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-   Board of the Month (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=94)
-   -   [October/November 2008] BOTM Nomination Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=187737)

Guest190829 08-10-2008 02:10 PM

[October/November 2008] BOTM Nomination Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month of October/November 2008.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Nominations will be accepted until the 30th of September 2008.

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Please posts only nominations or seconds, no "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be deleted.

Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Danny.VBT.

Best of luck to all nominees!

christian8a 08-10-2008 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by Chris

Site Name: NewMusicStage.com

URL: www.newmusicstage.com
Profile Demo: http://www.newmusicstage.com/member.php?u=3

Description: Musicians Networking - Profiles - MP3's - Forums - Record Labels

Reason for Nomination: The site's design turned out great, so we would like to share it and see how far we get :)

ANGELO2K8 08-11-2008 01:34 AM

Site Name: BTNHBoard.com
URL: www.btnhboard.com
Description: Official fan site of the hip-hop group "Bone Thugs-N-Harmony."
Reason for Nomination: Nice site design & integration of customizations. The site has been using vbulletin off and on dating back to 2001.

Greenskull 08-11-2008 03:34 AM

Site Name: Ready Up Live
URL: www.readyuplive.com
Description: A gaming forum dedicated to news, reviews, and tournaments.
Reason for Nomination: RUL has an amazing friendly community. On the 26th it will be our 1 year anniversary so there will be contests, auctions, and more. Over the 1 quick year RUL has gained interest and respect from really high up companies such as Ubisoft, Microsoft, and Bungie. I'd love to see how people here take the site!

beansbaxter 08-11-2008 06:24 AM

Site Name: PNW Riders
URL: www.pnwriders.com
Description: Pacific Northwest motorcycle riders and riding.
Reason for Nomination: I have spent a considerable amount of time giving vBulletin a custom look and feel that makes it easy to use for the community of motorcycle riders that we have in the Pacific Northwest.

deezelpope 08-11-2008 10:04 AM

Site Name: The Bad Girl Jammie Club!

URL: http://badgirljammieclub.com/

Description: The Bad Girl Jammie Club (BGJC) is an active, drama-free, community-based website, store, and forum dedicated to those brave souls who prefer to stay in their pajamas all day long, drinking coffee, while making new friends, relaxing, and having fun! **Be active in our community, and get promoted to enjoy the many benefits of being a Bad Girl/Bad Boy!** **NEW FORUMS!!**

Reason for Nomination: The Bad Girl Jammie Club is a "drama-free" community, a fact which the staff and members are very proud of, and have every intention of keeping as such. Because of copyright laws, the BGJC is a not-for-profit website, and all profits on items in the store, a benefit to our users, will go to charity. We are currently talking to the several foundations to see who will be the recipient of the funds. **NEW Members every day! Join in the fun!** :up:

Caddyman 08-11-2008 10:29 AM

Site Name: TalkDelaware
URL: www.talkdelaware.com
Description: The Best Website in Delaware 2007. The hottest place online to meet people and chat in the state.
Reason for Nomination: In it's relatively short existince online TD has won many accolades both locally and on admin sites for it's excellence in foruming, features, looks, and friendliness. We have over 1000 member and 100k posts, this is thanks to the outstanding members and staff that login day after day to make TD a exceptional community like no other with intelligent conversation and fun times to be had by all. Among quite a few BOTM and FOTM wins from various admin communities it was vote "Best Website in Delaware 2007" by the largest news outlet in DE in their Readers Choice Awards.

PoetJA-1975 08-11-2008 12:15 PM

Site Name: Poetry in Color Forum

URL: http://JPiCForum.info

Description: Well... 1st of all Poetry in Color aka JPiC Forum For Writers is an online Community where open-minded writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds can freely share in the joy of creating literature. Poetry, Essays, Shortstories, Creative Non-fiction, Book Reviews & much more... We celebrate diversity with the typed word...

