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-   -   [June/July 2008] BOTM Nomination Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=178055)

Guest190829 05-04-2008 07:51 AM

[June/July 2008] BOTM Nomination Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month of June 2008.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Nominations will be accepted until the 31st of May

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Please posts only nominations or seconds, no "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be deleted.

Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Danny.VBT.

Best of luck to all nominees!

veenuisthebest 05-04-2008 09:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Site Name: Tech555 - All the Tech Info You Need

URL: www.tech555.com

Description: Technology Discussion Group - Computers | Programming | Multimedia | Internet and Software | Gaming

Reason for Nomination:
Design and Layout:-
Tech555's layout, navigation and the way of content arranging is really catchy in order to make the user get what he wants.

Content and Relevancy:-
I believe that Content is God !! Tech555, being categorized as an Educational Website is exclusively dedicated to Technology discussion and it has all the required and necessary Forum categories, it being Mobiles, Computers, Programming, Web Development, Graphics and Designing etc.

Gallery and Gaming:-
The Picture Gallery and Arcade are simply an added fun to attract visitors, thus making Tech555 a home for every kind.

Keeping it Clean and Beautiful:-
Keeping colors bright, simple and soothing to eyes and mind. Thus, keeping visitors stay longer.

Its passed just 2 months since I have bought the license and have already put in so many efforts day and night in understanding vBulletin and customizing according to user's needs. However, the community is still lacking its activeness but already have over 280 members in 2 months and growing rapidly, thus proving Tech555 having a great potential. This time its a complete new design (not the darker one), definitely hoping to get nominated this time !!

You can even login at Tech555 with the following details and feel like home :):-
Username:- test
Password:- testing

Thank You

tschai 05-04-2008 10:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Site Name: VoetbalPortaal.nl...a 'Web 2.0' forum at last!
URL: VoetbalPortaal.nl
Description: Exclusive Dutch-Turkish soccerforum. It's a niche forum actually. It's about football/soccer in Dutch, mainly by and for Turkish people... speaking Dutch. Go figure!
Reason for Nomination: Exclusive, Unique...and balls!

Why VoetbalPortaal.nl stands out of the crowd? Top 10 reasons:

1. Original and unique: the 'clean and fresh' template is fully custom and is made in sparetime. Almost every button, icon and other grafx is customized aka replaced by a famfamfam-icon.
2. Exclusive: free registration, but you're expected to fully participate. We dare to choose for quality instead of quantity!
3. Delicate balance between Web 2.0 and old-skool-forum: I wanted all the Web 2.0 goodies, my members were just happy with vBulltein default install
4. Ad-free: for logged in users, that is...
5. Dymamic headers: every (sub)forum has it's own forumheader
6. Iconized: Every category has it's own slik and distinguising icon
7. Optimal (re-)use of navbits: on forumhome and vBA, the navbar is reserved for a banner
8. SEO'd: actually only manually, without vBSEO of ZOINT SEO
9. vB-Optimized: every unused whitespace and built-in function (like forumjump) stripped
10. A 'clean and healthy' community: on regular basis we clean up our userbase. No-posters, double-accounts and pain in the asses are removed. That's why our record was just 300 users and we've kicked out a bunch of them!

Links to some pages:
Main page/vBadvanced portal
Hall of Fame: the Awards page
A random topic

PS: The Beta in the version number is not a Web 2.0 feature; it's really in beta and it's not perfect at all...yet!

PS: The site is currently only optimized for Firefox...

ahayat 05-04-2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by veenuisthebest (Post 1507876)
Site Name: Tech555 - All the Tech Info You Need

URL: www.tech555.com

Description: Technology Discussion Group - Computers | Programming | Multimedia | Internet and Software | Gaming

Reason for Nomination:
Design and Layout:-
Tech555's layout, navigation and the way of content arranging is really catchy in order to make the user get what he wants.

Content and Relevancy:-
I believe that Content is God !! Tech555, being categorized as an Educational Website is exclusively dedicated to Technology discussion and it has all the required and necessary Forum categories, it being Mobiles, Computers, Programming, Web Development, Graphics and Designing etc.

