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PntSingularity 08-04-2008 10:00 PM

Diceroller by PointSingularity, originally written for 2d4.org
Version 1.002

This feature adds the functionality to post dice rolls. The rolls are associated with posts but cannot be edited even if the post can.

No longer supported.

It has been brought to my attention that a bug causes a MySQL error when using the pm system!

To fix this, edit the plugin that's connected to the postbit display complete hook and add at the very top:

if (!empty($post['postid'])) {
then add at the very bottom:



*Moved the dice roller itself into a more discreet area. Now works well with either postbit or postbit_legacy!
*Added user option in the user cp for appearance (forum default, full, compatibility mode). Appearance can be enforced in the settings, disabling the user cp options and overriding any personal settings already set.
*Added settings variable for main width.
*Changed the font-size in a few places to make it look a bit more discreet.
*Made the separate rolls lists collapsable.
*Removed the nevershowfulllist function since it was completely pointless due to the newly collapsable lists.
*Fixed bug that would claim description title was too long even if it wasn't when certain characters were entered.
*Design fixes and reorganizing. The border now looks like the rest of the postbit's.
*Added "roll" button.
*Added code for clearing up memory after database queries.
*Dice are now sorted by result (rolls are still sorted by id).
*Connected to template hooks to further simplify the installation process.
*Moved all of diceroller.php into the main plugin.

*Fixed counter error when dice list is in tooltip mode.
*Added complete vBulletin Language/Phrase support.
*Added low-profile mode. This will display entries as plain text, which is excellent if you want an uber-lite look or want better browser support since this turns off the java features.
*Sorting sorted out. ;p Lists now sort with the newest entry on top in vertical lists and the newest at the end in horizontal (tooltips and low-profile mode).
*Reorganized data and simplified installation process.
--Notes: If upgrading, remove everything except the database and reinstall, following the new installation process.

From v1.001
Upgrade within vBulletin using the new product-diceroller.xml. Be sure to check "allow overwrite" or upgrade won't work. Then upload the roll.gif image into the /buttons directory. Finally revert your template changes you made for the last version (they are no longer needed) and delete diceroller.php (it's not needed anymore either).

From v1.0
Do NOT upgrade from v1.0. Instead delete the old templates, uninstall the plugins, etc. manually! You can keep the database if you'd like as that has not been changed.
Version 1.001 comes with a proper installer and is upgradable.

1. Upload and put roll.gif to your theme's "button" folder on the webserver (or make your own button ;) ).
2. Import the product file product-diceroller.xml.

There's no addition to the admin cp, instead you can edit the settings by adjusting the values in the plugin called "Diceroller Settings". Be careful though!

ALSO IMPORTANT: Be sure to have plugins enabled in vBulletin or this won't work.


*Quote-box gets dropped down, leaving the title where it should be, if the dice roller is in the way.

M-Tuning 08-05-2008 08:13 AM

What is the purpose of this?

Mike-D 08-05-2008 08:41 AM


3. Import diceroller.sql into your database
Just because some few members doesn't know how to handle phpMyAdmin I'd put the SQL Code via <installcode>...</installcode><uninstallcode>...</uninstallcode> in your Product. Makes it more easier ;)


Originally Posted by M-Tuning (Post 1591719)
What is the purpose of this?

Hmm... good question. Just wondering too :D

PntSingularity 08-05-2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1591735)
Just because some few members doesn't know how to handle phpMyAdmin I'd put the SQL Code via <installcode>...</installcode><uninstallcode>...</uninstallcode> in your Product. Makes it more easier ;)

Thanks for the tip, I'll get right on that. I apologize for the unuserfriendly install. I'll use the fact that it's my first plugin as an excuse.


Originally Posted by M-Tuning (Post 1591719)
What is the purpose of this?

It's for play-by-post roleplaying. ;)

I'll see about making a better install tomorrow that includes the css and extra templates. It'll also include a slight fix (when using tooltip-view for the separate dice the numbers for each value is the number of the current die in the current post rather than the current roll).

