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Phalynx 04-01-2008 10:00 PM

SocialForums 1.4
SocialForums for vBulletin 3.7
Created by Marius Czyz aka Phalynx.

This mod will work *ONLY* with vBulletin 3.7 or higher. It will not run on vBulletin 3.6.x due to non existent feature of "social groups".

Support will be only given for people who clicked Mark as INSTALLED.

Not satisfied with vBulletin social groups messaging function? With SocialForums your social group leaders can create a standard forum for their group.
A group leader can only create a forum if the group has at least 5 members - this can be changed via settings. Optionally the group leader can be a moderator of such a social forum.

Since 1.3 there are advanced permissions active (Forum and Archive). This includes read/write public and private (moderated/invite only) socialforums and creation of forum. As this needs two additional queries on every page you can disable this.

None, see screenshots

This product is fully phrased and uses template hooks. No file changes or manual template edits needed.
1. Upload bitfield_socialforums.xml to existing folder /includes/xml/
2. Upload functions_socialforums.php to existing folder /includes/
3. Fresh Installation: Just import the product. Upgrade: Import the product, allow overwrite. No forums get lost!
4. Check settings, especially for parent forum. Don't forget to set permissions via usergroups!

Q: I don't see a link to create a forum. Why?
A: Check permissions for the usergroup, espacially if the user is allowed to create forum.
A: Check if the usergroup meet min users requirement, see AdminCP/Settings/SocialForums.

Q: My users see the forums, but they shouldn't!
A: Check permissions for the usergroup, if the users usergroup is set to "can see".
A: Did you disabled the restriction mode? Enable it.

- By deleting a group the forum should also be deleted/archived. Currently this has to be done manually.

Known Issues
- On big boards with hundreds of social groups this mod can really impact the performance because of the mass of new created forums. If you still want to use this mod use the "Minimum Members" feature with a higher value. Using the permission check there are additional two queries on every page.

1.4.6, 6th October 2008
- Permissions are now also active in Archive

1.4.2, 27th May 2008
- Added: If a group has a linked forum the grouplisting has the last post date and count of postings (with permission check).
- Added: Recent threads in linked forum on group home
- Added: Private groups: Link to forum only shown to members of group
- Changed: Enabled permissions for unregistered usergroup. Unregistered Users are not more explicit denied without a check of it's usergroup

1.3.1, 23th May 2008
- Fixed: Not existing array

1.3.0, 23th May 2008
- Added: Permissions are now active. This includes read/write public and private (moderated/invite only) socialforums and creation of forum. Please check permissions for every usergroup! As this needs two additional queries on every page you can disable this.
- Added: Checks for permission before the creation link will be displayed
- Changed: Default View Age set to "Show all Threads"

1.2.1 8th April 2008:
- Added: Group messaging can be disabled via options (previously: always disabled)

1.2.0 4th April 2008:
- Added: Groupleader can now be moderator of group forum
- Added: Minimum Members that are required for own forum
- Added: Group messaging will be automatically hide for group that has own forum
- Added: Forums are created with more allowances
- Added: By deleting a forum the linked socialgroup get's updated
- Added: Forum's description contains link back to social group
- Added: By changing group's name it synchronize it with the forum's name

1.0/1.1 1st April 2008:
- Initial releases

romanticyao 04-02-2008 09:05 AM

wow,first install

Magnumutz 04-02-2008 09:05 AM

How about a demo?

NeuroLancer 04-02-2008 09:09 AM

This looks good. Its actually making me think of turning social groups on for the first time.

Am I reading this right;-
.. anyone can see the groups forum but only group members can post?

Can we have the following feature please?;-
.. group creator gets groups forum moderation ability. or similar. Hope that was clear.

Thanks alot!

gwerzal 04-02-2008 09:12 AM

Would be very good if you could make it so anyone in the group can post

SEOvB 04-02-2008 09:15 AM

*tagging this to watch what develops :D

Phalynx 04-02-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Magnumutz (Post 1480721)
How about a demo?

No demo, as you have to register on forum and create a social group.