Reason for Nomination:We have been online since June 2006 and have done quite well in the niche online writing. We have just celebrated our 2nd anniversary which included the lovely re-design of the Forum as it appears now. Shades of deep burgundy, plum & dusty mauve work very well together and present a unique blend that is easy on the eyes and make for a pleasant browsing experience for our Members and Forum Guests alike. In July of this year - I was notified that JPiC was named as one of the Best Websites For Writers 2008 by the popular magazine Writers' Digest. The Forum was featured in the magazine and on the Writers Digest website. I've posted an interesting thread announcement about the honor at http://jpicforum.info/news-announcem...08-a-6475.html

At anyrate - We have a fabulous Community of talented Artistes, Writers & Poets from all over the world. So I submit JPiC to your BOTM contest in hopes that you too will like what I've done with the Forum.

I have set up a test account for Guests to browse the Forum as if Registered Member, as to see some of the goodies I've added. Simply login with following info:

Username: Forum-Guest
Password: jpicforum

Thanx and Enjoy!


deezelpope 08-11-2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1596180)
Site Name: Poetry in Color Forum

URL: http://JPiCForum.info

Description: Well... 1st of all Poetry in Color aka JPiC Forum For Writers is an online Community where open-minded writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds can freely share in the joy of creating literature. Poetry, Essays, Shortstories, Creative Non-fiction, Book Reviews & much more... We celebrate diversity with the typed word...

Reason for Nomination:We have been online since June 2006 and have done quite well in the niche online writing. We have just celebrated our 2nd anniversary which included the lovely re-design of the Forum as it appears now. Shades of deep burgundy, plum & dusty mauve work very well together and present a unique blend that is easy on the eyes and make for a pleasant browsing experience for our Members and Forum Guests alike. In July of this year - I was notified that JPiC was named as one of the Best Websites For Writers 2008 by the popular magazine Writers' Digest. The Forum was featured in the magazine and on the Writers Digest website. I've posted an interesting thread announcement about the honor at http://jpicforum.info/news-announcem...08-a-6475.html

At anyrate - We have a fabulous Community of talented Artistes, Writers & Poets from all over the world. So I submit JPiC to your BOTM contest in hopes that you too will like what I've done with the Forum.

I have set up a test account for Guests to browse the Forum as if Registered Member, as to see some of the goodies I've added. Simply login with following info:

Username: Forum-Guest
Password: jpicforum

Thanx and Enjoy!



stryka 08-11-2008 02:43 PM

Site Name: IslandMix

URL: www.islandmix.com

Description: Entertainment website that has just had a recent facelift.

Reason for Nomination: The forum and event calendar works well with this community. The look gives it a different web 2.0 feel that isn't flat... Its definetly a new refreshing look and integration of photopost and adserving software works well.

F0xy 08-11-2008 07:02 PM

Site Name: What's Your View - Because It Matters!

URL: http://www.whatsyourview.net

Description: Opinions, debates, Whats Your View? Discuss & Debate all the latest current affairs, sports, movies, tv, music and technology.

Reason for Nomination: Just customized a new style to give us a unique feel with a unique postbit area in a difficult niche, we have reached over 5000 members since the site launched in May 2008.

JetHaCkR 08-12-2008 02:11 AM

Site Name: J2 Gaming
URL: www.J2Gaming.com
Description: Gaming Site
Reason for Nomination: One Of The Fastest Growing Gaming Site, It Has Only Been Up For 4 Months But Already Has 1000+ Members

Glynn58 08-12-2008 03:31 PM

withdrawn , sorry

seanm07 08-12-2008 04:36 PM

Site Name: Arms of united vengeance Forum


Description: This is a gaming forum come join us. As we are looking for more people to join our community, also if you donate you will be made a gold member (read forum for more details)

Reason for Nomination: Easy to use with good moderation and sleek look, it has a friendly community.