PntSingularity 08-08-2008 05:09 PM

v1.002 will use template hooks (not sure if I can fit everything into the hooks but I'm trying ;) ) so installation/uninstallation/upgrade will be EVEN EASIER!

I'm also working on making it work better for regular postbit templates.

Spank 08-08-2008 05:17 PM

hi I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. What happens when you roll the dice? And will it work for 3.7?

PntSingularity 08-08-2008 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Spank (Post 1594180)
hi I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. What happens when you roll the dice? And will it work for 3.7?

When you roll dice they will be stored for that specific post in the database, then be displayed for everyone to see when they view the post.
For example, in a play-by-post game I'm supposed to attack a vicious lizardman with my longsword. I make 1d8+3 damage and therefor use the diceroller to roll 1d8. The game master can then verify that I've my damage score is valid.

I'm not sure if it will work with 3.7 as it's written for 3.6.8. However I'd be happy if anyone would test it with that version and give me feedback on this.

Spank 08-08-2008 08:22 PM

Ah I see, sounds pretty swell. Thanks for explaining ^_^. I'll consult my staff, cos we have a battle roleplaying forum on my site, if it's something they'd like to see I'll install and test it.

PntSingularity 08-09-2008 02:09 PM

v1.002 is up!
It's still in beta, but I've done some quick tests in IE 7, Firefox 3 and Safari (think it's the latest version) and it seems to run at least.
Unless there are any special requests I think I'm done with adding features and will focus on cleaning up the code and fix any bugs. So expect some minor changes in 1.003.

koxito 08-25-2008 11:12 PM

This works fine in 3.7, but you'll need to add the security token, to all the inputs, i did this very easy.

whatever, i have problems with my PM's Now, i got a database error while viewing my recived..

This is the error:

HTML Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM iaroll WHERE postid =  ORDER BY rollid DESC;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY rollid DESC' at line 1
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Monday, August 25th 2008 @ 08:00:16 PM
Error Date    : Monday, August 25th 2008 @ 08:00:17 PM
Script        : http://www.ia-family.com/foro/private.php?do=showpm&pmid=32282
Referrer      : http://www.ia-family.com/foro/private.php?
IP Address    :
Username      : LuMa-Kun
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.41-community-log

PntSingularity 08-26-2008 04:40 PM

I have added a note regarding the issue and will have it fixed asap. I'll see about adding those security tokens as well. Oh and there will be quite a few other improvements in the next update as well.

Nevermind, I had left the "improved" code too effed up. Pardon the French.
I haven't been working on it for a while due to that I've reinstalled my webserver from scratch (on which I run my test installation that I develope on).

This means I won't be able to fix this due to that I simply haven't got the time anymore (well, for now anyways. never say never).
Instead I'm posting a manual fix you will have to apply to get it working properly.

I'm sorry to do this but I'll also have to discontinue the support for this product. I will still answer any questions and try to help as time allows me, but can't promise anything.


Originally Posted by koxito (Post 1606929)
This works fine in 3.7, but you'll need to add the security token, to all the inputs, i did this very easy.

whatever, i have problems with my PM's Now, i got a database error while viewing my recived..

This is the error:

HTML Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM iaroll WHERE postid =  ORDER BY rollid DESC;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY rollid DESC' at line 1
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Monday, August 25th 2008 @ 08:00:16 PM
Error Date    : Monday, August 25th 2008 @ 08:00:17 PM
Script        : http://www.ia-family.com/foro/private.php?do=showpm&pmid=32282
Referrer      : http://www.ia-family.com/foro/private.php?
IP Address    :
Username      : LuMa-Kun
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.41-community-log

koxito 08-26-2008 06:33 PM

Thank you so much, with this i can make it work!. if you want to, i can post the places in the templates where the security tokken must be placed, so anyone can run this in Vb3.7!!!

¿In what plugin i must add the improvement?

