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AcidX 06-21-2008 10:00 PM

Ban Users From a Thread
Ban Users From A Thread
(Keep users out of a particular thread)


Allows Administrators to ban a user from a particular thread.
Most useful if you have a "flame started" and you dont want to lock the entire thread or ban the user entirely - just keep them out of the thread!

vBulletin 4 version can be found here.

This is a port from the 3.6 version released last year.
You can also find a 3.5 version for this mod if you need it.

Tested on 3.7.1 PL1 & 3.7.1 PL2 - works perfectly.


1. Allows banning users from a particular thread.
2. This mod can be used by Administrators.
3. Cannot ban Mods/Supermods/Admins.
4. Can clear all bans in a particular thread, or bans from All threads.
5. Can ban/unban user from a single menu when clicking their username, or the http://forum.kajgana.com/images/butt.../threadban.png/http://forum.kajgana.com/images/butt...hreadunban.png icons.
6. Page to display Forum Wide Thread Bans.


1. Download the .zip file
2. Read the guide in the README.txt document
3. Click Install if you like the mod :)


I will offer as much support as I can for all of you that installed this mod.
Please do not PM me for support, and state your question in this thread.


- Allow Mods/Supermods to use thread bans [optional];
- Time ban [hours, days, weeks...];
- Display ban reason when user tries to enter thread;
- Notification for banned users via PM.

If you installed the product please click install, so you could receive future updates notifications. If you want to help develop this product further, please post your suggestions on the thread, or share your ideas with me via PM.

Jeanhdo 06-21-2008 10:22 PM


Thanks man...



ptwiggens 06-21-2008 10:40 PM

I just installed this... It's not working at all.

I am on 3.7.0... perhaps that is the problem?

Jeanhdo 06-21-2008 10:43 PM

I installed in vb 3.7.1 level 2 and is working perfectly, not only added the phrases in postbit and postbit legacy, because it's not there.
But even then it worked perfectly.

Thank you.


AcidX 06-21-2008 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by ptwiggens (Post 1555709)
I just installed this... It's not working at all.

I am on 3.7.0... perhaps that is the problem?

I haven't tested it on 3.7.0 yet, but if you followed the installation steps and you're sure you made no mistakes, most likely - that is the problem. Only 3.7.1 and above. Maybe if you tell us what error you get, we'll try to solve the problem.

ptwiggens 06-21-2008 10:47 PM

Actually NVM... for some reason the edits didn't save... bleh. Thanks!

AcidX 06-21-2008 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by ptwiggens (Post 1555715)
Actually NVM... for some reason the edits didn't save... bleh. Thanks!

I'm glad it works on 3.7.0 too! : )

Q-v-n-s-Q 06-21-2008 11:10 PM

thank you ^^

Julrou 06-22-2008 02:03 PM

Hey there !

Great mod, works perfectly on my site ! :up:

I've enhanced it in order to allow mods and supermods to ban user from thread.

Just re-upload the xml file in the admincp (allow overwrite -> yes).

You can choose to give or not the ability to mods and supermods to ban from a thread in the templates modifications (see the new README file in this post's attachments) : just modify the usergroups you want in this line :

PHP Code:

<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7))"

(at the start of every template modifications).

AcidX 06-22-2008 02:31 PM

Thanks Julrou! : ) But it sure needs more development before realeasing the new version.

I wouldn't like Moderators to have permissions to ban users on ALL forums, but instead - just on the forums they are assigned to moderate. We also have to keep the installation proccess simple - no manual tempate edits. If you're interested, we could both develop this mod and publish it. The sooner - the better.

However, if anyone wants to give all moderators the permisson to ban users from threads on all forums - install Julrou's modification. Tested - it works ;)

Julrou 06-22-2008 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by AcidX (Post 1556062)
I wouldn't like Moderators to have permissions to ban users on ALL forums, but instead - just on the forums they are assigned to moderate. We also have to keep the installation proccess simple - no manual tempate edits. If you're interested, we could both develop this mod and publish it. The sooner - the better.

