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Valter 04-29-2008 10:00 PM

Cyb - PayPal Donate
Advanced PayPal Donate system for vBulletin.

-Allow users to donate suggested or custom amounts, or both
-Set minimum amount accepted
-Set currency
-Block usergroups from using Donate system
-Donations list
-Subscriptions (for Business/Premier PayPal Accounts)
-Donation Bar
-Mark donations as confirmed/unconfirmed
-Delete donations
-Move or add confirmed donators to your VIP/Donator usergroup
-Donate statistics (total donations, total amount, numbers of confirmed/unconfirmed donations)
-Block usergroups from viewing Donations or statistics details
-Add donations manually
-Edit donations
-PM reports

See screenshots for more details...

1. Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]

2. OPTIONAL (for some customized styles)
Open template "navbar" and add "$cyb_paypal_donate_link" after "vbphrase[user_cp]</a></td>" surrounded by proper TD tags
3. OPTIONAL (for some customized styles)
Open template "navbar" and add "$cybpaypal_donlist_link" after "vbphrase[miscellaneous]</td></tr>" surrounded by proper TD/TR tags
4. OPTIONAL (to put DonBar to desired page)
a) set THIS_SCRIPT option in hack settings
b) Open desired template and put "$cybpaypal_donbar" where you wish to have Donation Bar shown

To set options:
Go to your AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - PayPal Donate

To enable in vBa CMPS:

v1.0 - Oct 13. 2005.
- First Release
v1.5 - Nov 28. 2005.
- Added 5th donate option
- Added option to donate custom ammount (as 6th option - can be enabled/disabled in AdminCP)
v2.0 - Apr 20. 2006.
- All known bugs fixed
- Layout and functionality improved
- Some options and settings added (check updated screenshots)
v2.1 - Apr 22. 2006.
- Typo fixed ("bellow" > "below")
- Fixed little error on donations page
- Added option to turn system on or off
- Predefined error message is displayed to users when system is disabled
- Templates now goes to "Cybernetec" group in Style Manager
v2.2 - Jun 03. 2006.
- Uncached template bug fixed
v2.5 - Jul 30. 2006.
- No more file uploads
- Donate options are now opened below navbar when "Donate" link is clicked
- Two plugins removed
- Codes improved
v2.6 - Jul 30. 2006.
- Now "Donate" box can be opened from any page
Link is shown always, not only on forumhome like in v2.5.
v2.7 - Jul 30. 2006.
- Fixed bug with donate form (conflict with several vB forms)
v2.8 - Aug 04. 2006.
- Release of this hack for vB v3.6
v2.9 - Aug 06. 2006.
- Added option to Show/Hide navbar link
- Now you can link to donate system from thread or portal or another site,... (index.php?do=donate)
v3.0 - Aug 25. 2006.
- If your forum's index.php file was renamed, for any reason, now you can enter new filename in ACP hack options to have this hack working properly
- Added "Product Version Checking" - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124679
v3.1 - Mar 03. 2007.
-New: Usergroup-based permissions (set who can use donate system)
-Fix: Guests now can see Donate link in NavBar (if usergroup 1 is not blocked in above function)
-New: Added Subscriptions (durations adjusted in ACP, can be disabled)
-New: Changed from "index.php?do=donate" to "misc.php?do=donate" (Update your custom links!))
-New: Unlimited number of donate options (list amounts in one line, separate with commas)
-Few other functionality and make-up changes...
v3.2 - Mar 04. 2007.
-New: Added text field to enter custom values when Custom is chosen in menu. Otherwise this field is hidden.
-New: Set minimum amount accepted
-New: Unit of time for "Subscriptions time periods" changeable (d, w, m, y)
-New: BB Codes enabled for "Donate Box Note" (smilies, easy text formatting etc...)
-New: Currencies switcher in ACP (easier way to choose your currency)
-Fix: Using "1" in "Subscriptions time periods" disabled (you can not subscribe for 1x and this will give you error at PayPal)
-Few code changes for better compatibility with different server/board configurations
v3.3 - Mar 07. 2007.
-Fixed NavBar link
v3.4 - Mar 14. 2007.
-Fixed bug (if Subscriptions disabled donate amount info not sent properly)
-Improved compatibility with Right to Left direction styles
v3.5 - Apr 28. 2007.
-New: Donator list
-Options to choose which usergroups can see the list of Donators
-List updated automatically on new donations but new item is visible to administrators only
-Admin can mark donation as confirmed, unconfirmed, or delete it
-Admin can manually add Donators to list
-"Display Options" allows you to sort donators by username, donation date, or donation amount, and choose sort order
-Javascript code on Donate page improved
v3.6 - Jun 02. 2007.
-Total/unconfirmed donations info
-Edit donation
-Quick confirm/delete donation
-Option to change background color for unconfirmed donations
-Changeable values are underlined for administrators
-To change any value just type over it and hit Update
v3.7 - Jun 03. 2007.
-Fixed Unconfirmed counter
-Fixed text color in dark styles
v3.8 - Jun 04. 2007.
-Added option to sort donations by confirmation status
-IP address shown instead of username for unknown donators (viewable to admins only)
-Admin have option to resolve unknown donator IP address into hostname
-Added "Donate Statistics" block into drop-down menu
-Added confirmed donations count
-Added total amount info
-Added option to choose which stats users can view (admins can view all)
v3.9 - Jun 10. 2007.
-Fixed tab indexes in "add new donator"
-Fixed listing for users with unknown both username and ip
-Added options to confirm/unconfirm/delete multiple items
-Group membership checking works now for supplementary usergroups too, not only primary one
-Currency list updated to support all currencies currently accepted by PayPal
-Added option to disable suggested amounts and use just input field instead of drop-down menu
v3.9.1 - Jul 23. 2007.
-Fixed security exploits
v4.0 - Aug 9. 2007.
-New: Option to move donator to your Donator/VIP usergroup
-New: Added page navigation to donation list page
-New: Option to disallow non-administrators to view amounts on donation list page
v4.1 - Aug 21. 2007.
-New: PM Reports (any of these can be enabled/disabled):
*Send PM to user after donating
*Send PM to user when donation is confirmed
*Send PM to user when donation is confirmed (manually added donations)
*Send PM notices to Staff when someone uses Donate system
v4.2 - Sep 30. 2007.
-New: Confirmation dialogs before performing actions on Donations page
-New: After completing the payment at PayPal.com user is redirected to your "Thank you" page (message = phrase [cybpaypal_thanks])
-New: Choose if you wish to move or add confirmed donator to your VIP/Donator usergroup
-New: Option to choose to load PayPal login/donate form in current or new browser window/tab
-New: Sort donations by usergroupid
-Subscription options removed (I will not support this anymore so please keep old version if you really need subscriptions)
-General cleanup, known bugs fixes, optimization...
--Save content of "Donate Page - Note" setting field before upgrade (you'll need it to update [cybpaypal_note] phrase later)
v4.3 - Oct 18. 2007.
-Fixed bug with permissions (now admin's primary usergroup must not be 6 to be able to confirm/unconfirm/delete donations)
-Added option to disable BB codes in Donate Note (when BB is disabled then you can use HTML)
-Some minor bug fixes
v4.4 - Dec 10. 2007.
-New: Switch date format (d-m-y or m-d-y)
-New: Add your site logo to PayPal login/donate page
-New: Donation bar
-Fixed problem where some users get a shipping charge
v4.5 - Apr 30. 2008.
-CSRF protection added
-Compatible with vBulletin 3.7 Gold (may not work with Beta/RC releases)
-Minor bugs fixed
v4.6 - Jul 25. 2008.
-Fixed bug (sorting wrong on donation list when switched to next page)
-Fixed bug (unconfirmed/confirmed info disappears on donation list when switched to next page)
-Fixed bug (wrong # values shown to non-admins on the first page of donation list)
-Fixed bug ('Donate Now' in Donation Bar not hidden when already on Donate page)
-New: option to change "Donate" navbar link color, or set it to style default
-New: amounts must not be 5,10,200 anymore, but also can be 5.5,10.5 etc...
-New: Subscriptions (I added this again, but much better implemented this time)
-Many other bug fixes/improvements
v4.7 - Jul 27. 2008.
-Fixed bug ("Minimum amount allowed..." message appears unexpectedly)
-New: Option to set which day in month Donation Bar resets
-Some minor bugs fixed
v4.8 - Oct 19. 2008.
-New: Ability to disable donations temporarily (means system is on but new donations are not accepted)
-New: Donation Bar Menu (with links to Donate page, Donation List, Admin Options)
-Fixed "not accepted amount" bug
-Fixed bug where subscriptions are not logged properly on Donation List
-Minor bug fixes/code improvements
v4.8.1/4.8.2 - Dec 29. 2008.
- Security fix/subscriptions bug fix

If you like this hack please click INSTALL.

flipstyle 04-30-2008 12:35 AM


Thanks for the update.