Gallery and Gaming:-
The Picture Gallery and Arcade are simply an added fun to attract visitors, thus making Tech555 a home for every kind.

Keeping it Clean and Beautiful:-
Keeping colors bright, simple and soothing to eyes and mind. Thus, keeping visitors stay longer.

Its passed just 2 months since I have bought the license and have already put in so many efforts day and night in understanding vBulletin and customizing according to user's needs. However, the community is still lacking its activeness but already have over 280 members in 2 months and growing rapidly, thus proving Tech555 having a great potential. This time its a complete new design (not the darker one), definitely hoping to get nominated this time !!

You can even login at Tech555 with the following details and feel like home :):-
Username:- test
Password:- testing

Thank You

Awesome , my vote goes for u.

heavy1 05-04-2008 12:29 PM

Site Name: FragTube

URL: www.fragtube.pl

Description: Website for gamers who want to share their frag movies. Forum is modified to allow for movies upload like on youtube.

Reason for Nomination: For bringing media to new level on vb.

Sample pages:

PaylaX 05-04-2008 05:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Site Name:
PaylaX ? PaylaXmak Guzeldir
Description: PaylaX accommodates Freeware/Shareware Downloads, Webmaster Lessons, Videos and Wallpapers

Reason for Nomination:


PaylaX's d
esign is unique. We take a lot of pains about graphics and because of that they call a lot visitors attention.

There are a lot of programs about all category in PaylaX forum and PaylaX presents a lot of infortmation about all categorys. Most important thing about us is supporting visitors after sharing.

PaylaX presents many information network that has photoshop lessons,vbulletin support board for webmasters,technology news, videos ext.. about all different categories

dj_f16 05-04-2008 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by PaylaX (Post 1508310)

Site Name:
PaylaX ? PaylaXmak Guzeldir
Description: PaylaX accommodates Freeware/Shareware Downloads, Webmaster Lessons, Videos and Wallpapers

Reason for Nomination:


PaylaX's d
esign is unique. We take a lot of pains about graphics and because of that they call a lot visitors attention.

There are a lot of programs about all category in PaylaX forum and PaylaX presents a lot of infortmation about all categorys. Most important thing about us is supporting visitors after sharing.

PaylaX presents many information network that has photoshop lessons,vbulletin support board for webmasters,technology news, videos ext.. about all different categories

Very Good :)

schlottkej 05-04-2008 05:21 PM

Site Name: TheWrestlingTalk.com
URL: http://www.TheWrestlingTalk.com
Description: Largest amateur wrestling forum on the Internet with discussion topics ranging from the 2008 Beijing Olympics to Political chat about the 2008 Presidential Election.

1. Boasts many of the best wrestling minds in the nation
2. Unique usage of YouTube API for over 3,000 videos (and counting)
3. Retro logo from "Back in the Day", but upgraded FishEye menu system
4. Ad-free: for logged in users
5. Masterfully SEO'd ;)

http://www.thewrestlingtalk.com/ Front
http://www.thewrestlingtalk.com/vBTube.php Videos section
http://www.thewrestlingtalk.com/inte...zerbaijan.html Live Coverage Page

filmcanavari 05-04-2008 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by PaylaX (Post 1508310)

Site Name:
PaylaX ? PaylaXmak Guzeldir
Description: PaylaX accommodates Freeware/Shareware Downloads, Webmaster Lessons, Videos and Wallpapers

Reason for Nomination:


PaylaX's d
esign is unique. We take a lot of pains about graphics and because of that they call a lot visitors attention.

There are a lot of programs about all category in PaylaX forum and PaylaX presents a lot of infortmation about all categorys. Most important thing about us is supporting visitors after sharing.

PaylaX presents many information network that has photoshop lessons,vbulletin support board for webmasters,technology news, videos ext.. about all different categories

I second this one!

laserterd 05-04-2008 07:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Spectra Forum :: Laser Pointer Discussion

Site Name: Spectra Forum
Site URL: http://www.spectraforum.com
Short Summary: A discussion about lasers, laser pointers, and the sort.

