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Amman-DJ.CoM 09-12-2008 10:00 PM

VB Messenger Desktop Application for vBulletin forums
1 Attachment(s)

vBulletin Messenger v1.4.0

Brought To You By

What It Does:

With VBM your members can login to the messenger with thier membership details , add other members to thier contact list (for VB 3.7 contacts are the friends in the friend list) , communicate with each other with smilies , fonts , colors ... , also they will be notified about newest forum posts and threads and view "last 10 posts" in the forum in an easy and fast way with a "Read More" button that will open the thread/post when clicked .
VBM has a public chat room , that can be accessed by all members that use the messenger .
Your members will know about the newest posts in the forum and will open the new post in a new browser window once they click the notification , which means a more active forum members and a better moderation .


- VBM is easy to install and manage .
- VBM Means less resources required from your website server (MySQL Queries > CPU , Bandwidth) .
- VBM Means a more living forum , and a better moderation .

- It is easy to install and manage your VBulletin Messenger system .
- Fully Supported
- VBM takes less queries from DATABASE and takes less resources/bandwidth because it dosen't have to load the pictures/CSS/backgrounds or any other files from your server , it only loads a small list of online/offline contacts with information about last 10 posts and threads in the forum , which takes about 10-15 queries and max of 5kb-15kb transfere which is less a 1000-10000 times from only opening the forum home page .


1 - Download the Server Side Script and Open the file "include.php" and edit the database details to match these of your forum config.php entries

2 - Upload all the PHP files in the "vbmsngr" directory in the root directory of your website "/public_html/" (You may need to create the "/public_html/vbmsngr" folder) .

3 - Tell your members and/or moderators about The Messenger Installation Pack which is the messenger desktop software
Every one who installs this software and have a membership in your forum can chat to each other .

To login to the messenger use your user name then the "@" sign then your forum URL . example : me@myforum.com , enter your password and you're in !!!
You can make a subdomain and add the Server Side Script in it , but then no one can login to the messenger unless they know the subdomain address .

- Messenger accepts only usernames and passwords in english chars! ( other languages support coming soon! )
- There will not be any options of editing the [Sitename] Messenger / theme / skin / removing the @domain.com login method unless in custom versions , please refer to the website .

Download Messenger Installation File Here ( it was big for attachment )

Please Click INSTALL if you use this MOD :)

yotsume 09-13-2008 07:32 AM

Remove post content: I posted before author updated his hack settings :)

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 07:43 AM


WOW released for an older 3.7x and NOT SUPPORTED, no screenshots? no nothing! You expect to have people install this without you providing support!

you replied too fast , was updating the mod settings
its first time i post on vbulletin

anyway , thank you

mod Updated

yotsume 09-13-2008 07:52 AM

WOW Wicked Sick! LOL Sorry about that! This looks awesome! Is there a chat log for admins? On my board due to age of members I must be able to see all chats in a log. Is that an option?

EvilJohn 09-13-2008 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1620965)
WOW released for an older 3.7x and NOT SUPPORTED, no screenshots? no nothing! You expect to have people install this without you providing support!


So rude.

yotsume 09-13-2008 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by EvilJohn (Post 1620973)
So rude.

No you dont understand it was before he had posted details! LOL Just bad timing so lets please move on and try this awesome looking mod!

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 08:00 AM

there are currently no chat logs , because private messaging between members is thier privacy , for future versions there maybe a log for the public chat room , we just released this version to see what more it needs . and thank you for the comment .

And about support , we provide support for installation / uninstallation , usage or any other problems you may encounter with the messenger .

KuJoe 09-13-2008 08:01 AM


None English Usernames will not work on this mod
Does this mean that English Usernames aren't supported? *Confused*

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 08:05 AM

no KuJoe , that means the messenger accepts only usernames and passwords in english , any other language is not supported yet . but chatting and communicating in any other language is OS dependable .

dtv100 09-13-2008 08:07 AM

any idea on resource compare to a chat room ?
I mean for example does this hack use more resourse than flash chat ?