Great donate plugin.
Good Job and I appreciate it.
Keep up the good work!

Endurer 04-30-2008 12:42 AM

Thanks Cyb. Can we get the update on advanced permission based on post count please?

airborneCAL 04-30-2008 01:44 AM

If we have the 3.6.x version can we upgrade to the 3.7 version without uninstalling it? I realize that the 3.6.x version does not work with this version. Thanks.

dave6901_2000 04-30-2008 02:59 AM

Excellent Installed Thanks

dsexton1055 04-30-2008 04:51 AM

it took some creativity to get the older version to work with the new VB security patch. is there a way to update rather than reinstall this hack?

ChurchMedia 04-30-2008 05:20 AM

I've been using the older mod for a long time and love it. I know you took out the subscriber option for some reason at some point. Would you consider adding it back in as an option (or maybe give instructions on how to hack it back in)?

Thanks for the great mod!

Andyucs 04-30-2008 06:55 AM

Thank You Cybernetec

Tony L 04-30-2008 07:53 AM

Thanks, installed on 3.6.10, but with issues. Upgrading seems to have lost my list of donors and if I attempt to (laboriously) add them again manually it craps out with:

"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error."

Thanks, not a huge problem for me, just thought I'd report it.

Paradigm 04-30-2008 10:12 AM

If I upgrade will I lose my list of donators? I am running version cyb- paypal 4.4 and vB 3.7 gold.

Stromba 04-30-2008 01:01 PM

Have install this upgrade donate version and have this problem
(See attachement) can someone help with it.


epoc fitness 04-30-2008 09:13 PM

Why did the subscription feature leave, that is the one feature I really need.

jobbe 05-01-2008 04:05 AM

I just upgraded to 3.7.0 and the process to upgrade your mod to version 4.5 quitted with the following error:

A conflict was detected in the bitfields. You cannot continue with the installation of this product until this has been fixed. The conflicts found were:

* Bitfield Collision: prefixrequired = credits_cantearn
Do you have an idea where the problem is?
Thanks a lot in advance

alluidh 05-01-2008 11:01 AM

Thanks Cyb

Ranger375 05-01-2008 06:24 PM

Two Questions: 1, when I try to manually add a donation I get this error:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

2) Can I delete version 4.4 without deleting all the donations? I installed 4.5, so now I have two versions running...

hinch 05-01-2008 07:01 PM

all seems to be working fine in 3.7 but having issues with it displaying / not displaying bits of the donation bar or the quick links hook in vbadvanced portal popups.

The problem can be seen on www.furious-angels.com on the main portal page but if you look on www.furious-angels.com/index2.php it all works fine.

Any suggestions?

Bounce 05-01-2008 08:25 PM

I've had 4 people donated but the bar ain't showed nothing and still at 0 GBP

Payments have cleared paypal :confused:

Edit: you need to confirm them ... DOH!!

Riccardo83 05-01-2008 11:19 PM

hey, i made the goal amount 0 since i just wanted to show what actual has been donated without a goal amount, wouldnt that be a great feature?

But instead I get this error on index.php

Warning: Division by zero in [path]/global.php(591) : eval()'d code on line 51

epoc fitness 05-02-2008 12:53 AM

Please bring back subscriptions!

Phongvanlau 05-02-2008 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ranger375 (Post 1504873)
when I try to manually add a donation I get this error:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

I got the same error

Riccardo83 05-02-2008 03:01 PM

Do you guys have the same problem that for custom templates the donation button is not being inserted?

Big Boss 05-02-2008 03:40 PM

Thanks! I've been waiting for something like this.

topmedic 05-02-2008 04:09 PM

Is there an easier way of recovering the list of donors? I lost it when I upgraded to 4.5.

Soup^Dragon 05-02-2008 06:00 PM

Still a great mod,thx again.

However, there is still no option to donate any amount apart from whole pounds or euros. If i want to send a payment of ?3.50, i put that figure in the amount box and click donate but when i am transferred to paypal the amount has dropped to ?3.00!

Any chance of a fix/update?:confused:

jmellors 05-02-2008 06:02 PM

do you need to have a verified paypal account to use this?