EvilChicken 08-12-2008 09:10 PM

Site Name: TripleChat.com | Plug in :: Play On
URL: www.triplechat.com
FOURM URL: www.triplechat.com/forums
Description: TripleChat has just recently popped into the scene of Gaming sites around the net but unlike others, this site is a bit different. I strive for User Happiness, let me explain. See, when you join this site and its forums, you automatically become part of the site. Your input does not go unnoticed! Everything you say is read over by me or my amazing staff on these forums. So unlike other sites, we improve when you asking to improve. If you want to chat about gaming, then the odds are that we will have a chat about gaming in 24 minutes or less. If you want a cookie, we will laugh a little and tell you to go find a phone book and order a cookie. But that is my point, we will help you!

It isn?t such a matter of great news sources?ok it is a bit, but the fact is we are a great community here to intrigued you and let you in on some insight in the gaming world. Forget all thoughts of huge gaming sites where one comment you make may become a huge flame war. Instead, hang out here with the little big guy.

Another great thing about TripleChat is our Bigger sister site, TripleTags.com. This site has been nothing but our support throughout the launch and even up till now. SectionZ and his team have done a great job in helping and even linking to our site and forums and without them, this site would not be here. So if you ever see or talk to them, thank them!

Reason for Nomination: TripleChat's reason for nomination is simple, the members on the forum have gave me nothing but pats on the back. I know I shouldn't brag but it is hard to when they have been my driving force for this website! Graphics, features, videos, downloads, gaming news, and some random things are the handful of things that I offer and I am always ready to add another word to that list. I am always working on improvements and small edits to the forum to allow for better flow.

I built this site and I have never been happier!

Thanks, EC

StuntFactoryX 08-13-2008 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1596180)
Site Name: Poetry in Color Forum

URL: http://JPiCForum.info

Description: Well... 1st of all Poetry in Color aka JPiC Forum For Writers is an online Community where open-minded writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds can freely share in the joy of creating literature. Poetry, Essays, Shortstories, Creative Non-fiction, Book Reviews & much more... We celebrate diversity with the typed word...

Reason for Nomination:We have been online since June 2006 and have done quite well in the niche online writing. We have just celebrated our 2nd anniversary which included the lovely re-design of the Forum as it appears now. Shades of deep burgundy, plum & dusty mauve work very well together and present a unique blend that is easy on the eyes and make for a pleasant browsing experience for our Members and Forum Guests alike. In July of this year - I was notified that JPiC was named as one of the Best Websites For Writers 2008 by the popular magazine Writers' Digest. The Forum was featured in the magazine and on the Writers Digest website. I've posted an interesting thread announcement about the honor at http://jpicforum.info/news-announcem...08-a-6475.html

At anyrate - We have a fabulous Community of talented Artistes, Writers & Poets from all over the world. So I submit JPiC to your BOTM contest in hopes that you too will like what I've done with the Forum.

I have set up a test account for Guests to browse the Forum as if Registered Member, as to see some of the goodies I've added. Simply login with following info:

Username: Forum-Guest
Password: jpicforum

Thanx and Enjoy!


3rd :)

jacki 08-13-2008 10:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Site Name: Yorumla.net

URL: http://www.yorumla.net

Description: our forum has 12 main categories 159 sub kategories. Members organize meetings and make friendship

Reason for Nomination: our forum will be one year old on july of 2. we want to see our forum on that poll on our first year. We made 170.000 members and 2.500.000 posts. We want to show that success here

Langue : Turkish

User Test

User : testuser
pass: test

cjddrum1 08-13-2008 04:50 PM

Site Name: 7thGenHonda.com - The Internets #1 Resource for 2001-2005 Honda Civics
URL: 7thgenhonda.com
Description: A site for 2001-2005 Honda Civic owners
Reason for Nomination: Very tightly knit community of honda civic owners as well as extensive modifications.

fattony69 08-13-2008 09:04 PM

Site Name: The Best Forum Ever

URL: www.thebestforumever.com

Description: A combination of forums: Off-Topic, Gaming and Graphics. We provide many contests from video of the week to signature of the week. There are many things to do and many things to talk about. The forum will be 2 month this Friday and already has 400 members and almost 40,000 posts. We have member of the week. There are many things to do and the site is very fun