Reason for Nominating:

This board is clear, not cluttered, and the theme is very lasery. There are thousands of helpful posts regarding the safe use of lasers and laser pointers (ones that can burn, melt, and pop balloons), and about which companies are scams, and which are good quality. Our users are very knowledgeable when it comes to the world of lasers, and anyone thinking of buying a burning green laser, or any other laser, such as blue lasers, yellow lasers, purple lasers, or anything of that sort, should consult with this forum first.

Do it Yourself Info
There are also a number of helpful DIY tutorials on how to easily make your own burning laser for cheap, that will last a long time.

Basically, this board has saved a lot of peoples' money (and retinas), and it contains a lot of useful information regarding the world of lasers and laser technology. We have also given away a few lasers in contests for free, to help people get started with their hobby. It also looks pretty awesome in my opinion. :D :o :D :o


Want to try it out yourself?
User login: vbtest
User password: vbtest
Login Here

Here are a few pictures of the index of the board itself:

EagleNick 05-04-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by laserterd (Post 1508479)
Site Name: Spectra Forum
Site URL: http://www.spectraforum.com
Short Summary: A discussion about lasers, laser pointers, and the sort.

I second this one.

Boosted Panda 05-04-2008 10:51 PM

Site Name:


Donation based Yorkieshire Terrier Community. Two Month old website with 421 members, almost 65,000 posts, 200 donating members, and steady growth.

Reason for Nomination:
Extremely friend and fast growing! Just celebrating our 3 month anniversary in 15 days YC has grown beyond belief. Some of the reasons I feel YC should be the Board of the Month is the extensive modding and custom content while staying true to the vBulletin feel. Some mods installed, a custom retrofitted iTrader System with phpClassifieds, custom retrofitted Awards Systems with automatic awards, custom theme and postbit, MGC Chatbox, vBulletin.org System Template Modifications, Arcade, Thank You Hack System, vBadvanced, a custom Breeder Section and Members Area, and many other smaller mods!

wicked80 05-05-2008 01:21 AM

Tried for April and May but did not made through ...Will give it one last try for the month of June.We made some major changes and would like to nominate our site:

Site Name: CricFever

URL: http://www.cricfever.com

Description: CricFever is a website for cricket fans all around the globe. CricFever provides the latest cricket videos, cricket forums, cricket groups,blogs and lot's more.

Reason for Nomination: We would like to know how we are going and how we can improve our site more for the 10k+ users.Thanks for time and consideration.

glennybee 05-05-2008 12:33 PM

Site Name: Digital Kaos
URL: http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk

Description: Digital Kaos Forums - Dreambox Support Forum from the very best. We offer support, help and advice for all models of dreambox including dm500, dm600, dm7000, dm800 & dm8000. We also have forums for games consoles, cable and satellite tv, mobile phones/PDAs, PC help and Home Entertainment.

Reason for Nomination: Site has been active just short of 3 months and we already have 1,450+ members and 13,500+ posts. Several mods done to the site including new style which is very easy on the eyes. Very friendly member base and always willing to help. We're not here to make money, only to help.

Thanks :)

JJ the Fox 05-07-2008 04:06 PM

Site Name: Teal and Black

URL: http://www.tealandblack.net

Description: Florida Marlins Baseball Fan Site
Reason for Nomination: Just a few months old fan site with a dedicated user base. A smooth, clean design with user maintained blogs and other marlin features that coexist with the board seamlessly.

The forum utilizes several vbulletin.org template modifications, plug-ins and products and we feel is a good showcase to what those can do.

Chadi 05-08-2008 01:10 AM

Site Name: Talk Jesus
URL: www.talkjesus.com
Description: True Christian Website, 100% Scripture Based
Reason for Nomination:

Talk Jesus is a very clean forum, no advertisements anywhere and not cluttered. It is completely organized, fast loading pages, well moderated and 100% sincere to its purpose which is: discussions of the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ (GOD) and preaching the truth as told by Scripture. There is no room to allow for personal religious/own version of GOD and the Holy Bible. It does not allow for debates, therefore refraining from being hypocritical of its sole purpose.

