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vbFreelancers 01-27-2008 10:00 PM

"MemberIndex": New Memberlist, Top Posters, Featured Members, Member Rating etc
Removed by the Author
due to luck of free time to support it.

Member Index
A Member list replacement
by vbFrerlancers

- New in version 1.4.0 Final (Released Feb 1st, 2008)
  1. Fixed the bug with usergroup permissions
  2. You can setup different usergroup in Admin Block
  3. Added a 2nd similar to Admin's Block, for general use (can be turn off)
  4. Code optimization to avoid run queries, if a feature is OFF.
- How to upgrade from version 1.1.0
  1. Uninstall your current installation
  2. Follow the steps below for a new installation

- New in version 1.3.0 (Released Feb 1st, 2008)
  1. Featured Members
  2. Improved Profile View
  3. Full Image View popup (javascript)
  4. Usergroup Permissions
  5. More Options
- How to upgrade from version 1.1.0
  1. Uninstall your current installation
  2. Follow the steps below for a new installation
- Working on 1.4.0 for.....
  1. Featured Members Block in Main Page
  2. Checking all permissions for bugs

- New in version 1.2.0 (Released Jan 30th, 2008)
  1. Member Rating
  2. Top Members
  3. Improved Interface
- How to upgrade from version 1.1.0
  1. Upload memberindex.php to your vB directory
  2. Uninstall your current installation
  3. Import product-memberindex.xml
- Working on 1.3.0 for.....
  1. Featured Members
  2. Profile view improvement

- New in version 1.1.0 (Released Jan 29th, 2008)
  1. Advanced Search
  2. Improved Main Page
- How to upgrade from version 1.0.0
  1. Upload memberindex.php to your vB directory
  2. Re-import (check overwrite) product-memberindex.xml
- Working on 1.2.0 for.....
  1. Profile view improvement
  2. Profile Rating !!
I developed this mini-mod having in mind to deliver a better interface, more info and more configurable Memberlist replacement. Of course you can use it as standalone, or change the link to your navbar to redirect to my page.

1.- What I've in mind to improve next days
  • To change the info given in blocks for most active with number of posts and other statistics
  • To change the profile in listing by adding more info (eg biography etc). All of them can be turn On/Off by admin. Also to place in profile a popup with related options (eg Email, PM, Add to Buddy etc).
  • To add Advanced search, but much more powerfull than vB's. This is the reason that I left empty the left side bar.
  • To add in profiles other useful information pulling them from popular mods (eg vbCredits).
2.- Installation

Installation is pretty easy:
  1. Upload all files and directories including at "vbulletin" directory to the directory where vBulletin is installed.
  2. Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.
  3. From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_memberindex.xml
  4. Set the various options at: Member Index Options. If you can't see the menu on the left, press F5. Don't forget to choose which usergroups to show.
  5. If you want to replace your current member list, you must edit the navbar template to point to memberindex.php instead of memberlist.php Otherwise you can add a seperate menu.
3.- For your info

This is not a Lite version, as I'm not planing to release a Commercial one. But you can find in our site, a Brand Free version for $15, a very fair amount as I believe. I don't like donations, so this is a great way if you want to support my work and to get something back in exchange.

That's all. Hope to enjoy it:)


TomJames 01-28-2008 05:19 PM

Really neat, I plan to install it a moment but I thought I'd ask anyway. Is it possible to not display certain usergroups? Also can we choose which usergroups to display as 'the team'.

vbFreelancers 01-28-2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by TomJames (Post 1430993)
Really neat, I plan to install it a moment but I thought I'd ask anyway. Is it possible to not display certain usergroups? Also can we choose which usergroups to display as 'the team'.

Yes, you can choose which usergroups to show in MemberIndex. As "Team" most probably you mean the block with admins in main page? In current version only Admins are showing there. But as I did this mod just today, I left many things out for the upcoming few days. Sure you can choose usergroups for there too.

gwerzal 01-28-2008 05:50 PM

You make a lot of cool mods.

Il defo be installing this but im going to wait until ts a little more finnished.

Thanks for the sneak peak though

TomJames 01-28-2008 05:54 PM

After installing and taking a look it seems really useful, a lot better than the default member list, thanks!

vbFreelancers 01-28-2008 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by TomJames (Post 1431026)
After installing and taking a look it seems really useful, a lot better than the default member list, thanks!

