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akanevsky 05-12-2008 10:00 PM

vS-Hide Hack Resurrection
I no longer support my hacks. Please feel free to update them and release new versions elsewhere as long as I get the credit for the original modification.

|| vS-Hide Hack Resurrection
|| Author : Anton Kanevsky
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x
|| Released : Oct 07, 2009
|| Time required to install: ~2 minutes
|| Difficulty: easy


Have you ever wanted your users to be able to define who exactly can view the information in any particular post? vS-Hide Hack Resurrection, a vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x expansion, features a set of handy tags that together give your users an opportunity to do just that:

[HIDE-POSTS]: defines the minimum number of posts required to read the content within.
[SHOWTOGROUPS]: defines the usergroups that may read the content within.
[HIDE-THANKS]*: defines that the content within may only be read after the person says thank you by pressing a special button. (Expanded Edition Only)
[HIDE-REPLY]*: defines that the content within may only be read after the person replies. (Expanded Edition Only)
[STU]: defines the users that may read the content within. (Expanded Edition Only)

*(1): The HIDE-THANKS tag comes with a full-featured Post Thank You System. See features for further details.
*(2): The HIDE-REPLY tag can be reversed to HIDE with just one easy switch of an admincp option.


File Uploads: 1
File Changes: 10
Products to Install: 1



  • Stylish, HTML-formatted output.
  • Compatible With Regular and WYWIWYG editors.
  • Compatible with all vBulletin Versions from 3.5.x through 3.8.x.
  • Unregistered, Unverified and Banned users are prevented from seeing any hidden content.
  • Post owners can always see hidden content in their own posts.
  • Users can always see hidden content in posts that they can edit.
  • It is impossible to quote hidden text even if it is revealed - it is stripped from the quotation.
  • Ability to specify usergroups that can always see hidden content.
  • Zero template edits.
  • Works fast on large boards.
  • Ability to enable / disable any of the tags:
    • on global basis - vBulletin Options
    • on per-forum basis - Forum Options (Expanded Edition Only)
    • on per-usergroup basis - Usergroup Options (Expanded Edition Only)

  • AJAX Features for HIDE-REPLY, HIDE-THANKS, and HIDE-REPLY-THANKS, with full non-ajax functionality for older browsers. (Expanded Edition Only)
  • Online vB Code Documentation.
  • Case-Insensitive Tags.
  • vB Code Shortcut (HIDE) that can be linked to any of the tags featured by this engine.
  • There is no way to go around the tags. They are parsed correctly everywhere, including:
    • Showthread / Showpost.
    • Search Area
    • Forum Display (First Post Preview)
    • New Reply (Thread Review)
    • Post Preview
    • Archive
    • Print Version
    • E-mail Subscriptions
    • RSS Feeds

Integrated "Thank You" System ? (Expanded Edition Only)

  • Works fast on large boards.
  • Automatic prevention of users from saying Thank You more than once for the same post.
  • Automatic prevention of users from saying Thank You to themselves.
  • Ability to define which usergroups can post thanks.
  • Ability to define which usergroups can remove own thanks.
  • Ability to define which usergroups can remove others' thanks.
  • Ability to define in which forums to enable the system (can also be enabled/disabled globally).
  • Ability to define in which forums to bump thanked threads (can also be enabled/disabled globally).
  • Ability to define whether to allow thanks on first post only.
  • Ability to define whether to allow thanks in closed threads.
  • "Remove All" button displayed to those who can remove both own and others' thanks.
  • List of users who clicked "Thank You" below each post, with an option to limit the maximum amount of such users displayed.
  • List of latest Thank You's received is displayed in each member's usercp.
  • Administrator can specify a certain amount of reputation to be given to users who upon the receipt of a 'Thank You'.
  • AJAX posting and removal of Thank You's, with a stylish progress indicator.
  • AJAX posting and removal of Thank You's degrades gracefully to non-javascript functionality when AJAX is disabled.


Why "Resurrection"?

The reason is simple: This hack has been written many times by various people, and nobody ever got their version working correctly.
This product presents a professional version written from scratch, and there are no backdoors through which hidden information can be illegally retrieved. Unlike other systems, this one works correctly with the vBulletin Post Cache.

