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Innovative Ranks System
For Version 3.6.8, Please use this link --> Click Here This is a Ranks System designed for VBulletin 3.6.8 & compatible w/ 3.7.x & 3.8.x so it may work for other versions but It has not been verified so respectfully - Backup your Database before attempting, a wise Forum Admin always does a backup no matter how bothersome before trying a mod/hack. Hack Version: 0.0.2 Compatible vB version: 3.6.8 , 3.7.3 PL1, 3.7.4, & 3.7.5 Quote:
This is a Ranks system. Admin can give members ranks, and rank icons will be displayed in member's profile, posts, as well as in a rank list. FEATURES: In ACP - Can Create/Edit/Delete/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description) - Can Create/Edit/Delete ranks in ACP (with Rank Name, Description, Icon URL, Image URL) - Can Move one (or all) rank(s) from one category to another - Can set some ranks un-classified (not displayed for public) - Can re-order ranks in ranks showcase + Issue ranks to members, based on username or userid, with Issue Reason + Remove ranks from members - Options to set number of ranks displayed in postbit - Options to turn on/off showing rank icon, images, rank requests in ranks list, ranks icons in memberlist - Options to re-order ranks in postbit and member's profile >Order by issued time (newest first) >Order by issued time (oldest first) >Order by Rank Order (ASC) >Order by Rank Order (DESC) - Option to set rank in-active. Inactive ranks will not be listed in rank list. However, it will still be displayed in user's profile, if member has the rank. - Option to set "Request Rank" option for each rank. (Need "Show request rank column" option ON to see the request link) - Set custom usergroup permission, to set which group can request rank (access request rank page) - Option to limit maximum number of users for each rank displayed in ranks list - Change rank_request options, all options are set in AdminCP, template and phrase based. Totally customizable - Option to send PM to use when he receives an rank. Front page - Display ranks list in with: Rank Name, Description, Icon, Image, and Members who get each rank. - Display ranks showcase in profile, with Rank information, Issue time and reason - Display rank icons in postbit (showthread, showpost, announcement, private) - Display limit ranks in postbit, with total ranks, and a link to ranks showcase in Member profiles. - Rank request, link to a form sending to email/PM/new thead or post (based on Dr Erwin Loh's Form hack) - Display rank on Memberlist page (by trulylowcarb) - Display individual rank with name of members who receive the rank CHANGES/MODIFICATION: (Manual i.e. "To Do") - Files to add: 6 (/ranks.php, /rank_request.php, /admincp/rank.php, /admincp/rank_cat.php, /includes/xml/postbbit_ranks.xml, /includes/xml/cpnav_ranks.xml) - Templates to edit: 5 (MEMBERINFO, postbit, postbit_legacy, memberlist, memberlist_resultsbit) (Optional i.e. If you want thread posted based one-click approval) - Add 1 New BBCode, see INSTALL.txt (Automatic) - Templates to add: 9 ('RANKS','ranks_rankbit','ranks_rankusers_bit','ra nks_bit','ranks_userranks_bit','ranks_category','r anks_categorybit', 'ranks_request_form', 'ranks_request_formanswers') - Phrases to add: xxx - Tables to add: 3 (rank, rank_user, rank_cat) DIFFICULTY: Easy Time: about 2 minutes Installer is included HISTORY: 2008.10.15: Version 0.0.2 Created 2008.11.15: Updated, corrected syntax errors etc. 2009.01.14: Updated, corrected difference in vB 3.6 to 3.7 syntax changes - changes made and new zip complied by Chrakker of G&C Multi-Gaming.com --> http://www.gcmultigaming.com/ IMPORTANT: - BACKUP modified files and templates before making changes. - Backup database is recommended. DONATIONS: YARS is free, but a donation of any amount is much appreciated. INSTALL: Read INSTALL.txt This mod was developed from the YAAS - Yet Another Awards System mod by Hancho! You can find out all about it here --> Click Here <-- :) Great mod, please see his listed credits so everyone who has lead up to this variation can be honored! Developed by Kristof aka JurGradi, a recently retired administrator of Tournament Gaming World and a good friend of mine for almost a year now, He is a brilliant web guru who has surprised me at every turn with his vast knowledge of well... everything! Most certainly TheLastSuperman's.... Superman! Install instructions and everything you need should be in the zip, read it carefully and take your time, this works and has been tested on http://www.tournamentgamingworld.com/online in several styles. Some of the guru's out there can tweak it more to suit their tastes all we ask is credit where credit is due i.e. how we listed where the idea came from. For questions or Support please post below and I'll attempt to help you in any way I can even buggin' JurGradi on occasion however he has included an installer which I have repackaged via .zip therefor it has all the required files in the zip plus the same content in an installer form included as well so choose your method! If you like it click install and be sure to check out the Yet Another Awards System by Hancho! Special thanks to my friend JurGradi for his development of Yet Another Ranks System! *The General Stars are the mod* ignore the custom image I inserted via html in the user title area... I need to remove it now lol! Update: Uploaded YARSRANKS.zip which contains ranks for tournaments/clans/gaming sites to use with Yet Another Ranks System, themes are for Battlefield 2142 & Call of Duty 4! Special thanks to Called for the graphics! *Attention* Please view the first page as the 2nd and 3rd post were reserved and contain additional information. TheLastSuperman :rolleyes: http://www.innovationbyinstinct.com Old Statistics: File Type: YARS. (43.1 KB, 136 downloads) File Type: YARS.0.0.2.zip (42.6 KB, 107 downloads) File Type: Update.0.0.2-1.zip (7.1 KB, 57 downloads) File Type: YARS.0.0.2.zip (42.9 KB, 7 downloads) File Type: YARSRANKS.zip (420.4 KB, 186 downloads) File Type: YARS. (42.9 KB, 66 downloads) File Type: YARSxml.zip (9.6 KB, 54 downloads) File Type: ranksPHPfix.zip (5.4 KB, 24 downloads) For VBulletin.org Forum Support:
The Rank System is a variation of the Awards System by Hancho, it will work with the Awards Mod 100% as seen in the screenshots (See the admin panel screen shot, the Awards Mod is listed below the Ranks mod!).