Wait till the weekend and you'll surprised. I'm planing to include so many features. Hope that your suggestions will help me on this.

Hasann 01-28-2008 06:06 PM

memberindex_admin.php file doesn't work in admincp..
specially memberindex_admin.php?do=usergroups

vbFreelancers 01-28-2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1431040)
memberindex_admin.php file doesn't work in admincp..
specially memberindex_admin.php?do=usergroups

Most probably you're doing something wrong. Open the file memberindex_admin.php and you'll see that there is do=usergroups

Dark Cynicus! 01-28-2008 06:25 PM

umm where am i suppose to see this hack on my forum?

yahoooh 01-28-2008 06:25 PM

is there version for vb 3.6.8

TomJames 01-28-2008 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Cynicus! (Post 1431056)
umm where am i suppose to see this hack on my forum?

Navigate to:



memberindex_admin.php file doesn't work in admincp..
specially memberindex_admin.php?do=usergroups
Try closing and re-opening the admin CP.

iJoe 01-28-2008 08:24 PM

sounds excellent :) Going to download and install now :) Thanks a lot

edit: changing the usergroups is a bit awkward, possibly checkboxes rather than delect from a list? [S]Also when a user selects a usergroup there is no way of getting back to the main page[/S] Oh yes there is :P

Otherwise excellent :D

wolfe 01-28-2008 08:47 PM

great mod m8 beats the old layout would be good if it had options like the old one to show extras like contact details emails pm etc

glorify 01-29-2008 12:48 AM

Are the avatars resized similar to the profile avatars?

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by wolfe (Post 1431164)
great mod m8 beats the old layout would be good if it had options like the old one to show extras like contact details emails pm etc

It will has much more extras. Just wait some days. This is 1st beta release.

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by glorify (Post 1431267)
Are the avatars resized similar to the profile avatars?

Avatar is resizing during upload. Then I'm using the avatar as is.

ZiG 01-29-2008 04:51 AM

works great for me

i would love to see a search added (like youve stated) and can't wait for updates. i'll wait for some more updated before i make this go live on my website. thanks for the great script!

Triky 01-29-2008 07:05 AM

Nice idea! :)

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by ZiG (Post 1431377)
works great for me

i would love to see a search added (like youve stated) and can't wait for updates. i'll wait for some more updated before i make this go live on my website. thanks for the great script!

Today I'll release a new version with (at least) search features. Just don't ask me what that ...Rating means:rolleyes:

DrKNickel 01-29-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1431484)
Today I'll release a new version with (at least) search features. Just don't ask me what that ...Rating means:rolleyes:

Yeah! That sounds great :)


Cornie 01-29-2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by DrKNickel (Post 1431578)
Yeah! That sounds great :)


Yeah, the Girl makes a good work :)

bin schon am ?bersetzen ;)

Hasann 01-29-2008 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Cornie (Post 1431623)
Yeah, the Girl makes a good work :)

bin schon am ?bersetzen ;)

hehe hast recht kumpel :D:up:
wann wird fertig ?bersetzung?:)

Cornie 01-29-2008 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1431677)
hehe hast recht kumpel :D:up:
wann wird fertig ?bersetzung?:)

If the final version until tomorrow comes then up to the weekend

translate in german and not turkey, that make you please :D

Wenn die Finalversion bis morgen kommt dann bis zum Wochenende.

vbFreelancers 01-29-2008 04:18 PM

- New in version 1.1.0 (Released Jan 29th, 2008)
  1. Advanced Search
  2. Improved Main Page
- How to upgrade from version 1.0.0
  1. Upload memberindex.php to your vB directory
  2. Re-import (check overwrite) product-memberindex.xml
- Working on 1.2.0 for.....
  1. Profile view improvement
  2. Profile Rating !!

CallieJo 01-29-2008 08:59 PM

Another super mod!!! Thanks BUNCHES!!! I love your mods!!!