Thank you very much

PntSingularity 08-27-2008 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by koxito (Post 1607559)
Thank you so much, with this i can make it work!. if you want to, i can post the places in the templates where the security tokken must be placed, so anyone can run this in Vb3.7!!!

Feel free to do so. ;) Thanks.

?In what plugin i must add the improvement?

Thank you very much
Like I said, the one that's connected to the Postbit Display Complete hook.
The plugin is simply called "Diceroller". I'm attaching a picture as well.

PGAmerica 08-27-2008 03:24 PM

So, is this compatible with 3.7.3? Or is there a security token issue?

PGAmerica 08-27-2008 03:43 PM

I just confirmed this. This mod does NOT work with 3.7.xx. It caused a Security Token error when rolling the dice.

It is too bad. Ths mod looked promising. Can this be fixed?

Additional Suggested Features:
  • ACP control. Not just editing the plugin, but actual menu driven options.
  • Usergroup permissions - I only want my RPG Moderators to be able to use the dice
  • Forum permissions - I only want the dice to show up in the gaming forums.
This is defiantly an awesome mod with great potential. I would be willing to pay for it, if these things were done.

PntSingularity 08-28-2008 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1608284)
I just confirmed this. This mod does NOT work with 3.7.xx. It caused a Security Token error when rolling the dice.

It is too bad. Ths mod looked promising. Can this be fixed?

Additional Suggested Features:

ACP control. Not just editing the plugin, but actual menu driven options.

I feel the config-plugin is easy enough to configure, do you really need it more graphical?

Usergroup permissions - I only want my RPG Moderators to be able to use the dice
Forum permissions - I only want the dice to show up in the gaming forums.[/LIST]This is defiantly an awesome mod with great potential. I would be willing to pay for it, if these things were done.
The last suggestions I feel are great ideas however.

My spare-time is very limited at the moment, and that's why I made this unsupported. But I'll put those things (even the admin options if you really want them) on my to-do list for when I get the time. What I won't do however is charge anyone money for it. ;)

DL_Ashe 08-28-2008 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1608284)
I just confirmed this. This mod does NOT work with 3.7.xx. It caused a Security Token error when rolling the dice.

Actually it does, and rather well, might I add. All you need to do is:
(1) Follow PntSingularity's concise instructions at the top to install the product
(2) Apply the minor code change to the postbit display hook
(3) Apply the security token code changes as per this thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177013

Now I'm brand new to administering a vBulletin (only been doing it for a few weeks), and I could work all of this out easily, so you should breeze through it PGAmerica. :)

PntSingularity: I want to commend you for this mod. It's excellent and works seamlessly for the gamers on the PbP subforum of my forums. In my opinion, this is honestly the best dice roller for vBulletin that I've seen and in the day since I've added, I've had rave reviews from my members, all of whom I've directed back to this thread and yourself, since you deserve all due praise for your work.

Whilst a minor point only, at some point if you ever have time (and granted you only stated above that your free time is practically zilch), if you could add a modifier to the roller? I'm no coder... hell I barely even know what I'm doing with administering my forum at times!

So that when someone clicks on Roll, the page displays:
Dice: xx d: xx m: xx (ie. +5)

It's a minor point and something I wish I could work out myself... but like I said I'm very new to this. :o

PntSingularity 08-28-2008 03:33 PM

Thanks. :)

Regarding the modifier. I've actually already implemented modifiers into 1.003. I just haven't gotten around to actually finishing that version due to lack of time (I just started a course at a university).

I've also been working on another version of the dice roller (the one I'm using on my site) which supports rolls such as "1d6+3*(5-2)*2d8-1d5" in one click!
However this is far from perfected and I never really wrote that version for the general public, which means it lacks in customizability both for the user and admin.
Another thing that I improved with this other version is that the separate dice are stored in a single column rather than on separate rows in their on table within the MySQL database, which should improve performance if the database gets very large.

So, I might attempt to perfect the improved version I run on my site while implementing the customizability from this version and at the same time adding the extra features requested.
Though this WILL take time. I've got to read The Nicomachean Ethics this weekend and it's 300+ pages... :eek:

Btw, it's funny that my mod seems to get so much more attention now that I have less time to work with it...


