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m002.p 07-02-2008 10:00 PM

[Sog-team]xFire Custom Profile Block
What is it?

This mod will allow you to have an extra "module" on user profile pages which will display a xfire status block with a miniprofile link and option to add the user to your contacts list.



See right hand side of profile page.

Installation Instructions:

First add a new profile field if not already present, where the user can add their xfire user id.

"Admin CP > User Profile Fields > Add new user profile field"

Use the following options:


Single line text box

Title: Xfire User ID
Field Editable by User > Yes


Now add another profile field again if not already done so previously. This will be the style options.


Single Line Selection Menu

Title: xFire Profile Style
Options: sh, co, sf, os, wow, bg (Separate by carriage return)
Field Editable by User > Yes


Upload the attached image to forum/images

Upload the attached product xml

Now edit template "memberinfo_block_xfire" for the relevant styles

For all instances of $userinfo[fieldxx], replace "xx" with the number of the field ID for your xfire user ID entry field created.

For the one instance of $userinfo[field00], replace "00" with the field ID of your xfire style selection profile field (the second one we created in this tutorial)

Save the template.



Display Options

Now although it seems as if this mod may only be displayed on the right hand side as shown in the demo, you may actually change its order or have it displayed in a new tab on the left if required (as there can be some problems with the image sizing when as a block on the right)

All you have to do is this.


Admin CP > Products & Plugins > Plugin Manager > Xfire Profile Hack
Edit the plugin, ensure it is set as a product for "vbulletin", then edit the PHP code to find:

'hook_location' => 'profile_right_mini'
Now change "profile_right_mini" with any of the following explained options:


'profile_left_first' (Will be displayed first in front of "Visitor Messages")
'profile_left_last' (Will be located last in the tabs after "Contact Info")
'profile_right_first' (Will be located first / top on the right)
'profile_right_mini' (Will be located after the mini stats block)
'profile_right_album' (Will be located after the albums block)
'profile_right_last' (Last block on right hand side)

4) Done


Please just import the new product XML, and ensure you click "overwrite" to YES!

Please INSTALL this modification should you use it for notification of the future releases!

Planned Future Updates:

Alternate TAB template for users wanting to display as a tab
Intergrated vbulletin admincp options
BB Code addition for users to distribute their sig

Version Tracker:

Version 1.0: Initial Release
Version 1.1: Fixed Product XML

NGUYENDUCTRUONG 07-03-2008 10:15 PM

Thank you for the update :D

Jeordie015 07-03-2008 11:58 PM

Shouldn't the style options be a single selection menu?

Also, you might want to resize the image you attached since we have to resize it using code to fit in the block. The image gets distorted when you do that.

Edit again: Actually, both images have to be resized via code, distorting them.

Edit 3: It still shows the block in the profile if you don't put anything in the profile field.

Q-v-n-s-Q 07-04-2008 04:05 AM

seem like a lots of the similiar mod out there

m002.p 07-04-2008 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jeordie015 (Post 1566307)
Shouldn't the style options be a single selection menu?

Also, you might want to resize the image you attached since we have to resize it using code to fit in the block. The image gets distorted when you do that.

Edit again: Actually, both images have to be resized via code, distorting them.

Edit 3: It still shows the block in the profile if you don't put anything in the profile field.

Correct. Sorry last night I was tired and probably should have released this mod today.

Basically both images have to be resized if used as a module on the right hand side. I will attach a better xfire logo later, but regarding the actual miniprofile, there is little possible to do bar manually adjust its size like ive done in the template SRC.

However, you are not restricted to use this mod only in the right hand side. You may use it in various locations, even as a new tab next to "Visitor Messages", "Friends", "About Me" etc should you wish.

Simply edit the member_info_xfire template and remove the

width="230" height="63"
from the miniprofile SRC.

Now go

ADMIN CP > Plugin Manager > xFire Profile Hack
Ensure the product is "vbulletin" for starters, and secondly in the PHP code find:

'hook_location' => 'profile_right_mini'
You may adjust the "profile_right_mini" to any of the following parameters:

'profile_left_first' (Will be displayed first in front of "Visitor Messages")
'profile_left_last' (Will be located last in the tabs after "Contact Info")
'profile_right_first' (Will be located first / top on the right)
'profile_right_mini' (Will be located after the mini stats block)
'profile_right_album' (Will be located after the albums block)
'profile_right_last' (Last block on right hand side)

Hope that helps, and sorry about the problems experienced. Ive updated the mod as above.


michael5472 10-11-2008 06:58 AM

This doesn't show for me :( see attachment

m002.p 10-13-2008 06:05 PM

What is your vb version, contents of the relevant template and plugin?