Usage Syntax:

Shortcut code, can be mapped to any of the below ones. By default, it is mapped to HIDE-POSTS.

Information is not shown to people who have less than X posts. Has an alternative syntax: , where X is automatically set to the value defined in vBulletin options.

[HIDE-REPLY]information[/HIDE-REPLY] (Expanded Edition Only)
Information is not shown to people unless they reply.

[HIDE-THANKS]information[/HIDE-THANKS] (Expanded Edition Only)
Information is now shown to people unless they press "Thank You" button.

[HIDE-REPLY-THANKS]information[/HIDE-REPLY-THANKS] (Expanded Edition Only)
Information is not shown to people unless they either reply or press "Thank You" button.

Information is not shown to people unless they are a member of the X usergroups, where X is a comma-separated list of usergroupids.

Information is not shown to people unless they are a listed in X, where X is a comma-separated list of userids.

:: Copyrights ::
The Engine & Toolbar Images - Copyright ? Anton Kanevsky, 2006 - 2009
Locked and Unlocked Images - Copyright ? vBStyles.com, 2004 - 2006, huge thanks to Miko for providing the PSD files!


Please see the attached change log file for version history.

The installation manual is contained within the attached file.


akanevsky 05-12-2008 11:37 PM


Q: The buttons do not show up.


Please check the settings at the following locations:
- vBulletin Options -> vS-Hide Hack Resurrection Options (Both Editions)
- Forum Options -> vS-Hide Hack Resurrection Options (Expanded Edition)
- Usergroup Options -> vS-Hide Hack Resurrection Options (Expanded Edition)

Q: I have just uploaded the files and the product and it doesn't work.


Of course it doesn't. Please load readme.html in your browser and follows through the instructions in their entirety, paying close attention to steps marked as "vB 3.5.X-ONLY", which means that you don't need to perform them on 3.7.X.

Atakan KOC 05-12-2008 11:39 PM

Thank Psionic Vision

Mrdby 05-13-2008 12:07 AM

Why not just add more features for this version?

ramsayeg 05-13-2008 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1517753)
Why not just add more features for this version?

Anything left to add? I think the current set of features really covers it. Thank you PV, I might as well install this soon.

dtv100 05-13-2008 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1517753)
Why not just add more features for this version?

why not pay the coder to do that ?

Barakat 05-13-2008 12:31 AM

thanks .

tirol07 05-13-2008 12:45 AM

Do you help Please.
xml imported But The failure There is the problem


XML Error: mismatched tag at Line 213

akanevsky 05-13-2008 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mrdby (Post 1517753)
Why not just add more features for this version?

Simply because I do not wish to do so. :)


Originally Posted by tirol07 (Post 1517776)
Do you help Please.
xml imported But The failure There is the problem


XML Error: mismatched tag at Line 213

Sorry, there was a minor error in the xml file. It's fixed now. Please use the xml from the package that was just uploaded.

tirol07 05-13-2008 01:10 AM

Thank you In the ray perfect

ShiZoPhreN 05-13-2008 01:31 AM

Big Thanx Psionic Vision =) for updating this Mod... so i can start the upgrading my forum to 3.7 =)

Mrdby 05-13-2008 01:40 AM

thank your sir!

Mrdby 05-13-2008 01:42 AM

this have the feature in order to see the hidden content they must reply to the post?

mktrilogy 05-13-2008 02:06 AM

thanks, there is an update for 3.7

eddy315west 05-13-2008 03:27 AM

thanks will give this a try today

GoTTi 05-13-2008 08:32 AM

i thought coders arent allowed to force or recommend users to buying premium mods on other sites? all i see here is advertising for your mod, offering 1 or 2 things, but everything else appears to only work on the extended version.

thought that wasnt allowed to be done....

we dont need to know what is offered on the extended version thorugh your mod. those details are suppose to be offered only on request i thought....basically all i see is advertising for the mod so you can make money on a 3rd party site.

Marco van Herwaarden 05-13-2008 08:39 AM

Cleaned first post from additional links to the commercial version: Only a single link is allowed.

Cleaned thread from all posts discussing the commercial version: Please do not use vB.org to discuss commercial products.