Originally Posted by DL_Ashe (Post 1608745)
Actually it does, and rather well, might I add. All you need to do is:
(1) Follow PntSingularity's concise instructions at the top to install the product
(2) Apply the minor code change to the postbit display hook
(3) Apply the security token code changes as per this thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177013

Now I'm brand new to administering a vBulletin (only been doing it for a few weeks), and I could work all of this out easily, so you should breeze through it PGAmerica. :)

PntSingularity: I want to commend you for this mod. It's excellent and works seamlessly for the gamers on the PbP subforum of my forums. In my opinion, this is honestly the best dice roller for vBulletin that I've seen and in the day since I've added, I've had rave reviews from my members, all of whom I've directed back to this thread and yourself, since you deserve all due praise for your work.

Whilst a minor point only, at some point if you ever have time (and granted you only stated above that your free time is practically zilch), if you could add a modifier to the roller? I'm no coder... hell I barely even know what I'm doing with administering my forum at times!

So that when someone clicks on Roll, the page displays:
Dice: xx d: xx m: xx (ie. +5)

It's a minor point and something I wish I could work out myself... but like I said I'm very new to this. :o

PGAmerica 08-28-2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by DL_Ashe (Post 1608745)
(3) Apply the security token code changes as per this thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177013

OK, I did all the rest, but I am lost on the security token thing. There is no file to edit, unless you mean the xml file. Is it a template edit? Which template or plugin code and where do I add this?


Originally Posted by DL_Ashe (Post 1608745)
Now I'm brand new to administering a vBulletin (only been doing it for a few weeks), and I could work all of this out easily, so you should breeze through it PGAmerica.

I have been running a vbulletin for years as well, but I am no programmer. I can follow instructions, but am lost when it comes to figuring this out on my own.

Any help would be appreciated.

PGAmerica 08-28-2008 10:20 PM

Nevermind, I figured it out.

Edit the "roll_addform" template and add

<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
Just after


<form action="editpost.php?do=rolldice&amp;p=$drthispost" method="post">

PGAmerica 08-29-2008 12:03 AM

As long as we are requesting features for the next version (and I understand that you have very little time):
  • Show individual die rolls
  • Allow for pre-selected rolls for rolling rpg character stats (4d6 throw away lowest die, 3d6 and re-roll 1s and 2s)
  • Usergroup permissions to allow certain groups to change die rolls
  • Usergroup permissions to allow only certain usergroups to roll dice (I know I already said this)
  • Usergroup permissions to allow only certain usergroups to see rolled dice values
  • Modifiers per dice
  • Modifiers per entire die roll
  • Forum permissions to allow the dice in specified forums only (or at least the reverse, specify which forums cannot use the dice) (I know I already said this)
  • Be able to roll dice when making a new post instead of having to do it after the fact.

PntSingularity 08-29-2008 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1609465)
As long as we are requesting features for the next version (and I understand that you have very little time):[LIST]
Show individual die rolls

Wasn't that in 1.002? Hmm, well that will definitely be included.

Allow for pre-selected rolls for rolling rpg character stats (4d6 throw away lowest die, 3d6 and re-roll 1s and 2s)
This wouldn't work in conjunction with the ability to roll strings with multiple rolls of different dice. Well, unless the options applied to all of the rolls or if options were to be added within the syntax eg. "(r1(k1(2d4))+5)*r3(3d6)+k2(4d4)" where rx would mean reroll these and lower dice and kx would mean to not use the x number of lowest results. But this would mean clumpsy looking strings and a difficulty for the user. Not the mention the PitA for me to actually code this.

Usergroup permissions to allow certain groups to change die rolls
To reroll or edit them manually?

Usergroup permissions to allow only certain usergroups to roll dice (I know I already said this)
Indeed you did. ;)

Usergroup permissions to allow only certain usergroups to see rolled dice values
Alot of permssion settings you're after. It will most likely prove tricky to get all this to work, but I'l give it a shot when time allows me.