Reason for Nomination: The Best Forum Ever lives up to it's title. There is a very friendly community and the site is always active. A great place to make your start and play with very good people!

soundboy 08-14-2008 12:17 AM

Site Name: Broadcasting World
URL: www.broadcastingworld.net
Description: Forum for broadcasters, SHOUTcastsers, studio owners and voiceover artists.
Reason for Nomination: Hasnt been nominated before, a great forum.

veenuisthebest 08-14-2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1596180)
Site Name: Poetry in Color Forum

URL: http://JPiCForum.info

Description: Well... 1st of all Poetry in Color aka JPiC Forum For Writers is an online Community where open-minded writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds can freely share in the joy of creating literature. Poetry, Essays, Shortstories, Creative Non-fiction, Book Reviews & much more... We celebrate diversity with the typed word...

Reason for Nomination:We have been online since June 2006 and have done quite well in the niche online writing. We have just celebrated our 2nd anniversary which included the lovely re-design of the Forum as it appears now. Shades of deep burgundy, plum & dusty mauve work very well together and present a unique blend that is easy on the eyes and make for a pleasant browsing experience for our Members and Forum Guests alike. In July of this year - I was notified that JPiC was named as one of the Best Websites For Writers 2008 by the popular magazine Writers' Digest. The Forum was featured in the magazine and on the Writers Digest website. I've posted an interesting thread announcement about the honor at http://jpicforum.info/news-announcem...08-a-6475.html

At anyrate - We have a fabulous Community of talented Artistes, Writers & Poets from all over the world. So I submit JPiC to your BOTM contest in hopes that you too will like what I've done with the Forum.

I have set up a test account for Guests to browse the Forum as if Registered Member, as to see some of the goodies I've added. Simply login with following info:

Username: Forum-Guest
Password: jpicforum

Thanx and Enjoy!


Fourth !! :up:

glennybee 08-15-2008 02:51 AM

Site Name: Digital Kaos Digital Forums
URL: http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk
Description: Digital Forum dedicated to the help and support of its members. We specialise in cable and satellite tv (Dreambox, Technomate), games consoles (xbox360, PS3, Wii, etc.), Mobile phones, Sat Nav GPS, etc. Come and join in the discussions and maybe you'll learn a few tricks along the way!
Reason for Nomination: Digital Kaos has been online for 6 months and it has taken flight at a tremendous pace! We regularly get 1000+ unique visitors and approximately 250+ new posts daily.
Stats: Threads: 5,931, Posts: 33,895, Members: 5,251

Thanks for reading and I hope we've done enough to gain your nomination.


SEOvB 08-15-2008 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Caddyman (Post 1596139)
Site Name: TalkDelaware
URL: www.talkdelaware.com
Description: The Best Website in Delaware 2007. The hottest place online to meet people and chat in the state.
Reason for Nomination: In it's relatively short existince online TD has won many accolades both locally and on admin sites for it's excellence in foruming, features, looks, and friendliness. We have over 1000 member and 100k posts, this is thanks to the outstanding members and staff that login day after day to make TD a exceptional community like no other with intelligent conversation and fun times to be had by all. Among quite a few BOTM and FOTM wins from various admin communities it was vote "Best Website in Delaware 2007" by the largest news outlet in DE in their Readers Choice Awards.

I second this site

VBUsers 08-15-2008 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Caddyman (Post 1596139)
Site Name: TalkDelaware
URL: www.talkdelaware.com
Description: The Best Website in Delaware 2007. The hottest place online to meet people and chat in the state.
Reason for Nomination: In it's relatively short existince online TD has won many accolades both locally and on admin sites for it's excellence in foruming, features, looks, and friendliness. We have over 1000 member and 100k posts, this is thanks to the outstanding members and staff that login day after day to make TD a exceptional community like no other with intelligent conversation and fun times to be had by all. Among quite a few BOTM and FOTM wins from various admin communities it was vote "Best Website in Delaware 2007" by the largest news outlet in DE in their Readers Choice Awards.

