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tubedogg 06-02-2001 10:00 PM

Thanks to Bane there has been a complete reworking of the installation/instructions for this hack. It is now up to date for 2.0.3 and the installer runs exactly like the vB install/upgrade scripts do.

There is no demo as I don't currently use stars on my board.

For version: 2.0.3

Files needed: stars.php

Files to edit: newthread.php, newreply.php, admin/misc.php, admin/index.php, admin/usergroup.php, register.php and possibly stars.php

Templates to edit: postbit

Instructions: Upload install_starshack.php and stars.php to your admin directory. Go to example.com/admin/install_starshack.php and login, then follow the on-screen instructions.

Upgrade information: If you have previously installed the stars hack, make sure you choose the "upgrade" option on the screen mentioned in the instructions. If you have previously installed this version (using install_starshack.php), you MUST STILL use the upgrade option even if you are reinstalling or you will get database errors.

This hack is © 2001 Kevin Schumacher and may not be redistributed, modified or not, without prior permission.

Please DO NOT contact me via AIM, ICQ, PM, or email about this hack. Post your question/problem here and I will try to help you.

Feedback appreciated.

AnnaFan 06-03-2001 08:04 AM

Thanx man,

I hope this works :rolleyes:

AnnaFan 06-03-2001 08:24 AM

Hi tubedogg,

what does this mean:

****In the postbit _template_****
**Replace it with

I have not any file which is called postbit. Can you say me where to find this file (admin?). There is only a file which is called template.php in the admin directory.

freehtml 06-03-2001 08:25 AM

I can't find the code in my register.php


$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO user (userid,username,password,email,".$newstylefield."parentemail,coppauser,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,adminemail,showemail,invisible,usertitle,joindate,cookieuser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivity,usergroupid,timezoneoffset,emailnotification,receivepm,emailonpm,showsignatures,birthday,maxposts,startofweek,ipaddress,pmpopup,referrerid,nosessionhash)
can its too long to post the register.php over here

freehtml 06-03-2001 08:27 AM


Originally posted by AnnaFan
Hi tubedogg,

what does this mean:

****In the postbit _template_****
**Replace it with

I have not any file which is called postbit. Can you say me where to find this file (admin?). There is only a file which is called template.php in the admin directory.

Go to your CP > Templates > Edit > Default > Postbit Templates > Postbit

Then modify as the code above..

AnnaFan 06-03-2001 08:30 AM

thanx freehtml :D

AnnaFan 06-03-2001 08:32 AM


Originally posted by freehtml
I can't find the code in my register.php


$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO user (userid,username,password,email,".$newstylefield."parentemail,coppauser,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,adminemail,showemail,invisible,usertitle,joindate,cookieuser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivity,usergroupid,timezoneoffset,emailnotification,receivepm,emailonpm,showsignatures,birthday,maxposts,startofweek,ipaddress,pmpopup,referrerid,nosessionhash)
can its too long to post the register.php over here

Hi freehtml,

I have no problems to change the code in my register.php. Which Version do you have?

AnnaFan 06-03-2001 08:38 AM


I changed everything successful but when I try to edit the stars for the user groups I have this error:

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

This error is shown nearly on everything in the cp
:confused: :confused:

freehtml 06-03-2001 09:00 AM


Originally posted by AnnaFan

Hi freehtml,

I have no problems to change the code in my register.php. Which Version do you have?


I am using vBulletin 2.0.0 final....

Can send me ur register.php??:)

AnnaFan 06-03-2001 09:19 AM

Hi tubedogg,

works fine so good!! But I have an error when I want to make a new thread =>

Parse error: parse error in newthread.php on line 265

I think there is something wrong. Can you fix it please?

tubedogg 06-03-2001 02:17 PM


Originally posted by AnnaFan
There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

This error is shown nearly on everything in the cp
Can you view the source of the error page and copy and paste it here? Or copy and paste the email you should have received?

tubedogg 06-03-2001 02:27 PM


Originally posted by AnnaFan
Parse error: parse error in newthread.php on line 265
I can't get this thing to post the code directly, so download the attached file and make the changes noted in it and let me know if that helps.

