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Goodman_2020 03-21-2008 02:00 AM

NuSEO or vBseo?

NuSEO or vBseo??? regarding to their performance, which one is the best valkue for the price?? nuseo is 100$ and vbseo (ultra expensive) is 149$

The nuseo website doesn't bring trust to me, it's looks very ...cheap. And of course, i don't believe testimonials on both of that website (probably written by staff)

Does anyone have compared them yet?

SEOvB 03-21-2008 02:11 AM

vBSEO by far. and the testimonials are actually written by real people at vBSEO.com for sure.

Their support, the community, their product, everything blows NuSEO out of the water.

Goodman_2020 03-21-2008 02:20 AM

Thx for the answer...that i find a bit excesive with your "everything blows nuseo out of the water"

As far as i know (after a little comparaison, butr i like opinions of people who have tried both to give a real opinion) the nuseo support is better and they seem to respect more their customers, the community is more little foir sure on nuseo (maybe due to the cheap looking website?). vThe product: i tried both demo, and they have same function, and nuseo is much much more lighter...but honestly except that, ican't tell, im not a specialist in seo and i just need maybe 30% of their function (rewrite, 301 redirect, adsense targeting (maybe)) and...well that s all i really need.

anybody else?

DieselTruck 03-21-2008 02:33 AM

Im running vBSEO. If you need to invest your money into other mods maybe. I would do that first. I've notice no dramtic improvement. Although, im still new also. Maybe it will do me better in the future.

And yes, there testimonals are a little "to good to be true" to me.

Goodman_2020 03-21-2008 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by DieselTruck (Post 1470347)
Im running vBSEO. If you need to invest your money into other mods maybe. I would do that first. I've notice no dramtic improvement. Although, im still new also. Maybe it will do me better in the future.

And yes, there testimonals are a little "to good to be true" to me.

thx, i feel less alone to think they are fake, and too much beautiful with family picture etc...

DieselTruck 03-21-2008 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Goodman_2020 (Post 1470349)
thx, i feel less alone to think they are fake, and too much beautiful with family picture etc...


Goodman_2020 03-21-2008 02:50 AM

anyone else? :)

ssslippy 03-21-2008 02:52 AM

The guy whos runs NuSEO is currently away due to real life issues and the guy he left in charge bailed so right now NuSEO is currently bugged in some areas. However much I am a big supporter of nuhit currently VbSEO is the way to go.

Goodman_2020 03-21-2008 03:10 AM

You mean that nobody does the nuseo support? how can we sale something and then let the support? What kind of bugs are there? do you know when he will come back? and if he will continue support and realease new version? i don't want to buy something and then be letted, or i would like my money back

vbseo is 50 dollars more expensive and branding free 120!!!!

I need 2 licence, with brading free. if i get vbseo => 150+150+120+120 = 540 $ (!!!!!!!)
I f i take 2 licences of nuseo + brading free (special option 2 install + brading free) => 180$...
vbseo is 3 times more expensive.
So maybe my question should be: is vbseo 3 times better than nuseo? Maybe i should add that all i really need is the rewrite url option (all others are just bonus, and i would just like some like 301 redirect, and adsense targeting but all i really need is rewrite url to be more se friendly)

ssslippy 03-21-2008 03:17 AM

Currently Elfmage who owns www.nuhit.com is away. Ive been around on nuhit before it was nuhit. His current version works however there is some bugs with foreign characters, a bug with user names and #'s and there is also a bug with the sitemap generator.

NuSEO was built around speed and pure SEO unfortunally with nuhit gone its kinda in a near finished state. It has great support for more products then vbseo does thats for sure but with the lack of current support the only product I can say that is reliable from him is vbwiki. Vbwiki will continue to work till 4.0 comes out or mediawiki does another big version change.

Also note all the testimonials on www.nuhit.com are real. I know a couple of people who run it and have their testimonials up there. I wont give out names as thats not up to me but they are real.

Goodman_2020 03-21-2008 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1470374)
Currently Elfmage who owns www.nuhit.com is away. Ive been around on nuhit before it was nuhit. His current version works however there is some bugs with foreign characters, a bug with user names and #'s and there is also a bug with the sitemap generator.

