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-   -   Add-On Releases - Advertisement System V2.6 Aka Ad Management (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=179083)

karim004 05-12-2008 10:00 PM

Advertisement System V2.6 Aka Ad Management
Many forums are using the Ad management system, however the coder has stopped supporting the script. Therefore I have decided to release this modification. I will give support to those who need it and continue to make updates to the system.

====>> Live Demo
The Advertisement System was designed with the intent that anyone with any level of experience could use the system. It is easy to install and once installed, the templates are easy to use on a site. The advertisement system has several features that sites will enjoy such as it can be used on versions 3.6.x as well as 3.7.x. The ads can be placed in the following areas: header , footer , below whats going on, below the navbar , postbit , postbit legacy, pms, announcement, archive, left & right column in forum home , left column in member info and full page , threadbit , as well as forumbit. Also, the ability to not display advertisement on certain pages such as login, registration & the search page. This system allows you to personalize the system to better suit their needs such as setting permissions like ads after first post on a page, ads after last post on a page, ads after X post on a page, and ads every X posts on a thread. You may also display ads by forum ID, as well as customize the full page for your site. The system comes with a feature for auto refresh ads as well as Google analytics. Besides the features,there is constant support given to those who need it and of course, updates are made to the system in order to better serve the sites using the system.

10/15/2008 version 2.6

** ability to tun on /off the autorefresh : check the screen below
Yes : will enable the autorefresh
No : will enable a simple rotation
** fixed 2 bugs in [left & right column ]

Features :
* works for v3.7.x and also v3.6.x
*advertisement in header , footer , below whats going on ? , below the navbar , postbit , postbit_legacy , pms , announcement , archive , left & right column in forumhome , left column in memberinfo and full page , threadbit , forumbit
* flash rotation
* do not display advertisement on certain pages Such as login , register & search
* google analytics
* permissions by area : display advertisement or not for usergroup x in :
... area 1 : header , footer
... area 2 : navbar , left & right column
... area 3 : forumbit & threadbit
... area 4 : postbit,postbit legacy , pms & announcement
* for postbit & postbit_legacy you have the ability to set more permissions like :
.... ad after first post on a page
.... ad after last post on a page
.... ad after X post on a page
.... ad every X posts on a thread
.... Minimum thread postcount
.... Maximum user postcount
..... Display Advertisements as User
*** Full Page
****Auto refresh ads
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.

karim004 05-13-2008 01:32 PM

Enable advertisements system in your forum?
go to admincp , vbulletion options , Advertisement System (Settings & Slideshow) and yes to Enable advertisements system in your forum
Enable advertisements system in header ,footer , below whats going on and .................
Example header :
go to admincp , vbulletion options ,Advertisement System (Header & Footer)
yes to Enable header advertisements in the main forum
Choose Yes to enable header advertisements in your archives.
if you want use simple rotation
chose yes to enable ads rotation in header ( you must disable auto refresh ads )
if you want use auto refresh
chose yes to enable autorefresh in header ( you must disable ads rotation )
permission :Display advertisements to Usergroups:
if you want display ad for all usergroups leave both box empty
if you want display ad for x usergroups enter the usergroups id for those groups Sperated by |
Example :

if you have a vip group and you wont display ad for them in 2nd box enter id for this group(s)
Rotation :
to use the rotation you must enter you adcode Sperated by |
example :

<a href="link1"><img src="banner1"></a>|adsense code <a href="link1"><img src="banner1"></a>|flash banner code
Auto Refresh time :
to change the time edit the 3 php files : autorefresh_header , autorefresh_footer , autorefresh_navbar
content="10" means auto refresh after 10 secondes

KURTZ 05-13-2008 01:38 PM

wow, it seems an excellent job Branden ... :)

just marked ;)

myown 05-13-2008 02:19 PM

thanks for it, but is this cmpatible with old system or not ?

auctionguy 05-13-2008 03:03 PM

This looks amazing! Just what I needed. Thanks!

GoTTi 05-13-2008 03:56 PM

great. been waiting for this. so the rotation of the ads work finally?

asawr10 05-13-2008 03:57 PM


iogames 05-13-2008 04:02 PM

Confusing but thanks... I've been waiting for months for Tyger to come back but he disappeared :eek:

Does it works for 3.6.10?

