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mobilebill 04-13-2008 10:00 PM

Mobile Phone SMS Plugin v1.1.3 (Subscriptions via SMS) Updated
Mobile Phone SMS Plugin is a product that integrates vbulletin with the MobileBill Reverse SMS Billing Solutions. Registration is free but use of service is billable. (Works the same way as Paypal, except payment is taken from your members Mobile Phones, no credit cards needed).

Please Note: This service is currently open to the UK mobile phone networks, we will be introducing the rest of the world very soon.

Latest Version: v1.1.3


MobileBill allows you to charge your members for accessing a restricted forum, by billing them monthly via their mobile phone (The money is taken from their phone credit or added to their monthly bill). This plugin is free to install, with no time limits.

1) Download and install this plugin (instructions below)
2) Signup for a FREE SMS account www.mobilebill.net
3) Configure the plugin in your vBulletin Admin Area
4) Create a new private forum that only the VIP members usergroup has access to
5) Add the sms signup link to any page on your forum and your good to go!

vBulletin Installation Instructions

1) Upload the files in the ZIP to your forum FTP
2) Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
3) To set options: Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > MobileBill SMS > Settings

Supported Mobile Phone Networks


Key features of Mobilebill vBulletin SMS Plugin
  • FREE to setup & download (Less than 16Kb!)
  • Very easy to install (Only 6 Files to Upload!)
  • Configures in minutes (via the vBulletin Admin)
  • Within 10mins you can be earning revenue
  • 24/7 Support
  • Easy to use Members Area
  • Create as many campaigns as you require (for multiple forums!)
  • Access reports and stats
  • Turn your forum into a money making tool

Whats the catch? Why's it Free to setup?

Because we work like Paypal.......You can charge your forum members either ?1.50, ?3.00, ?6.00 per week or per month and Mobilebill takes a small cut of this revenue, which means, setup is free! and no monthly fee that you pay out of your own pocket!


As you can see, YOU get the biggest cut of the payment, with the mobile phone operators taking their costs and Mobilebill taking the least amount of the revenue share. We have one of the best payout rates in the business!

How does it work?

You may have some audio, video, tutorials, photos, litterature or simply a private area of your forum that you can offer to your members as an additional bonus for them signing up as a VIP Member.

Because they will be upgraded to a VIP usergroup, you can give that usergroup extra privileges such as bigger private message capacity, different colour user titles, bigger avator/profile pictures, you could remove advertising banners just for that usergroup....

Your members then decide if they want to upgrade, so they text to our SMS Number (78889), our server then authorises and takes payment from their mobile phone. Once verified, our server sends your member a text message with a password in, they must then enter that password in the sms signup page on your forum (Supplied by us).

Our server then verify's this once more, before sending back a success request to your forum, which then in turn, upgrades their usergroup to the VIP usergroup.

Your members then have instant access to your premium content & private forum, and within minutes you have earned either ?1.50, ?3.00 or ?6.00 from that member, and it continues to bill their mobile phone, every week or month, untill they text STOP to 78889.

We have a strict policy against scammers, and we ban such people from our network. We expect all members to adhere to strict rules and we insist on our customers displaying info on how your members can cancel at any time.

Your members are sent these instuctions via text on how to cancel when they sign up, so everything is crystal clear from the start.

When the next payment is due from your member, our server will automatically take the next payment off their mobile phone.

If they have no credit left our server will notify your forum, which it will then downgrade their usergroup back to the one it was before it was upgraded.

Its a fully automated system from start to finish. And all you've got to do, is worry about keeping the premium content up-to-date, giving them a reason to stay signed up as a VIP member.

Example of LIVE Signup Page

This page is 100% customisable, you can quickly edit the text in the vbulletin admin, or you can edit the whole template from the Templates & Styles in the admin.


GoTTi 04-14-2008 07:55 PM

let us know when this works for US accounts. thanks

Lizard King 04-14-2008 08:08 PM

I wish this worked with Turkish operators also.

Bounce 04-14-2008 08:25 PM

Can this be made yearly ?


tmiland 04-14-2008 08:53 PM

What happend to this thread? Why did it end up there?
Not shure if i can trust som random "company" to take care of my money this way, how do i know i get my money? :)

iogames 04-14-2008 09:31 PM

What are the chances of this thread being sent to the GRAVEYARD like the other???


Rickeo 04-14-2008 09:46 PM


However on your website it lets me select ?1.50 but not any of the other amounts :(


FleaBag 04-15-2008 12:03 AM

I was wondering why/how it ended up in the graveyard too.

Hornstar 04-15-2008 06:27 AM

Well this does sound fantastic. However I live in Australia.

Can I sign up still if I live in Australia?
How will I receive my payments?
How often can I receive payments?
Is there a waiting period before I can receive my payments?
If I have it set up to charge the member $6. Does that mean I basically only get $3 in return?
How long until other countries can start using this sms service?
Will you make it possible for members to be able to pay more then $6?