I Second this!!

Wunderlust 08-16-2008 12:32 AM

Site Name: Poms In Oz

URL: http://www.pomsinoz.com

Description: Poms In Oz is a community forum and support network for British folk either migrating or living in Australia.

Reason for Nomination: PIO prouds itself on being a very friendly and active forum. The community is known for being supportive and has a large base of energetic and enthusiatic forum members.

Stats: Threads: 25,000, Posts: 229,288, Members: 11,933

Caddyman 08-16-2008 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by glennybee (Post 1598910)
Site Name: Digital Kaos Digital Forums
URL: http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk
Description: Digital Forum dedicated to the help and support of its members. We specialise in cable and satellite tv (Dreambox, Technomate), games consoles (xbox360, PS3, Wii, etc.), Mobile phones, Sat Nav GPS, etc. Come and join in the discussions and maybe you'll learn a few tricks along the way!
Reason for Nomination: Digital Kaos has been online for 6 months and it has taken flight at a tremendous pace! We regularly get 1000+ unique visitors and approximately 250+ new posts daily.
Stats: Threads: 5,931, Posts: 33,895, Members: 5,251

Thanks for reading and I hope we've done enough to gain your nomination.


seconded! :up:

pranaysanghavi 08-16-2008 02:18 AM

Hello and Welcome to OfficeChai...

Launched very recently, a career forum for you where you can share and receive, insights, comments on the events related to your job/workplace. Here you will find all the inside scoops and latest news about internal hiring, layoffs, salary hikes/increments, pay structure of people like you.

Here you can download actual resumes and cover letters of real people like you and me; and share the insights and work experiences of freshers and seniors alike across all walks of industry.

This online community is an open platform for peers like us to share rants and raves about the conversations that take place over a cup of chai in office

C'mon In.. The Chai is Hot !

Adv: Decent, corporate kind of template, sleek UI, unique target audience with a mass appeal....

Brandon Sheley 08-16-2008 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Caddyman (Post 1596139)
Site Name: TalkDelaware
URL: www.talkdelaware.com
Description: The Best Website in Delaware 2007. The hottest place online to meet people and chat in the state.
Reason for Nomination: In it's relatively short existince online TD has won many accolades both locally and on admin sites for it's excellence in foruming, features, looks, and friendliness. We have over 1000 member and 100k posts, this is thanks to the outstanding members and staff that login day after day to make TD a exceptional community like no other with intelligent conversation and fun times to be had by all. Among quite a few BOTM and FOTM wins from various admin communities it was vote "Best Website in Delaware 2007" by the largest news outlet in DE in their Readers Choice Awards.

I 2nd this as well :up:

Ohiosweetheart 08-16-2008 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by deezelpope (Post 1596126)
Site Name: The Bad Girl Jammie Club!

URL: http://badgirljammieclub.com/

Description: The Bad Girl Jammie Club (BGJC) is an active, drama-free, community-based website, store, and forum dedicated to those brave souls who prefer to stay in their pajamas all day long, drinking coffee, while making new friends, relaxing, and having fun! **Be active in our community, and get promoted to enjoy the many benefits of being a Bad Girl/Bad Boy!** **NEW FORUMS!!**

Reason for Nomination: The Bad Girl Jammie Club is a "drama-free" community, a fact which the staff and members are very proud of, and have every intention of keeping as such. Because of copyright laws, the BGJC is a not-for-profit website, and all profits on items in the store, a benefit to our users, will go to charity. We are currently talking to the several foundations to see who will be the recipient of the funds. **NEW Members every day! Join in the fun!** :up:


Originally Posted by Caddyman (Post 1596139)
Site Name: TalkDelaware
URL: www.talkdelaware.com
Description: The Best Website in Delaware 2007. The hottest place online to meet people and chat in the state.
Reason for Nomination: In it's relatively short existince online TD has won many accolades both locally and on admin sites for it's excellence in foruming, features, looks, and friendliness. We have over 1000 member and 100k posts, this is thanks to the outstanding members and staff that login day after day to make TD a exceptional community like no other with intelligent conversation and fun times to be had by all. Among quite a few BOTM and FOTM wins from various admin communities it was vote "Best Website in Delaware 2007" by the largest news outlet in DE in their Readers Choice Awards.