No problem!
I could be cool ! :up:
PM me :D:up:

ShiZoPhreN 06-22-2008 08:39 PM

Thanks :) for this great Hack :)

But you can, add the name of the Moderator/Admin who has banned a user from Thread?


This is a Thread? [Clear All]
-- Love-vB [Unban] {banned by ShiZoPhreN @ 22.06.2008 | 22:47 }
Thanks: ) in Advance

IrPr 06-23-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by AcidX (Post 1556062)
Thanks Julrou! : ) But it sure needs more development before realeasing the new version.

I wouldn't like Moderators to have permissions to ban users on ALL forums, but instead - just on the forums they are assigned to moderate. We also have to keep the installation proccess simple - no manual tempate edits. If you're interested, we could both develop this mod and publish it. The sooner - the better.

However, if anyone wants to give all moderators the permisson to ban users from threads on all forums - install Julrou's modification. Tested - it works ;)

you can use can_moderate() instead

TheInsaneManiac 06-23-2008 02:33 PM

I'm glad this has been ported, man did I miss this. Thanks a lot! :D

maidos 06-24-2008 06:14 PM

how about having a ban period for the threads? canu implement ban feature for subforum?

maidos 06-24-2008 07:03 PM

the ip icon is no longer visible for moderator

Julrou 06-24-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1558004)
the ip icon is no longer visible for moderator

It's kind of normal at this time : only admins can used this mod (except if you use my way, see messages above...).

maidos 06-24-2008 08:09 PM

already tried your way. mods stillc ant see the ip icon :(

Thelonius Beck 06-24-2008 08:34 PM

I will have to give this a shot. I liked the old Mod for 3.6.X, but all of the file edits made it not worth it after an upgrade. This looks much more user friendly.

maidos 06-24-2008 09:40 PM

mods cant move the threads. im uninstalling this mods.. its too unstable

AcidX 06-25-2008 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1558098)
mods cant move the threads. im uninstalling this mods.. its too unstable

The mod is not unstable. Noone else seem to have problems, but you.
You're either not following the installation manual, or there is a conflict with some of your modifications. :erm:

Ip icon shows, mods can move threads, no side effects...

odeezie 06-25-2008 11:57 PM

Does this have a spot in the AdminCP > vbulletin options? I thought it may be editable for usergroups.

CP, 06-26-2008 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Julrou (Post 1556049)
Hey there !

Great mod, works perfectly on my site ! :up:

I've enhanced it in order to allow mods and supermods to ban user from thread.

Just re-upload the xml file in the admincp (allow overwrite -> yes).

You can choose to give or not the ability to mods and supermods to ban from a thread in the templates modifications (see the new README file in this post's attachments) : just modify the usergroups you want in this line :

PHP Code:

<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7))"

(at the start of every template modifications).

Thanaks thats exactly what i needed.

AcidX 06-26-2008 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by odeezie (Post 1559019)
Does this have a spot in the AdminCP > vbulletin options? I thought it may be editable for usergroups.

Not yet. Only admins (and eventualy moderators) have permission to ban users from threads.

odeezie 06-27-2008 06:39 PM

Have you noticed any bugs with the modification in this post? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....49&postcount=9

I installed that instead of teh original in order to have mods be able to use this, and now it is banning users from random threads all over the place. The original mod was working fine and not doing this. Any ideas?

msu2k 06-27-2008 08:08 PM

Great mod...very much looking forward to:
- Allow Mods/Supermods to use thread bans [optional];
- Time ban [hours, days, weeks...];

wpeloquin 06-28-2008 04:07 AM

what is the difference between v3.6 and v3.7? i have the old one installed, and it still works fine after upgrading vB to 3.7.

centralss 06-28-2008 05:44 PM

doesn't work with 3.7.2! Any ideas or updates? Tried to install but got DB error!

centralss 06-29-2008 01:38 PM

ok I have an update in case anyone else has a problem with this. I hate when people say ok it works now and doesn't explain to others how they fixed it so they help everyone!! :)

I had previously deleted an earlier version of this mod. After looking at the database error I was getting while importing the product, it showed there was a duplicate entry in the "datastore" field. So I went into myphp and found under datastore, the BTU entry, removed it and closed out myphp.