XxSparks 10-15-2008 04:14 AM

My version of vBulletin is actually 3.7.3 and im having the same problem as michael. I have a good knowledge base of vBulletin and Skins and I've tried moving a couple things around, yet still. It's not working.

What do you think might be the problem?

m002.p 10-20-2008 09:57 PM

plugin code. I need the contents of your current plugin for this hack please.


Replicators 10-25-2008 09:17 PM

Mine works, but it realy screws up everything, view screenshot to see.


<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<if condition="$userinfo[field6]">
<div class="alt1 block_row">
    <ul class="list_no_decoration">
<td align="center" class="alt2"><font size="1"><img src="images/xfire_logo.jpg" alt="Xfire - Gaming Simplified">xFire User Account: <b>$userinfo[field6]</b></font>
<br />

<a href="http://profile.xfire.com/$userinfo[field6]" target="_blank"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/$userinfo[field7]/type/1/$userinfo[field6].png" border="0"/></a>

<br />
<center><font size="1"><a href="xfire:add_friend?user=$userinfo[field6]" rel="nofollow"><b>Add $userinfo[username] to xFire Contacts List</b></font></center>

Another thing, you need to remove the <img src="/forum/images/xfire_logo.jpg" and rename it to <img src="images/xfire_logo.jpg" instead >8P Something is definantly wrong though, and i am assuming it's because i do not allow html, and it has html tags there. Anyway you can make this mod work without the use of html?
EDIT1: Ok monkeying around with the template, you need to remove thead, that messes up the placement, now i just need to figure out how to remove the linking of the vbulletin version and everything.

Replicators 10-25-2008 10:02 PM

Ok, i kinda ripped up your code to suit my needs, and all is working fine now, but something in the plugin is making the vbulletin legal info as a link which bothers me.


<if condition="$userinfo[fieldxx]">
<div class="alt1 block_row">
<center><a href="http://profile.xfire.com/$userinfo[fieldxx]" target="_blank"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/$userinfo[fieldoo]/type/1/$userinfo[fieldxx].png" width="236" height="54" border="0"/></a></center>
<br />
<center><a href="xfire:add_friend?user=$userinfo[fieldxx]" rel="nofollow"><img src=images/xfire_addme.png border="0"></center>

I suggest all who is having problems with this displaying correctly to replace the old template code with this one i just posted. Just upload my attached image to the images folder. Only drawback atleast for me is the vbulletin legal info gets hyperlinked, and i think it's due to the plugin code itself but can't say for sure. To the dev, i am sorry for altering your code, but alot of people are having problems with this, and i feel this would be a good alternative method of your hack. If you could show us how to mend the plugin code to the way i have it set up, all will be good with those that have a skin that won't display your mod as it should.

m002.p 10-26-2008 05:58 PM

No, that code doesnt work above, the code ive provided is there for a reason and certainly isnt hassle and certainly works :p. Its nothing to do with the plugin, that is just PHP functions which wont mess up the display.

I dont know where you got that template code from :s That HTML is to do with the product xml only and is the reason your display is messed up.

This is the only code you need to use in the template:


<if condition="$userinfo[fieldxx]">
<div class="alt1 block_row">
        <ul class="list_no_decoration">
<td align="center" class="alt2"><font size="1"><img src="/forum/images/xfire_logo.jpg" alt="Xfire - Gaming Simplified" height="60" width="230">xFire User Account: <b>$userinfo[fieldxx]</b></font>
<br />

<if condition="$userinfo[fieldxx]">
<a href="http://profile.xfire.com/$userinfo[fieldxx]" target="_blank"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/$userinfo[field00]/type/1/$userinfo[fieldxx].png" width="230" height="63" border="0"/></a>

<else />

<a href="http://profile.xfire.com/$userinfo[fieldxx]" target="_blank"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/1/$userinfo[fieldxx].png" width="230" height="63" border="0"/></a>

<br />
<center><font size="1"><a href="xfire:add_friend?user=$userinfo[fieldxx]" rel="nofollow"><b>Add $userinfo[username] to xFire Contacts List</b></font></center>

That, will fix your display :)

Of course I dont mind people using the code or modifying it, providing it works :p lol

Replicators 10-26-2008 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by m002.p (Post 1653261)
No, that code doesnt work above, the code ive provided is there for a reason and certainly isnt hassle and certainly works :p. Its nothing to do with the plugin, that is just PHP functions which wont mess up the display.

I dont know where you got that template code from :s That HTML is to do with the product xml only and is the reason your display is messed up.

