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-   -   Profile Enhancements - Facebook Profiles (Released) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184175)

christian8a 07-01-2008 10:00 PM

Facebook Profiles (Released)
Facebook Profiles

Brought to you by http://www.eibuddy.com :up:

What is it?
Facebook profiles rewrite.
For vbulletin 3.7.0

Update: It does work the same way as vbulletin is set, so if you use Profile Customize it works the same way. See screenshot #4


This is how I implemented it on my main site

This is only a profile layout edit in a facebook style to implement with your site, and does not includes the Gifts Product you see on the demos.

For a full facebook style get it from here


1- Download profile_templates.zip file and copy/paste content to yours.
(use a test style always, and backup before you try anything ;) )


Friends on Separate Page


Thats all ;)

christian8a 07-02-2008 01:59 PM


1Turk 07-02-2008 04:04 PM


tazzarkin 07-02-2008 04:22 PM

so, if someone has the pro, is this something that someone would do to enhance it?

or if you have pro product, then you would not need to do this?

christian8a 07-02-2008 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by tazzarkin (Post 1564997)
so, if someone has the pro, is this something that someone would do to enhance it?

or if you have pro product, then you would not need to do this?

We are not supposed to talk about the pro version here, but just to make things clear for everybody:

This is the profiles layout edit only, so you keep your old style.
If you have the Facebook style located here


or the pro, there is no need for this edit.

fattony69 07-02-2008 04:41 PM

For the gifts, is it just like facebook where you pay for some and others are free and are able to add gifts?

ProAzn 07-02-2008 06:33 PM

The "gift" part of the of the pro version is what we need. Members want to gift items to each other. Anyway can you add that part free as a seperate mod to work on existing vb 3.7x profiles? Would luv it!

aggiefan 07-02-2008 08:17 PM

just wondering but imo the coolest part about facebook is the tagging ability of pictures (where you have that box when you mouse over pictures to the name). any chance (or is it already) it could be included in this or the pro version?

would really enhance the new vbulletin gallery.

daydie 07-02-2008 08:21 PM

the best part is the online users! instant chat, small and affective.

christian8a 07-02-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by daydie (Post 1565187)
the best part is the online users! instant chat, small and affective.

That is really something neat they did, im still impressed on how that works.

About the picture tag, it is possible, IM just concerned about adding too much to it and then vbulletin will just have it in its future releases.
vbulletin rocks, I am sure they will get the picture tag and the friends display on a separate tag in the next releases.
This picture tag is kicking out there, so I hope they realize that and add it :up:

aggiefan 07-02-2008 10:50 PM

it is pretty good but i doubt they will do much enhancing soon.... 3.7 did just come out pretty recently. and i doubt they will add much even in the next version. if its not that difficult to add it would be a sweet addon.

xxalexkimxx 07-02-2008 10:57 PM

I just bought pro version and installed it, but when I'm trying to view the profile it doesn't work. Database error, here's the message, please check.

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.1:

Invalid SQL:

gifts.gifttypeid, gifts.giftid, gifts.comment, gifts.message,
gifts.private, gifts.recipient, gifts.recipientid, gifts.sender,
gifts.senderid, gift_type.image
FROM khmerroom_gifts AS gifts
LEFT JOIN mysite_gift_type AS gift_type ON(gifts.gifttypeid = gift_type.gifttypeid)
WHERE recipientid = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL Error : Table 'mysitecom_gifts' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Wednesday, July 2nd 2008 @ 04:40:07 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, July 2nd 2008 @ 04:40:07 PM
Script : http://www.mysite.com/member.php?u=1
Referrer : http://www.mysite.com/index.php
IP Address : **.**.**.**
Username : xxAlexKimxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.27

christian8a 07-02-2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by xxalexkimxx (Post 1565329)
I just bought pro version and installed it, but when I'm trying to view the profile it doesn't work. Database error, here's the message, please check.

