; 
            if (
$chat['state'] > 1$chat['roomname'] .= " (".$status[$chat['state']].")"
$ugroup = ($chat['displaygroupid'] > $chat['displaygroupid'] : $chat['usergroupid']);
$chat['opentag'] = $vbulletin->usergroupcache[$ugroup]['opentag'];
$chat['closetag'] = $vbulletin->usergroupcache[$ugroup]['closetag'];
'$chatters .= "' fetch_template('Display_Chatters_User') . '" . ", ";');

        if (
$chatters substr($chatters0, -2);
$chatters $vbphrase['wic_no_chatters'];

        if (
$fcpath 'misc.php?do=flashchat';
$fcpath $vbulletin->options['chatfolder'].'/flashchat.php';

        if (
$vbcollapse['collapseimg_forumhome_chatusers'] = '_collapsed';
$vbcollapse['collapseobj_forumhome_chatusers'] = 'display:none;';

$totalchatters vb_number_format($totalchatters);
$chattitle construct_phrase($chattersdesc,$totalchatters);

$pid 'paulm_wic_37';
        if (
$pemdata37['set'] == true)
$data_wic =& $pemdata37[$pid];
            if (
$pemdata unserialize($vbulletin->options['pemdata']))
$pemdata['set'] = true;
$data_wic =& $pemdata[$pid];
$data_wic = array('version' => 'N/A');
        if (!
            if (
// Use template hook if it exists.
eval('$template_hook[\'forumhome_wgo_pos2\'] .= "' fetch_template('Display_Chatters') . '";');
// Use old template injection system.
$stext '<!-- end logged-in users -->';
$rtext $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'];
$itext $vbulletin->templatecache['Display_Chatters'];
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($stext,$itext.$stext,$rtext);
        if (
$chatlist $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("
                SELECT COUNT(userid) AS total
                FROM "
                WHERE userid > 0 AND ip != '
                AND updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 
{$fcc[802]} SECOND) 
$totalchatters vb_number_format($chatlist['total']);
    if (
        if (empty(
            if (
// Datastore extension exists, use it
                if (
// Fetch failed, use original datastore


// No extension, use original datastore

        if (
$totalchatters intval($vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchatters']))
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchattersdate'] = TIMENOW;
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchatters'] = $totalchatters;


        if (
            if (
$description $vbphrase['wic_members_24'];
$description $vbphrase['wic_members_day'];

$chatmax construct_phrase
vbdate$vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchattersdate'], true ),
vbdate$vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxchattersdate'] ) 

$chatters $chatmax "<br />" $chatters;

That code worked for me. I had the same problem like the other poster. I have vbseo and vbadvanced installed aswell.

Mosh 10-31-2008 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Greek76 (Post 1656490)
That code worked for me. I had the same problem like the other poster. I have vbseo and vbadvanced installed aswell.

The code I posted is just the edits in Step 3 done correctly, there are no differences from the installation instructions.

By the way, if you are using this hack, then please click Mark as Installed.

jammiedodger546 11-06-2008 06:55 PM

Hi Mosh, I just paid the $5 to find that the intergration mods aren't compatible with 3.8.0? Or am I missing something?

Mosh 11-06-2008 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by jammiedodger546 (Post 1660699)
Hi Mosh, I just paid the $5 to find that the intergration mods aren't compatible with 3.8.0? Or am I missing something?

I see you have posted in Paul M's support thread, wait for an answer there, as I have nothing to do with the integration, and it clearly states in the first post:


Originally Posted by 1st Post
Hack Support - snippet

I will not be providing any support at all to people who have not clicked Mark as Installed.

NOTE: I am only providing support for this hack only, and not any of the other hacks that need installing and working 100% before installing this one, if they are not working 100% then ask in the relevant thread for help, and not this one.

Mosh 11-06-2008 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by jammiedodger546 (Post 1660699)
Hi Mosh, I just paid the $5 to find that the intergration mods aren't compatible with 3.8.0? Or am I missing something?

I have answered the question in Paul M's support thread, as it is bound to be asked a few times.

Do note though, that the post above this one still applies.

jammiedodger546 11-07-2008 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1660835)
I have answered the question in Paul M's support thread, as it is bound to be asked a few times.

Do note though, that the post above this one still applies.

Thanks Mosh. Sorry, I should have read the original mod post before.

