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technom8t 02-23-2008 10:00 PM

Rapidshare Upload In New Thread / Reply
How to make rapidshare upload link at newreply, new thread:

2 template edit : Newreply | Newthread
(please note this code can actually go on anytemplate you wish, i chose to put it in these templates for personal preference)

Easy edit 5 minutes

Installations for new reply:
1. Go to Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Default style > New Posting Templates > newreply

2. Find -

<!-- message area -->

                <div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[message]:</div>               
                <!-- / message area -->

3. Add after


<head><title>RapidShare Upload</title>
body {
 font-family: Verdana;
 font-size: 12px;
table {
 font-family: Verdana;
 font-size: 12px;

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" alink="#555555" vlink="#555555" link="#555555" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bottommargin=0 rightmargin=0>
<script>if (self != top) { top.location.replace(window.location.href) }</script>
<table width=49% height=43% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
    <td height=100% align=center valign=top bgcolor=#E2E6ED><!-- rapidshare !-->
        <table width=621 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
            <td nowrap colspan=5 bgcolor=#000000></td>
            <td nowrap bgcolor=#FCFEFE></td>
            <td align=center valign=top bgcolor=#FCFEFE><p></p>

                <script>function switchfiles() {alert("Please notice that when using multi-upload the sum of\nall files you upload at once must not exceed 100 MB.");
document.getElementById('files').innerHTML = 'File #01: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent"><br>File #02: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent2"><br>File #03: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent3"><br>' +
'File #04: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent4"><br>File #05: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent5"><br>File #06: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent6"><br>File #07: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent7"><br>' +
'File #08: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent8"><br>File #09: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent9"><br>File #10: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent10"><br><input type="submit" name="u" value="Upload!">'}</script>
<form name="ul" method="post" action="http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="document.ul.u.value='Please wait ...';document.ul.u.disabled=true">
<a href="#" onclick="switchfiles()">Multi-Upload</a> Choose your upload-datapath: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cogent <input name="mirror" type="radio" onclick="document.ul.action='http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi';document.ul.u.value='Upload via Cogent'">
Level(3) <input checked name="mirror" type="radio" onclick="document.ul.action='http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi';document.ul.u.value='Upload via Level(3)'">
Telia <input name="mirror" type="radio" onclick="document.ul.action='http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi';document.ul.u.value='Upload via Telia'"><br>
<div id="files"><input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent"> <input type="submit" name="u" value="Upload!"></div></form>
<b>Upload-Limit: <font color="red">Unlimited!</font></b> (Max. <b><u>100 MB</u></b>)<br>

            <td nowrap bgcolor=#FCFEFE></td>
            <td nowrap colspan=5 bgcolor=#000000></td>
      <!--rapidshare-->    </td>

press save and your done.

Installations for NEW THREAD:

1. Go to Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Default style > show thread Templates > NEWTHREAD

2. Find

<!-- message area -->
                <div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[message]:</div>               
                <!-- / message area -->

3. add after


<head><title>RapidShare Upload</title>
body {
 font-family: Verdana;
 font-size: 12px;
table {
 font-family: Verdana;
 font-size: 12px;

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" alink="#555555" vlink="#555555" link="#555555" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bottommargin=0 rightmargin=0>
<script>if (self != top) { top.location.replace(window.location.href) }</script>
<table width=49% height=43% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
    <td height=100% align=center valign=top bgcolor=#E2E6ED><!-- rapidshare !-->
        <table width=621 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
            <td nowrap colspan=5 bgcolor=#000000></td>
            <td nowrap bgcolor=#FCFEFE></td>
            <td align=center valign=top bgcolor=#FCFEFE><p></p>

                <script>function switchfiles() {alert("Please notice that when using multi-upload the sum of\nall files you upload at once must not exceed 100 MB.");
document.getElementById('files').innerHTML = 'File #01: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent"><br>File #02: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent2"><br>File #03: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent3"><br>' +
'File #04: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent4"><br>File #05: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent5"><br>File #06: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent6"><br>File #07: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent7"><br>' +
'File #08: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent8"><br>File #09: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent9"><br>File #10: <input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent10"><br><input type="submit" name="u" value="Upload!">'}</script>
<form name="ul" method="post" action="http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="document.ul.u.value='Please wait ...';document.ul.u.disabled=true">
<a href="#" onclick="switchfiles()">Multi-Upload</a> Choose your upload-datapath: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cogent <input name="mirror" type="radio" onclick="document.ul.action='http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi';document.ul.u.value='Upload via Cogent'">
Level(3) <input checked name="mirror" type="radio" onclick="document.ul.action='http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi';document.ul.u.value='Upload via Level(3)'">
Telia <input name="mirror" type="radio" onclick="document.ul.action='http://rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/upload.cgi';document.ul.u.value='Upload via Telia'"><br>
<div id="files"><input type="file" size="64" name="filecontent"> <input type="submit" name="u" value="Upload!"></div></form>
<b>Upload-Limit: <font color="red">Unlimited!</font></b> (Max. <b><u>100 MB</u></b>)<br>

            <td nowrap bgcolor=#FCFEFE></td>
            <td nowrap colspan=5 bgcolor=#000000></td>
      <!--rapidshare-->    </td>

4. save and your done.

now upload this button to your /images folder

now upload the attached rapid.php to your forum root directory

thats it, all done

( please not you can insert the actuall code anywere you wish the upload button to appear)


COBRAws 02-25-2008 02:29 AM

Any way to add a login (inside the code, admin configured only) for uploading using a RS premium account?

technom8t 02-25-2008 12:07 PM

i think that it may be possible, i am not that advanced in my coding but i will have a look into it for you, please note this may cause an issue as everyone who will use the upload will most probabaly be able to view your Rapidshare login details if the view the page source...

i will however look at it for you, im also planning on making it only availible to certain usergroups so update to follow

rmxs 02-25-2008 07:09 PM

You Take My Post And You Make A New Hack...perfect..

