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Mark0380 05-27-2001 03:39 PM

Credit for this should predominantly go to forum users Tim Mousel and Trog for giving me two necessary coding springboards for getting this hack (or is it mod?!?) together - thanks guys!!!!!

I am sure someone has already done this with MultiCity Chat anyway, so apologies for the duplicity - but I thought newbies might appreciate having this feature all the same.

Basically, the hack enables you to have a free MultiCity Chatroom integrated with your vBulletin forum. It automatically logs in registered forum users with their member-name, and an error message and login prompt is presented for those unregistered/not logged-in. And when you disconnect from the chat room, it refreshes to the main page of your forum.

Step 1.
Set yourself up with a free MultiCity chat account at http://www.multicity.com - don't worry about configuring variables such as color and chatroom description on their site, its all editable later.

Step 2.
Add a new template and call it 'chat_hack'.

Step 3.
Insert the following code into your 'chat_hack' template, remembering to insert the script code you obtained from MultiCity, rather than what's displayed here.

There are a lot of variable parameters for the customisation of the MultiCity chat. Most of these are cosmetic things, but a couple of them are vital for getting the auto-login functions to work properly. So check through my pasted script code here and look for the entries marked with asterixes - these are the configurable options that I tweaked OR added to the default code that MultiCity give you. Note: "AutoLogin" and "AutoLoginName" parameters are essential. Hope that makes sense!!!!

PHP Code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
TITLE>$bbtitle Live Chat</title>

<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>
td width="100%">$navbar<br></TD>

div align="center">

Change the code between the applet tags to the code you are given when you sign up for your free chat account.-->

APPLET CODEBASE="http://www.multichat.com/ChatBox" ARCHIVE="multichat.jar" CODE="GUIClient.class" WIDTH="562" HEIGHT="385" ALIGN="BOTTOM">
PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="multichat.cab">
PARAM NAME="affiliate" VALUE="">
PARAM NAME="AllowCreateForum" VALUE="TRUE">
PARAM NAME="AppletBackground" VALUE="#CCCCCC">
PARAM NAME="AutoForwardingURL" VALUE="http://www.yoursiteurl.com">****
PARAM NAME="BannerImage" VALUE="">
PARAM NAME="Category" VALUE="6">
PARAM NAME="ChatAreaBackground" VALUE="white">
PARAM NAME="ChatAreaForeground" VALUE="black">
PARAM NAME="Description" VALUE="Put a description for your site or chat room here!!!">*****
PARAM NAME="Domain" VALUE="0">
PARAM NAME="FontName" VALUE="Helvetica">*****
PARAM NAME="FontSize" VALUE="12">*****
PARAM NAME="HelpURL" VALUE="http://www.multicity.com/support/chat/index.htm">
PARAM NAME="hidepassword" VALUE="TRUE">*****
PARAM NAME="HomepageURL" VALUE="www.yoursiteurl.com">*****
PARAM NAME="LocatorEnabled" VALUE="TRUE">
PARAM NAME="ShowLiveChat" VALUE="T">
PARAM NAME="ShowUserInfoLine" VALUE="FALSE">*****
PARAM NAME="Subject" VALUE="*Put your chatroom subject here">*****
PARAM NAME="UseGraphicText" VALUE="F">
param name="AutoLogin" value="TRUE">*****
param name="AutoLoginName" value="{$bbuserinfo[username]}">*****
Your browser does not support Java applets.
Upgrade to a newer browser or use the Options menu to enable Java.
You may also use the link below to access the HTML version of your chat room.



table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tr>

td width="100%" valign="middle" align="center" nowrap><b><smallfont>$timezone</smallfont></b></td>
<!-- /


Step 4.
Create a new file and name it 'chat.php', or whatever you need. Place the following code inside.

PHP Code:

require( "global.php" ); 

if( $bbuserid ) { 

$user = $DB_site->query_first( "SELECT username 
FROM user 
WHERE userid = $bbuserid" ); 
$bbusername = $user[ username ]; 
} else { 
} // end if 

Step 5.
Upload 'chat.php' to your main forums directory.