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.1:

Invalid SQL:

gifts.gifttypeid, gifts.giftid, gifts.comment, gifts.message,
gifts.private, gifts.recipient, gifts.recipientid, gifts.sender,
gifts.senderid, gift_type.image
FROM khmerroom_gifts AS gifts
LEFT JOIN khmerroom_gift_type AS gift_type ON(gifts.gifttypeid = gift_type.gifttypeid)
WHERE recipientid = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL Error : Table 'mysitecom_gifts' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Wednesday, July 2nd 2008 @ 04:40:07 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, July 2nd 2008 @ 04:40:07 PM
Script : http://www.mysite.com/member.php?u=1
Referrer : http://www.mysite.com/index.php
IP Address : **.**.**.**
Username : xxAlexKimxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.27

Other mods installed?

xxalexkimxx 07-02-2008 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1565341)
Other mods installed?

No, it is all fresh site and everything...your product is my first mod :)

Hornstar 07-02-2008 11:49 PM

Thanks for sharing, this will give me some ideas that I will implement into my site now. thanks.

schlottkej 07-03-2008 12:01 AM

Check Out AJAX IM. If that is integrated into the Userbase it would function just like the facebook version.

tide 07-03-2008 03:14 AM

Hmm, too bad Facebook wont look like this in 3 weeks.

christian8a 07-03-2008 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by xxalexkimxx (Post 1565343)
No, it is all fresh site and everything...your product is my first mod :)

There should not be any issue at all man, please check the files uploaded to the right places and try reinstalling it.
If no luck, PM me we will get it to work man ;)

Hex_legend 07-03-2008 11:48 AM

Myself and christian8a have been talking long and hard and may be looking at releasing a mod which will allow a user to choose either my MySpace mod or Christian8a's Facebook mod for their profiles.

This would mean that all users have a totally custom profile layout and they can choose whichever they prefer :)

tazzarkin 07-03-2008 02:12 PM


That would be so awesome!


Originally Posted by Hex_legend (Post 1565726)
Myself and christian8a have been talking long and hard and may be looking at releasing a mod which will allow a user to choose either my MySpace mod or Christian8a's Facebook mod for their profiles.

This would mean that all users have a totally custom profile layout and they can choose whichever they prefer :)

rapidphim 07-03-2008 02:20 PM

just want to make myself clear on this...
1/ will this mod have effect on all styles? Or can we customize to select which style to have be impacted by this mod?

2/ this hack doesn't have the chat section right?
3/ how many queries this hack uses?

Hex_legend 07-03-2008 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by tazzarkin (Post 1565847)

That would be so awesome!


At the moment, we are looking at the best way to do this as both our mods call the same templates, so we have to rewrite both mods to call different templates

soletrader 07-03-2008 02:39 PM

i have bought the script and pmed you regarding it. Please reply for support.

fattony69 07-03-2008 03:13 PM

The Navbar doesn't appear. Also looks bad on fluid.

S7rik3R 07-03-2008 03:45 PM

Going to try this out ... If there are better upgrades like for Pro I will purchase it too.
Thanks ~

Hex_legend 07-03-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by fattony69 (Post 1565895)
The Navbar doesn't appear. Also looks bad on fluid.

Please provide your forums URL.

I will try and look into this for you as I will be rewriting this code shortly :)

S7rik3R 07-04-2008 02:03 AM

I installed it on 3.7.2 and it shows nothing except no permission to access ?? It's a very good mod but it cant access or change permission in my forum. :confused:

I wait for a new release ...

Aeolian 07-04-2008 02:07 AM

is your from template available to public?

fattony69 07-04-2008 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Hex_legend (Post 1565969)
Please provide your forums URL.

I will try and look into this for you as I will be rewriting this code shortly :)

I had it installed, but I removed it because it was a problem: www.thebestforumever.com

TheUser 07-04-2008 03:07 AM

Where does the profile_templates.zip contents go?
I am confused on that part.

fattony69 07-04-2008 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by TheUser (Post 1566384)
Where does the profile_templates.zip contents go?
I am confused on that part.

unzip it and copy and paste the text in the files into the styes they belong to.

christian8a 07-04-2008 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by fattony69 (Post 1565895)
The Navbar doesn't appear. Also looks bad on fluid.