The forum is very friendly, honest, edifying. There are over 200+ arcade games all family friendly/kid safe as well. A lot of great features including personal journals, prayer events, hundreds of testimonies of miracles performed by GOD in people's personal encounters, complete online Bible, bible dictionary, colorful high quality Scriptural maps, a high quality live chat room that is actually stable on high number of concurrent chatters.

The forum is very active, nearly 11,000 members and on average 150 posts per day.

Ohiosweetheart 05-08-2008 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by JJ the Fox (Post 1511757)
Site Name: Teal and Black

URL: http://www.tealandblack.net

Description: Florida Marlins Baseball Fan Site
Reason for Nomination: Just a few months old fan site with a dedicated user base. A smooth, clean design with user maintained blogs and other marlin features that coexist with the board seamlessly.

The forum utilizes several vbulletin.org template modifications, plug-ins and products and we feel is a good showcase to what those can do.

I second this site, being a native Floridian :D

CampinCarl 05-12-2008 02:16 AM

Site Name: USGcommunity.com
URL: http://usgcommunity.com/forums/index.php
Description: Gaming community in cs:s cs 1.6, and tf2
Reason for Nomination: I spent a long time on the template and whatnot, so i just thought id nominate it so people can see it :D. It has image resizer, donations, and a modified reputations mod that displays differently.

StonePilot 05-12-2008 04:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Site Name: GMTruckClub
URL: www.gmtruckclub.com
Description: Chevy and GMC Truck website
Reason for Nomination:
  • GMTruckClub.com has grown consistently over the past 4 years to become a leading auto website for Chevy and GMC trucks.
  • It's consistently ranked highly in the search engines and earns 400+ new members monthly. Through the native power of vBulletin, the site has earned top 5 SERPs for major keywords.
  • Best of all, its a great resource to get questions answered - a great community atmosphere. Auto enthusiasts helping other enthusasts ... drama free too.

chimaira 05-12-2008 10:01 PM

Site Name: PRMC, Potential Royal Marine Forum
URL: http://www.prmc.co.uk
Description: Royal Marine, Pre Join up fitness
Reason for Nomination:

A forum dedicated to boosting the young lads fitness in preperation towards there 4 day potential royal marines course at lympstone, a very beneficial site for anyone wanting to become a Royal Marine, Many serving Royal Marines onboard at the site to help you with anything you need in preperation, This forum is a great tool to getting young lads in tip top fitness shape for when they start there PRMC and Recruit training at Royal Marine training centre, Lympstone, Exmouth

* Last 8 weeks, had 35,000 google searches
* From over 30 countries & over 500 000 page views have been undertaken in that period

christian8a 05-13-2008 12:11 AM

Site Name: MyLs1.com

URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site for LSX cars but different than the rest, we also have extra features as Gifts for members same way as facebook type of application.

Check our profiles style :)


Reason: I just love this site, and hope to see what people thinks about the design and the custom features.


nickypoooo 05-13-2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by heavy1 (Post 1508049)
Site Name: FragTube

URL: www.fragtube.pl

Description: Website for gamers who want to share their frag movies. Forum is modified to allow for movies upload like on youtube.

Reason for Nomination: For bringing media to new level on vb.

Sample pages:

I second this one!! Great idea! Geat job!

Ky Kiske 05-14-2008 12:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Site Name:
Anime Roleplay Community


Roleplay in animes you have learned to love. Only at Anime Roleplay Community. The place anime comes to play. ~Dive In!

Reason for Nomination:

60+ And Growing

Custom Built Roleplay Engine Compatiable w/ Online Text Based & Tabletop Roleplays dubbed the @Combat Core: NG. Strong Quest Based Roleplay "Slingers EX ~Brotherhood of the Rose~" is used to BETA Test any new feature to be added. @Combat Core: NG will be downloadable on 5th Edition. Currently on Non-Automated 1st Edition (Standard 1.3) with Semi-Automated 2nd Edition Due in October.