I then retried the import of the product and it worked. Now my mods on my site will be happy, lol.

centralss 06-29-2008 01:59 PM

ok another update. It is not working for me. Yes I followed all the templates add ons in the instructions.

When I choose ban user from there, it says unbanned user from thread.

So I try it again and it continues to say the same thing over and over!!

Any ideas?

centralss 06-29-2008 02:05 PM

wow this is hurting my head. This is what I found.

If you click on the users name and have the box pop up and you select the words "ban user from thread" it doesn't work, you get the unbanned user from thread wording, BUT

if you click on the IMAGE in the profile (ban image) it works! lol

Need to figure out why the pop up box part isn't working. Since I seem to have good luck with say "any ideas" I'll say it again

Any ideas?

centralss 06-29-2008 02:21 PM

ok pop up box is working, must have just needed to refresh browser!!

Thelonius Beck 06-29-2008 09:10 PM

Perfect. Thank You.

AcidX 06-30-2008 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by odeezie (Post 1560591)
Have you noticed any bugs with the modification in this post? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....49&postcount=9

I installed that instead of teh original in order to have mods be able to use this, and now it is banning users from random threads all over the place. The original mod was working fine and not doing this. Any ideas?

Mate, it is NOT banning random users from random threads, I asure you.

Note that by using the modified installation (Julrou's modification) - ALL your moderators have permission to ban users from ALL threads. So I'm pretty sure that your moderators are setting the bans all over your forum. That's why I recommend everyone the original installation.

skariko 07-02-2008 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Julrou (Post 1556049)
Hey there !

Great mod, works perfectly on my site ! :up:

I've enhanced it in order to allow mods and supermods to ban user from thread.

Just re-upload the xml file in the admincp (allow overwrite -> yes).

You can choose to give or not the ability to mods and supermods to ban from a thread in the templates modifications (see the new README file in this post's attachments) : just modify the usergroups you want in this line :

PHP Code:

<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7))"

(at the start of every template modifications).

I try to install this version.. i insert array(5,6,7)) (moderator, GM and admin) but ALL THE USERS can ban EVERYONE from a thread :eek:

AcidX 07-05-2008 10:18 AM

Well, if your REGISTERED USERS usergroup has grupID 5, 6, or 7... they will have permission to ban. You need to see the IDs for Administrators, Super Moderators and Moderators gropus and replace them with 5, 6 and 7. The group IDs can be different...

If you are not sure what to do with Julrou's modification, just install the original mod in the first post.

skariko 07-07-2008 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by AcidX (Post 1567260)
Well, if your REGISTERED USERS usergroup has grupID 5, 6, or 7... they will have permission to ban. You need to see the IDs for Administrators, Super Moderators and Moderators gropus and replace them with 5, 6 and 7. The group IDs can be different...

If you are not sure what to do with Julrou's modification, just install the original mod in the first post.

Yes of course i've checked before that my usergroup 5,6 and 7 were Admin/GM and Mod.
No problem, i've make some error of course. ^^

I love this mod and i've installed it 'normally' but it was nice if i can use it for my moderator :P
Thanks anyway, i try to reinstall it. ;)

edit: i think i make it right now, thanks. :)

Skyrider 07-29-2008 10:20 AM

Is there any way to see who banned a member from a thread?

TroyTrojansFan 07-30-2008 05:35 AM

I've installed the mod and it seems to be working fine, except for the threadban and threadunban images are not showing up. :confused: I've uploaded the two images to the images/buttons/ folder. Did I put them in the wrong place or something?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Good job on the mod. I like it. ;-)

TheLab 10-15-2008 10:00 PM

Just updating this to say its working fine with 3.7.3 :)

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