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-   -   Profile Enhancements - Mini YouTube Video in Profile (right side block) Embed-URL (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=171969)

stangger5 03-02-2008 10:00 PM

Mini YouTube Video in Profile (right side block) Embed-URL
Mini YouTube Video for member profile in (right side block) Embed URL v2.6

(New)Added cache_templates,,user group permissions and
the option for auto-play...


================================================== ==========

First create 3 profile fields.
One for YouTube URL,
one for YouTube title and
one for Auto-play..

================================================== ===========
admin >> User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field

Single-Line Text Box
Title: YouTube URL
Description: Put your YouTube URL here.

Field Length: 50
Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

Remember the Field number..
Say the field number is 9,,you will need to change the
i in $userinfo[fieldi] to 9 like this,, $userinfo[field9]
================================================== ===========
Add anther Profile Field,,

Single-Line Text Box
Title: YouTube Title
Description: Put your YouTube Title here.

Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

Remember the Field number..
Say the field number is 10,,you will need to change the
t in $userinfo[fieldt] to 10 like this,, $userinfo[field10]
================================================== ===========
Add anther Profile Field,,

Single-Line Text Box
Title: YouTube Auto-play
Description: Put &autoplay=1 in the input box below,to have it auto-play..

Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

Remember the Field number..
Say the field number is 11,,you will need to change the
a in $userinfo[fielda] to 11 like this,, $userinfo[field11]
================================================== ===========

Import the plugin..

admin >> Plugins & Products >> [Add/Import Product] and import
youtube_member_profile_url.xml file..

================================================== ==========

Edit two templates.

admincp >> Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >>

Find three $userinfo[fieldi] and change the i to the YouTube ID field number..

Find two $userinfo[fieldt] and change the t to the YouTube title field number..

Find one $userinfo[fielda] and change the a to the YouTube auto-play field number..

Edit: Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >> MEMBERINFO

Look for,,



Put $blocks[youtube] anywhere in there..
I have mine arter $blocks[friends_mini]..
Like this,,



================================================== ==============

Go to youtube dot com,,find the video you want..

You need to use the link from the Embed code..

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7e9wgshS0qI&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7e9wgshS0qI&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Just use the URL,

in your YouTube URL field..

Then put,,two minute new knight rider preview,,in your YouTube title field..
================================================== ==============

To edit your YouTube fields..
USERCP >> Edit Your Details >> Additional Information

================================================== ==============

To edit usergroups,,
admincp >> Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager:
Mini right side YouTube for Member Profile

Add the usergroup ID,,that you want to be able to use the YouTube vidoes..


if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo,1 ,2 , 5, 6, 7))
Like this: ,1 ,2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 ,9

================================================== ==============
If you have an older version,,uninstall the plug-in and revert the memberinfo_block_youtube template before installing the newest version..

Enjoy !!

stangger5 03-03-2008 11:39 AM

Since this version uses the URL,,,you can embed YouTube play list..

Go into your YouTube account and use the embed code from your play list..

The play list embed link should look something like this,,



Veer 03-03-2008 01:02 PM

why not to update your existing thread:


SwollenCranium 03-03-2008 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1455844)
Since this version uses the URL[/CODE]


I installed following your instructions.

I get a block on my profile that shows NO video.

All edits done as you instructed.

** EDIT**
I got it working ... but is there a way to use it with just a c/p of the URL instead of having to extract the URL from the embed code ?

chatzworld 03-03-2008 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by SwollenCranium (Post 1455946)
I installed following your instructions.

I get a block on my profile that shows NO video.

All edits done as you instructed.

i am getting the same :(

chatzworld 03-03-2008 02:31 PM

installed the other one you hve and working fine :)

stangger5 03-04-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pehchaan (Post 1455907)
why not to update your existing thread:


Two different hacks...One uses youtube ID and this one uses youtube full URL...


Originally Posted by chatzworld (Post 1455949)
i am getting the same :(

Did you use the link from the embed code ??

If you installed the YouTube ID version first,,uninstall the plug-in and revert the memberinfo_block_youtube template before installing the YouTube full URL version.

furst 03-08-2008 08:04 AM

Would be nice if we didn't have to use the url from the embed code and could just use the regular url.

Thanks for the hack.

wicked80 03-08-2008 07:28 PM

I reported this issue in v2.0 as well and since you released this for 3.7.0 beta 5 (the version i am using) i thought it might work. But yet again, i followed your instructions word-by-word and experience the same problem as before. Everything works fine except the video does not show up.Check this link:

I need this plugin soooo much, so it would be great if you can help me. I have also checked those usergroups permissions and my registered group id is 2 which you already have included by default,so i dont think that's an issue.

Let me know..thanks

stangger5 03-09-2008 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by wicked80 (Post 1460224)
I reported this issue in v2.0 as well and since you released this for 3.7.0 beta 5 (the version i am using) i thought it might work. But yet again, i followed your instructions word-by-word and experience the same problem as before. Everything works fine except the video does not show up.Check this link:

I need this plugin soooo much, so it would be great if you can help me. I have also checked those usergroups permissions and my registered group id is 2 which you already have included by default,so i dont think that's an issue.

Let me know..thanks

I just registered on your site and it works fine for me..
Look at my profile..

You must be useing the wrong URL..
Are you useing the URL from the embed code ??

This is what I used on your site,,


wicked80 03-09-2008 04:08 PM

Thanks Stangger,
That worked like a charm but it seems you have a typo in your manual above,check this:

You need to use the link from the Embed code..




in your YouTube URL field..
So, I think the second URL should be:

But thanks a lot and this is such a wonderful mod that it would be hard to miss this one out.One more thing, can the users use the youtube url directly instead of using the url in the embed code???


christian8a 03-10-2008 07:02 AM

Nice but since is for members profiles, this should be easy, just by pasting the URL they see on the top of the page.
They will not go and find what url to put.

Ill wait for your pro release, Im sure you will get it man soon, thanx by the way :up:

stangger5 03-10-2008 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by wicked80 (Post 1460811)
Thanks Stangger,
That worked like a charm but it seems you have a typo in your manual above,check this:

So, I think the second URL should be:

But thanks a lot and this is such a wonderful mod that it would be hard to miss this one out.One more thing, can the users use the youtube url directly instead of using the url in the embed code???


I fixed the URL in the manual above...Thanks for pointing that out..;)


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1461276)
Nice but since is for members profiles, this should be easy, just by pasting the URL they see on the top of the page.
They will not go and find what url to put.

Ill wait for your pro release, Im sure you will get it man soon, thanx by the way :up:

This will only work by useing the embed URL...

Pro release ???? :confused:

christian8a 03-10-2008 04:14 PM

Well not actuallly the pro release, I think is good enough now, but just that URL, the same way "anymedia" hack works, so members dont get confused on wich url to type

Khalid-B 03-10-2008 04:55 PM

thanks . working fine...

Greek76 03-10-2008 09:05 PM

To difficult for a user to sit their copy and paste embed url code and edit the link aswell to work. Why not just make so all they have to do is post the url? Im sure you will get a lot more downloads. Alot easier for members on forums. Thanks

stangger5 03-10-2008 10:28 PM

It will only work with the embed URL code..

There is no way to make it work useing the page URL..

Alfa1 03-11-2008 04:35 PM

Please consider adding support for other sites like liveleak, dailymotion, googlevideo as well.

forumrunt 03-13-2008 04:34 PM

I have a custom theme and I cant find this


Is there any other way to do this?

stangger5 03-13-2008 04:50 PM

Are you useing vb 3.7 ??

Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >> MEMBERINFO

Its at the bottom of the MEMBERINFO template..

forumrunt 03-13-2008 06:36 PM

no that would explain it LOL I will wait until I upgrade thanks

stangger5 03-18-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1462364)
Please consider adding support for other sites like liveleak, dailymotion, googlevideo as well.

Any embed URL should work...

I got this from dailymotion..


<div><object width="420" height="257"><param name="movie" value="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x4i9tx&v3=1&autoPlay=1&related=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x4i9tx&v3=1&autoPlay=1&related=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="257" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><br /><b><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4i9tx_episode-103-2008-naias-sights-and-s_auto">Episode #103 - 2008 NAIAS Sights and Sounds</a></b><br /><i>Uploaded by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/chhonda">chhonda</a></i></div>
all you need is,,


The others should work too..

You`ll need to edit the memberinfo_block_youtube,,where is says YouTube Video to just Videos or something...;)

IRANCITY 03-18-2008 08:52 PM

Not Work For Me Help Me Plz!!!!!!!!!!!!

IRANCITY 03-18-2008 08:53 PM

video Cannot LOAD

stangger5 03-19-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by IRANCITY (Post 1468205)
video Cannot LOAD

Do you see the video box ??

maroceve 03-19-2008 12:23 PM

this stuff should be bundled in next version !!! kicks ass

Kaleem 03-20-2008 03:14 AM

Its not working for vBulletin 3.7 RC1

NeuroLancer 03-25-2008 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by LightInClouds (Post 1469317)
Its not working for vBulletin 3.7 RC1

yes it is. You mean yours isnt ;)

CrashPush 03-30-2008 07:34 PM

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/02/1.gif Excellent modification! Thank you very much.

Tom_S 03-30-2008 09:32 PM

Nope..don't work with RC1..for me.

Tom_S 03-30-2008 09:58 PM

Okay..what I don't get is your Knight Rider clip will play but nothing else. And yes I know how to copy just the url because we do that on one of our sites we have this built into for our blogs with no issues.

stangger5 03-30-2008 10:43 PM

You have to use the link in the embed code,,not the page url..

Tom_S 03-30-2008 10:50 PM

I am using

It don't work...I tried the embed code

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tCPUnMz_gU8&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tCPUnMz_gU8&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
It don't work. The only thing that worked was "Knight Rider" from here.

Dang it..hit the enter key before I was done.

stangger5 03-30-2008 10:52 PM

Post a link to a video you want to use..

Tom_S 03-30-2008 10:56 PM

BTW..the embed code will not fit in there without going back and editing that field to accept that many characters. Also you clearly said if you will scroll back the following:

Just use the URL,

in your YouTube URL field..

Tom_S 03-30-2008 10:57 PM

<a href="https://youtube.com/watch?v=ORzHF2kgqJ4" target="_blank">http://youtube.com/watch?v=ORzHF2kgqJ4</a>

AME embeds that fine within a post

stangger5 03-30-2008 11:17 PM

You use the url link in the embed code,,not the whole embed code..

The embed code for the link you posted is..


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ORzHF2kgqJ4&hl=en">
</param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ORzHF2kgqJ4&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Just use the url from it..


Tom_S 03-30-2008 11:18 PM

I am using that as I said. It dont work. The only one it works with is your Knight Rider url from YouTube. I have tried over 50 now.

Tom_S 03-30-2008 11:22 PM

Okay..that worked when I copied yours but you have the =en on the end of it which is new to me but it is not on there from YouTube which is confusing and will be to the members as well. Is this going to have to be added each time?

stangger5 03-30-2008 11:35 PM

You find the embed code on the right side below About This Video..

Your link,

My link,

See the difference ??

Just make sure you use the one inside the embed code...

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