Site Info:
Resurrected from the dust this phoenix in the anime realm returns with the same owner new staff and new roleplay engine. Breaking all that you believed a text-based roleplay should be it opens a totally new standard of online browser gaming.

Site features over 80+ headers that change everytime you load a new page so that your experience is never the same twice. With a clean easy to navigate setup all of the discussions you would like are at a click away from the frontpage.

The most involved and responsive staffs online that are available 24/7 via AIM, PM, MSN, Skype & Yahoo! So all of your questions will be answered in almost an instant.
Great Loading Times, Great Experience, Great People & Great Roleplay.

Made by Vajra. This style comes in two great colors. Heavenly Feather - Femme, Pink Style, and Heavenly Feather - Homme, Blue Style.

Vajra (Owner & Admin), Mokona (Admin), Norvu (Honorary Admin), Itena (Super Moderator), Proxy (Gaming Mod), Son Goku (General Discussions Mod), Cdore (Magick/Skillers Developer)

rootnik 05-14-2008 10:47 PM

I don't have any friends here, so if somebody could take a look at this site to "second" my nomination I would very much appreciate it.

Site Name: The Nintendo WiFi Community

URL: www.friendcodes.com

Description: The Nintendo WiFi Community provides a place for Nintendo gamers to interact and organize wifi games for the Nintendo Wii or Nintendo DS. We have been online since the launch of Nintendo's WiFi Connection so it is safe to say that we are one of the oldest, if not THE oldest friend code sharing website on the interwebz.

Reason for Nomination: The unique game hub system integrates well with Vbulletin to fill the void Nintendo created with their friend code system.

ringleader 05-15-2008 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by rootnik (Post 1519933)

I second this nomination
(and not because you asked! I was checking another one on here, but it sucked and had pop-unders)

Nice and clean site, easy on the eyes, articles are excellent and frequent, and nicely done aesthetically.

jeffinj 05-15-2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1512195)
Site Name: Talk Jesus
URL: www.talkjesus.com
Description: True Christian Website, 100% Scripture Based
Reason for Nomination:

I second TalkJesus. :D

Asterik 05-15-2008 10:53 PM

Site Name: Programmers' Forums
URL: http://www.programmersforums.com
Description: A Site dedicated to helping the programmer with his questions, comments, and concerns. A small community that has a passion for what they do. We also sport an Articles / Tutorials section for user submitted content. Again, a small, tight-knit community helping everyone. :D

Reason for Nomination: A Great site, great forum, and a great community.

Shane 05-17-2008 09:53 AM

Site Name: Battlestar Forum

HomePage URL: Battlestar Forum - www.battlestarforum.com

Description: An online community for Battlestar Galactica fans of the show. Fans from all over the world join the forum to talk about it

Reason for Nomination: We have expanded so much, that it's become the premire place to talk about the show. It's now at 800+ users, and over 1,000+ threads. With our custom skin, we aim to look a feel the part of all things Battlestar.

SpeedJunkyz 05-18-2008 12:41 PM

HomePage URL: Speed JUnkyz www.speedjunkyz.info

Description: This is an online import Performance community. Where car enthusiasts can come a talk about their car builds, look for parts, help answer questions, play in the arcade, and do much much more.

Reason for Nomination: At SpeedJUnkyz we feel we have come a long way since the beginning and thought just maybe we could touch a couple people. Our site is unique from the rest because the users them selves build the site from feedback and brainstorming.

afterlab 05-18-2008 07:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'd like to throw my name into June's running. All the best everyone. :)

Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An openly free gaming resource and community for Xbox 360 games and their players. Players can integrate their Xbox 360 gamertag with their Gamertag Nation account for a new level of community gaming.