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 08:13 AM

almost the same , but the idea here is that your members won't have to wait for the flash chat to reload with every page changed , wich means reload of the whole SWF file which vary in size , and more queries to the database to reset/modify the user is logged in or not or any other information , plus this is a desktop application which means your members will be using it even when they close the explorer window , thus i may provide algorithims for coders to help any coder of a flash chat to integrate the messenger chat into a flash chat or ajax one .

Plus why to load an ajax / flash chat for a user that is not willing to enter the chat room ?

yotsume 09-13-2008 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Amman-DJ.CoM (Post 1620976)
there are currently no chat logs , because private messaging between members is thier privacy , for future versions there maybe a log for the public chat room , we just released this version to see what more it needs . and thank you for the comment .

And about support , we provide support for installation / uninstallation , usage or any other problems you may encounter with the messenger .

On one of my other boards I might have to try this out.

For a board that has minors though, if you ask me, in a chat room or IM program public or private there must be a log of what goes down. I have a international classroom board where teachers and parents as well as students interact. The parents love and demand everything their children do and say gets monitored and recorded.

Veer 09-13-2008 08:18 AM

Looks good, but doesn't work for me.
Always says.. "Could not connect to the service , please try again later"

veenuisthebest 09-13-2008 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Pehchaan (Post 1620988)
Looks good, but doesn't work for me.
Always says.. "Could not connect to the service , please try again later"

same ..

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 08:21 AM

we can do paid modofications for the messenger , but for privacy you maybe should let the members know thier chat logs will be recorded .

KevinL 09-13-2008 08:23 AM

This is only for pc's huh (exe file) not mac's??

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 08:25 AM

for the people who couldn't run the messenger please give me your websites address
-- Common installation problems --

1 - the folder "vbmsngr" should be in the "public_html" folder and all php files from the "server side script" should be in it.
2 - You should edit "include.php" file to match the database entries of your forum
3 - You should have zend core installed on your server (ask your host) < Not needed any more
4 - yuou should login as "username@website.url"

you may contact for further information .

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by KevinL (Post 1620993)
This is only for pc's huh (exe file) not mac's??

Yes , only for windows platform , more used .

swissknife 09-13-2008 08:38 AM

I cant get it to work :( , no connection!

Veer 09-13-2008 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Amman-DJ.CoM (Post 1620994)
for the people who couldn't run the messenger please give me your websites address
-- Common installation problems --

1 - the folder "vbmsngr" should be in the "public_html" folder and all php files from the "server side script" should be in it.
2 - You should edit "include.php" file to match the database entries of your forum
3 - You should have zend core installed on your server (ask your host) < Not needed any more
4 - yuou should login as "username@website.url"

you may contact for further information .

Checked everything, but same result, doesn't work.

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 08:53 AM

Please give me the link for your website

esperone 09-13-2008 09:10 AM

wont install on my pc. I go through the installation but after the installation is complete, the files aren't on my pc and doesn't show up in the start menu. im using vista. maybe compatibility issues.

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 09:12 AM

it works perfectly on vista , maybe administration issues , just right click the setup file and "run as administrator"

esperone 09-13-2008 09:15 AM

tried that but still no luck. nevermind. good mod though

esperone 09-13-2008 09:17 AM

quick question. are you gonna make a white label version where forum admins can have their forum logo on the app for example?

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by esperone (Post 1621018)
quick question. are you gonna make a white label version where forum admins can have their forum logo on the app for example?

as the logos does not have a standard size/url address this option is delayed till the creation of an administration panel for the messenger in next version .

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pehchaan (Post 1621005)
Checked everything, but same result, doesn't work.