WEAPON 06-03-2001 03:04 PM

Could you make it so that different levels can have different color stars instead of all of them having the same color stars and all that changes is the number?

tubedogg 06-03-2001 03:13 PM


Originally posted by WEAPON
Could you make it so that different levels can have different color stars instead of all of them having the same color stars and all that changes is the number?
This is already possible...change the "Star Image" for each level. You cannot make one level have 5 different color stars, but each level can have a different color star.

Also you could create one image that had multiple different color stars, and assign that image to be displayed once for a certain level - wallah, a bunch of different color stars for one level.

AnnaFan 06-03-2001 03:14 PM

Hi tubedogg,

great job man! Everything works fine now! Thanx.

First-Man 06-03-2001 03:18 PM

thx tubedogg
Can you Update the star.zip File?
Big thx again...
bye bye

tubedogg 06-03-2001 03:26 PM


WEAPON 06-03-2001 04:57 PM

PHP Code:

****In admin/index.php****
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" id="navtable">
<?php maketableheader("User Titles"); ?>
<a href="usertitle.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=add"> Add </a> |
<a href="usertitle.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=modify"> Modify </a>
**Right below it, add
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" id="navtable">
<?php maketableheader("User Titles"); ?>
<a href="stars.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=add"> Add </a> |
<a href="stars.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=modify"> Modify </a>

This makes the new code also be named User Titles instead of Stars. The second "User Titles" should be changed to "Stars".

tubedogg 06-03-2001 04:59 PM

Yeah, my bad. Fixed.

dadada 06-03-2001 05:33 PM



i have to go try it right away now :D

snyx 06-03-2001 06:39 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
Also because I can't get into the old thread to edit it. :rolleyes:
My bad, sorry tubedogg, but thanks for the hack!

ThomasP 06-04-2001 04:23 PM

Hi tubedogg,

does this hack work with PHP3?

Oh... erm, could you please, please have a look at your 'who's online hack' thread, I'm having a hard time with it :o


SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-05-2001 12:27 AM

In the user titles>admin, I can not seem to make it show some stars I want. It is just one star file that I want to be viewed in 5, but it won't.

tubedogg 06-05-2001 12:49 AM

Are you chaning it under User Groups > Admin > [edit] or User Titles? User titles won't do anything - to set a default for a group you need to edit it under User Groups.

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-05-2001 12:54 AM

How do you change it the right way then?
Here is how I am changing it:
Under Administrator I click Edit and then I type it in. It does not work.:( Its frustraighting.
Do you have to do it for each user, or the group such as the group admin. I am doing it by group.

jamesdasher 06-05-2001 07:05 PM

Hi, I have a problem, but I don't know what it is :) as far as I can tell I have done everything I am supposed to do, but they just aren't showing up...no errors or anything, they just don't appear? What do I do?

tubedogg 06-05-2001 07:10 PM

Did you Update Counters?

(Admin CP > Update Counters > Users & Stars)

jamesdasher 06-05-2001 07:13 PM

Yes, I did...please help :)

tubedogg 06-05-2001 07:29 PM

Do you have $post[stars] somewhere in your postbit template?

jamesdasher 06-05-2001 07:32 PM

Yes...sorry about this...

fastforward 06-06-2001 01:56 AM

Another hack installed and working. I'm going on a hack installation spree :D

Thanks for this one tubedogg.