You Are The Best...bravooooooo...

Thanks That You Help Me And You Post This Thread

Bravooooooo........again...and Again


technom8t 02-25-2008 07:34 PM

why dont you want to help the community , as far as i can see i improved on it, just like the code i know have to do the premium login version, yeh cheerz yeh muppet pmsfl

i think you will find that is an upload image you idiot, u can test it if u dont beleive me, as your code doesnt work the same as mine :-)

rmxs 02-25-2008 08:52 PM

one thanks to me i thing its not big thing..you just take the code and you change some part...so?you dont help the community..i fount something that doesnt work and i post something that works,and you get it and create second add-on.

Ok men you are the best... congratulations

i thing its better to use this code and no tables

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>SOME TEXT</legend>
Some code


technom8t 02-25-2008 09:09 PM

ok but didnt relise this was a competition, were did u get the code from, the same place as me the page source from the upload page on rapidshare, so dont bullshit everyone on here and pretend you wrote it because you didnt you fool, so yes i used the code from the upload page from Rapidshare, you don't own it, get over it, unless you have anything constructive to say then shut up and dont reply in this thread, i put this here for people who want it for FREE as i got it for FREE just like you got it for FREE, some one ban this idiot please im not here to exsplain my self or be abused in any way!

stelthius 02-26-2008 12:25 AM

didnt work for me i followed your instructions too

technom8t 02-26-2008 08:04 AM

give us a bit more info mate as to how it didnt work

i.e did your upload button appear ok on the newthread page but no poup-upload box appeared when pressed?

or did nothing appear on your newreply/newthread pages.

let me know and i will try solve this for you, i have it working perfectly @

*** Link removed, no linking to warez boards ***- just go into the guest section (no need to register) and do a test thread you will see the concept works ok :-)


rmxs 02-26-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by technom8t (Post 1450992)
ok but didnt relise this was a competition, were did u get the code from, the same place as me the page source from the upload page on rapidshare, so dont bullshit everyone on here and pretend you wrote it because you didnt you fool, so yes i used the code from the upload page from Rapidshare, you don't own it, get over it, unless you have anything constructive to say then shut up and dont reply in this thread, i put this here for people who want it for FREE as i got it for FREE just like you got it for FREE, some one ban this idiot please im not here to exsplain my self or be abused in any way!

If someone need ban maybe its you becuase you cannot control your self...
Its not my code byt its copy of my work (rapid.php file image etc..)
The bifferent on my code is that works,perfect and many people can use it without problems..
Your code doesnt work

I close this history now because i dont wont to talk with people like you,its better to talk with my hand..

technom8t 02-26-2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by rmxs (Post 1451296)
Its not my code


PH03N1X 02-26-2008 04:32 PM

^ ^ You're a dumbass.
Ripping people's work aint' cool man -_-

Coders Shack 02-26-2008 10:13 PM


dont fight over a simple mod like this...

if any of you want to get your hands dirty, i translated the rsapi (perl) to php. So if you want you can actually make your server convert all uploads to RS links.

and a cool feature would be to store a version of the file locally and externally then pass the DL through a gateway that actually first checks if the DL still exists and if it doesn't it would re upload the file and update the link in the post.

OMG DON'T STEAL MY IDEA... Lame. Don't post your idea if you are planning on doing it. Not his fault you missed the boat. How is he supposed to know that you are really going to release the mod?

if someone really needs this done, i do paid mods ;)

saotome 02-27-2008 06:40 AM

i think it is better put credits goes to for the authors code so the authors will respect it.

technom8t 02-27-2008 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1451713)

dont fight over a simple mod like this...

if any of you want to get your hands dirty, i translated the rsapi (perl) to php. So if you want you can actually make your server convert all uploads to RS links.

and a cool feature would be to store a version of the file locally and externally then pass the DL through a gateway that actually first checks if the DL still exists and if it doesn't it would re upload the file and update the link in the post.

OMG DON'T STEAL MY IDEA... Lame. Don't post your idea if you are planning on doing it. Not his fault you missed the boat. How is he supposed to know that you are really going to release the mod?

if someone really needs this done, i do paid mods ;)

Thank you, finally someone who actully speaks sense lol

i also understand your concept of what you are planning to do with uplaods being transformed into RS links, this is unfortunetly way beyonde me i think lol, but i would pay for summit like this :-)

keep me informed


Coders Shack 02-28-2008 06:11 PM

for like $50 ill code up a system like this. (of course i would release it)

Marco van Herwaarden 03-03-2008 09:55 AM


Feel free to discuss or disagree with eachother, but keep the conversation respectfull. No more disrespectfull posts or namecalling will be tolerated in this thread.

cajunboy2208 03-09-2008 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by COBRAws (Post 1450400)
Any way to add a login (inside the code, admin configured only) for uploading using a RS premium account?

I would love this also.
Can it... or will it, be done?

Hornstar 07-11-2009 08:28 AM

does this still work?

relaxiha 07-13-2009 01:31 AM

i tested and does not work on 3.8.3

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