cheat-master30 |
04-01-2008 10:00 PM |
Warning about Report Icon/Warning Block on Profile Page
If you are wondering what the hell this is, then think back to the very early times of when people started to use the vistor messaging system. There were always a few... slightly.. careless members that got mixed up with the report link and thought it was a link to post a reply on the visitor messaging page. Heck, I even had this in TOPICS a few times, since for some reason, the report button does seem to make some new users think it's a 'reply to poster' icon or the like. Well, this is just a nice, suggested by a member of staff at my own forum, notice to kinda solve that.
Yeah, it's a box with a title and a message saying how to reply to visitor messages and not to click the report button. If you want, you can always then add something saying what the the difference actually is between report and reply. Never the less:
Find in memberinfo_block_visitormessaging:
<if condition="$block_data['messagebits']">
Add above:
<div class="thead block_row" id="message">An Important Note: Reply =/= Report</div>
<div class="alt1 smallfont block_row">
<p>Report" =/= "Reply". If you wish to reply to a visitor message, don't click "Report". To reply you must click "View Conversation" under the post you wish to reply to, and it will take you to a page which consists only visitor messages posted by you on his/her profile and vice versa. Simply reply by typing in your message in the message box at the top of the screen. If you just want to post a new message to anyone, just type in the text box on this page and click 'Submit'.</p></div>
Or something similar. To edit the title, edit this:
<div class="thead block_row" id="message">[Insert title here]</div>
To edit the text, change this:
<div class="thead block_row" id="message">An Important Note: Reply =/= Report</div>
<div class="alt1 smallfont block_row">
<p>[Insert message here]</div>
I guess you could use the basic structure to warn about anything. That visitor messages are public, how to reply to visitor messages or rules against advertising in visitor messages. It's basically a notice for what the heck you want to write.
[See attached]
Text by TheUltimateKoopa, DS Ultimate forums and amended/edited by cheat-master30.