Modifiers per dice
Umm, why?
Well, if I do implement the feature to roll an entire string you could always enter something like "1d20*2+1d20*3+1d20+5+1d20-3", or do you mean adding the same multiplier to each roll?
I can't see many reasons for this but the latter wouldn't be very hard to implement whether I implement string rolling or stick with single rolls. The only problem is that with the string system the modifier would affect all rolls within the string.

It seems most of your ideas revolve around not using the string roll system. Perhaps single rolls with modifiers is a better idea. Perhaps I'll add the optional ability to roll using a string syntax at a later time since it would need extensive work to work along with all these specifications.

Modifiers per entire die roll
Already done, just not released yet.

Forum permissions to allow the dice in specified forums only (or at least the reverse, specify which forums cannot use the dice) (I know I already said this)
I've actually thought about this, but I decided it wasn't important enough. Well, maybe I was just being lazy, I don't know. I'll have a look into this as well.

Be able to roll dice when making a new post instead of having to do it after the fact.
I thought about ways to do this as well, but I couldn't quite figure out a good way to do this. I had originally planned on adding the rolls in a list just like the attachments feature.

I'll put these things on my to do list. But as I've said my time is very limited atm.
I'll see if I have time to take a peek into it this weekend, but I have no idea when I'll be done with the list.

PGAmerica 08-29-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by PntSingularity (Post 1609661)
This wouldn't work in conjunction with the ability to roll strings with multiple rolls of different dice. Well, unless the options applied to all of the rolls or if options were to be added within the syntax eg. "(r1(k1(2d4))+5)*r3(3d6)+k2(4d4)" where rx would mean reroll these and lower dice and kx would mean to not use the x number of lowest results. But this would mean clumpsy looking strings and a difficulty for the user. Not the mention the PitA for me to actually code this.

You are right, that sounds real messy.


Originally Posted by PntSingularity (Post 1609661)
To reroll or edit them manually?

To edit them, As an admin, I reserve the right to cheat.


Originally Posted by PntSingularity (Post 1609661)
Umm, why? Well, if I do implement the feature to roll an entire string you could always enter something like "1d20*2+1d20*3+1d20+5+1d20-3", or do you mean adding the same multiplier to each roll? I can't see many reasons for this but the latter wouldn't be very hard to implement whether I implement string rolling or stick with single rolls. The only problem is that with the string system the modifier would affect all rolls within the string.

As an RPGer, if a user has an item that automatically adds 2 to every damage roll and adds 2 to every attack roll, you would want a roll of something like "1d20+2" for the attack roll and "1d8+2" for the damage roll for each dice. Now, with the modifiers you are adding, I can always have them roll the attacks individually (if they get multiple attacks) and the same for damage.

They would have top roll individually anyway (at least for the attack roll) as that roll is not one that can be added to more dice.


Originally Posted by PntSingularity (Post 1609661)
It seems most of your ideas revolve around not using the string roll system. Perhaps single rolls with modifiers is a better idea. Perhaps I'll add the optional ability to roll using a string syntax at a later time since it would need extensive work to work along with all these specifications.

I love the rolling system on your site. Is it possible to do both? Allow the user to choose the string method or the single roll method?


Originally Posted by PntSingularity (Post 1609661)
I thought about ways to do this as well, but I couldn't quite figure out a good way to do this. I had originally planned on adding the rolls in a list just like the attachments feature.

Not mission critical. However, I am already fending off questions from my users because they have to go in after posting and roll the dice. I say "let them remain confused until they grow a brain". They will get used to it soon enuf.


Originally Posted by PntSingularity (Post 1609661)
I'll put these things on my to do list. But as I've said my time is very limited atm.

That, I understand.


Originally Posted by PntSingularity (Post 1609661)
I'll see if I have time to take a peek into it this weekend, but I have no idea when I'll be done with the list.

Thank you. I love the mod so far. This looks like it has the potential to be a huge aspect to an rpg forum.