GoTTi 05-13-2008 08:40 AM

/me thanks marco

this buds for you.

sensimilla 05-13-2008 08:43 AM


akanevsky 05-13-2008 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1518032)
Cleaned first post from additional links to the commercial version: Only a single link is allowed.

Cleaned thread from all posts discussing the commercial version: Please do not use vB.org to discuss commercial products.

Okay, I think I've done it before and it was allowed. I suppose you changed the rules since the last time you checked. By the way, I was not advertising the mod in further posts, I was simply answering questions. Thank you for cleaning the first post for me, though.

OcR Envy 05-13-2008 09:51 AM

Does this mean the return of Vision Scripts?

Marco van Herwaarden 05-13-2008 10:42 AM

Cleaned thread again from discussion about commercial work.

Please note that any further posts discussing the commercial version will result in an infraction.

Marco van Herwaarden 05-13-2008 10:50 AM

See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....2&postcount=18

First post is already cleaned up, so please read before you post this nonsense.


Friend of psionvision ?
I don't like the insinuation you are making here. Every member of vB.org will need to follow our rules, no exceptions.

Marco van Herwaarden 05-13-2008 11:01 AM

There is nothing in our rules that don't allow listing of the features of the Paid version.

If you want to discuss our rules, please do so in vBulletin.org Site Feedback and not in the release thread of a modification.

mktrilogy 05-13-2008 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1518143)
There is nothing in our rules that don't allow listing of the features of the Paid version.

If you want to discuss our rules, please do so in vBulletin.org Site Feedback and not in the release thread of a modification.

i agree.

dancue 05-13-2008 01:09 PM

Man! It's no wonder why you don't want to code anymore. Why would you when you have so many people complain about anything!

Thank you for taking the time to port this over. This is officially the only HIDE hack available for 3.7 now. Lucky for us, it is the best one available.

Much appreciation. Thank you!

echo2kk5 05-13-2008 02:37 PM

Can someone that has installed this mod tell me what it actually does do since most the worth while functions are stripped from this version?

akanevsky 05-13-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by echo2kk5 (Post 1518348)
Can someone that has installed this mod tell me what it actually does do since most the worth while functions are stripped from this version?

Here's the answer:


Information is not shown to people who have less than X posts. Has an alternative syntax: [HIDE ]info[/HIDE], where X is automatically set to the value defined in vBulletin options.

Information is not shown to people unless they are a member of the X usergroups, where X is a comma-separated list of usergroupids.

Guest190829 05-13-2008 04:54 PM

If you think a post is against our rules, report it. This is everyone's last warning. Thank you.

Selene 05-13-2008 06:20 PM

This hack is really nice and usefull! One of the best hacks ever made for VB!

Fırtına 05-13-2008 06:58 PM

<font color="DarkRed">Thanks,

mktrilogy 05-14-2008 12:12 AM

where or what is the Maintenance Suite?

mktrilogy 05-14-2008 12:43 AM

is this integrated with abes thank u hack? seems like it

dancue 05-14-2008 12:51 AM

No. This has it's own thank you hack.

RvG2 05-14-2008 02:15 AM

thank you so much psionic for sharing at least the lite version. however, i am considering to purchase the expanded version in the near future.

regards :)

dtv100 05-14-2008 02:44 AM

I went back and download the uncompressed javascript" version of vbulletin.)
can I only upload clientscript or I have to upload the whole uncompressed javascript" version of vbulletin over my current version ?

mktrilogy 05-14-2008 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by dtv100 (Post 1518990)
I went back and download the uncompressed javascript" version of vbulletin.)
can I only upload clientscript or I have to upload the whole uncompressed javascript" version of vbulletin over my current version ?

thats what i did, no problem so far.

mktrilogy 05-14-2008 03:20 AM

confirmed, it causes issues with abes thank u hack. even if the thanks hack of hide hack is disable still wont abes hack wont work. maybe becoz abe uses auto template and probably during template edit we edit something that cause it. hope u can fix this psionic.

dtv100 05-14-2008 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by mktrilogy (Post 1519006)
thats what i did, no problem so far.

thank you

Marco van Herwaarden 05-14-2008 08:52 AM

Again some people don't listen to requests by Staff: Please do not use vB.org to discuss/get support/ask pre-sales questions for the commercial version.

Posts regarding the commercial version will be deleted and the poster infracted!

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