For anyone else who, like me, did not want to display usergroups on the left and meet the admins on the right...here's how to get rid of those:

To get rid of the usergroups block on the left, delete this code in memberindex_index template:

                <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%" class="tborder" style="margin-bottom:$vboptions[memberindex_spacer]px;">
                    <td class="tcat" align="left" height="20">
                      <div class="smallfont"><b>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;$vboptions[memberindex_usergroups_text]</div>
                    <td align="left" valign="top" class="alt1"">
                      <div class="smallfont">
                <br />

To get rid of the meet admins block on the right, delete this code in memberindex_index template:

                <if condition="!empty($admins)">

Marina, please let me know if this will cause any issues. Thanks*

CallieJo 01-29-2008 09:14 PM

Question: How much to get the copyright credit removed? Or can we remove it for free from our member index page?


TomJames 01-29-2008 09:17 PM

Awesome update, thanks!

vbFreelancers 01-30-2008 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by CallieJo2 (Post 1432046)
Question: How much to get the copyright credit removed? Or can we remove it for free from our member index page?


Sorry, but why to remove my copyright? Don't I deserve a credit for the time that I spent for it?
In any case, as I don't like donations, there is a Brand Free version in our site for $15. I believe that it's a very fair price. But it's better to wait till the final release later today.

Thank you

djlotus 01-30-2008 12:51 PM

I don't see where to select the user groups to display.

reddyink 01-30-2008 01:39 PM

I would like only specific usergroup memberlist show up for anyone in that usergroup.

I have a usergroup called Usergroup1
the members in that user group can only see the list from their usergroup.

How to set this persmission?

Thanks -

vbFreelancers 01-30-2008 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by djlotus (Post 1432407)
I don't see where to select the user groups to display.

In ACP, Member Index -> Usergroups

vbFreelancers 01-30-2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by reddyink (Post 1432426)
I would like only specific usergroup memberlist show up for anyone in that usergroup.

I have a usergroup called Usergroup1
the members in that user group can only see the list from their usergroup.

How to set this persmission?

Thanks -

After publishing the final release today, I can modify your copy to do it. It's simple.

vbFreelancers 01-30-2008 04:05 PM

- New in version 1.2.0 (Released Jan 30th, 2008)
  1. Member Rating
  2. Top Members
  3. Improved Interface
- How to upgrade from version 1.1.0
  1. Upload memberindex.php to your vB directory
  2. Uninstall your current installation
  3. Import product-memberindex.xml
- Working on 1.3.0 for.....
  1. Featured Members
  2. Profile view improvement
- Commercial version

Finally I decided to release in our site a commercial version, with just one additional feature. Amazon style Member Reviews

chatzworld 01-30-2008 04:31 PM

love the upgrade

chatzworld 01-30-2008 04:34 PM

btw i think it will be great to be able to add our selfs who show in for example the admin box :) as I have more than one admin groups :)

vbFreelancers 01-30-2008 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by chatzworld (Post 1432566)
btw i think it will be great to be able to add our selfs who show in for example the admin box :) as I have more than one admin groups :)

I left it for the end... it's pretty easy to do it as I've already another mod for forum home. An altrarnative way, is to mark yourselve (or anyone you want) as Featured member and show them (in random) in a special block (should be on tomorrow's release). Also members marked as featured, will have different background color in listings to catch the eyes.

CallieJo 01-30-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1432342)
Sorry, but why to remove my copyright? Don't I deserve a credit for the time that I spent for it?
In any case, as I don't like donations, there is a Brand Free version in our site for $15. I believe that it's a very fair price. But it's better to wait till the final release later today.

Thank you

Marina, I whole heartedly agree that you deserve credit. And credit is left on the one forum I installed this on.

However, I have a brand free VB license that I keep link free and have spent alot of money for many brand free licenses (all photopost products, VB itself, several mods, and several other products). I was considering installing this mod on it...but to have links back to anything with VB defeats the purpose of having brand free licenses I've already purchased. If it were a site about VB or not a professional business site, I would not mind the credit. But, one out of four forums I have requires brand free all the way. And I have paid good money to keep it that way.

I hope you understand that it's not a question of whether credit is deserved or not. It's a question of how brand free a site wants to remain.

Thanks for all your hard work. It is truly appreciated.

sinistergaming 01-31-2008 04:18 AM

hey this is real nice i like it..

hubix 02-01-2008 11:10 AM

Is it possible to show up own profilefields below the avatars? I mean, can we use variables and conditions for profilefields in the hack-templates?

CBTS Pennywise1 02-01-2008 12:19 PM

I noticed that has soon as the member has over 1000 post it doesn't show how many post they have.

Nvm it doesn't show how many post the Admins and Mods have.

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