Mosh 11-18-2008 08:35 AM

Update: v3.8.002
-- Updated: To bring in line with Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 hack v3.8.001
-- Changed: Install code
-- Changed: Instructions

MediaHound 11-21-2008 01:26 AM

I run the old version on a 3.6.x board, and that old version of this mod does not give the addon on search results pages.
I like that this version brings the addon to appear in search results pages.

All I want is to get the addon on my search results pages, if I upgrade will it work? I see its for 3.7.x but perhaps will it work on 3.6? If not, any idea how to merely get it onto my search results pages? Thanks a lot!

Mosh 11-21-2008 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by MediaHound (Post 1669749)
I run the old version on a 3.6.x board, and that old version of this mod does not give the addon on search results pages.
I like that this version brings the addon to appear in search results pages.

All I want is to get the addon on my search results pages, if I upgrade will it work? I see its for 3.7.x but perhaps will it work on 3.6? If not, any idea how to merely get it onto my search results pages? Thanks a lot!

No idea, as this has not been tested with v3.6.x (I do not have a v3.6.x test-board that has flashchat installed), but I would say not, due to the fact this will only work with the latest versions of mine and Paul M's hacks. You may want to think about upgrading your vBulletin version, as most hack authors are no longer updating/supporting their v3.6.x hacks (also Jelsoft has also stopped developing v3.6.x altogether, apart from issuing security fixes and it will be EOL'ed once v4.0 is released).

MediaHound 11-21-2008 07:21 PM

Thanks Mosh, all good points.

NemoTech 11-22-2008 06:35 PM


The following dependencies were not met:

1. The product paulm_wic_38 must be installed before this product may be installed. (Compatible starting with 3.8.001 / Incompatible with 3.8.999 and greater)
I received this error at step 2 of the instructions.

Mosh 11-22-2008 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by NemoTech (Post 1670757)
I received this error at step 2 of the instructions.


Originally Posted by 1st Post
What hacks need installing before installing this hack?
These hacks need to be installed in this order and working correctly, for this hack to work.
  1. Tufat's FlashChat v5.0.8
  2. Paul M's Flashchat: Integration for vB 3.7 v3.7.009
  3. Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 v3.8.001
  4. Then install this hack.

Read the above, as you have not installed Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 v3.8.001, and that is what is causing the problem. Plus the fact that you are having problems with Paul M's Flashchat: Integration for vB 3.7 v3.7.009, so all of the above is not installed and working 100% correctly. When the all the above is working, if you are still having a problem, then post back here.

NemoTech 11-22-2008 07:08 PM

Got it. Too bad Paul's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 v3.8.001 is for VB 3.8.x. I don't want to install beta version.

I'll wait till I get my problems sorted at, Paul M's Flashchat: Integration for vB 3.7 v3.7.009.

Thanks Mosh.

ddaybofb 11-24-2008 11:20 PM

Edit: NVM figured it out

I get this:

"The following dependencies were not met:

1. This product is not compatible with version 3.8.0 Beta 3 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 3.7.0 / Incompatible with 3.7.99 and greater)"

Mosh 11-24-2008 11:45 PM

Update: v3.8.003
-- Changed: Usergroup permissions code in all plugins
-- Changed: Installation Instructions
-- Changed: Screenshots
-- Removed: 1 plugin (no longer needed)
-- Removed: 17 AdminCP Options (no longer needed, now set via usergroup permissions)
-- Added: 17 Phrases
-- Added: 1 bitfield file

Mosh 11-26-2008 08:37 PM

Update: v3.8.004
-- Updated: To bring in line with Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 hack v3.8.002
-- Changed: Installation Instructions

ChipW 12-29-2008 02:44 AM

Just for information..... I run 3.7.0 Beta 3 because I'm too cheap to pay for my upgrade until after 3.8 is stable.... But, I installed flashchat 5.0.10, Paul's intigration mods for 3.7. Paul's who's chatting mod for 3.8 (does not display), then your mod for 3.8 and all works very well.

Weird eh...? When I did all the 3.7 mods (including yours), I had the blank box problem. Now I don't..... Go figure.... And yes, I did the edits 9,000 times. Even shut down the board so I could check everything a million times....

Anyway, just thought I would toss this out there for those running slightly older boards.... Oh, had to change Paul's xml file's minimum version number.... :/

Jaxel 01-08-2009 03:09 PM

I'm confused on what this mod does now... I just looked through the install script and all the settings for this mod have been removed. I can turn the mod on, but I cant tell it where to display anymore. What happened?