Lesane 06-06-2001 06:57 PM

I just installed the hack and it works great, expect that no one cant register anymore, ill get a mysql error:
this is the error:

Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO user (userid,username,password,email,styleid,parentemai l,coppauser,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,admin email,showemail,invisible,usertitle,joindate,cooki euser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivity,usergroupid ,timezoneoffset,emailnotification,receivepm,emailo npm,showsignatures,birthday,maxposts,startofweek,i paddress,pmpopup,referrerid,nosessionhash,starleve l,starimg) VALUES (NULL,'PaCaLyPsE','kwanie',lala@lala.com,'1','','0 ','http://','','','','','1','1','0','Beginner','991856220',' 1','-1','991856220','991856220','2','0','1','1','0','ye s','0','-1','1','169.12.167','0','0','1','1','1')
mysql error: Unknown column 'showsignatures' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Wednesday 06th of June 2001 09:37:00 PM
Script: /board/register.php

pllllzzz help, no new member anymore.... i already received 9 of them...:(

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-06-2001 08:59 PM

I still cant get the stars to show for the admin user group. What I want is one star that changes to other colors. I want 6 of them to show, and I have filled in the information correctly for the administrator user group, but it still does not work. :( can some one please help.

tubedogg 06-06-2001 10:16 PM

The thing mentioned two posts up about register.php - that was my bad. I apparently missed that query when rewriting the directions. :o

Anyway, the correct query is now in the stars.txt file in the zip file. Sorry about that.

Dakota 06-07-2001 12:29 AM

SSJ4, Under User Groups and permissions go to modify, then esit the administrator section to how you want it. Then go to Update counters and press Update on the Update Users info box.

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-07-2001 12:33 AM

Thanks dakota :). Seen you round on a nother forum too. Bet you know. :) great job at that forum.

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-07-2001 12:43 AM

Hmm... For some reason it dislikes me.

SSJ4 Saiya-jin 06-07-2001 02:53 AM

When ever some one tries to register i get this sent to me

Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO user
parentemail,coppauser,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,signa ture,adminemail,showemail,invisible,usertitle,join
date,cookieuser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivity,u sergroupid,timezoneoffset,emailnotification,receiv
epm,emailonpm,options,birthday,maxposts,startofwee k,ipaddress,pmpopup,referrerid,nosessionhash,starl evel,starimg)
(NULL,'SS_4_Goku00','pokeball','ss_4_goku00@yahoo. com','1','','0','','','','','','1','1','0','Junior
Member','991885732','1','-1','991885732','991885732','2','0','1','1','0','15 ','0','-1','1','','0','0','1')
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'join
date,cookieuser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivity,u sergroupid,timezoneoffset' at
line 1
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Thursday 07th of June 2001 03:48:52 AM
Script: /forum/register.php
Referer: http://www.guyverout.f2s.com/forum/register.php

How do I allow them to register? :((

tubedogg 06-07-2001 04:02 AM

I'm assuming you copied and pasted out of the thread here instead of using the zip file.

Replace all this:
PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO user (userid,username,password,email,".$newstylefield."parentemail,coppauser,homepage,icq,aim,yahoo,signature,adminemail,showemail,invisible,usertitle,joindate,cookieuser,daysprune,lastvisit,lastactivity,usergroupid,timezoneoffset,emailnotification,receivepm,emailonpm,options,birthday,maxposts,startofweek,ipaddress,pmpopup,referrerid,nosessionhash,starlevel,starimg) VALUES NULL,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($username))."','".addslashes($password)."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email))."',".$newstyleval."'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parentemail))."','$coppauser','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homepage))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."','".addslashes($signature)."','$adminemail','$showemail','$invisible','".addslashes($usertitle)."','".time()."','$cookieuser','".addslashes($prunedays)."','".time()."','".time()."','$newusergroupid','".addslashes($timezoneoffset)."','$emailnotification','$receivepm','$emailonpm','$options','".addslashes($birthday)."','".addslashes($umaxposts)."','".addslashes($startofweek)."','".addslashes($ipaddress)."','$pmpopup','".addslashes($testreferrerid['userid'])."','$nosessionhash')");

with the query on line 173 of stars.txt that starts
PHP Code:

  $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO user 

Lesane 06-07-2001 06:12 AM


Originally posted by tubedogg
The thing mentioned two posts up about register.php - that was my bad. I apparently missed that query when rewriting the directions. :o

Anyway, the correct query is now in the stars.txt file in the zip file. Sorry about that.

it works great now.

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