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-   -   New Posting Features - vB Spell :: Spell Checker in WYSIWYG and Standard Modes (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=181065)

Replicators 05-30-2008 10:00 PM

vB Spell :: Spell Checker in WYSIWYG and Standard Modes
What this does: vB Spell allows you to install a dictionary (English dictionary included) into your MysQL database, and provide a spell checking window that works in both of vB's editor modes, standard and WYSIWYG.

Background: This mod was originally developed by tamarian for vB 3.5.x. With the release of 3.6.x the installer stopped working for fresh installs and the template changes were considerably out of date, tamarian gave cynix2 permission to release a 3.6.x version with updates. I have now carried it over to 3.7.x and will support it to the best of my ability.
This version should work with 3.5.x, 3.6.x, and 3.7.x series.

  • Supports most recent versions of browsers. Firefox, Mozilla/Netsacpe, Opera and Konqueror (Konqueror implies Safari, but please confirm Mac folks). Currently does NOT work in IE 7, if anybody can look through the code and know of a way to fix the mod to work in IE, then please send me a pm.
  • Learn Feature uses cookies, so it won't increase the database size.
  • Admin panel options.
  • Spell Check button appears anywhere there is a WYSIWYG Enhanced or Standard Editor Toolbar [includes quickreply but not quickedit].
  • Skips quoted text and other tags (PHP, code, etc.).
  • Usergroup permisisons.
  • Template based interface, and uses your default style.
  • Link buttons (Thesarus and Lookup) with links to Merriam Webster's online thesarus and dictionary links with the suggestion for misspelled words.
  • Unzip main package.
  • Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forum home directory.
    Regular Install:
    • Unzip Dictionary.zip.
    • Upload DICTIONARY.DIC to your forum home directory.
    Alternate Install
    • Unzip Manual-SQL.zip or Split-SQL.zip.
    • Import the SQL files to your database.
  • Import product-vbspell37.xml.
  • Go to AdminCP > vBulletin Options > vB Spell and edit your usergroup permisisons.
  • Template changes are now automatic. [need tms]
Q: What is the Alternate Install method for?
A: If you are having problems with the Regular Install (such as your dictionary import freezes at x%) then you should consider using the Alternate Install. If neither of these methods work for you then there might be an issue with your server host.

  • Unzip main package.
  • Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forum home directory.
  • Import product-vbspell37.xml.
To make template editing less tedious i have made use of Andreas Template Modification System found here. If you install tms before applying this mod, all template edits will be done for you. If you do not want tms installed, then i have supplied easier to understand template editing instructions inside the mod zip file.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to use tms and have the templates be automatically installed, then you need to go into your styles and save the following templates.

editpost, newreply, newthread, album_pictureview, calendar_edit, visitormessage_editor, socialgroups_editor, USERCP_SHELL, SHOWTHREAD, postbit_quickedit, pm_newpm, picturecomment_form, and modifysignature

Just go into the templates and save it without making any changes for each skin. TMS will not edit any unmodified templates, so if any of them templates are already red, then they are already modified and you don't need to save them.

1.1 - Added use of TMS to make template modification easier.
1.2 - Added tehtide's fix from here
1.3 - Made some changes in the product, and made manual template instructions a little less tedious, but there is no easy way of doing it unfortunantly. You will need to redo the template edits that go above </head>.

carrlos 05-31-2008 12:20 AM

I'm first!!!! Yea!!!! :)

But still waiting for the download!! :D

KeyStalker 05-31-2008 12:25 AM

Very interesting.

Replicators 05-31-2008 12:29 AM

Give me a minute, just released it, preparing the files now.

Elenna 05-31-2008 01:23 AM

Has there been any change since the 3.6 release? ie - if I have that one installed and working, is it recommended that we upgrade?

Replicators 05-31-2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Elenna (Post 1536710)
Has there been any change since the 3.6 release? ie - if I have that one installed and working, is it recommended that we upgrade?

No need to upgrade if you have the old version installed as nothing major has changed, but i do plan on making some changes to this as the 3.6 version is no longer supported, so my advice is to install this one, and then when i release a update, you will have the choice to move to this one if you'd like.

smirkley 05-31-2008 02:20 AM

tesing on my 3.7.0G....

Do I have to manually edit all the post and edit pages templates to make this work?