NuSEO was built around speed and pure SEO unfortunally with nuhit gone its kinda in a near finished state. It has great support for more products then vbseo does thats for sure but with the lack of current support the only product I can say that is reliable from him is vbwiki. Vbwiki will continue to work till 4.0 comes out or mediawiki does another big version change.

Also note all the testimonials on www.nuhit.com are real. I know a couple of people who run it and have their testimonials up there. I wont give out names as thats not up to me but they are real.

so for my use nuseo is a good product?
What kidn of problem (data gone? impossible to connect? etc.) can create those bugs?
In clear, nuseo wont have a new version? it doesn't make that we want to buy it if it's already dead :( but if iat least for what i want to do, it's stable, light, and does it...why not.
What's sure is that vbseo staff are crazy with their prices (and especially their branding removal price) maybe they think we are cows or use the fact they have just one competitor (and gone for now)

ssslippy 03-21-2008 03:27 AM

Example my site runs it

You will not find those bugs I mentioned on my site as they do no suffer from it. The sitemap bug bothers me and I have been attempting to fix it however my lack of php knowledge has not helped.

None of the bugs are show stoppers but in a particular situation when a person has a number in their name instead of viewing their profile it gets redirected to a post.

At this point I would recomend VBSeo, but as stated many a many a time. You do NOT need SEO urls etc... It does some basic things for you that can help but alot of it is available free here.

VBulletin.com gets extremly well indexed and so does .org without any SEO done at all.
Google for example has a seperate script that parses forums.

Goodman_2020 03-21-2008 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1470388)
Example my site runs it

You will not find those bugs I mentioned on my site as they do no suffer from it. The sitemap bug bothers me and I have been attempting to fix it however my lack of php knowledge has not helped.

None of the bugs are show stoppers but in a particular situation when a person has a number in their name instead of viewing their profile it gets redirected to a post.

At this point I would recomend VBSeo, but as stated many a many a time. You do NOT need SEO urls etc... It does some basic things for you that can help but alot of it is available free here.

VBulletin.com gets extremly well indexed and so does .org without any SEO done at all.
Google for example has a seperate script that parses forums.

- i don't need url rewrite? really? i saw (i don't know anything about that) lot of people claiming that seo is must have (must do) for website or forum to increase your trafic, and be better indexed on google and have a better page rank. So all vbseo testimonials so beautiful talking about 400% more trafic and thousand of dolalr a day thanks to vbseo are shits like i thought?

- I have seen that we obtain the exact same rewrited url using nuseo or vbseo (with the url option i like the most, the number 1 in vbseo). As far as i think i wil ldisable all other options and wil use only this rewrite url option if i buy nuseo, and knowing i will buy a branding free nuseo, do vbseo staff risks to think that im using their software? I mean as far as i use only rewrite option, and it looks exactly the same and there wont be any copyright to show what software i use, they don't risk to think that im using a illegal version of their software and try to make shut down my server?

- can't we use free sitemap generator from vbseo with nuseo??

- what free hack does the url rewrite the same way we have it on nuseo or vbseo option 1 >>>

mfizzel 08-11-2008 02:34 PM

is this guy back yet, is nuhit still not being updated?

SEOvB 08-11-2008 02:39 PM

no nuhit appears to be a dead project now. They are still taking sales and giving refunds, but not support from the owner or updates on any of the nuhit projects, which is a shame as they had some nifty things going on there.

Alfa1 08-11-2008 03:23 PM

NuSEO is not supported, except by fellow product users. As a product NuSEO was more attractive for my needs(many modules for software other than vb), but a SEO product really needs good support. So unless you know your way around with code very well, I would go for vBSEO.

Gene Steinberg 08-11-2008 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by DieselTruck (Post 1470347)
Im running vBSEO. If you need to invest your money into other mods maybe. I would do that first. I've notice no dramtic improvement. Although, im still new also. Maybe it will do me better in the future.

And yes, there testimonals are a little "to good to be true" to me.

I'm late to this, but I am put off by the vBSEO promotional scheme, because it strikes me as the same sort of snake oil you get from marketing companies that promise search engine placement miracles.

Shorn of all the hype, most of its key functions relate to simple rewriting of URLs for your forums to make them more search engine friendly.