Reason for Nomination:
  • Completely redesigned and unique interface for vBulletin. Almost makes it seem like we're not even a vBulletin forum. :)
  • Custom coded with 100% exclusive modifications.
  • A RSS news poster which can be sorted by date and source. (not posting to threads/posts) News reader can also be customized per user.
  • Custom coded Xbox Live Gamertag-integration.
  • A customizable user feed which updates the user on friend and own account updates.
  • Users can acquire ornaments/achievements for their account by doing tasks on our website or on Xbox Live.
  • Twitter integration in user profiles.
  • A complete gaming directory which allows users to post reviews, guides and discussions on each Xbox 360 game.

Wanna fool around? Login...
Username: Beta
Password: password

l SKN l CHRIS 05-19-2008 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by afterlab (Post 1523942)
I'd like to throw my name into June's running. All the best everyone. :)

Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An openly free gaming resource and community for Xbox 360 games and their players. Players can integrate their Xbox 360 gamertag with their Gamertag Nation account for a new level of community gaming.

Reason for Nomination:
  • Completely redesigned and unique interface for vBulletin. Almost makes it seem like we're not even a vBulletin forum. :)
  • Custom coded with 100% exclusive modifications.
  • A RSS news poster which can be sorted by date and source. (not posting to threads/posts) News reader can also be customized per user.
  • Custom coded Xbox Live Gamertag-integration.
  • A customizable user feed which updates the user on friend and own account updates.
  • Users can acquire ornaments/achievements for their account by doing tasks on our website or on Xbox Live.
  • Twitter integration in user profiles.
  • A complete gaming directory which allows users to post reviews, guides and discussions on each Xbox 360 game.

Wanna fool around? Login...
Username: Beta
Password: password



Originally Posted by Asterik (Post 1521138)
Site Name: Programmers' Forums
URL: http://www.programmersforums.com
Description: A Site dedicated to helping the programmer with his questions, comments, and concerns. A small community that has a passion for what they do. We also sport an Articles / Tutorials section for user submitted content. Again, a small, tight-knit community helping everyone. :D

Reason for Nomination: A Great site, great forum, and a great community.



Originally Posted by StonePilot (Post 1517424)
Site Name: GMTruckClub
URL: www.gmtruckclub.com
Description: Chevy and GMC Truck website
Reason for Nomination:
  • GMTruckClub.com has grown consistently over the past 4 years to become a leading auto website for Chevy and GMC trucks.
  • It's consistently ranked highly in the search engines and earns 400+ new members monthly. Through the native power of vBulletin, the site has earned top 5 SERPs for major keywords.
  • Best of all, its a great resource to get questions answered - a great community atmosphere. Auto enthusiasts helping other enthusasts ... drama free too.


feverinlove 05-19-2008 02:50 PM

Site Name: TurboFSI.net Audi Club Turkey
URL: http://www.turbofsi.net/forum
Description: Audi Owners Club in Turkey
Reason for Nomination:

We have just imported from XMBForum to VBulletin and we are redesigning the forum as we go. We like to keep the simplicity and the overall look of the forum. So we have minimal design changes. When the forum icons are redesigned, the forum will have a better look for sure.

voteforbird 05-19-2008 10:22 PM

Site Name: Volconvo Debate Forums

URL: volconvo.com

Description: Volconvo is an active debate forum and blog network for the discussion of political, religious and news-based topics.

Reason for Nomination: High quality community, active boards, professional design, unique and controversial topics, pertinence in current events.

Other: While many forum owners display high post counts prominently and pride themselves on the quantitative aspect of the community, I feel it's the qualitative aspect—the thoroughly researched and critically processed information—that makes Volconvo stand out. Our members are talented at what they do. That's not to say the forum is small. (This week it should surpass the 500,000 post mark.) But, at Volconvo we're about content.

koolfire 05-20-2008 11:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Site Name: CricDownloads - All the Downloads of Cricket

URL: www.cricdownloads.com

Description: The home of all cricket lovers who love downloading high quality cricket media!

Design and Layout:-
CricDownloads layout, navigation and the way of content arranging is really catchy in order to make the user get what he wants and its really customized by me to suit forum needs. Every page has something diffrent which no forum in the world has ;) because i love uniqueness

Content and Relevancy:-
I believe that Content is everything. CricDownloads offers all the users who do not have access to TV or are at work etc to watch cricket highlights of all games, cricket videos and discuss with people from around the world...