Otherwise it doesnt seem to be working using the xml install only.

Thanks in advance, and imo a great mod, beats ispell if I can get it to work on my code.

soletrader 05-31-2008 04:18 AM

doesnt work with FF on 3.7 gold.

Elenna 05-31-2008 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1536713)
No need to upgrade if you have the old version installed as nothing major has changed, but i do plan on making some changes to this as the 3.6 version is no longer supported, so my advice is to install this one, and then when i release a update, you will have the choice to move to this one if you'd like.

Thanks for the response, Replicators! :)

Will upgrade when I can; glad to know I'm not missing out on any awesome new features until then (not sure what new features you can add to spell-check anyway).

*thumbs up*

codershark 05-31-2008 07:31 AM

Has anyone a german Dictionary ??? Or know where I can get one ?

Replicators 05-31-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 1536742)
tesing on my 3.7.0G....

Do I have to manually edit all the post and edit pages templates to make this work?

Otherwise it doesnt seem to be working using the xml install only.

Thanks in advance, and imo a great mod, beats ispell if I can get it to work on my code.

Yes, you do need to do the template edits, otherwise nothing will call for the vbspell window. I am gonna try to make the template changes more automatic if i can, but for now it's manual editing. Sry

Megatr0n 05-31-2008 01:13 PM

Replicator, did you get my PM?

PGAmerica 05-31-2008 04:41 PM

Your instructions say to edit the "postbit_quickedit" template and look for </head>. I do not have this in my "postbit_quickedit" template. it also says to look for "$navbar". This is not in there either.

In fact, the only thing you are telling me to find that is actually in that template is the first step when has me looking for


<if condition="is_browser('ie')">
            <td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
            <td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_spelling"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/spelling.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[check_spelling]" /></div></td>


PGAmerica 05-31-2008 05:46 PM

Well, it turns out that I was reading the instructions int he included text file and they are totally wrong. In addition, these instructions are convoluted at best and this hack does not work at all.

I need a simpler spellchecking solution.

Replicators 05-31-2008 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1537192)
Well, it turns out that I was reading the instructions int he included text file and they are totally wrong. In addition, these instructions are convoluted at best and this hack does not work at all.

I need a simpler spellchecking solution.


For quick edit in postbit_quickedit, use this for step C (A and B are in showthread):
Do you read where change A and B are in showthread, the only change in postbit_quickedit is adding the button. Go in postbit_quickedit and search for preview or go_advanced and place the button code under that line.

The instructions work fine, it's just how it's read that may be more difficult for some people. I gotta change the button code instructions as copying and pasting the whole line won't give any results. Just search for preview, go_advanced, or save and then put the button code under that line.

Mike-D 05-31-2008 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by codershark (Post 1536860)
Has anyone a german Dictionary ??? Or know where I can get one ?

Simply amazing what a search can do...

From here (vB Spell) => To here (Download Languages) => Final (Downwload 'German') :D

PGAmerica 06-01-2008 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1537202)
the only change in postbit_quickedit is adding the button

Not true. Your instructions in the first post make 2 references to this template. One at the beginning of the instructions and another at the end. The text file that you provided actually detail more edits to this template.


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1537202)
The instructions work fine, it's just how it's read that may be more difficult for some people.

Well, the text file instructions that you provide are horrible beyond belief. The ones in the post are easier to read, but still need alot of help.

shlomot 06-01-2008 02:20 AM

An important addon to any quality board & community. Thank you.

However, manual template edits are outdated. Will install when an XML script will use hooks for seamless install & uninstall operations.

Replicators 06-01-2008 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by shlomot (Post 1537494)
An important addon to any quality board & community. Thank you.

However, manual template edits are outdated. Will install when an XML script will use hooks for seamless install & uninstall operations.

Problem is is there are no hooks where the edits need to go, and i'm not so advanced to know how to do that unfortunantly. I have found a better way though, but does require another mod to be installed though.

shlomot 06-01-2008 12:56 PM

Thanks for your speedy response. What other mod should be installed?


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1537781)
Problem is is there are no hooks where the edits need to go, and i'm not so advanced to know how to do that unfortunantly. I have found a better way though, but does require another mod to be installed though.

