Originally Posted by Brad
(Post 1603943)
Are they making such images from scratch or grabbing them off some website? If they are in fact doing it themselves do they create images when they feel like it or do they work with other people?
Most of them are making them themselves, and a certain user made about half my forum's images for free. And a few other neat things that I won't mention.
Most people like that (read: usually kids/young adults) may be skilled but more often then not they are horrible people to work with. I can't even begin to remember how many "image designers" I've gone through over the years. Most of them get very excited about a project, claim they'll stick with it then two weeks later are no where to be found or have an excuse for why something hasn't been completed yet.
I'll have you know that's horribly stereotypical and single minded. Besides, your problem is you had crappy image designers, not that people under a certain age are bad.
It's just too hard to get people to work on a time table for free and considering most designers think a "skin" with a handful of custom images (and no xhtml modifications) is worth $500 = $1,000... well it's no wonder why people like me don't deal with them anymore and just end up struggling to learn photoshop for themselves.
Then those designers who have made or used images (Photoplog designers, vB Credits designers, ibP Arcade designers, iShop designers should help those that are designing said mods and possibly make images for them in return for I don't know... integration in each other's modifications.
vBulletin is not right for everyone. There are plenty of forums on the net that would be just as popular if the discussion(s) were conducted via a mailing list or old school BBS.
I disagree. I know many, many people who couldn't live without even the default features of modern software, such as quick reply and such like.
I'd bet $200 that less than 1% of the message boards on the internet need/require a "battle system" and out of that 1% most of them are probably looking for something customized for their own forum.
Let them customise things like items, enemies, characters and locations along with said stats and most of those would jump at the chance of one. Why else is that Battle System made by the arcade creators a popular mod? Heck, I know free forum hosts that offer the facility, so there must be demand somewhere.
Now if we could write "RPGs" for the web that worked like WoW or Starcraft it might be a different story. But until that time comes most people are simply not interested.
There are supposedly RPG and game making programs and tutorials out now, although the last experience I've seen in this regard is helping with people's single player games and ROM hacks,
Another thing before I wrap this up: Myspace has recently added a bunch of web based games to their site and from what I can see they are catching on over there. Most of them are just the same game with a unique name and different items and it all looks like it would be simple to replicate. However what you can never replicate is the user base at myspace.com. Basically what I'm getting at here is people interested in such games are already playing them elsewhere...so what good does an identical application hosted on thousands of vBulletin forums really do?
My forum's arcade is pretty darn popular. I've had people register to play arcade games, and others use it because specialist arcade sites are blocked in schools and such like. Heck, I know a lot of gaming forums which have found the arcade features successful, and a lot of the gaming sites I visit have added the arcade modification as a result.
Are people willing to sign up at "somelamesite.com" because you have an RPG game? Are your existing members really interested in such an application or is your time better spent improving your content and participating in discussions on your forum? For most forums it ain't worth the effort and the "Battle arena" ends up begin a not-often used feature that must be debugged every time you update vBulletin.
If they can sign up for arcades, yes they are willing to register for RPG games. I hear from forums like The Admin Zone that while not recommended as a side effect, that you do get tons of people register for the function, and what not. Besides, majority does not equal right. I think that if it was available, the site's it is successful on would in terms of everything be worth it's development. Besides, I've never really seen an unused feature personally, and I know content is king. But without major features and add ons to interest possible mentions and retain some of the past ones, a pure forum will get dull over time.