Keeping it Clean and Beautiful:-
Keeping colors bright, simple and soothing to eyes and mind. Thus, keeping visitors stay longer and not annoying them to death.

Its passed just 1 and half months since I have bought the license and have already put in so many efforts day and night in understanding vBulletin and customizing according to user's needs. However, the community is still lacking its activeness but already have over 3450 members in 2 months and growing rapidly. I had the same site long before so have the backup of these [3450] users.. You may see really less people active because no one yet knows the site is BACK. I will let them know soon... thus proving CricDownloads having a great potential. This time its a complete new unique design definitely hoping to get nominated...

You can even login at CricDownloads and view some stuff personally..
Username: test1
Password : vbulletin

Thank You

Screenshots are attached..

3arab-hero 05-22-2008 08:07 PM

Site Name: shbtop forums
URL: www.shbtop.com/vb
Description: General Arabic Forum
Reason for Nomination: For the Design of the template And the Speed Of Forums.

blastup 05-23-2008 03:40 PM

Site Name: MillionWebmasters

URL: http://www.millionwebmasters.com

Description: A Webmasters Forum and Blog discussing Domains,Web Hosting,Coding,
Designing,Seo Affiliate Marketing and how to Make Money Online.

Reason for Nomination:
Why should we be nominated? Because ...
  • We feel We have the Best Webmasters Forum with the fullest potential.
  • The Best and Cleanest Design Compared with the rest of Webmasters Forums, We Definitely crushed them
  • We have a Blog, Scripts and Designs Section featuring many great content.
  • Users could even Submit News, Scripts and Designs to share with people.
  • Overall We are the best Webmasters forum who will help anyone make money online.

Please Nominate Us! Vbulletin Rocks!!!
our website wouldn't be so great with out your Great Software. Thank You

Lucas 05-24-2008 03:58 AM

Site Name: ThisFreelance

URL: http://www.thisfreelance.com

Description: A professional freelancing community. Aiming to assist, innovate and bring to life amazing people with great designing, coding and business skills together as well as providing them a place to learn from the best.

Reason for Nomination: We believe we should be nominated because...
  • ThisFreelance, aims to provide the information and tools necessary to gain an initial step into the freelance industry.
  • The community base, a diverse, helpful, knowledgeable, and professional group, provides sheer enjoyment.
  • It has a completely unique design.
  • Everyone wants to be part of it!
  • It simply rocks.

Thanks in advance for any nominations we receive. :)

Loget 05-24-2008 07:16 PM


A multi gaming forum I will be purchasing a new domain for it soon. Great skin this site is totally amazing.

8bit 05-25-2008 08:15 PM

Site Name: Ginrei Network Community Forum
URL: http://www.ginreinetwork.com/forum/
Description: Ginrei Network is a website dedicated to anime, manga and the like.
Reason for Nomination:
  • As far as design goes, it's 1 sexy beast. Your eyes will thank you later.
  • It has a lot of potential to become something huge. I FEEL IT. DO YOU?!
  • It doesn't run on vBAdvanced or vBSEO (absolutely no disrespect to those that do). Basically it's not the same forum you've seen time and time again.
  • It's not cluttered. We didn't install countless hacks that are not needed. It still runs very much like a default vBulletin installation.
  • Everyone (all 4 of us, yes) jokes around. It's not a board with many rules. We like to set the tone very lightly.
  • Time well spent? I think so.

Please vote for us!! This type of exposure will help liven up the place. There's only so much you can do with less than 10 members. LOL. Mamma mia. :(

pcoskat 05-26-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by afterlab (Post 1523942)
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I'd like to throw my name into June's running. All the best everyone. :)

Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An openly free gaming resource and community for Xbox 360 games and their players. Players can integrate their Xbox 360 gamertag with their Gamertag Nation account for a new level of community gaming.

I second this!

Very innovative use of vB!:up:

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