Version Updates:
10/19/2008 - Updated to version 0.0.2, Optional BB Code in Install.txt IF you want to approve ranks by a simple click! this must be setup via the options with correct thread ID's etc. After setup when a member request an award it post the request to a new thread (the one you specified) and then simply click the Approve link to do so. The post will then be "soft deleted" and as for the user, check their profile ;). __________________________________________ General Updates: 10/21/2008 - Updated rank.php which is located in admincp folder. Please Download "Update.0.0.2-1.zip" and install in your admincp folder - without it you will receive a DB error in your admincp which will not allow you to remove a previous rank. Once you have updated, you can remove the previous ranks with success! Sorry for the coding error and thanks for using YARS! 11/15/2008 - YARS 0.0.2 Update by TheLastSuperman! This update includes: - Syntax Corrections - Update to .php files - Update to .xml files Hopefully this will help the 3.7.3 members who have installed ;) but please remember it was only tested and works well with 3.7.3 RC1. - robwestpdx - Diniska - Nadeemjp Bugs: - Possible warning in admincp when in use: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/admincp/rank.php on line 964 Please report ASAP if so via --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=194043 Possible Updates in the next 1-3 weeks: - Define Usergroups allowed to use (grant etc) * This option is available to users you have assigned as moderators via ModCP just not specific usergroups yet! 11/16/2008 - YARS Quick Fix and Zip Package contents correction. Update! Sorry about this guys, one simple mistake on my part. In line 3 of the XML product file I used & instead of AND (habit) so it was not importing! Fixed! - Removed the old YARS. and re-uploaded the correct package w/ the same name. - Included the YARSxml.zip which is just the product itself for those who DL'd the syntax slighted xml. S-MAN __________________________________________ Template Change Updates: 10/25/2008 - Updated w/ alternate code for postbit for a different display option! Example: In the screenshot provided, the normal way to display can be the Rank along w/ a border and title saying "Ranks Showcase" now if you want to display as just the image w/o a border as seen in the darker style screenshot - When you edit template "postbit" do not follow the normal instructions, follow these! (Or simply remove the old code version and follow info below! Find: Code:
<if condition="$show['avatar']"><td class="alt2"><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"><img src="$post[avatarurl]" $post[avwidth] $post[avheight] alt="<phrase 1="$post[username]">$vbphrase[xs_avatar]</phrase>" border="0" /></a></td></if> Code:
<!-- show ranks --> |
I hope you see this and Enjoy! S-MAN |
im using internet explorer. when i see the icons
under the members avitars, there is a grey box around the rank icon. how do i fix this? www.dunercentral.com heres a link if you wanna take a look. ive may members say a grey box is behind the icon...kinda irritating. its not like that on firefox. thanks |
Hmm I just checked in my IE 7 and FF and same? I will look into it asap when I get home and post back but from work they both look fine!
.gif or .png w/ Transparent BG for any ranks you make! S-MAN |
IE 6. Crazy thing is the majority of my members use the old IE 6 program. maybe if i make them .gif instead of .png? i dont know if you have access to IE 6 to see what im talking about. thanks again bro! i wanna use this program but the grey box is driving me crazy lol. :D |
Ok so heres the fix.