*EDIT* n/m... I realise now that the settings are specific for each usergroup... which is just stupid if you ask me. What possible reason would there be to have different settings for usergroups besides ON/OFF? The display settings should be GLOBAL, and then each usergroup should ahve a permission for "can see who's chatting". Thats it. Having anything more than that is just a pain in the ass to maintain.

Mosh 01-08-2009 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1705209)
What possible reason would there be to have different settings for usergroups besides ON/OFF? The display settings should be GLOBAL, and then each usergroup should ahve a permission for "can see who's chatting". Thats it. Having anything more than that is just a pain in the ass to maintain.

Granular control - you may have some premium or subscription usergroups you want to be able to offer more locations to, and regular usergroups you may want to offer minimal locations to display the who is chatting in flashchat box.

Overall, the way usergroup permissions is implemented will give you a lot more control over usergroup gets what, having global settings does not allow for this amount of control and is a lot more limiting. All of my v3.8.x hacks that have usergroup permissions are implemented this way, and all future hacks that implement usergroup permissions will be done in the same way.

Daryn 01-17-2009 03:11 AM

Hi there. I have made up a new sidebar template that I'd like for the mod to display instead of the box it normaly does. Is it possible to change the template it calls up and the hook it looks for?

Mosh 01-17-2009 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Daryn (Post 1715357)
Hi there. I have made up a new sidebar template that I'd like for the mod to display instead of the box it normaly does. Is it possible to change the template it calls up and the hook it looks for?

Yes it is, but it is something you will need to look into yourself.

Daryn 01-17-2009 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1715388)
Yes it is, but it is something you will need to look into yourself.

I'm not suggesting that this be something you do in a future version... I was just hoping you could point me in the right direction. I'm sure I could figure it out, if I knew where to start.

Mosh 01-17-2009 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Daryn (Post 1715409)
I'm not suggesting that this be something you do in a future version... I was just hoping you could point me in the right direction. I'm sure I could figure it out, if I knew where to start.

Well for starters you can look at any of the plugins for this hack after Flashchat: Who is chatting Add On (1), all of the plugins are essentially the same (apart from the permissions part) and check out the Display_Chatters_Addon template for the html :)

vitoreis 01-17-2009 05:38 PM

Thank You for this mod!

One question: I have one left column, how to change the box to that column?


Mosh 01-17-2009 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by vitoreis (Post 1715979)
Thank You for this mod!

One question: I have one left column, how to change the box to that column?


That is something you will have to look at yourself, as vBulletin does not have a left column as default, so you probably have a custom style or hack installed that gives you that column, and if you read the first post about what I support, you would have read the below:

Originally Posted by 1st Post
Hack Support - snippet

Free support for this hack is in its unaltered form, and does not include supporting alterations to this hack, custom code, custom template edits and integration with other third-party hacks.

swiper the fox 01-27-2009 04:48 PM

I had this installed but had to uninstall it due to problems with it

it did not behave nicely with donation system (fullversion)

problems: click on username at top where you see private message would result in error about member not being registered (even though it was your own profile logged in )

when trying to edit a member via profile view area, it would say it was an invalid member, to contact admin

also, on any threads that contained multiple pages, all page numbers clicked would result in taking you back to page 1 only

How can I get the display to show up where I used to have it
under "who's online" and over "statistics " area ??
where would I put the hook and what is the hook name ?


swiper the fox 02-02-2009 04:32 PM

I managed to get it all working properly finally.

what is the hook that I need or how can I change the location of the display ?

currently by default for home page, it displays at the TOP of the forum

I would like it at the bottom in between who's online and statistics.
Can someone help out here ??


swiper the fox 02-03-2009 03:59 PM

anyone know how to move it to the bottom instead of in navbar area ?

swiper the fox 02-05-2009 03:36 PM

bumpety bump bump !!!

anyone ?

what's the hook and which template can I put it into ?
it was possible with previous version of "who's is flashcht " ?

swiper the fox 02-09-2009 02:31 PM

found hook
found appropriate location to place it in forumhome template
got rid of "who's chatting online add-on" which was messing it all up for me

and, all is fine again

Mosh 02-19-2009 11:07 PM

Update: v3.8.005 - Friday 20th February 2009
-- Updated: To bring in line with Paul M's Members who are chatting in Flashchat 5 hack v3.8.002 (rev 1.6)
-- Changed: Installation Instructions (now has uninstall instructions)
-- Added: VersionHistory.txt

Bloodhound2922 03-06-2009 08:21 AM

When I set the usergroup permissions to Yes, they automatically reset back to No, but create a copy of that usergroup with the permissions set to Yes....

Why is that happening?

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