Pehchaan , you server for some reason block the connection from the messenger , this maybe caused for one of the following reasons (or else) :

1 - you server rejects the User Agnent Header in the HTTP request
The Messenger Sends the following user agent :
"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; MRSPUTNIK 2, 0, 0, 36 HW; MRA 5.1 (build 02228); SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; Seekmo 10.0.424.0)"

2 - You have wrong permissions set for the vbmsngr folder or files in it
we couldn't find any other reasons / problems , the connection from the messenger to your server just drops for a "closing" state .

swissknife 09-13-2008 09:46 AM

@ www.boards-united.com it dosent work too. :(

No connection....

ady2009 09-13-2008 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Amman-DJ.CoM (Post 1620994)
for the people who couldn't run the messenger please give me your websites address
-- Common installation problems --

1 - the folder "vbmsngr" should be in the "public_html" folder and all php files from the "server side script" should be in it.
2 - You should edit "include.php" file to match the database entries of your forum
3 - You should have zend core installed on your server (ask your host) < Not needed any more
4 - yuou should login as "username@website.url"

you may contact for further information .

Done that but still don't work,my website adress is www.zforum.ro and if you want admin password or private stuff i can send you a PM. :) Thank you.

dadoc 09-13-2008 10:05 AM

A great mod idea

I will be checking this out

and installing this. :D

Thanks Amman-DJ.CoM nice work :D

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 10:15 AM

To all who installed the mod and messenger did not connect , please redownload the server side script from the attachment and replace the PHP files in vbmsngr , you can skip the include.php file .

we are sorry for the problem , we just did not notice that that script was for local servers testing only . thank you .

swissknife 09-13-2008 10:31 AM

It still dosent work for me @ www.boards-united.com , sorry... :(

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by swissknife (Post 1621058)
It still dosent work for me @ www.boards-united.com , sorry... :(

can you give us a test username and password please .

swissknife 09-13-2008 10:41 AM

yes, of course!

un : test
pw: tester

s810car 09-13-2008 10:44 AM

In the includes.php theres 2 parts that say "select * from" and "create table"

Those words have to be in CAPITAL letters (ie SELECT * FROM and CREATE TABLE)

when I changed that it worked for me :D nice mod!

-- BTW, is there any way for myself to customize the messenger? I would like to integrate my site's style and a few other things maybe, would love to have the ability to do that :D

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by swissknife (Post 1621062)
yes, of course!

un : test
pw: tester

it worker when i used test@www.boards-united.com but did not work when i used test@boards-united.com due to a "301 Moved Permanently" header .

it would be better if you place the vbmsngr inside a folder for example "m" and create a subdomain "m.boards-united.com" , this would be a solution for the 301 error and any problems with connecting to the server with a www or without .

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by s810car (Post 1621063)
In the includes.php theres 2 parts that say "select * from" and "create table"

Those words have to be in CAPITAL letters (ie SELECT * FROM and CREATE TABLE)

when I changed that it worked for me :D nice mod!

-- BTW, is there any way for myself to customize the messenger? I would like to integrate my site's style and a few other things maybe, would love to have the ability to do that :D

unfortunatly there are no way we can give the EXE source code to change the title of the application or the skin/theme/design , but we make paid modifications to the exe , like removing the copywrite and site link from the bottom of the application , change the theme/skin , put the site/forum name to the title of the application , and remove the @domain.url to link directly to your forum (and link to other forums with the @ sign) .

And capitalization of MySQL queries does not affect if you use a new MySQL service running on the server with apachi and php4 or higher

Blackheart_72 09-13-2008 11:01 AM

Very nice, and worked first time.


swissknife 09-13-2008 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Amman-DJ.CoM (Post 1621065)
it worker when i used test@www.boards-united.com but did not work when i used test@boards-united.com due to a "301 Moved Permanently" header .

it would be better if you place the vbmsngr inside a folder for example "m" and create a subdomain "m.boards-united.com" , this would be a solution for the 301 error and any problems with connecting to the server with a www or without .

THANK YOU very much!!!!

Amman-DJ.CoM 09-13-2008 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Veccy 150 (Post 1621071)
Very nice, and worked first time.


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