They need to be .gif must be a stupid IE6 glitch... |
Allright! & Tell them to get on 7 for the love of.... lol ;) I mean it's about time don't you think :D
I did not even expect that :) ...IE6... I opened up on my lunch in FF & IE7 which was almost over else I would have spent more time looking into it but just now getting home. I'm glad you have yours fixed for your IE6 users & thanks for the info, just in case anyone else runs into it they can refer back here! S-MAN |
UPDATED!! Please See post #3!
Downloaded the update. Thanks.
Good job man! Dont use this, but can you please tell me, how you added the "AWARDS SHOWCASE" next to the userstats in postbit(seen in your pics 2 and 3)? I?ve tried hours, but did not get it working. lol :)
thx buddy |
Also, I have it working flawlessly as of the update this morning.... even before the Thread Approval was working perfectly!!!! SO, not sure why yours is not working like ours is BUT posting this just so ya know I have not forgot about you! Quote:
Installed. Thanks! :)
find: Code:
<if condition="$post['usertitle']"><div class="smallfont">$post[usertitle]</div></if> Code:
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> Code:
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> Code:
</td> Code:
<if condition="$post['usertitle']"><div class="smallfont"> Code:
$template_hook[postbit_signature_start] Code:
$template_hook[postbit_signature_start] Now, did you get my shade tree methodology :D :rolleyes: :cool: or no? :erm: :confused: :erm: Sorry, my brain works in mysterious ways.... maybe the Kryptonian in me eh? :rolleyes: S-MAN |
Running version: 3.7.3 Patch Level 1
I have noticed in my changes to templates, the find text is not there. How do I go about adding or changing if it is not there. |
Hmmm, custom Style I presume? I have run across this before as we have over 5 styles installed in our forums.... The main is white, then for each tournament they have their own style to make it feel more like "home" or just to feel like they are here for their single game if they don't want to play in the other tournaments.
PM me a copy of your templates code and I'll see if I can help else I'll bug my hero JurGradi! Whenever you have time :D - I will be on this weekend, I have to check a template of my own for FiMeTi and Wacko who had a question regarding his one-click thread approval of the ranks mod so best bet is to get it to me by tomorrow so I can schedule you in ;). S-MAN |
i think my template changes will help with this mod too
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1652332 |
Allright Fimeti.....
Find (or similar): Code:
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> Add before: Your Code or in "Awards" mods case: Code:
<!-- show awards --> |
HAHA! Great! 5 stars for ur support man!
Thanks very much for your help. Best Regards FiMeTi |
No problem! It's the name that brings it out of me ;)
I have a warning in the Admin cp:
Warnung: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/admincp/rank.php (Zeile 81) what must i do? |
Updated for those who wish to display the Ranks w/o the Border and title "Ranks Showcase"
It is only a template edit! See post #3 for details and a "How-To"! S-MAN |
If not it may just be some code conflicting, in that case please provide a copy of your rank.php code contents via PM ;) Edit: Actually, double check all your template edits!!! And what exactly were you trying to do in admincp.... give an award, setup one etc? S-MAN |
im getting those errors as well and its the same error code but on a diff line for adding a new one, rank manager and giving a rank, plus when i click on the rank link in the nav it shows the same error as well. i have went back and checked on my edits all seem to check out fine but i will check again.
EDIT: Actually the first memberinfo edit is diff for some reason |
Ok, check your PM's ;)
i dont have a PM?
I would say the single one thing that need to be added for me to be able to use this when I launch my live update is the ability to restrict to certain usergroups for management. I don't want my regular moderators managing this. My site is to large to manage that many. I would need this restricted down to Super Moderators or have the option to clarify specific groups.
So I hope you do add that ability. :) |
Okay nvm man i got it figured out all you have to do is go ahead and set up everything to include creating the ranks and from there all the warnings are gone. Nice mod thanks
When creating a new Category (In [Add new Rank Category), i cannot choose a Parent Category (even if there is another category created, the option is only None).
It is happening with someone else? I'm using 3.7.3 Patch Level 1 |
installed .. thanks a million :)
So look for an answer tonight or Sat (What?! Halloween friday and I have kids :p) |
I only put this in the 3.7 add-on due to another member here installing and testing which he has the same version you do and everything works fine except for his One-Click Thread Approval.... So yours should work ;) Quote:
Ladies and Gents, I'm here for support but sometimes you might just need to double-check the settings within and make sure you have it all setup properly. If you don't understand how something works just ask no matter how the question comes across and I'll do my best ;). S-MAN |
Great mod, tho having issues installing....
stuck at step 6 Quote:
Ahhh, my apologies... we included it in the last update ;)
I will revise the install instructions this weekend! Just double-check to make sure they approve IF your setting it up to post the request in a thread which they should as they do on ours plus I just fixed our Yet Another Awards System which had a problem. S-MAN |
it is good i shall install it tonight
It is :D Just ignore the part about the bbcode as we added that in the last release ;)
I will have the files and install.txt updated this weekend as promised :D S-MAN |
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