DL_Ashe 08-29-2008 10:24 PM

The additions in relation to the modifier and other changes sound great. Whenever you get the time to get a later version up would be wonderful, and I'm sure greatly appreciated by less able folks in the scripting/coding realm (such as myself!).


Originally Posted by PntSingularity
Though this WILL take time. I've got to read The Nicomachean Ethics this weekend and it's 300+ pages... :eek:

Ouch... just ouch.


Originally Posted by PntSingularity
Btw, it's funny that my mod seems to get so much more attention now that I have less time to work with it...

That's Murphy's Law, my friend. I only came across your mod a few days ago, and immediately fell in love with it. I *wish* I had've known about it the day you released it... so I had more opportunity to bug you about modifiers then! ;)

Seriously though, your work is fabulous and whenever you are willing and able to get an updated one done would be brilliant. But work and school come first... and the Nicomachean Ethics is no light read, particularly doing it in one weekend.

Ralf vd Enden 10-01-2008 07:31 AM

I'm interested in the latest version of this mod (which includes the modifiers, etc.).
Any ETA on when it'll be available ?

Thanks in advance for any information.

PntSingularity 10-01-2008 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ralf vd Enden (Post 1634534)
I'm interested in the latest version of this mod (which includes the modifiers, etc.).
Any ETA on when it'll be available ?

Thanks in advance for any information.

It's not looking like it's going to happen soon I'm afraid. Lately I've been too busy to do any actual work on it at all. I have been contemplating some ideas for it but that's about it.

But I'll make sure to post any updates here.

PGAmerica 10-01-2008 04:56 PM

I appreciate you watching this thread. So many times I see threads ignored and it really irritates me

PntSingularity 10-01-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1634815)
I appreciate you watching this thread. So many times I see threads ignored and it really irritates me

No problem, it's in my subscriptions so I receive an e-mail each time there's an update. ;)

PGAmerica 10-01-2008 05:22 PM

You might want to re-post this (with the "Security Token" addition) in the the 3.7 mods just to make it clear it is available for them as well. This is the best dice roller I have ever seen on this site.

jeremycards 11-24-2008 06:46 PM

Hello, im really needing this plugin to work, but after installing everything when i click to add the roll dice i get the message "sorry this can't be processed as a security token couldn't be found" well something like that (my forum is in spanish), so there's any way to fix that?

btw my version is 3.7.3

DL_Ashe 01-28-2010 08:58 AM

Is it at all possible to get an updated version of this excellent diceroller for vb4? This is seriously the best vB diceroller I've ever found... but as I needed to update my forums, I was hoping to get an updated version of this at some point.. Pretty pls?

Diana Notacat 02-06-2010 11:15 AM

I have to second that request, I hope you're alive somewhere! No other dice roller compares in awesomness!

Kodai Okuda 09-21-2010 05:38 AM

I'll add a request that this dice roller get ported to vb4x.

It appears to be the best dice roller I've come across as of yet (and I've come across quite a few).

I'm looking for one for my online RPG.

If you can spare the time to port it to 4x that would be great. :)

CyberRanger 12-08-2010 07:42 PM

I've installed this on vb 3.8.6. I've added the security token and the fix for PM's.

No errors ... but I can't get the roll.gif button to display on showthread. Any ideas?

CyberRanger 02-28-2011 07:12 PM

Love to chat with anyone that has this working.

CyberRanger 03-01-2011 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by CyberRanger (Post 2130989)
I've installed this on vb 3.8.6. I've added the security token and the fix for PM's.

No errors ... but I can't get the roll.gif button to display on showthread. Any ideas?

For anyone stumbling upon this, my problem was so simple ... once I found it. My postbit template is highly customized. So much so that we hadn't edited in the template hooks. Once I put $template_hook[ postbit_controls ] where it needed to be in the postbit template, the "Roll Dice" appeared.


Eruantien 08-24-2011 11:07 PM

Has anyone tried this on 4.x?

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  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete