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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - Show Reputation Each Post Has Got In PostBit (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=173432)

AngelBlue 03-17-2008 10:00 PM

Show Reputation Each Post Has Got In PostBit
This addon has been withdrawn.

ymy 03-18-2008 09:46 PM

Thanks for the release
screenshot please !

AngelBlue 03-18-2008 09:53 PM

This product essentially causes a $post['rsum'] value to be defined in the postbit and postbit_legacy templates.
This value contains the total reputation that the post has got (all scores are added together).

Using template edits and conditionals based on that value, you can display the result in any way you want.
It is a very flexible system.
By default, it uses a simple green/red number and icon as can be seen in the template edit above.

So, screenshots wouldn't really represent it well, because the way it is displayed is up to the board owner who installs it. They can use the variable supplied for any purpose, or even build other hacks based on it.

By default, posts with positive rep have something like this added to the right of their icon :

Posts with negative overall reputation, of, say, 4, have this added to their title :

Again though, how it displays is entirely down to you.
You can display it very differently by just using a slightly different template edit.

Mark.B 03-18-2008 11:02 PM

I like this, but one thing people should be aware of is that if you have a large board the install will likely time out, potentially causing issues, because it's altering the POST table, which in my case is massive.

If you have a large board you may be better off running those queries manually using shell access and editing them out of the install XML file.

AngelBlue 03-18-2008 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 1468274)
I like this, but one thing people should be aware of is that if you have a large board the install will likely time out, potentially causing issues, because it's altering the POST table, which in my case is massive.

If you have a large board you may be better off running those queries manually using shell access and editing them out of the install XML file.

I foresaw this issue, but have been spending the hour or so since I posted this mod on other things, and have not yet got around to adding this info to the mod description.
Thank you for reminding me - I will do that now.

Update : this info has been added to the mod description.

mahsazn 03-28-2008 01:14 PM

just what i needed! :D
thank u...

Noctavia 04-05-2008 01:22 AM

This sounds just like what I need for my forum. Could a screenshot be provided so I can see what it looks like on an actual post before installing? Would it work something along the lines of WoWhead: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=7631#comments:id=23407

With the +30 rating, +8 Rating etc?

AngelBlue 04-05-2008 11:40 AM

re: screenshots :

Positive rep displays like this :
"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/04/19.gif+30 "
or this :
"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/04/19.gif+8 "

Negative rep displays like this :
or this :

These little display indicators appear next to the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/06/14.gif post title icon by default in postbit_legacy. However... you can simply do a different template edit to make them appear in a different place, or in a different format. As stated in the mod, what this mod really does is provide $post[rsum] the vartiable in postbit and postbit_legacy. By using template conditionals with this variable, you can create pretty much any effect you want. That's why I don't include screenshots... how this mod looks on your forum is entirely up to you.

re: WoWhead: WoWhead appears to be using a very simplified version of the rep system where you just have "+" and "-" buttons. My mod uses the full reputation system as a backend. But, like WoWhead, it displays the cumulative score each post has got on the post. By using a template edit (involving using a custom rsum conditional to add a font color tag before the post pagetext) you could quite easily make posts with high reputation appear in green, just like posts with high points/karma on WoWhead appear in green. By default, though, that isn't how it works. By default my mod's template edit just adds a small indicator at the top of posts. However, you can quite easily use the supplied variable to do other graphical effects if you wish, including the effect WoWhead uses. You just have to be willing to learn how to use simple template conditionals if you want custom effects.

AngelBlue 04-05-2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 1468274)
If you have a large board you may be better off running those queries manually using shell access and editing them out of the install XML file.

To further address this issue, I have changed the product file so that the initial queries it does on install are much smaller. This should enable it to install more quickly on big boards.
If big board owners want to enable the features provided by this mod for all their historical posts, clear instructions have been placed in step two of the install process which enable them to do this. This should make the install process safer for big board owners, and clearer for everyone, without making it any longer.

mahsazn 04-05-2008 06:44 PM

the only problem is that "Reputation"s given before, are not figured ...

mahsazn 04-06-2008 11:21 AM

another problem with my forum: the max Reputation shown for each post is 127 :(

AngelBlue 04-06-2008 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by mahsazn (Post 1483796)
the only problem is that "Reputation"s given before, are not figured ...

Complete installation step two, above.


Originally Posted by mahsazn (Post 1484285)
another problem with my forum: the max Reputation shown for each post is 127 :(

That was part of the design - I've never seen a post get that much reputation before!
However, I will adapt the mod to address your issue.

I've released version 4b, which ups the maximum tally for each post to 32,767.
To upgrade:
* uninstall the existing product
* import the new attached product
* perform step two of the installation

This will re-generate all your post reputation scores, changing all the ones currently set to 127 to whatever the correct value is.

Only people who have posts on their forum with >127 or <-127 rep are advised to do this particular upgrade.

Noctavia 04-07-2008 07:10 AM

Thankyou for the reply. I realise that all forums can look different, I guess I just thought of looking at a screenshot how you have it set up - ie how it's set up as a default.

Also perhaps showing how exactly the post reputation is given - ie with the [+/-] on the actual post like on Wowhead, or if it's a drop down menu thing etc.

Just to help me get a better understanding of how it all looks before I go attempting to play with it.

mahsazn 04-07-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue (Post 1484431)
Complete installation step two, above.

That was part of the design - I've never seen a post get that much reputation before!
However, I will adapt the mod to address your issue.

I've released version 4b, which ups the maximum tally for each post to 32,767.
To upgrade:
* uninstall the existing product
* import the new attached product
* perform step two of the installation

This will re-generate all your post reputation scores, changing all the ones currently set to 127 to whatever the correct value is.

Only people who have posts on their forum with >127 or <-127 rep are advised to do this particular upgrade.

tnx a lot; i installed the new version; but i donno what i should replace "vb_" with :(

AngelBlue 04-08-2008 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Noctavia (Post 1485040)
Thankyou for the reply. I realise that all forums can look different, I guess I just thought of looking at a screenshot how you have it set up - ie how it's set up as a default.

As my signature says :

Originally Posted by my sig
I do not provide screenshots or live demos for my hacks. Please don't ask!

This line is there for a reason. Please respect it!


Originally Posted by Noctavia
Also perhaps showing how exactly the post reputation is given - ie with the [+/-] on the actual post like on Wowhead, or if it's a drop down menu thing etc.
Just to help me get a better understanding of how it all looks before I go attempting to play with it.

This mod adds the +X or -X indicators as shown above. It does not add "+" and "-" buttons like on WoWhead. My mod uses the existing reputation system as the basis for its point scores on posts. WoWhead uses something else.

If you want a quick demo of how my mod looks on your forum, just perform install steps one and three. This will show you how it looks, and only take about 2 minutes of install time. Just revert/uninstall the mod if you don't like it. If you like the concept but don't like how it looks, then learn to edit templates, and use a different template edit. Once you have sorted out a different template edit, just post it here and I'll link to it. It would be fairly trivial to add in an if conditional that turned post text green on posts with positive rep or positive rep above a certain threshold.


Originally Posted by mahsazn (Post 1485486)
tnx a lot; i installed the new version; but i donno what i should replace "vb_" with :(

Your database prefix. The one you defined when you installed vBulletin.

mahsazn 04-08-2008 04:29 PM


Your database prefix. The one you defined when you installed vBulletin.
tnx ...

Ark del KAOS 04-10-2008 08:41 PM

Hi! This Mod is fantastic!
Its the base for many little modificatios I made in my forum.
Thanks you very much, AngelBlue!

...But (because allways theres a but XD) I ask you to make one extra modification that I cant make by myself: A add-on who count the times a post break one postive karma mark, and who count the times a post break it down (negative karma)
Its for make an award for the users who made more "important" posts in a year...
...and an "antiaward" for those who made it in the darkside of the karma ^ ^ (something, something, something, Dark Karma XD)

Please, take a look on this ^ ^

Noctavia 04-10-2008 09:53 PM


This line is there for a reason. Please respect it!
Geez ok, no need to get nasty. I don't make a point of reading people's signatures because that's not what I am here for. I read mod descriptions. I'm also used to all the other mods I have chosen to install provide screenshots - the saying "a picture says a thousand words" is very true and I find I understand a lot better if I can see images. It usually means I don't have to ask the questions I've had to in this mod.

If my questions are a problem then so be it, I will not trouble you anymore and find another mod to use.

AngelBlue 04-11-2008 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ark del KAOS (Post 1487786)
Hi! This Mod is fantastic!
Its the base for many little modificatios I made in my forum.
Thanks you very much, AngelBlue!

...But (because allways theres a but XD) I ask you to make one extra modification that I cant make by myself: A add-on who count the times a post break one postive karma mark, and who count the times a post break it down (negative karma)
Its for make an award for the users who made more "important" posts in a year...
...and an "antiaward" for those who made it in the darkside of the karma ^ ^ (something, something, something, Dark Karma XD)

Please, take a look on this ^ ^

I've actually had a request by someone on my own forums for this very feature.
I will consider adding it in a future version.

The reason why I haven't added it so far is that it would change the database structure again.

I might well include this feature in a future release. Remind me in a month if I haven't added it yet.


Originally Posted by Noctavia (Post 1487824)
Geez ok, no need to get nasty. I don't make a point of reading people's signatures because that's not what I am here for. I read mod descriptions. I'm also used to all the other mods I have chosen to install provide screenshots - the saying "a picture says a thousand words" is very true and I find I understand a lot better if I can see images. It usually means I don't have to ask the questions I've had to in this mod.

If my questions are a problem then so be it, I will not trouble you anymore and find another mod to use.

Questions aren't a problem. I agree that a picture is worth a thousand words. I would like to provide a screenshot, but, unfortunately, my board is not open to the public. Thus, I can't take screenshots of it (as that would break our rules). I am open to those who have installed this taking screenshots and forwarding them to me, so that I can include them in the mod description. I've suggested that people contribute screenshots in the mod description, so that we will hopefully get a screenshot in future. I really do want my mods to be as useful as possible. Even though I can't provide screenshots, I hope that contributed screenshots will allow me to show people what the mod can do. Also, if you want to see what it looks like, you can simply perform install steps 1 and 3, then check out a very recent post, and you will be able to see it. Install steps 1 and 3 together should take less than two minutes. Again though, this is mostly a backend mod. How it displays on posts by default doesn't really matter, as you can quite easily change the template conditional you use to make it display any way you want.

AngelBlue 04-12-2008 08:22 PM

Version 4c has been released today, and includes a few new features to address the requests that people have made in this thread since the last update.


Originally Posted by Noctavia (Post 1483267)
Would it work something along the lines of WoWhead: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=7631#comments:id=23407
With the +30 rating, +8 Rating etc?

I have added a more wowhead-like feature to version 4c of this mod.
Starting in version 4c, the background of posts with overall positive rep is green, and the background of posts with overall negative rep is pink (light red).

When doing the template changes to postbit_legacy, you can alter the HTML to change the text color instead of the background color. Doing this, and using a dark background, might achieve a visual effect very similar to WoWhead... :)


Originally Posted by Ark del KAOS (Post 1487786)
Hi! This Mod is fantastic!
Its the base for many little modificatios I made in my forum.
Thanks you very much, AngelBlue!

...But (because allways theres a but XD) I ask you to make one extra modification that I cant make by myself: A add-on who count the times a post break one postive karma mark, and who count the times a post break it down (negative karma)
Its for make an award for the users who made more "important" posts in a year...
...and an "antiaward" for those who made it in the darkside of the karma ^ ^ (something, something, something, Dark Karma XD)

Please, take a look on this ^ ^

Version 4c now uses a different system that allows you to track positive reputation and negative reputation separately for each post.

A post that was given a +1 and a -1 would previously show up as neutral... but now it correctly displays both a +1 and a -1 in its title. You can use the new rpos and rneg variables (defined in the post database for each post) to implement custom hacks based on this, as well.

I hope this answers your request :)

If you have any other requests for extensions to this mod, please post them ASAP, because starting in a few days from now, I will become very busy, and have a LOT less time to work on this mod.

Noctavia 04-13-2008 11:03 AM


When doing the template changes to postbit_legacy, you can alter the HTML to change the text color instead of the background color. Doing this, and using a dark background, might achieve a visual effect very similar to WoWhead...
Aaawwwesome!! Once my brain wakes up I will have a go at installing this mod and giving it a whirl!

Paul M 04-13-2008 12:36 PM

You need to alter the install code to properly use "TABLE_PREFIX", not hard code your prefix into the code. :)

Noctavia 04-13-2008 09:23 PM

Ok, need to alter the step 3 bit yes? Not the XML file?

AngelBlue 04-13-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1489689)
You need to alter the install code to properly use "TABLE_PREFIX", not hard code your prefix into the code. :)

I had done that with most of the install code, but I forgot the nested bits in the second section of post table updates. Thanks for reminding me. I've just released version 4c which fixes this, and done a search for "vb_" to make sure that there are no more hard-coded table prefixes in the product file.


Originally Posted by Noctavia (Post 1489966)
Ok, need to alter the step 3 bit yes? Not the XML file?

Just re-download the new 4d version of the product file, and import. I just updated it, so you don't have to edit the product file to fix this.

AngelBlue 04-14-2008 12:05 AM

Version 5.0.0 of this mod has been released.

This version includes the database prefix fix from 4d.
It also adds a new feature : "+X" and/or "-X" markers on threads whose first posts have been given reputation. These markers show up when viewing forums, next to the thread's title. Yes, this means that, with this mod, your members can now see which threads are wanted/unwanted, as well as which posts are wanted/unwanted.
Currently this system is based on the first post in each thread, but I might expand it later to take all posts in the thread into consideration. In the meantime, enjoy the fact that, this mod both provides this new feature, and no longer modifies your "thread" table at all :)

Any problems or suggestions? PM me.

OcR Envy 05-13-2008 12:11 PM

Would love a mod like this but as a rule I don't do file edits. Looks nice though.

Alfa1 06-03-2008 09:05 PM

Very interesting! Awaiting your future versions.

* subscribes

GuaRRand 06-04-2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by OcR Envy (Post 1518201)
Would love a mod like this but as a rule I don't do file edits. Looks nice though.

What he says... i try to do as little file edits as possible.... and this has alot :D

Good idea though... i'll keep my eye out for future releases

Madmark 06-19-2008 08:07 PM

Great mod! Is it possible to get this working with 3.6.9?

Zacarias 06-21-2008 06:32 PM

I've been trying to find something like this for 3.7. Does anyone have any experience with this mod on 3.7?

xorex 06-29-2008 04:16 PM

please update for 3.7.X

AngelBlue 08-30-2008 11:20 PM

This mod is no longer supported by me.
If anyone wishes to port it to 3.7 or otherwise update it, go ahead.

tpearl5 02-05-2009 02:47 PM

I would love to see something like this for 3.7/3.8.. hrm

tpearl5 02-05-2009 03:59 PM

So far the only differences I see in editing code are in forumdisplay.php:


        $threads = $db->query_read_slave("
                SELECT $votequery $previewfield
                        thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.forumid, pollid, open, postusername, postuserid, thread.iconid AS threadiconid,
                        thread.dateline, notes, thread.visible, sticky, votetotal, thread.attach, $tachy_columns,
                        thread.prefixid, thread.taglist, hiddencount, deletedcount,

Replace with

        $threads = $db->query_read_slave("
                SELECT $votequery $previewfield
                        thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.forumid, pollid, open, postusername, postuserid, thread.iconid AS threadiconid,
                        thread.dateline, notes, thread.visible, sticky, votetotal, thread.attach, $tachy_columns,
                        thread.prefixid, thread.taglist, hiddencount, deletedcount,
//reputation addon
(SELECT rsum FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post where thread.firstpostid = postid) AS rsum,
(SELECT rpos FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post where thread.firstpostid = postid) AS rpos,
(SELECT rneg FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post where thread.firstpostid = postid) AS rneg

However - this block of code is throwing an error

ok awesome 10-06-2009 12:23 AM

I updated from 3.6.8 to 3.8.4 and can't use this mod anymore. It would be awesome if someone updated it!

AngelBlue 10-06-2009 04:15 AM

If anyone wants to update this mod and release a version that is compatible, or include a patch that makes it so, go ahead.

MrNoname 06-06-2010 01:02 AM

Please make a version in VB4 ;)

Ark del KAOS 06-29-2010 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by MrNoname (Post 2049020)
Please make a version in VB4 ;)


I was using this modification as a base for a own postbit modification.
If the post gains more than X reputation, the post shows with a "important" mark...if its goes under Y negative reputation, the post colapse itself.
Some kind of democratic automoderation for the community.

But I need to be able to know the reputation of the post into de postbit template, to make some "if" magic with it :D
I tried some tricks, but anything works:(

I'm working on it, and maybe can solve it myself...but if you can upgrade it It'll be awesome ^ ^

Ark del KAOS 07-01-2010 10:15 AM

Well, after some modifications this mod works on vb4.
I'm only change the mod forum maximum version, and It installs great.
And the postbit changes, and the admin ones, works too.
The other changes...I don't use them, so I don't know ;)

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