Replicators 06-01-2008 01:05 PM

You need tms installed first in order for the template edits to be done for you. Then need to save all the templates that are gonna be edited beforehand cause tms will not modify unmodified templates. >8( So it's not without tedious work, but its alot easier to just go in the templates and save them, than manually editing the templates yourself.

Renada 06-05-2008 02:13 PM


I've installed this with manual template edits as I didn't want to install TMS but cannot get it to find vbspell.php.

The popup works on Firefox but not on IE and the error FF is giving is:

"The requested URL /vbspell.php was not found on this server."

This is the code added to the Editpost template:


<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow" action="vbspell.php">
        <input type="hidden" name="spell_formname" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="spell_fieldname" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="spellstring" value="">

I've tried inserting /forums/vbspell.php and http://www.mysite.com/forums/vbspell.php - neither of which work. All three files are in my /forums directory along with the Dictionary file.

Any idea why this isn't finding the file please?


cnutter 06-05-2008 02:33 PM

Something in this mod interfers with the Album Pictures - Forum Home 1.3.0 plugin causing the images not to show up. Any ideas.

ViewMy.biz 06-05-2008 05:22 PM

Does the spell checker work in forms, for example when you are doing a search? If not, is there something that does perform a form spell check? thanks

Replicators 06-05-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Renada (Post 1541554)

I've installed this with manual template edits as I didn't want to install TMS but cannot get it to find vbspell.php.

The popup works on Firefox but not on IE and the error FF is giving is:

"The requested URL /vbspell.php was not found on this server."

This is the code added to the Editpost template:


<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow" action="vbspell.php">
        <input type="hidden" name="spell_formname" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="spell_fieldname" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="spellstring" value="">

I've tried inserting /forums/vbspell.php and http://www.mysite.com/forums/vbspell.php - neither of which work. All three files are in my /forums directory along with the Dictionary file.

Any idea why this isn't finding the file please?


Thank you for pointing this out to me, and since i don't use IE, i didn't see the problem beforehand, in which i SHOULD of checked in ie too. I plan on fixing this issue asap, but i have other stuff i am taking care of at this time aswell. Very sorry for this inconvenience but please keep this installed so you can get a email telling you when it is fixed.


Originally Posted by cnutter (Post 1541565)
Something in this mod interfers with the Album Pictures - Forum Home 1.3.0 plugin causing the images not to show up. Any ideas.

Does that mod make use of tms? It could be due to the spell checker overwritten template edits of that mod, but i can't be sure. What you can do is remove the auto-template changes for the templates that are giving you this problem, and then manually edit the templates. Does it happen on forumhome, or like when your seeing a thread?


Originally Posted by ViewMy.biz (Post 1541668)
Does the spell checker work in forms, for example when you are doing a search? If not, is there something that does perform a form spell check? thanks

No it don't, only under message editors, it could be done though with he approproiate editing, you'd have to add the buttons under the input boxes. and the </head> and $navbar change. It would be pretty tedious though to do it for every template though.

Chadi 06-06-2008 01:52 AM

There is a bug with this hack.

When enabled, certain functions do not work. One I just noticed is that when you click a checkbox on a post, it should by default highlight it, and on the bottom right side of the drop down menu (moderator options) the Go button should change the number from (0) to (1) for example.

Your mod conflicts and voids this functionality. As soon as I uninstalled it, the original functions worked again.

Tom_S 06-06-2008 03:51 AM

It has been awhile since I have done manual imports on MYSql but not that long. This isn't wanting to import even using the small chunks.


An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ';
`word` varchar(30) collate latin1_g' at line 1
I have tried importing the entire file using the file. I tried copy/paste directly into the query into phpMyadmin and I used the chunks of code where you broke it down with all methods to include the default in vBulletins "Execute SQL Query" and I get the same errors.

cnutter 06-06-2008 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1541849)
Does that mod make use of tms? It could be due to the spell checker overwritten template edits of that mod, but i can't be sure. What you can do is remove the auto-template changes for the templates that are giving you this problem, and then manually edit the templates. Does it happen on forumhome, or like when your seeing a thread?

I tried it with the maual templet changes and it still is a no go. Its not a big deal my users dont need spell checking that much.

Megatr0n 06-09-2008 06:10 PM

Hmm, has anyone got this hack working?

Seems like no one in this thread has confirmed whether they've got it running despite 22 installs.

