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toonysnn 05-17-2008 10:00 PM

EzIRC 3.7.0
Hey everyone. I'm sure some of you have seen EzIRC and it's beta compatibility with 3.7.0, well this is the tested and completed version. :)

You can run all the same features of 3.6's EzIRC on this version.


"EzIRC" Chat is a simple and easy-to-use IRC addon using pJIRC, it will advance on and on in the future.
I know this is a simple script, but it's a simple script to help others. :)

  • Release Notes (1.0.6)
    • Added enable/disable for navbar
    • Custom title for EzIRC (Rename in vBulletin Options > EzIRC options)
    • WOL Location problem fixed
  • Release Notes (1.0.5)
    • Compatibility updated for 3.7.x
Future Features
  • None
Added Features
  • Rules below IRC - in 1.0.1
  • Enable/Disable Rules - in 1.0.1
  • Enable/Disable IRC - in 1.0.1
  • Hide link in navbar when disabled - in 1.0.1
  • Ident Server - in 1.0.2
Known Bugs
  • None
Known Errors
  • Username issues. Probably will be fixed later next week.
Just some IRC Servers...

toonysnn 05-18-2008 02:27 PM

Post reserved for future use, should it be needed. :)

rem-rael 05-18-2008 02:41 PM

Great! I was looking for this. Thank you very much :)

toonysnn 05-18-2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by rem-rael (Post 1523599)
Great! I was looking for this. Thank you very much :)

No problem. If you find any bugs, please let me know, this was a quick patch and I've tested it as far as getting it running. :)

redlabour 05-18-2008 03:03 PM

Works like a Charm! :)

But WOL Location is missing!

toonysnn 05-18-2008 03:10 PM

Ah, good point. I should add that. (Never messed with WOL until today) Will whip up a quick release (1.0.6) for that.

redlabour 05-18-2008 03:10 PM

And it was nice if we can disable the navbar Link and add a own in our Templates if we wish. ;)

toonysnn 05-18-2008 03:12 PM

What do you mean by your own templates? Elaborate please.

Henkou 05-18-2008 03:14 PM

thanks installed, already testing-) working fine exept one thing-)
example: i and my friend use this client and another man use for example irc from miranda or Mirc... if we post in english all is fine, but if we use russian for example, i write hello in russian ("хай") my friend will see it, but еhe guy from miranda will receive "0445 0430 0439" and if the guy from miranda will time the same, we in this client will reiceve smth unreadble-))) is there a way to set an encoding we need for ex. cp-1251?

carrlos 05-18-2008 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1523646)
And it was nice if we can disable the navbar Link and add a own in our Templates if we wish. ;)


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1523648)
What do you mean by your own templates? Elaborate please.

We would like to be able to turn off the navbar link that is automatically added so that we can add it ourselves where ever we want.

toonysnn 05-18-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by carrlos (Post 1523658)
We would like to be able to turn off the navbar link that is automatically added so that we can add it ourselves where ever we want.

That I understan-- OH I see now. Lolz. I feel dumb xD

Yeah, that will be done in 1.0.6 as well then.

member007 05-18-2008 03:33 PM

where do i register to for the irc #? I went to irc.ircdotnet.net but unable to get in..not found.

toonysnn 05-18-2008 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by member007 (Post 1523685)
where do i register to for the irc #? I went to irc.ircdotnet.net but unable to get in..not found.

Hmm...It should let you on. http://ircdotnet.net
I've provided the irc.x.com:6667 addresses in the first post, not the sites.

toonysnn 05-18-2008 04:04 PM

1.0.6 released - WOL added, navbar link enable/disable added, and you can now change the title via Admin CP.

Floris 05-18-2008 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by member007 (Post 1523685)
where do i register to for the irc #? I went to irc.ircdotnet.net but unable to get in..not found.

You can use the vBulletin Fans IRC Servers.

irc.vbirc.com (more info on http://vbirc.com and http://www.vbulletin-chat.com/)

redlabour 05-18-2008 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1523718)
1.0.6 released - WOL added, navbar link enable/disable added, and you can now change the title via Admin CP.