GoTTi 05-13-2008 04:20 PM

um...this mod is nothign like the previous mod...trying to figure it out ;/

GoTTi 05-13-2008 04:24 PM

wait a sec............................................

in the previous ad manager system, you would add ad codes like:


and that would rotate the ads on refresh. the only thing not working was the auto refresh option. so with this mod here, to use the auto refresh option, we have to use images only? we cant use a java script code for the ad like a google adsense ad or something? and seperated by | or whatever we define to be the seperators?

tekguru 05-13-2008 04:50 PM

Bad news for me if one can't use Google Adsense and the | as a seperator. Can anyone confirm if that ability is gone?

fluentdesigns 05-13-2008 04:52 PM

Ya this one is a bit different then vbadmanagement. For vbadmanagement you were able to enter code for example from OpenX into each banner spot in the forums so that way I could have different zones setup in OpenX and track how many clicks each zone was getting and see what ads do better then others. Maybe this coder will add this ability as well?

tekguru 05-13-2008 05:28 PM

Hmm, no good for me then as for example in the postbit I rotate:

1) Google Adsense - standard text banner
2) Google Adsense - Links text banner
3) Advertiser 1
3) Advertiser 2
3) Advertiser 3

All via either adsense code or HTML, and if it can't handle that it is no good for me.

I bought GAB and tried using that but it takes too many resources.

redlabour 05-13-2008 07:53 PM

Missing Ads for the Archive

Hornstar 05-13-2008 07:54 PM

this is a fantastic start tho, and looks very promising already.

Chance4Today 05-13-2008 07:57 PM

I thought it would be easy to do and I followed the directions and nothing is showing up any ideas?

redlabour 05-13-2008 08:02 PM


Add The Green Code Below To Get The Banner Rotation. Next, just Change Full Link For Banner & Full Link For website with your banners links&the websites links. If you want to use the rotation for more than 3 websites, then add myimages[x]="bannerlink" slinks add imagelinks[3]="websitelink" x=the banner&website ordre 4,5,6......:
Edit The Links For Images&LinksThen Copy & Paste :

//Edit Then Copy&Paste This Code
myimages[1]="Full Link For Banner1"
myimages[2]="Full Link For Banner2"
myimages[3]="Full Link For Banner3"
//specify corresponding links below for your banners
var imagelinks=new Array()
imagelinks[1]="Full Link For website1"
imagelinks[2]="Full Link For website2"
imagelinks[3]="Full Link For website3"


Anyone understands this ???

Does this mean:







And by the Way - if you give the Option for a Postbit Rotation - where is the Option after which Post this has to happen?
I cant see anything in Postbits - but under Navbar and Footer it works.

BTW - rename "GoogleAdSense" Option to "Activate Script or other Banners". I am using Amazon and it works.

And last but not least - missing the Full Page Advertisement after X Post very hardly. :(

NoCo7 05-13-2008 08:46 PM

Indeed be nice to setup Zones again using OpenX :)
Good to see someone taking the initiative though to bring back, & support a well needed and used plugin.

auctionguy 05-14-2008 12:56 AM

I just tried the banner rotation on one of my sites and I love it in 3.7 !

I am going to mess with the postbit stuff next.

Awesome hack so far though!! Thanks!

karim004 05-14-2008 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1518693)

ok here is a exp if you want add a rotation for vb.org , vb.com & google.com
vb.org : website = http://www.vbulletin.org banner=https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/cstyle/blue/vblogo.gif
vb.com : website= http://www.vbulletin.com banner=http://files.vbulletin.com/images/logos/vbulletin3_logo_white.gif
google : website=http://www.google.com banner=http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif

the rotation code is :

//specify corresponding links below for your banners
var imagelinks=new Array()


And by the Way - if you give the Option for a Postbit Rotation - where is the Option after which Post this has to happen?
I cant see anything in Postbits - but under Navbar and Footer it works.
for the option after which post i am gotta add it to v1.1 (( this week end ))
can you see them in default style ?

BTW - rename "GoogleAdSense" Option to "Activate Script or other Banners". I am using Amazon and it works.
oh thank you that s a great news . i will rename the option this week end (( in version 1.1 ))

And last but not least - missing the Full Page Advertisement after X Post very hardly. :(
dont worry i am gotta add this options to next version 1.1 should be ready saturday or sunday :
Random Activate Script : google adsense , amazon ....
full page
ads after x post in postbit
auto refresh .

redlabour 05-14-2008 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by karim004 (Post 1519000)
for the option after which post i am gotta add it to v1.1 (( this week end ))
can you see them in default style ?

No sorry.

And all i am missing now is the Option to show Ads in Archive. ;)

adblaze 05-14-2008 07:15 AM

I got this installed and I'm having some problems. No changes are needed to templates correct? The only place I got this to work was in the footer start. Any tips?