I second both of these sites!

njoker555 08-16-2008 04:58 AM

Site Name: Gamers Forum
URL: www.Gamers-Forum.com

Description: Huge gaming forum with over a 100,000 total posts made by about 1,600 members.

Reason for Nomination: We just turned two years old this month and I believe this forum deserves a bit more attention. We have an active arcade with over a 1000 games. We are celebrating by playing games, tournaments, writing game reviews and more. This forum now has 4 fully working themes to choose from and we are still a growing community.

UaECasher 08-16-2008 07:40 AM

Site Name: Casherz.com | For all your cash needs

URL: www.casherz.com

Forum URL: www.casherz.com/forums

Description: Casherz have been recently built and popped into the scene of internet communities around the net, but unlike other communities, this one is different. Here at casherz everyone is respected and helped and your post won?t go unnoticed! , everything you say is checked out by me and our lovely staff, we read all the feedback and do our best to improve our site.
Our site is basically for everyone to surf, wither you?re a programmer, a gamer, an internet lover, looking for tech news and tricks so you came to the right place.
Another great thing about Casherz is that we do our best to keep our users experience time fun, easy and smooth by providing good servers, great webmasters to take care of the site lasts and most advanced paid vbulletin MODs to make our users have fun while they are already having fun :p, at last we spend all the donations and premium members money for the site so what you pay for it will be used to develop the site and give you more services!!

NOTE: The name casherz was taken from the base of cash, in other words you can win cash in our community for your hard work or winning in events

Reason for Nomination : It's simple, we at casherz offer the following for our dear members:
  1. Respect!!
  2. Love!!
  3. All kind of people are welcomed:"programmers, gamers, internet and tech fans.
  4. We reward good members with good money and prizes!!.
  5. We spend 1000s of Dollars to keep our user experience nice and smooth!.
  6. We are around only 1 month old and yet we got 500members.
  7. We are looking for good men :p or women.
  8. We are continually making new event and tournaments for our dear members :).

Lastly i hope you visit my new site :D

P.S: I'm new here so take it easy on me :p

garala 08-16-2008 06:28 PM

Site Name: Web-Talks - The Friendly Webmaster Forum

URL: http://web-talks.com

Description: We are no any ordinary webmaster forum, we are bunch of friendly webmasters, bloggers, forum administrators and newbies who have interest in web design, graphics design, blogging, running a forum and making money online most of all.

Reason of Nomination: Even though we are pretty new, around 4 months old - we are growing fairly steady and hope to become well known webmaster forum in the future. We have simple custom skin that give us a unique feel and were ready to grow now!


- Garala

mickknutson 08-17-2008 05:05 PM

Site Name: BLiNC Magazine

URL: http://blincmagazine.com/forum/

Description: Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE-Jumping, but didn't know whom to ask.

Reason for Nomination: I have been running this online BASE jumping community since 1994. I moved to vBulletin several years ago, and this has allowed me to integrate hundreds of videos, images and content into a forum with tens of thousands of posts, and a few thousand users from all walks of life and 82 countries.

Shazz 08-17-2008 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by deezelpope (Post 1596126)
Site Name: The Bad Girl Jammie Club!