Originally Posted by NeuroLancer (Post 1480723)
anyone can see the groups forum but only group members can post?



Originally Posted by NeuroLancer (Post 1480723)
Can we have the following feature please?;-
.. group creator gets groups forum moderation ability. or similar. Hope that was clear.

I must check this.


Originally Posted by gwerzal (Post 1480726)
Would be very good if you could make it so anyone in the group can post

It is set to this, only user from group can post.

RvG2 04-02-2008 09:36 AM

holy cow... :)

KURTZ 04-02-2008 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by FRDS (Post 1480728)
*tagging this to watch what develops :D

me too :)

PS. now testing onto my local board ... :P

KURTZ 04-02-2008 10:55 AM

OK, i'm back (just tested onto RC2 and it runs perfectly) ... but now i've some questions:

1) the "create forum" link is showed only when other users are into the SG right? if i've got a SG without any user this links isn't showed ...
2) i understand that only members can post into the created forum, but i'm wonderind about the visibility, if the Admin sets "NO", that means that only the members can view (and post into the forum)?

anyway needs some features (maybe put the SG's forum like a subforum no simply a parent) ...

this hack has a GREAT POTENTIAL ... it's simply awesome ...

ALREADY NOMINATED (it's your second Marius ;)), i'm waiting new developments ...

Phalynx 04-02-2008 11:03 AM

This is the first simple version, without any comfort features.


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1480770)
1) the "create forum" link is showed only when other users are into the SG right? if i've got a SG without any user this links isn't showed ...

Yes, only when the membercount is higher than 1


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1480770)
2) i understand that only members can post into the created forum, but i'm wonderind about the visibility, if the Admin sets "NO", that means that only the members can view (and post into the forum)?

A social group forum is a normal forum. It's visibility is set to 0, which means it does only hide from forumlisting, but not from accessing it via direct link. There is no support for private sg-forums right now.


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1480770)
anyway needs some features (maybe put the SG's forum like a subforum no simply a parent) ...

I've a forum called "Community" and this counts for me as a parent forum. all sg-forums are defined as subforums of this "Community" forum. You can set the parent forum also as a category forum...


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1480770)
ALREADY NOMINATED (it's your second Marius ;)), i'm waiting new developments ...

Yeah, I'm working on my world supremacy.

RvG2 04-02-2008 11:05 AM

will it work lower than rc1?

Phalynx 04-02-2008 11:09 AM

Yes, I have it running on a Board with Beta 6. It *should* also run on Beta 2...

KURTZ 04-02-2008 11:21 AM

Marius, just a tip, right now i've made some tests onto my local board, and i saw which the SG-forum haven't the same 'Enable / Disable Features' like the 'parent' ... by default you have enable only the 'Count Posts Made in this Forum Towards User Post Counts', all the others are settled 'NO' ... it's correct? maybe is better give the same permissions or not?

Phalynx 04-02-2008 11:26 AM

This is correct. That is something I've still to implement.

Lionel 04-02-2008 11:35 AM

This is a nice idea, but if you have 10,000 members and 5000 of them decide to create a forum, does that mean that you'll have 5000 additional forums in admincp to manage???

KURTZ 04-02-2008 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1480817)
This is a nice idea, but if you have 10,000 members and 5000 of them decide to create a forum, does that mean that you'll have 5000 additional forums in admincp to manage???

with this version: yes, but some new features are on the way ... :D

Phalynx 04-02-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1480817)
This is a nice idea, but if you have 10,000 members and 5000 of them decide to create a forum, does that mean that you'll have 5000 additional forums in admincp to manage???

A permission that can be set on a usergroup base is on the way. Also a limitation that only groups with an amount of f.e. 20 members can have a forum.

Lionel 04-02-2008 11:44 AM

Great. Can I also suggest minimum posts? So we reward only top posters?

Phalynx 04-02-2008 11:46 AM

Maybe. A usergroup should be enough in most cases to handle this.