Here is what I have for my rotation code:

//Edit Then Copy&Paste This Code
//specify corresponding links below for your banners
var imagelinks=new Array()

BigJimTheLug 05-14-2008 03:35 PM

Good start.
Can it be setup so that it has a Google Adsense Revenue sharing option?

Can you include this in your next release?

karim004 05-14-2008 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by MARKETPROFITS (Post 1519465)
Good start.
Can it be setup so that it has a Google Adsense Revenue sharing option?

Can you include this in your next release?

maybe in next version because tonight or tomorrow i am gotta post a new update with :

* Permission / usergroups& userid for each section{header , footer , postbit ,archive }
* Full page
* Rotation for Other Banners like adsense , amazon .....
* Ads after x post
* SlideShow For Banners (where you can control the speed & banner size ))
* Ads In Archive

Originally Posted by adblaze (Post 1519120)
I got this installed and I'm having some problems. No changes are needed to templates correct? The only place I got this to work was in the footer start. Any tips?


Here is what I have for my rotation code:

you dont have to edit the templates try this :
first here is the ads locations :
styles manager / Ad Location Templates
ad_footer_end = above vbulletin copyrith
ad_footer_start = below what s going on
ad_forumdisplay_afterthreads= forumdisplay
ad_header_end = header betwen logo & navbar
ad_navbar_below = below navbar

if you cant see the ads in any of this places just revert the template exemple if you cant see the ads in header , footer end , footer start , above navbar ...then revert there templates

if you want center the ads in header, below nabar & footer :
for header open your header and center :

Footer center :

Below Navbar Center :


redlabour 05-14-2008 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by karim004 (Post 1519717)
maybe in next version because tonight or tomorrow i am gotta post a new update with :

* Permission / usergroups& userid for each section{header , footer , postbit ,archive }
* Full page
* Rotation for Other Banners like adsense , amazon .....
* Ads after x post
* SlideShow For Banners (where you can control the speed & banner size ))
* Ads In Archive

I hope you mean

*Full page after x post ;)

iogames 05-14-2008 08:10 PM

Congrats for your decision and work, the other hack is almost dead and I really like this... but I will stay in 3.6.10 for a while, can you confirm me if it works with it?

swatkins 05-14-2008 08:39 PM

Thanks for your hard work,, I will download it as soon as you post the 1.1 version....

T.S. 05-14-2008 09:22 PM

Postbit ads do not show up for me with the legacy verticle style postbit, only the newer horizontal style one. Any chance it could be fixed to work with both?

Wizardjv 05-16-2008 03:31 PM

If still taking request would be nice to be upload the banners via the panel like the banner rotator..Also if could add options to use it with Vbadvanced..Like put seperate ads on the homepage ...But this is very nicely done...Thanks so much for the mod :)

redlabour 05-16-2008 06:07 PM

Anything new about the Update?

karim004 05-16-2008 08:11 PM

05/15/2008 Version 1.1
* Banners & Ads In post_legacy
* Banner After x post
* Full Page
* and the great option is the slideshow : you can control the speed , pause time , force size
Live Demo for slideshow and full page Click Here

redlabour 05-16-2008 08:31 PM

Argh - more Failures then in 1.0:
  1. You did not renamed "Google Adsense" to Ad-Script?s
  2. Still the same Terrible format of own Codes
  3. Useless Full-Page because after X Posts is missing

As long as you did not implement a useful Codedesign i will uninstall. :down:

Take the Codedesign from vBAdManagement or something else useful forget it.
Or give us a useful Instruction.


//Edit Then Copy&Paste This Code
myimages[1]="Full Link For Banner1"
myimages[2]="Full Link For Banner2"
myimages[3]="Full Link For Banner3"
//specify corresponding links below for your banners
var imagelinks=new Array()
imagelinks[1]="Full Link For website1"
imagelinks[2]="Full Link For website2"
imagelinks[3]="Full Link For website3"


slideshowcontent[0]=["banner1_link", "website1_link", "_new"]
slideshowcontent[1]=["banner2_link", "website2_link", "new"]
slideshowcontent[2]=["banner3_link", "website3_link", "new"]

What the Hell means "_new" and did we need these " Signs?

What?s the problem to make it work like this simple Design:


<img src="http://www.politikstube.de/banner/externe/israel-heute.jpg" border="0" alt="Israel Heute"></img></a>|<a href="http://www.morethandreams.tv/"
target="_blank"><img src="http://www.politikstube.de/banner/externe/mtd.gif" border="0" alt="More than Dreams"></img></a>

and so on ....

And who needs Full-Page Feature if you forget the Full-Feature after X Posts????