URL: http://badgirljammieclub.com/

Description: The Bad Girl Jammie Club (BGJC) is an active, drama-free, community-based website, store, and forum dedicated to those brave souls who prefer to stay in their pajamas all day long, drinking coffee, while making new friends, relaxing, and having fun! **Be active in our community, and get promoted to enjoy the many benefits of being a Bad Girl/Bad Boy!** **NEW FORUMS!!**

Reason for Nomination: The Bad Girl Jammie Club is a "drama-free" community, a fact which the staff and members are very proud of, and have every intention of keeping as such. Because of copyright laws, the BGJC is a not-for-profit website, and all profits on items in the store, a benefit to our users, will go to charity. We are currently talking to the several foundations to see who will be the recipient of the funds. **NEW Members every day! Join in the fun!** :up:


garala 08-18-2008 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Caddyman (Post 1596139)
Site Name: TalkDelaware
URL: www.talkdelaware.com
Description: The Best Website in Delaware 2007. The hottest place online to meet people and chat in the state.
Reason for Nomination: In it's relatively short existince online TD has won many accolades both locally and on admin sites for it's excellence in foruming, features, looks, and friendliness. We have over 1000 member and 100k posts, this is thanks to the outstanding members and staff that login day after day to make TD a exceptional community like no other with intelligent conversation and fun times to be had by all. Among quite a few BOTM and FOTM wins from various admin communities it was vote "Best Website in Delaware 2007" by the largest news outlet in DE in their Readers Choice Awards.

Seconded! :up:

TradersBASE 08-18-2008 11:45 AM

Site Name: TradersBASE

URL: http://www.tradersbase.com/forum

Description: An active trading/market forum with excellent insight on why markets move and how to increase the odds of profiting from the moves. Chatbox is open for members during market hours so we can discuss REALTIME market activity.

Reason for Nomination: TradersBASE is a site with passionate users. We all band together to try and crack the markets code for that given day. There is no magic and every day is different in the market. The more participation and opinions we get the more concepts we can run through to try and improve our trades/investments. As they say...practice makes perfect. There has been a wave of new members that are flooding the forum with excellent questions and the knowledge database continues to grow. Forums are often created to make the owner money, why not try a forum that is trying to help YOU make money...from the markets. :D


Taragon 08-18-2008 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by deezelpope (Post 1596126)
Site Name: The Bad Girl Jammie Club!

URL: http://badgirljammieclub.com/

Description: The Bad Girl Jammie Club (BGJC) is an active, drama-free, community-based website, store, and forum dedicated to those brave souls who prefer to stay in their pajamas all day long, drinking coffee, while making new friends, relaxing, and having fun! **Be active in our community, and get promoted to enjoy the many benefits of being a Bad Girl/Bad Boy!** **NEW FORUMS!!**

Reason for Nomination: The Bad Girl Jammie Club is a "drama-free" community, a fact which the staff and members are very proud of, and have every intention of keeping as such. Because of copyright laws, the BGJC is a not-for-profit website, and all profits on items in the store, a benefit to our users, will go to charity. We are currently talking to the several foundations to see who will be the recipient of the funds. **NEW Members every day! Join in the fun!** :up:


veenuisthebest 08-18-2008 02:40 PM

Site Name: Tech555 - All the Tech Info You Need

URL: http://www.tech555.com

Description: Tech555 is a community of people interested discussing and sharing knowledge related to programming, mobiles/smartphones, web development, graphics and designing, internet and software, games and much more.

Reason for Nomination:
Design and Layout:-
Tech555's layout, navigation and the way of content arranging is really catchy in order to make the user get what he wants.

Gallery and Gaming:-
The Picture Gallery and Arcade are simply an added fun to attract visitors, thus making Tech555 a home for every kind.

Keeping it Clean and Beautiful:-
Keeping colors bright, simple and soothing to eyes and mind. Thus, making visitors stay longer.

My very own Web Directory with Review system:-
Check out my Website Directory and feel free to add your site. Also review some ;)

Got 3 awards in 4 months:-
I got BBOTM from vbulletinsetup.com last month, BOTM from vbulletin.com this month and SOTM from shrinktheweb.com this month for our unique Web Directory showcasing their service.