The navbar is removed since the main point is to make it look like facebook, to put it back is so simple, just add $navbar underneath $header on the memberinfo template.
And about the fluid style, do you mean it gets distorted or broken tables? or you mean you dont like it...
Im sure facebook itself will look bad if it was fluid, It has been made for a fixed style.
Try to use the fixed and expanded on www.newmusicstage.com should look like that


Originally Posted by S7rik3R (Post 1566360)
I installed it on 3.7.2 and it shows nothing except no permission to access ?? It's a very good mod but it cant access or change permission in my forum. :confused:

I wait for a new release ...

The only mod is the friends product, the rest is just the way the templates are arranged, so there shouldnt be any permission issue. Basically just to get rid of the tabs and some padding... be more especific and we will get it to work


Originally Posted by Aeolian (Post 1566363)
is your from template available to public?

For my site I used the same style / mods but I sligthly modified it


Originally Posted by fattony69 (Post 1566380)
I had it installed, but I removed it because it was a problem: www.thebestforumever.com

What problems

TheUser 07-04-2008 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by fattony69 (Post 1566427)
unzip it and copy and paste the text in the files into the styes they belong to.

Can you be a little more specific? I'm not sure where each of the styles are located. Are they located in the style manager in the admincp? I've looked there and couldn't find anything relating to the files in the zip.

Thank you for the help.

fattony69 07-04-2008 05:07 AM

@christian8a: Thanks. I think I got it all worked out. Is it possible to add tabs to it? Like if I have the arcade games tab, will it show up? Same with vbexperience?

fattony69 07-04-2008 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by TheUser (Post 1566446)
Can you be a little more specific? I'm not sure where each of the styles are located. Are they located in the style manager in the admincp? I've looked there and couldn't find anything relating to the files in the zip.

Thank you for the help.

Each file represents a style. So go into your styles manager and go into members info section. Copy and paste the file text to the matching styles.

christian8a 07-04-2008 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by fattony69 (Post 1566450)
@christian8a: Thanks. I think I got it all worked out. Is it possible to add tabs to it? Like if I have the arcade games tab, will it show up? Same with vbexperience?

Yea man on the memberinfo template look for


right after that or before, depending where you want them, you can wrap them like so:

<div id="profile_tabs">

rapidphim 07-04-2008 06:18 AM

Chris, can you pls answer my earlier question? Thanks

christian8a 07-04-2008 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1565853)
just want to make myself clear on this...
1/ will this mod have effect on all styles? Or can we customize to select which style to have be impacted by this mod?

2/ this hack doesn't have the chat section right?
3/ how many queries this hack uses?

Sorry I missed it.
1- If you use it on a parent style it will if not you have to apply to each one.

2 and 3- This is just a profile template edit, basically to fix blocks sizes and padding, also to get rid of the tabs.

The extra friends page does not install any queries, it is just a template what you are installing that uses a php file to display friends the way they display on a social group.

If using that friends product does not load the php file correctly for any reason (hacks that you have installed) then use the tabs, by replacing this on the memberinfo template:

<div id="profile_tabs">

Add / remove blocks as you need :up:

Hex_legend 07-04-2008 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by rapidphim (Post 1565853)
just want to make myself clear on this...
1/ will this mod have effect on all styles? Or can we customize to select which style to have be impacted by this mod?

2/ this hack doesn't have the chat section right?
3/ how many queries this hack uses?

1/ I believe that this will affect all styles. As said before, this uses the same templates as my MySpace hack and my hack affects all styles.
2/ No this hack does not have the chat template
3/ I'm not sure on the queries as I haven't looked into that part yet. But don't worry, it doesn't slow your forum down ;)

fattony69 07-04-2008 01:14 PM

This works well on my test and the $navbar and as soon as I can, I am going to install!

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