KURTZ 04-02-2008 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1480829)
Great. Can I also suggest minimum posts? So we reward only top posters?

why not the 'promotions'?

dotJoel 04-02-2008 12:04 PM

This is an excellent modification, i'm VERY impressed. I'll be watching to see how this develops.



Nikke 04-02-2008 01:18 PM

I tried installing this but nothing came up in the social groups. There is no link to create a new forum..

This is what I did:

Imported product
Set the SocialForums settings

What else should I have done and where?

Phalynx 04-02-2008 01:19 PM

Does the group has at least 2 members? Are you the creator of the group?

Nikke 04-02-2008 01:25 PM

Ok, my bad. I though 1 was enough. Working now :)

wtrk 04-02-2008 01:26 PM

very cool. why jelsoft skipped this feature is beyond me, it seems so obvious that this is a must have feature to go with social groups. im going to keep an eye on this for sure. good work.

KURTZ 04-02-2008 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nikke (Post 1480899)
Ok, my bad. I though 1 was enough. Working now :)

ehehheh just read my previous posts ... :)

Phalynx 04-02-2008 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by wtrk (Post 1480900)
why jelsoft skipped this feature is beyond me, it seems so obvious that this is a must have feature to go with social groups. im going to keep an eye on this for sure.

They did not implement this as on very large boards with hundreds of social groups there could be a problem when there are additional 100 forums.

Because of this the next version 1.2 will have some features to limit forums. Only groups with at least X members can have a forum, also there will be a new usergroup permission.

Changes so far:
- Groupleader is now also moderator of group forum
- Added new setting: Minimum Members that are required for own forum
- Group messaging will be automatically disabled for group that has own forum
- More options for forum allowances

Tell me what you need else...

Maybe 1.2 will be released on friday. Beta testers for this version are welcome, please PM me.

MJFox 04-02-2008 02:16 PM


Great Plugin! :up:

I have one feature request though: it would be great if one could open more than one forum per group

looking forward for the next version, keep up the good work!



Phalynx 04-02-2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by MJFox (Post 1480939)
it would be great if one could open more than one forum per group

Maybe I don't understand this, but why should a group have more than one forum?

Taragon 04-02-2008 02:21 PM

I’ve created a forum, and deleted again using the forum manager.
Only the link to the forums still shows in the user group. Would it be possible to remove that link again?

Phalynx 04-02-2008 02:24 PM

You have to run a query to remove it:
UPDATE socialgroup SET forumid=0 where groupid=XX

It's already on my todo-list...

Taragon 04-02-2008 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1480946)
You have to run a query to remove it:
UPDATE socialgroup SET forumid=0 where groupid=XX

It's already on my todo-list...

thanks! and many more thanks for the mod!

MJFox 04-02-2008 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1480941)
Maybe I don't understand this, but why should a group have more than one forum?

think about people creating a community group about World of Warcraft

they could want to create a forum for newbies, a forum for organizing raids etc.



Phalynx 04-02-2008 02:41 PM

Ah, ok. But I doubt it will be included in next releases.

romanticyao 04-02-2008 03:49 PM

when are u gonna release next version?

abroad 04-02-2008 04:04 PM

when I delete the social group forum, how can I set it up again? There is no link showing anymore in the group.

wtrk 04-02-2008 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1480907)
They did not implement this as on very large boards with hundreds of social groups there could be a problem when there are additional 100 forums.

Because of this the next version 1.2 will have some features to limit forums. Only groups with at least X members can have a forum, also there will be a new usergroup permission.

yeah i understand what your saying. but it looks to me like youve solved that problem by simply putting a few minimum requirements on who can start a group forum. of course if you had thousands of users creating thousands of forums that would kill any server. anyway, i think your on to something here, keep up the good work.

abroad 04-02-2008 04:48 PM

any ideas how I can get back the link to the Social Forum once I have deleted the same Social Forum in the Forum Manager?

abroad 04-02-2008 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1480946)
You have to run a query to remove it:
UPDATE socialgroup SET forumid=0 where groupid=XX

It's already on my todo-list...

Got this error:

error desc: Table 'usr_19_8.socialgroup' doesn't exist

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