Step 6.
Test the file, and assuming everything is working okay, link into your forums page.

I truly hope it works for everyone. It is certainly working for me!

Just point your browser to my forums page (http://www.leatherforums.com) and look for the button 'live chat' in the header menu at the top of any page. And if you do register with my forums simply to test this mod, please please PLEASE do the decent thing and contact me to request your account is removed afterwards, okay? Thanks.

Steve Machol 05-27-2001 04:00 PM

Excellent! I use Multicity Chat and can't wait to try this out!

Steve Machol 05-27-2001 05:40 PM

I just added this. Very cool! :cool:



1. What happens when a non-registered user tries to enter?

2. Is there a way to detect if there are users in the Chat Room? This would be an excellent addition!

julius 05-27-2001 05:51 PM


Mark0380 05-27-2001 05:56 PM


Originally posted by smachol
What happens when a non-registered user tries to enter?
The same that would happen if a non-registered user tries to post an event to the calendar or a message to a "registered users only" forum. You get the default "You are Unregistered" message, with an option to login. If you login at the prompt provided, it automatically takes you into the chat room.

As for question two, I am not sure how you could achieve this, or if it would even be possible. Sorry :(

Steve Machol 05-27-2001 06:04 PM

Thanks. I like the idea of the Chat being open to registered members only.

I did have one user say she couldn't log in though. Another one got in fine. I'm continuing to test it out.

As for the second question, maybe someone else will know how to add this feature to the hack!

julius 05-27-2001 07:22 PM

I'm using multicity chat only for registerd members along six months, with another chat_hack that is in this forum, and many registered users behind firewall can't enter in.

Steve Machol 05-27-2001 10:56 PM

Follow up:

The user that couldn't use the chat has a two letter user name. When she logged into the chat room with a a five character name it worked. My forum's options have been revised to accept 2 letter user names. Any idea why this hack won't allow them?

I'm also getting scattered reports of others that aren't able to get in. So far I don't have any specific information about their problems yet. I'm trying to get browser and version information from them.

-dloh-hammer 05-28-2001 02:25 AM

someone knows ?

how to put the chatwindow direcly under the forumcats (but not in footer) in forumhome ?

RobAC 05-28-2001 04:10 AM


This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!

Trog 05-28-2001 09:20 AM


Originally posted by -DLoH-hammer
someone knows ?

how to put the chatwindow direcly under the forumcats (but not in footer) in forumhome ?

If you want it integrated into your board, check out this thread


Have fun

Mark0380 05-28-2001 09:54 AM


Originally posted by smachol
Follow up:

The user that couldn't use the chat has a two letter user name. When she logged into the chat room with a a five character name it worked. My forum's options have been revised to accept 2 letter user names. Any idea why this hack won't allow them?

I have done some investigating - it is not the hack that is at fault, it is simply a limitation of the chat room program that is causing this problem.

Basically, MultiCity Chat will only accept usernames of 3 letters or higher. 2 letter usernames are refused by the chat applet - I would not think there a way around this, save for changing usernames. Sorry about that.

Trog 05-28-2001 10:24 AM

In my templates, I put 3 letters and a _ in front of names to give members a unique name for irc. Maybe something similiar would solve this problem. All you need to do is change "{$bbuserinfo[username]}" to something like "abc_{$bbuserinfo[username]}" and that should fix it.

Steve Machol 05-28-2001 02:28 PM

Thanks Mark for finding out the problem with two letter names. Trog's idea is a good one and I'll look into this.

By the way I'm still getting a few users who can't enter the Chat room. They get the infamous "You are not logged in" screen even though it gives their user name. I suspect cookie corruption and will ask them to delete their cookies and try again.

Any other ideas?

Steve Machol 05-28-2001 04:42 PM


I found out why some users can access the Chat and some can't.

The ones that can't all have one thing in common - they have the 'Remember Username and password' option set to 'no'. Once they set this to yes, it works.

Is it possible to fix the script so it will work when the option is set to 'no'?