Its passed 5 months now since I have bought the vb-license. However, the community is still lacking its activeness but already have over 400 members and growing rapidly, thus proving Tech555 having a great potential.

You can even login at the site with the following details and feel like home :) :-
Username:- test
Password:- testing

Thank you and I hope I did not boast too much lol.

GoldenChaos 08-18-2008 11:30 PM

Site Name: Zelda Universe
URL: http://www.zeldauniverse.net/forums/

Description: The Zelda Universe main site is the definitive resource for everything about The Legend of Zelda. It's got more content than any other fansite, and reports on the most news. We're constantly updating pages with the highest resolution artwork we can find, and continually updating our guides and pages with more detailed information on every Zelda game. But this is more about the forums.

The Zelda Universe forums make up the largest Zelda community on the internet - and it's a really tightly knit community. The site is entirely fan-run, and the forums are no different; ZU has been a member of the gaming site scene since 2001, but only recently has it undergone an immense transformation in design and direction. Previous owners who were not me tried to rid Zelda Universe of its fan-run heritage, but I brought that back in full swing, and I daresay that now ZU is better than ever. It's something to be proud of.

It took ten months to create the new design you see for the forums and for the main site, which is powered by Wordpress. I brought in a professional designer and worked my butt off with the rest of the ZU staff and community to give the place something that would last for years and establish ZU as the most serious fan site around - a fan site that not only has an immense love for the game it focuses on, in ZU's case the Legend of Zelda series, but an immense love for its visitors and its community. And ZU's community is unmatched. The community is the reason why I took the wheel from prior owners - as a member and webmaster of ZU for four years, the community is priceless. What the other owners wanted is paltry to me; and that means the rest of ZU's helpful staff can now do whatever they want, pretty much uninhibited.

That said, they're some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and they're always willing to help other people out. Their work ethic is incredible, and the work ethic of the community - the ethic to build a better community atop the current one - is mind-boggling. I am continually stunned by my own site, and by ZU's members' love for both the Zelda series and its incredible community.

Reason for Nomination: I think that this community is something that should be honored - not just because of the incredible new design that myself and Anton Wiklund, its designer, worked on for months, and that ZU's webmaster and administrator Scott and Derek coded for more months, but because the community is not something to scoff at. It's well established and friendly and welcoming, and it's my hope that the new design serves as a message to all of ZU's members, one that says how much the community is worth to me, that I will go to any lengths to help the community better itself, as will its staff. The new design, which features a customized User Control Panel, Profile Page and Postbit, should only complement ZU's pride as what I consider the most amazing online community in the world.

In addition, members have come together and produced a community podcast which is now featured on the main site. We have forums for welcoming new members, and we have forums for getting people involved in community projects. Naturally, there are a million forums for discussing Zelda, but truly Zelda talk isn't even a taste of the ZU community. Through ZU, and through these boards, friendships have been forged, relationships begun, marriages have occurred between members. They were all originally brought together by Zelda, but in the end it was the Zelda community that really tied the knot - not the games themselves. And now they've got what I consider one of the best, most beautiful, and most customized forum designs on the internet to show for it.

I am infinitely proud of the ZU forums, and the ZU site as a whole, and couldn't be more ecstatic to be its webmaster and owner. It's my hope, and my dream, that other people will find cause to be proud of it as well - both as a fan of Zelda, and as a fan of friendships.

Thanks for even considering Zelda Universe. We all work hard.
~ Jason Rappaport.

Cloudrunner 08-25-2008 04:32 AM

Site Name: The Astral Order
URL: http://www.astralorder.com
Description: Guild Website for World of Warcraft Guild: The Astral Order
Reason for Nomination: We recently went through a huge recode on our theme and forums and I put together a style designed specifically for the upcoming release of the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Personally, I love the look that we achieved and quite honestly would like to see how we stack up. Plus, I'm kinda proud of what I created :D.

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