Soup^Dragon 05-02-2008 06:10 PM

i dont think so, but you will be limited to the amount you can receive

quassimodem 05-02-2008 08:07 PM

How do I add Donator to the Vbase?

quassimodem 05-02-2008 08:15 PM

I do need some serious help with this one please. I have selected to add a Your Donator/VIP usergroup ID as Donator. But When I tested it on myself, and ticked the box to add me to the Donator usergroup, I am now getting errors. As I had not made this usergroup in the database. How do I set my profile backup, or even how do I add Donator in the database?


Paradigm 05-02-2008 08:52 PM

I am still getting the token error and for some reason I have two donor bars on my forum page. Can anyone help??

Andyrew 05-02-2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Paradigm (Post 1506150)
I am still getting the token error and for some reason I have two donor bars on my forum page. Can anyone help??

It will be listed twice in your products manager, uninstall all and install new one. :up:

You will loose your donation list and have to go through the settings again, eg: add your paypal email address.

Valter 05-03-2008 09:56 AM

There is a way to fix problem and keep all data:

1. Export "cybppdonate" table from your database, save to your computer
2. Go to your AdminCP > vBulletin Setings > "Cyb - PayPal Donate" and just leave this page opened
3. Open product manager in different browser tab and uninstall "Cyb - PayPal Donate" (both instances)
4. Import latest version of hack
5. Go to browser tab where page from step 2 is opened, then just click Save at the bottom of the page
6. Import saved "cybppdonate" table to your database

If you haven't upgraded yet to 4.5 then apply this patch before doing so:

PaylaX 05-03-2008 10:39 AM

You're my hero:)

smokey7722 05-03-2008 11:43 AM


I followed your steps but it still erased all my donations. I'm now reentering them manually (luckily still don't have that many).

EDIT - I ended up manually importing the table backed up in your steps. Reimporting that data brought it all back.

This plugin is great!

Valter 05-03-2008 12:17 PM

Forum shows "Last Update: Today" because attachment has been updated.

I've just changed product id to lowercase to fix importing problem:

PcGamer 05-04-2008 02:08 AM

Call me stupid...

I just installed on 3.7 gold and it's working. But where do I see a list of pending donators... or a donators list?

Valter 05-04-2008 07:10 AM

Screenshot #4

Or point your browser to FORUM/misc.php?do=donlist

shlomot 05-04-2008 07:44 AM

What a great and essential MOD. Thank you very much. Installed and nominated.

However, contributors are not being assigned the designated additional usergroup. Obviously they do not show that usergroup on their postbit after assigning that usergroup manually. Please advise.

shlomot 05-04-2008 10:56 AM

Is there a way to prevent from registering a donation as soon as the user clicks the <Donate> button?

I find myself administrating the confirmation form for each click made by the users, regardless of whether they completed the transaction or not.

Thanks again for otherwise a great MOD.

THE_MAD2 05-04-2008 01:09 PM

In English:
Hello, voila when one of my limbs donated his walk, I get an MP with the link to go to the list of donors and validated, but when I click on the link, I see the list of smileys.

Link = http://mywebsite.com/forum/misc.php?do=donlist

PS: By guest, did likewise

En Fran?ais:

Bonjour, voila quand un de mes membres fait un don sa marche, je re?ois un MP avec le lien pour aller sur la liste des donateurs et valid?, mais quand je clique sur le lien, sa m'affiche la liste des smileys.

Lien = http://mywebsite.com/forum/misc.php?do=donlist

PS : En invit?, sa fait de m?me

topmedic 05-05-2008 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1506645)
There is a way to fix problem and keep all data:

1. Export "cybppdonate" table from your database, save to your computer
2. Go to your AdminCP > vBulletin Setings > "Cyb - PayPal Donate" and just leave this page opened
3. Open product manager in different browser tab and uninstall "Cyb - PayPal Donate" (both instances)
4. Import latest version of hack
5. Go to browser tab where page from step 2 is opened, then just click Save at the bottom of the page
6. Import saved "cybppdonate" table to your database

If you haven't upgraded yet to 4.5 then apply this patch before doing so:

Hi cyb. I already uninstalled the 4.4 instance before realizing that my donors list is gone. Will the fix above still work? Or do I have to export cybppdonate through my backup? I do have a backup of my database before I did the upgrade. The problem is I don't know how to export a table. Can you help? Thanks.

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