Steve Machol 05-30-2001 03:59 PM

*polite bump*

bokhalifa 05-31-2001 03:47 PM

<a href="http://bokhalifa.com/daar/chat.php" target="_blank">good werk</a>

RobAC 06-04-2001 01:54 AM

Question: would it be possible to somehow tie in the loggedinusers, but only the users that are currently in the chat room or on that chat.php page? The reason I ask, is that it would be cool to let everyone view everyone else's profiles. I use the Multicity Chat, but you can't "have" or view profiles in their chat rooms. Any ideas?

freakyshiat 06-04-2001 04:49 AM

Users can still detach, then log back in with another name.

Steve Machol 06-04-2001 04:57 AM

I still have the problem with the 'Remember user name and password' set to no. Did Mark abandon us?

ToraTora! 06-05-2001 03:58 AM

the hack worked great, and I thank you very much for the time and effort put into this idea, however we switched, and found info chat to be much more to our liking. We have it in our site, but we would like to have the auto member log in set up like it was previously for multicity, incorperated for info chat.
Any help on this would be appreciated.

and yes, we did a seach, and nothing showed up except the same question, about the same topic. :)

GeorgeofCS 06-10-2001 06:43 PM

I'm new to php, but is there anyway to make it so moderators and admin see a different template than other users. I'm wanting to use this hack for another chat service, but I need to allow my mods to be able to moderate the chats.

Thanks in advance

chilliboy 06-12-2001 12:37 PM


Just tried this out and I must say it worked really well. Excuse me for being dumb - but is the multicitychat remotely hosted?? Its just that unfortunately my host (hostrocket) do not allow java applets on there servers.

Cheers in advance

PS - would it be possible to incorporate different chat rooms for different forum sections??

julius 06-12-2001 01:40 PM

Yes it is remotely hosted.

chris frolic 06-12-2001 07:42 PM


Originally posted by Fazle
Users can still detach, then log back in with another name.
is there a parameter to turn off the detach button? anyone know?

Dakota 06-13-2001 02:27 AM

Ok, I would like to know if there is a way that I can increase the size of the chat window. I have several thousand members on my forum, and this little window won't cut it once I get the normal amout of users in there. Thats around 100 for most of the day.

Edit: Nm, I found out what the Detatch button does. :) I just found out that I want to get rid if the disconnect button.

akiy 06-13-2001 03:21 AM


Originally posted by chris frolic
is there a parameter to turn off the detach button? anyone know?


<PARAM NAME="LocatorEnabled" VALUE="FALSE">

... will turn the "Active Chats" button into a "Home Page" button (so people won't be wandering over to another channel).


Originally posted by Dakota
Ok, I would like to know if there is a way that I can increase the size of the chat window.
Change the HEIGHT parameter in the APPLET tag from 385 to something larger.

Hope that helps!

Dakota 06-13-2001 03:41 AM

well I like the detatch button, it lets you use a window to resize it. I wanna get rid of the disconnect.

Dakota 06-13-2001 11:54 PM

Well I decided that I didn't like the multicity applet when I saw how little control I had. So I am using irc now. You only have to register a channel, and then replace the applet in the chat_hack template with this. The stars specify that you need to change something on that line. Usually just putting in the server and channel name.

PHP Code:

TR bgColor=#999900 borderColor=#000000>
<TD width="100%">
DIV align=center><FONT color=#999999 
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1><FONT 
=2><FONT color=#ffffff size=1><B><FONT color=#cccccc>.<FONT 
TR vAlign=top>
TD height=50 width="100%">
P align=left><FONT face="Verdana, Arial" size=2><FONT 
="Verdana, Arial" size=2>
APPLET code=Chat.class height=400 width=444 alt="server #channelname" archive="jirc_nss.zip">
PARAM NAME="CABBASE" VALUE="jirc_mss.cab">
PARAM NAME="ServerPort" VALUE="6667">
PARAM NAME="ServerName1" VALUE="server">
PARAM NAME="Channel1" VALUE="#channel">
PARAM NAME="AllowIdentd" VALUE="true">
PARAM NAME="WelcomeMessage" VALUE="">
PARAM NAME="RealName" VALUE="Site Applet User">
PARAM NAME="NickName" VALUE="{$bbuserinfo[username]}">
PARAM NAME="UserName" VALUE="None">
PARAM NAME="isLimitedServers" VALUE="true">
PARAM NAME="isLimitedChannels" VALUE="true">
PARAM NAME="MessageCol" VALUE="80">
PARAM NAME="BackgroundColor" VALUE="99,132,181">
PARAM NAME="TextColor" VALUE="black">
PARAM NAME="TextScreenColor" VALUE="white">
PARAM NAME="ListTextColor" VALUE="black">
PARAM NAME="TextFontName" VALUE="Verdana">
PARAM NAME="TextFontSize" VALUE="10">
PARAM NAME="ConfigNickOnly" VALUE="true">
PARAM NAME="NickNChannelOnly" VALUE="true">
PARAM NAME="LogoBgColor" VALUE="white">
PARAM NAME="BorderVsp" VALUE="3">
PARAM NAME="DirectStart" VALUE="true">
PARAM NAME="FGColor" VALUE="black">
PARAM NAME="TitleBackgroundColor" VALUE="black">
PARAM NAME="TitleForegroundColor" VALUE="white">
PARAM NAME="InputTextColor" VALUE="black">
PARAM NAME="InputScreenColor" VALUE="white">
PARAM NAME="IgnoreLevel" VALUE="3">
PARAM NAME="DisplayConfigRealName" VALUE="false">
PARAM NAME="DisplayConfigServer" VALUE="false">
PARAM NAME="DisplayConfigPort" VALUE="false">
PARAM NAME="DisplayConfigMisc" VALUE="false">
PARAM NAME="LicenseKey" VALUE="2727595959-37230483858208-133434764482443414852391-372304838582686393652391349333821334">
PARAM NAME="code" VALUE="Chat.class">
PARAM NAME="height" VALUE="480">
PARAM NAME="width" VALUE="640">
PARAM NAME="archive" VALUE="jirc_nss.zip">
PARAM NAME="codeBase" VALUE="website url">
PARAM NAME="alt" VALUE="server #channel">

It works fine for me. If you wanna see what it looks like the click here. Keep in mind that I changed the dimensions of mine.

RobAC 06-14-2001 01:30 AM

Is there a way to temporarily allow non-forum members access to the chat room? In other words, say I want to open the chat room to members and nonmembers alike one night a week. Is there an easy way to do this?

atrl 06-15-2001 01:37 PM

this script is great!!!!!

Don ->LKSAB 06-15-2001 02:25 PM

Works great
Thanks to all of you.
Now i only need a hack that puts a " * " infront of the users in the "online users" If they are in the Jpilot chat.

That would be so cool.


julius 06-15-2001 03:02 PM


Originally posted by Dakota
...You only have to register a channel, ...
Where can I register a channel? :)

Dakota 06-15-2001 05:41 PM

Well, there are alot of servers. IRC already has alot of the servers built into it. I know alot of people use dalnet of efnet.

gazdet 06-21-2001 09:30 AM

This is a great hack well done! :D

Only one thing....my members can log in with a fake username if they catch the logout window quick enough.

I'm using a free version of the multicity chat because I dont need any real admin functions etc.

The auto-login feature is working fine when they come from the forum, it's just this problem of members logging out then quickly signing in again using another member's name that is becoming a problem.

Is being able to enter a fake member name normal or have I done something wrong?

Thanks :)

hubba 06-21-2001 05:14 PM

This would be really cool, if its possible to mark an online chatuser, so that other can see i.e. the forumhome which users are chatting...

Fred 08-04-2001 07:24 PM

does this hack work on 2.0?

rockergrrl 08-04-2001 07:35 PM

I'm sure it does.. I have it working on 2.0.3...

Why are you only running 2.0.0 anyways??

Steve Machol 08-04-2001 07:55 PM

It's working on my 2.0.3 also, plus it's integrated with the new Who's Online feature!

rockergrrl 08-04-2001 07:57 PM


Originally posted by smachol
plus it's integrated with the new Who's Online feature!
Mine too... :D

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