Thelonius Beck |
05-17-2008 10:00 PM |
Pop-Up Warning Before Visiting Members Home Page.
This Mod will show a Pop-up warning before your members Homepage links are visited. It now works in the Postbit/Postbit Legacy as well.
*Updated for 3.7.1 pl 1 - Postbit added-Text file added.
In the template memberinfo_block_contactinfo;
Find This Code;
PHP Code:
<dd><a href="$prepared[homepage]" target="_blank">$prepared[homepage]</a></dd>
Replace that with this;
PHP Code:
<dd><a href="$prepared[homepage]" onClick="return confirm('The link you are trying to access may not be a part of the $vboptions[bbtitle] network. Click OK if you wish to trust this member and visit their website anyway. Otherwise, click CANCEL to halt visiting this members website.')" target="_blank" dir="ltr">$prepared[homepage]</a></dd>
In the template 'postbit' and/or ' postbit_legacy';
Find This Code;
PHP Code:
<a href="$post[homepage]">
Replace that with this;
PHP Code:
<a href="$post[homepage]" onClick="return confirm('The link you are trying to access may not be a part of the $vboptions[bbtitle] network. Click OK if you wish to trust this member and visit their website anyway. Otherwise, click CANCEL to halt visiting this members website.')" target="_blank" dir="ltr">
Attachment 80842
Attachment 82355