Great thx! :D

And at the next Update please use the inform by Mail option. ;)

uberjon 05-18-2008 04:54 PM

installed/upgraded (was using 3.6 version on 3.7 :p)

redlabour 05-18-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1523718)
1.0.6 released - WOL added, navbar link enable/disable added, and you can now change the title via Admin CP.

Please phrase :


Viewing Live IRC Chat

member007 05-18-2008 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1523752)
You can use the vBulletin Fans IRC Servers.

irc.vbirc.com (more info on http://vbirc.com and http://www.vbulletin-chat.com/)

I am a newbie to irc chat. What's the link to register for a nick?

redlabour 05-18-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by member007 (Post 1523793)
I am a newbie to irc chat. What's the link to register for a nick?



You only can register your Nick on the Server if you are in the Chat by Commands.

toonysnn 05-18-2008 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1523788)
Please phrase :

Done. Will be in 1.0.7
I've added Floris's IRC server to the first post. :)

Big Boss 05-18-2008 08:23 PM

Thanks for the release! Been waiting for an IRC chat since I'm running on 3.7 now.

KURTZ 05-18-2008 09:06 PM

can i view a live demo?

toonysnn 05-18-2008 10:56 PM

Sure, but you'd have to register in order to view anything on IRC.
(Just started today)

And of course, I'm running 1.0.7 on my board. I run Beta versions.

shinydarkstone 05-19-2008 02:09 AM

maybe for an update you can add on the profile the options for the nickserv
like /identify and the password, so the users can auto register on the irc channel

toonysnn 05-19-2008 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by shinydarkstone (Post 1524297)
maybe for an update you can add on the profile the options for the nickserv
like /identify and the password, so the users can auto register on the irc channel

Hmm..I will look into that.
I was thinking about this in 1.0.2

Stubbed 05-19-2008 06:29 AM

Cool :D

About time someone made a new vb irc integration mod and actually kept it up to date!

A few things that I've hacked into my vbjirc install that I'm sure more members would find useful:
  • Being able to add pjirc applet params in the config. There are a massive amount of variables used to configure pjirc, giving users more access to these would make this a lot more popular. Simple things from the basics like making it so people can't leave certain channels to completely skinning the applet, having the default blue on a theme that isn't the same colours just looks ugly. Also being able to change the applet width, there's no problems with it being set to a percentage if you're using a fluid theme. Obviously these can all be changed in the template, but would be handy to have them in the options.
  • Different params depending on usergroups? Restricting channels/colours/smilie usage if they're a guest, giving more options depending on other groups, etc.
  • Nick/ident checking before connecting. One thing where vbjirc fails is it doesn't rewrite the nick names if they're not irc compatible. Obviously every network is different, so this really has to be something set by the administrator. You obviously can't connect to a server with spaces in your nick, and on some networks you can't connect if your nickname starts with a number.
  • Multiple servers. Most major networks have more than one, and will only allow connection from ones closest geographically. For someone who doesn't know about IRC, having the client cycle through several different servers if it doesn't connect the first time would make life easier.
All of these are just ideas, in reality 90% of my users never heard of irc (Even though our community started there, and grew into a forum..) and still find it a bit too complex!

toonysnn 05-19-2008 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Stubbed (Post 1524441)
Cool :D

About time someone made a new vb irc integration mod and actually kept it up to date!

A few things that I've hacked into my vbjirc install that I'm sure more members would find useful:
  • Being able to add pjirc applet params in the config. There are a massive amount of variables used to configure pjirc, giving users more access to these would make this a lot more popular. Simple things from the basics like making it so people can't leave certain channels to completely skinning the applet, having the default blue on a theme that isn't the same colours just looks ugly. Also being able to change the applet width, there's no problems with it being set to a percentage if you're using a fluid theme. Obviously these can all be changed in the template, but would be handy to have them in the options.
  • Adding a vBulletin option for extra default configuration values can set this up quite easily, do you just mean the normal pjirc config?
  • Different params depending on usergroups? Restricting channels/colours/smilie usage if they're a guest, giving more options depending on other groups, etc.
  • Restricting channels is not possible from the client side I think. This would require usergroup bitfields which I have no clue how to use. Smilies and colors cannot be limited as far as I can see.
    Or I can just add
    <param name="authorizedjoinlist" value="none+$vboptions[ezirc_allowlist]">