I remembered you 4 Times in our PM Discussion.

Sorry Guy - this release is not what you have told me and other to be released.

iogames 05-16-2008 08:33 PM

I know this Mod will keep growing and growing, but does it work for 3.6x

redlabour 05-16-2008 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1522005)
I know this Mod will keep growing and growing, but does it work for 3.6x

For 3.6 use vBAdManagement 4.

karim004 05-16-2008 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1522002)
Argh - more Failures then in 1.0:
  1. You did not renamed "Google Adsense" to Ad-Script?s
  2. Still the same Terrible format of own Codes
  3. Useless Full-Page because after X Posts is missing

As long as you did not implement a useful Codedesign i will uninstall. :down:

Take the Codedesign from vBAdManagement or something else useful forget it.
Or give us a useful Instruction.


//Edit Then Copy&Paste This Code
myimages[1]="Full Link For Banner1"
myimages[2]="Full Link For Banner2"
myimages[3]="Full Link For Banner3"
//specify corresponding links below for your banners
var imagelinks=new Array()
imagelinks[1]="Full Link For website1"
imagelinks[2]="Full Link For website2"
imagelinks[3]="Full Link For website3"


slideshowcontent[0]=["banner1_link", "website1_link", "_new"]
slideshowcontent[1]=["banner2_link", "website2_link", "new"]
slideshowcontent[2]=["banner3_link", "website3_link", "new"]

What the Hell means "_new" and did we need these " Signs?

What?s the problem to make it work like this simple Design:


<img src="http://www.politikstube.de/banner/externe/israel-heute.jpg" border="0" alt="Israel Heute"></img></a>|<a href="http://www.morethandreams.tv/"
target="_blank"><img src="http://www.politikstube.de/banner/externe/mtd.gif" border="0" alt="More than Dreams"></img></a>

and so on ....

And who needs Full-Page Feature if you forget the Full-Feature after X Posts????

I remembered you 4 Times in our PM Discussion.

Sorry Guy - this release is not what you have told me and other to be released.

hi redlabour;
first dont forgot we talking about v1.1 so still more updates i cant get everything done in 2 days !
for the codes i change them to a easy one and it works for both ads regular banners and other like adsense amazon ..... but i am still testing stuff i wont relase a beta version and maybe can damage your website i want make sure first everything it s ok before i give to poeple .

for "_new" it s target=_blank to open all ads in a new window and poeple cant leave your website so what the prb with that you can change it to target=_blank !

for the postbit i think you said you want control the placement of ads in postbit and postbit_legacy and i did there is a option in admincp to show ads after x post ! and believe me i was working yesterday till 3h00 am to do it for you .

for the install i swear i dont care i want just share this mod with poeple because there is no moread managemnt for vb3.7

Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1522005)
I know this Mod will keep growing and growing, but does it work for 3.6x

i think so . if not you have to add the codes in your templates

redlabour 05-16-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by karim004 (Post 1522033)
for the postbit i think you said you want control the placement of ads in postbit and postbit_legacy and i did there is a option in admincp to show ads after x post ! and believe me i was working yesterday till 3h00 am to do it for you .

Thanks - but we talked about the 'after X' Posts Feature for Postbit and the Full-Page Ads.


Example - User hits 50 Links at the Forum he will see the Full-Page Ad with a Countdown to redirect him to the last Link he want to.

invisiblea 05-17-2008 01:46 AM

And You wrote b4 in your futures for 1.1 mod that you'll add features like forum id, usergroup id to show ads only to them.

Its not there :(

Paul M 05-17-2008 01:55 AM

When posting replies, please remember that modifications are provided free of charge, and written in a coders free/spare time. Thank you.

tekguru 05-17-2008 08:22 AM

So is the adsense script handling option now working?

D.Baker 05-17-2008 01:38 PM

Hey Guys,
Forgive me for being a complete n00b, but I am new to this whole vBulletin board thing. I understand PHP OK, and HTML/CSS very good so I think I can catch up pretty quick and will hopefully be contributing back soon enough.

Anyway, I have my board setup (I turned on plugins) and would like to install this plugin/product (which is it?). I uploaded ads.php into my forum root (mydomian.com/forums/) and imported product-advertisement_.xml through the product manager. If that's the correct thing to do, now what?

I can't seem to find the advertisement admin panel as shown in the screenshots so I think I may have done something wrong. Can I even get to that admin panel through my admincp? Or is a different thing altogether. Like I said, I'm a complete n00b, sorry and thanks.

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  • Page Generation 0.01937 seconds
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More Information
Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
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Included Files:
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