M-Tuning 04-15-2008 08:07 AM

Nice, can't wait fot it to be working in the Netherlands.

mobilebill 04-15-2008 08:35 AM


I was wondering why/how it ended up in the graveyard too.
The vBulletin Admins temporary suspended the thread while they had a meeting about whether to allow this mod (Because of the commerical nature of it). After several days discussion, they agreed to allow it on the basis of us stating that the service is free to setup, but we take a cut from the transactions, just like paypal do.

There is zero security issue and it is completely secure for your forum.



However on your website it lets me select ?1.50 but not any of the other amounts

Other amounts will be enabled in the next few days.


Can this be made yearly ?
Yes, we will enable this in the next few days.

Can I sign up still if I live in Australia?
Yes you can still signup no matter what country you're from, just for the time being, you can only bill customers from the UK.

How will I receive my payments?
Via Paypal for now. Direct bank payments will follow later this year.

How often can I receive payments?
Every 30 days.
Billing Example:
january.....earn revenue
february....earn revenue
march.......earn revenue
april..........recieve januarys payment
may..........recieve februarys payment
june..........recieve marchs payment
july...........recieve aprils payment

Is there a waiting period before I can receive my payments?
The mobile phone operators first pay out 90 days from the end of the month, this is the same for ALL reverse SMS companies out there. After the initial 90 days, you are paid every 30 days. (See above).

If I have it set up to charge the member $6. Does that mean I basically only get $3 in return?
Yes. Is it not us who sets the charges, it is the Mobile Phone companies, such as orange, o2, Virgin, T-Mobile.

How long until other countries can start using this sms service?
Within the next few months.

Will you make it possible for members to be able to pay more then $6?
Per transaction, we currently offer ?1.50 ($3), with ?3 ($6) and ?6 ($12) coming very soon.

The billing periods are either weekly or monthly (Daily and Yearly coming soon)

Billing Examples:
?1.50 ($3) per week
?1.50 ($3) per month
?3 ($6) per week
?3 ($6) per month
?6 ($12) per week
?6 ($12) per month

Any more questions, please ask away...

Magnumutz 04-15-2008 09:10 AM

Hmm... this seems trustworthy and i like the fact that you support it the right way.
Will install in the months to follow (when the new features are up).

gwerzal 04-15-2008 11:11 AM


Just installed this and its all looking good.

The 1 problem is i cant change the subscription price. It is stuck at £1.50 and i need it at £6.

Any ideas why this could be?

And if i may add a suggestion - It would be useful to be able to offer different degrees of membership.

Ie. say have the option for a weeks membership, a months membership, a years membership and lifetime membership or something.

Just a suggestion.

Edit - Sorry didnt read the second post properly, It looks like some of these feature will be featured anyway.

mobilebill 04-15-2008 11:23 AM

Hi gwerzal,

Yes your right, these new feature are coming very soon. Hopefully in the next few days.

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-15-2008 11:53 AM

wow. great stuff.

<< bookmarked. will be looking into this seriously this weekend (no time right now), but looks great so far. can't wait for other countries!!

KURTZ 04-15-2008 12:59 PM

just wonderin: works with Italian mobile operators?

kollam003 04-15-2008 01:05 PM

any hope will it come to India and 3 months time is quite a long for a payment to be made by paypal ?

will wait and see and get the results then will think of installing ?

FleaBag 04-15-2008 01:09 PM

Thanks for answering my question mobilebill. I thought it may have been something of this nature. Very glad they decided to let you post it, as there is no 'cost' and it will only help webmasters earn back their investment in the vB software. I think they've done the right thing.

This opens up a new door for us to earn a living from our sites. I live in the UK and while I currently do not have any product to sell access to, I certainly intend to start a new site for this purpose right away.

Bounce 04-15-2008 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by mobilebill (Post 1491052)

Yes, we will enable this in the next few days.

Thanks I have installed it and it looks the business..:up:

mobilebill 04-15-2008 03:46 PM

Thanks for the support and warm welcome all. We will endeavor to bring this community great software and support!!

We will be adding new countries as demand grows. If you have a specific requirement to use this plugin for a country other then the UK, please do message us so we can negotiate with our operator partners to launch to different global markets.

kollam003 04-15-2008 03:56 PM

i think you missed my question ?

mobilebill 04-15-2008 05:09 PM


We do not currently support services in India, however with sufficient volume projections we can approach Indian operators about linking to them. Please PM your projected volumes to us so we can talk further.

mobilebill 04-15-2008 05:10 PM


any hope will it come to India and 3 months time is quite a long for a payment to be made by paypal ?
Also, If your transaction volumes are less than ?100 GBP, it is a 90 day initial billing cycle, but then after that, it becomes monthly. (Please dont ask me why, its the silly mobile phone operators who decide that rule). With volumes greater than ?100 GBP, the billing cycle is 45 days. Even greater volumes will be better still. We monitor all customer accounts, so will know when you reach those milestones.