    which will only work properly if set up properly.
  • Nick/ident checking before connecting. One thing where vbjirc fails is it doesn't rewrite the nick names if they're not irc compatible. Obviously every network is different, so this really has to be something set by the administrator. You obviously can't connect to a server with spaces in your nick, and on some networks you can't connect if your nickname starts with a number.
  • Hmm I thought I did this somewhere in 1.0.4, maybe it deleted itself cause I run on a live board, not a debug one.
    I will readd this in 1.0.7
  • Multiple servers. Most major networks have more than one, and will only allow connection from ones closest geographically. For someone who doesn't know about IRC, having the client cycle through several different servers if it doesn't connect the first time would make life easier.
  • So, like alternate servers should one go down? Easy. :)
All of these are just ideas, in reality 90% of my users never heard of irc (Even though our community started there, and grew into a forum..) and still find it a bit too complex!

I've replied in the quote.

cnutter 05-19-2008 11:04 AM

Is there a easy way to configure this to only join a specified irc server. Then stop users from using the /server command?

If so were in the configuration could I do this?

Nadiar 05-19-2008 12:17 PM

Is there a way to change the username someone logs in with?

Right now if the name is taken it appends a 3 digit number
I'd like to see something like Username-Java or something before it tries using the digits.

toonysnn 05-19-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nadiar (Post 1524688)
Is there a way to change the username someone logs in with?

Right now if the name is taken it appends a 3 digit number
I'd like to see something like Username-Java or something before it tries using the digits.

/nick newnamehere

toonysnn 05-19-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by cnutter (Post 1524621)
Is there a easy way to configure this to only join a specified irc server. Then stop users from using the /server command?

If so were in the configuration could I do this?

I could take a look and see if I can remove /server in all.

Mum 05-19-2008 11:27 PM

I would like to say that a fantastic irc channel is irc.webchat.org - i am in no way affiliated with them, but i have had fantastic service there.

Stubbed 05-20-2008 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1525027)
Hmm I thought I did this somewhere in 1.0.4, maybe it deleted itself cause I run on a live board, not a debug one.
I will readd this in 1.0.7

It's definitely a must have, I had quite a few users complain they can't get in because of this.


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1525027)
So, like alternate servers should one go down? Easy.

Good good :)


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1525027)
Restricting channels is not possible from the client side I think. This would require usergroup bitfields which I have no clue how to use. Smilies and colors cannot be limited as far as I can see.
Or I can just add
<param name="authorizedjoinlist" value="none+$vboptions[ezirc_allowlist]">
which will only work properly if set up properly.

Yep, that's how you restrict them in pjirc, I'm just saying it would be cool to be able to allow different user groups different options. There's no time like now to learn about bitfields eh? :D


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1525027)
Adding a vBulletin option for extra default configuration values can set this up quite easily, do you just mean the normal pjirc config?

Just a field in the vb config to be able to output more configuation options for pjirc. Just means the admin doesn't have to make template edits to get the effect he or she wants.

Nadiar 05-20-2008 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1525026)
/nick newnamehere

I understand IRC commands. Can you tell me how the java client is determining their username?

KURTZ 05-20-2008 03:37 PM

OK, installed and nominated! :D

some questions: can i change the default server in irc.quakenet.org or any other?

cnutter 05-20-2008 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1525027)
I could take a look and see if I can remove /server in all.

Thanx, many thanx if you figure out how to do it.

redlabour 05-20-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1525825)
some questions: can i change the default server in irc.quakenet.org or any other?

Is this a Joke? :erm: Sure - this is the sense of these Hack.

P.Jackson 05-20-2008 07:13 PM

does this work with quakenet ?

redlabour 05-20-2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by P.Jackson (Post 1526022)
does this work with quakenet ?

Sure - with every IRC Server. :rolleyes:

OMG - IRC is born in 1988 and nobody still understands what IRC is?


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