I had questions, and wrote them two letters, which never received responses. The cynical portion of my brain suggests that they don't answer if there's no payment. :)

If you want something cheap and near as effective, try this one:


It has a few glitches, to be sure, which the developer hopes to resolve shortly. For most of you, though, it'll work fine, and the URLs it rewrites are surely as good as the ones that vBSEO gives you.

Check my forum at http://forum.theparacast.com and see.


Vampyre 01-23-2009 06:07 PM

I've just found NuHit site and am really interested in getting NuSEO, although I was puzzled at first why the latest version was dated back in 2007.

I own 2 copies of vBSEO, but have always been interested in any other SEO products for vBulletin as well.
I was looking at Zoints SEO and TfSEO as well as the one wrote by Dani.
But they didn't seem to suit my needs just yet.

If Bert a.k.a. ElfMage was back updating NuSEO for vB 3.8.0, I wouldn't hesitate to go for the Enterprise level subscription, as I still have 4 other licensed vB boards running without proper SEO yet.

MrEyes 01-23-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by DieselTruck (Post 1470347)
.......I've notice no dramtic improvement.......

Until recently I was in the same boat as you, then I realised something about vbseo and it now really does do what it says on the tin

See this post, for the full story


Bottom line, I would recommend vbseo if you are prepared to put some work into it.


Originally Posted by Gene Steinberg (Post 1596303)
Shorn of all the hype, most of its key functions relate to simple rewriting of URLs for your forums to make them more search engine friendly.

I would really disagree with that - vbseo does a lot more than rewrite urls. To list but a few:

- SEO friendly 404 handling
- Spider activity logging
- Analytics & Analytics funnels integration
- Adsense targeting integration
- VB Archive management
- Pingbacks / trackbacks / refbacks
- Permalinks
- No follow management
- Integrated into all of VBulletin, not just the forum pages (including blog addon)
- Custom rewrite/redirect rules
- Relevant replacements (if used well these are great for SEO and have nothing to do with URL rewrites)
- Meta word / description enhancements
- Fluff removal & HTML cleanup (enhances code to content ratios)
- External links to anchor text
- acronym expansion

srkrocks 01-23-2009 06:43 PM

hands down its vbseo for sure!!

mdawg 05-04-2009 02:57 AM

I'm running vbSEO and what I like so far is willingness of their staff to give me tech support and even modify their own code to do what needs to be done.

For example, been using their expand acronym function to change words into hyperlinks, and determined
1) that vbSEO was not doing it for https (only http) conversions
2) that the acronym function was not maintaining the first capitalized letter of the word as it converted to hyperlink

vbSEO tech support logged into my vbulletin admin and modified the code to address and correct both issues. I assume they will implement this rewrite into a future version, so that we ended up helping each other.

I can't imagine even vbulletin tech support helping me in that way - vbulletin tech support is decent but often refers to me to the "just what you see on the shelves buddy can't help with that" type response. vbSEO seems more willing to help hands on.

slinky 05-06-2009 03:59 PM

I like the nuhit guys. One thing that is nice is the lack of shmear sell. I just have a difficulty when someone can't stop selling to the point where something like the Sham Wow is a welcome change of pace. Actually, it's more like the sell to the insecurity in the "Extenze" commercials... "we make certain part of your forums... um... "larger" in size." There are never any weaknesses with the product, etc. etc. etc. It rubs me the wrong way and I'm not the first to mention this. Perhaps they've toned it down a little since then.

It's your call really. Nobody can answer you. The questions really are:

(1) Paying almost $400 (unless you want to advertise for them too) for what is a guess. I've seen several large forum owners say they saw no noticeable increases. You may lose a lot of listings since your current ones are supposedly redirected after another google crawl, at least in theory.

(2) The annual maintenance fees are high and you'll need them.

(3) Last I heard nuhit wasn't encoded and vbseo is. With a point of failure that large on a huge forum, it's just something to worry about.

(4) With vb4 coming out, just how much more will SEO really do above that? No, I'm not talking about 450 settings but what will it do? Get you 50 more or less uniques a month for the price of encoding, updating and non-standard working with regard to hacks, integrations,etc.?

I don't know. With vb4 coming out, you may wish to wait rather than spending the huge sum of cash on it, despite the numerous posts I've seen egging forum owners on as if it is a must have. If the price is right, maybe you might wish to investigate. Your call.

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