Any other questions, please ask away..

mobilebill 04-15-2008 05:39 PM

For anyone experiencing problems, please add us to msn for support.


Please Note: Due to the large amount of people on our support list, expect a short delay in answering your request.


rob30UK 04-15-2008 07:25 PM

I think it would be most helpful to me and possibly other users to see examples of all the sms message types that are sent. Please could you post the txt message they receive at every step including the message they receive when someone replies to one of their threads.

Liquid1ce 04-15-2008 07:53 PM

great ill be adding it very soon

mobilebill 04-15-2008 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by rob30UK (Post 1491492)
I think it would be most helpful to me and possibly other users to see examples of all the sms message types that are sent. Please could you post the txt message they receive at every step including the message they receive when someone replies to one of their threads.

The user requests the password by texting us, however the billing SMS body the handset user receives will look something like this


Password is <password>
Service costs GBP <tariff>/month.
To cancel send word stop via text message to 78889. help? support@mobilebill.net

Bounce 04-15-2008 08:23 PM

How much are the users charged for the texts?

standard network rate? or premium rate £1.50 ??

mobilebill 04-15-2008 08:34 PM

The user will be charged whatever the tariff is specified on the campaign when you create it in the mobilebill members area. Users will not receive the password if their phone cannot be billed.


Bounce 04-15-2008 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by mobilebill (Post 1491557)
The user will be charged whatever the tariff is specified on the campaign when you create it in the mobilebill members area. Users will not receive the password if their phone cannot be billed.


So they would only be charged what we state ? and not for the initial text when they ......"Text Message and text the words JOIN VIP to 78889"

Just waiting on an update about the yearly payment then will make this live on my site :up:

Would also be good if we could choice what we want to charge rather than it being set in stone.

Thanks :up:

mobilebill 04-15-2008 08:47 PM

Hi there,
The handset user would not receive any messages asking them to text "join <keyword" to any shortcode. The instructions on your site (sms_signup.php) shows your users how to request billing directly from their handset. Once this is requested, the first text message they will receive is the password message, which is chargeable. The users charges should be:

1x Standard text rate (phone user sends "join keyword" from their mobile phone to our code 78889)
1x Premium text rate (at specified tariff) to receive the password(s) (from our systems to mobile phone)

Bounce 04-15-2008 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by mobilebill (Post 1491565)
Hi there,
The handset user would not receive any messages asking them to text "join <keyword" to any shortcode. The instructions on your site (sms_signup.php) shows your users how to request billing directly from their handset.

Yes I know I have set it up and got the info I posted previously from my page


Originally Posted by mobilebill (Post 1491565)
Once this is requested, the first text message they will receive is the password message, which is chargeable.

Cool,is that when they get charged the amount per month or is there a "extra" charge on top to recieve that text?

Added you to msn to ask these Q but no-ones online :(

mobilebill 04-15-2008 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1491567)
Cool,is that when they get charged the amount per month or is there a "extra" charge on top to receive that text?

Added you to msn to ask these Q but no-ones online :(

Hi there,
The full amount the user will be charged for receiving the password is the specified tariff rate. There will be no extra "messaging" charge on top of your specified tariff.
The UK office seems to have gone for the night, so we have logged into MSN here (California office)


mobilebill 04-16-2008 11:48 AM

<font color="Red">It appears there was a typo in the first initial release (version 1.0)

The plugin has been updated, so please uninstall the product in your admin, and download & re-install this new version 1.1</font>


mobilebill 04-16-2008 05:31 PM

Just to let everyone know, 365 Days have now been enabled.

So you can now set it up to bill your members every year.

We are currently working on the new billing amounts of £3 and £6.

Also, dont forget to download the latest version 1.1 if you've already installed this product.

Bounce 04-16-2008 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by mobilebill (Post 1492328)

We are currently working on the new billing amounts of ?3 and ?6.

Enter your own amount would be nice if you could ;):up:

auctionguy 04-16-2008 09:39 PM

I have some USA members and some in the UK and wherever else. Should I wait until you are in the US. market before I install this?

Nice mod!!

mobilebill 04-16-2008 09:54 PM


Enter your own amount would be nice if you could
Coming Soon!


I have some USA members and some in the UK and wherever else. Should I wait until you are in the US. market before I install this?

Nice mod!!
We would recommend installing the mod and on the signup page, state that it is for UK members only at the minute, with US signup's coming soon.

We estimate a few months before opening up to the US. But dont let that hold back your ability to start earning money immediately from your UK members.

Magnumutz 04-17-2008 04:58 PM

Would be great if you'd keep an update log, with the changes you made on it.

mobilebill 04-17-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Magnumutz (Post 1493115)
Would be great if you'd keep an update log, with the changes you made on it.

I have passed this to our developers.

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