This is the only code you need to use in the template:


<if condition="$userinfo[fieldxx]">
<div class="alt1 block_row">
    <ul class="list_no_decoration">
<td align="center" class="alt2"><font size="1"><img src="/forum/images/xfire_logo.jpg" alt="Xfire - Gaming Simplified" height="60" width="230">xFire User Account: <b>$userinfo[fieldxx]</b></font>
<br />

<if condition="$userinfo[fieldxx]">
<a href="http://profile.xfire.com/$userinfo[fieldxx]" target="_blank"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/$userinfo[field00]/type/1/$userinfo[fieldxx].png" width="230" height="63" border="0"/></a>

<else />

<a href="http://profile.xfire.com/$userinfo[fieldxx]" target="_blank"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/1/$userinfo[fieldxx].png" width="230" height="63" border="0"/></a>

<br />
<center><font size="1"><a href="xfire:add_friend?user=$userinfo[fieldxx]" rel="nofollow"><b>Add $userinfo[username] to xFire Contacts List</b></font></center>

That, will fix your display :)

Of course I dont mind people using the code or modifying it, providing it works :p lol

I will try your method, i meant no offense to you btw. The way i had it does work as i said, the only thing that is wrong is it hyperlinking the vbulletin legal info stuff due to plugin code.

m002.p 10-26-2008 06:22 PM

Yes sorry, im not implying by the fact it is wrong it doesnt display the module, im more saying the fact the code you cut out was in fact needed in order to display correctly (ie fix the link you report). The code you cut out was required in order to actually correctly fix the display positions.

Lastly, you didnt cause any offence, I actually appreciate your effort, however posting code that could mess up users displays further then stating "it is less hassle and works" doesnt exactly state the truth ;)

It isnt the plugin code 100%, I promise you. If you look and have knowledge of PHP, you will notice the functions do not affect the display to that extent. It is if you cut out the code I provided, and use the plugin, then it will cause those issues.

To cut a long story short anyhow, you identified for me that the reason why some displays arent working for users is in fact an error in the product xml.

Ive updated to v1.01 which should provide fixes for those experiencing difficulties. Please upgrade and overwrite the product.



Replicators 10-26-2008 06:32 PM

Ok, i tried it your way, still utterly breaks everything to look ugly. You do not need to input /forums/ as when your img sourcing it goes by the root of the forum, not the site.

Your Way

My Way

Now from my point of view, my html code works, not saying yours doesn't, but then look up to the first image and see for yourself. I didn't change any plugincode, and the html i used was what you posted, just changed the xx's to the id and oo to style. My problem could be due to the style i a using though, but all in all, this shouldn't happen regardless, especially for a mod like this.

m002.p 10-26-2008 06:39 PM

Ok, in this case try these two things:

a) Open plugin and try changing the hook location from last to mini.
b) If no joy, change the execution order from 5 to 3

It seems something is different on your website. 3 users using the code provided have no issues reported.

I think if this fails, we can agree to disagree ;)

Replicators 10-26-2008 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by m002.p (Post 1653295)
Ok, in this case try these two things:

a) Open plugin and try changing the hook location
b) If no joy, change the execution order from 5 to 3

It seems something is different on your website. 3 users using the code provided have no issues reported.

I think if this fails, we can agree to disagree ;)

I have already changed the hook location, and i did say my problem could very well be skin related which is vbskinworks ATX skin. And i don't see how changing execution order will help, but i will try that.

I made a mistake when saying my way is better, when i should of said it's a good alternative to people having problems and just want it up and running. I was helping your customers, not discriminating your work though i understand how you would take it that way.

m002.p 10-26-2008 06:50 PM

Hey no I didnt take it that way at all, like I said, I appreciate support and efforts to assist like anyone would :D

My point as petty as it could sound was the fact the statement "use this instead, its less hassle, and works" probably wasnt the best way of putting it. However, I think you understand that from your post above :)

Changing hook execution will run the plugin possibly before a mod that uses 5 as default. You never know, there could always be a conflicting plugin or mod out there relating to your skin or profile.

I will work on this further this week, and hopefully get some universal code that will work without a doubt. Ill keep all posted.


Skyrider 10-29-2008 09:45 AM

I installed it, did what the installation instructions told me and I'm unable to view my xfire profile (I don't see anything new).. I added my userID in my profile settings, yet nothing appears in my profile. Images ported, I've attempted to change where it should be displayed, execution order, etc. Nothing works.

m002.p 11-01-2008 11:33 AM

link? try replicators fix too ;)

nightbloom 12-02-2008 09:28 PM

=.= Neither one of these templates work for me. Everything under the XFire block is in the footer. The code Replicators posted only posts an empty block.

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