Tom_S 06-09-2008 06:21 PM

No..It don't work as of yet.

tehtide 06-11-2008 12:10 PM

I got it to work by doing the following:

In the "vB Spell Template Changes" plugin change


<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow" action="$vboptions[bburl]/vbspell.php">


<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow" action="vbspell.php">

Megatr0n 06-11-2008 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by tehtide (Post 1546615)
I got it to work by doing the following:

In the "vB Spell Template Changes" plugin change


<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow" action="$vboptions[bburl]/vbspell.php">


<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow" action="vbspell.php">

What error were you getting before?

Replicators 06-15-2008 01:00 PM

I'm gonna need all of your help into making this mod work at 100%, as i am not the most knowledgeable at coding and such.

The only issue i see now is fixing it for IE as it will not work for internet explorer at this time.

Scandal 06-15-2008 11:31 PM

I think that this spell check system is increase the server's load when the dictionary file is big. :(

With english dictionary it works fine.
I try to re-install it with a greek dictionary* (7mb - when I import it to db the table was 14mb)...
The system accepts the dictionary and works ok on spelling BUT it want a lot of time and cpu usage to spelling!
eg, for 1 word needs 35sec (!!!) - for 15 lines of text needs 220+ seconds (!!! ) and the cpu usage on those secs was 90-100% (I run mysql and apache on my PC for tests).

Is there any way to fix this problem?
why it is so server intensive with this dic? :(

*i think that the dictionary file is ok... it is a text file with a lot of words, one below the other, without spaces (also, the words recognized ok from the vbspell on "suggestions" etc )


Sorry for my bad english, :o

-peter :)

Scandal 06-16-2008 11:54 AM

I saw that the table "sound" has no data when i install greek dictionary...
I think that the metaphone algorithm doesn't support greek :(

I'll try to import data on table "sound" with the words of greek dictionary WITHOUT vowels... :erm:


Digital Jedi 06-21-2008 04:10 AM

I've run into a error, at least, in IE. The Spell Checker doesn't open and I get a 'spell_formname' is null or not an object error message in Quick Reply and in New Reply and 'document.forms[...].message' is null or not an object error message in the Visitor Reply form. Is this as simple as just having done the template edits wrong?

bairy 06-21-2008 09:51 AM

I get the same error in IE7. I'm gonna see if I can work it out.

Edit: Had a quick look. It seems that this line:
h_spellform.spell_formname.value = formName;

confuses IE. It works in Firefox but IE7 doesn't recognise "spell_formname" as part of the form object.

I'm afraid someone with more knowledge of javascript OO will have to have a look.

Also Replicators I found a bug, don't know if it's just my board. Within a thread if you click edit on any of the posts then the spell check button, it will check the text in the quickreply at the bottom. I'm guessing there's a mix up over the id of the textarea it should be reading.

PoetJA-1975 07-15-2008 04:01 PM

I actually like editing templates manually - It makes me feel like I'm actually doing something LOL - But I tell ya - these template edit instructions for vBSpell is one of the tedious set of instructions I've EVER seen... It'd be nice for you to at least order the instructions so that you're not coming back 3 or 4 times to edit the same template... Also may want to make clear that in some templates you will be making the same edit anywhere from 1 - 4 times LOL

At anyrate - Thanx very much for the sharing REPLICATORS. It would be wonderful to have spell check especially for a Forum like JPiC which specializes in the sharing of literature & poetry. I have an issue though - It's odd really - I've done the template edits - followed the instructions to the letter = none of the Spell Check buttons work when clicked.

Suggestions & Support appreciated :)


Megatr0n 07-15-2008 04:20 PM

Has this hack worked for anyone?

PoetJA-1975 07-15-2008 05:19 PM

Actually - it doesn't seem compatible with Opera 9.5
In FF 3 - I'm getting a database error when creating thread. Quick Edit & edit seems to work well - Haven't tested in IE and I don't expect that I will.


Database error in vBulletin 3.7.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT word FROM vbspell WHERE word = 'haha';

MySQL Error : Table '#####_forums.vbspell' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, July 15th 2008 @ 01:15:40 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, July 15th 2008 @ 01:15:43 PM
Script : http://jpicforum.info/vbspell.php
Referrer : http://jpicforum.info/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=34
IP Address : #####
Username : MsJacquiiC
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.20-log
Any ideas how to remedy the database error?


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