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UncoderMom 01-10-2008 11:03 PM

Train wreck Britney!
WHAT is the deal with this girl? And now, her sister is preg?

YIKES! :eek:

So hard not to rubber neck it though! :erm:

Bad parenting? Or victims of Hollywood and fame?

nexialys 01-10-2008 11:06 PM

just stupid people in front of cameras...

they show that people have to pass a test to become adults...

Weapon-x 01-10-2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1419242)
just stupid people in front of cameras...

they show that people have to pass a test to become adults...

So many celebs would fail that one.

I hate having these celebrity making America look so stupid.

I am glad she lost her kids because she's not ready and not mature enough to even have kids. She needs to grow up first and take responsibility before then even has another kid.

Her "fame" is over and needs to just move on and quit trying to be someone who she isn't. Give someone else the spot light.

UncoderMom 01-10-2008 11:19 PM

Britney is an adult, acting like a child! LOL did you see the pics where she flashed the pops her um, you know, she wasnt wearing any under garments :eek:

Who would do that? I think she did it for attention.

--------------- Added [DATE]1200014494[/DATE] at [TIME]1200014494[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by Weapon-x (Post 1419255)
So many celebs would fail that one.

I hate having these celebrity making America look so stupid.

I am glad she lost her kids because she's not ready and not mature enough to even have kids. She needs to grow up first and take responsibility before then even has another kid.

Her "fame" is over and needs to just move on and quit trying to be someone who she isn't. Give someone else the spot light.

She has NO business raising kids! I agree! Its so sad too.. Sometimes I really hope (i dont know why) that she will pull through and redeam herself but that isnt looking so good here lately :o

no mods 01-10-2008 11:21 PM

Doesn't even surprise me. What does surprise me is that people actually care. I personally dont give a poo. The less talented you are, it seems, the bigger celeb you can become. Go figure.:rolleyes:

Weapon-x 01-10-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by UncoderMom (Post 1419256)
Britney is an adult, acting like a child! LOL did you see the pics where she flashed the pops her um, you know, she wasnt wearing any under garments :eek:

Who would do that? I think she did it for attention.

Her entire family does everything for attention. I believe her sister got pregnant to get the spot light off of her sister or she wanted to get into the spot light because "NO" one knows about Jamie Spears and she wanted some attention.

UncoderMom 01-10-2008 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Weapon-x (Post 1419260)
Her entire family does everything for attention. I believe her sister got pregnant to get the spot light off of her sister or she wanted to get into the spot light because "NO" one knows about Jamie Spears and she wanted some attention.

You know, That zoey show was on all the time around here and I never knew it was her.. so you may be right.. I mean I knew her character on the show but didnt know it was HER. KWIM?

hmmmmm could be!

Dean C 01-11-2008 05:27 AM

I couldn't care less. The girl has no talent. She's not a songwriter, her voice is less than average. She just happens to look moderately attractive when she has makeup on, and was the first in a long list of fallen "90s Teen pop sensations", and knew when to flash the flesh.

I wish she'd disappear (without dying of course, wouldn't wish that upon anyone).

Kimmi 01-11-2008 10:01 AM

I have to agree with everyone. Why she even had kids is beyond me she should've waited a bit long..
I dont like her and im so glad they took her kids away you would think since they took her kids away the first she wouldve grown up but she sank the ship even futher in the water .
She really needs to grow up and stop acting like the way she she is her kids are going to hate her for not even trying to be a mom which is sad..

I seen she is now dating a pops. she needs all the attention she can get before that ship hits the bottom

Wayne Luke 01-11-2008 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by UncoderMom (Post 1419256)
She has NO business raising kids! I agree! Its so sad too..

She isn't.. She lost custody of her children.

Michael Biddle 01-11-2008 02:13 PM

to bad she has so much money because she can drag out here custody case.

Shelley_c 01-11-2008 02:46 PM

Is it to early to design some Britney Spear signs?

UncoderMom 01-11-2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1419598)
Is it to early to design some Britney Spear signs?

LOL. Nah, shes already earned the title of biggest train wreck ever! :p

Shelley_c 01-11-2008 07:56 PM

Personally, I feel the finger should be pointed at her parents. The pressure she endured must have been torturing starting out at a young age and her mother pushing her to stardom. Maybe she didn't live her infancy as most kids do and enjoyed her youth so she tried to live it out in her (using the term loosely) "adult years" and got involved with the wrong crowd. Anyway, I'm going for the parents as being the dominant factor towards Britney's madness.

Don't get me wrong, hate her songs. I'd actually go out on a limb here and hope deezlepope doesn't look in this thread when I say I would take my chances listening to Celine Dion than Britney (Ranting Raving Lunatic) Spears.

deezelpope 01-11-2008 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1419748)
Personally, I feel the finger should be pointed at her parents. The pressure she endured must have been torturing starting out at a young age and her mother pushing her to stardom. Maybe she didn't live her infancy as most kids do and enjoyed her youth so she tried to live it out in her (using the term loosely) "adult years" and got involved with the wrong crowd. Anyway, I'm going for the parents as being the dominant factor towards Britney's madness.

Don't get me wrong, hate her songs. I'd actually go out on a limb here and hope deezlepope doesn't look in this thread when I say I would take my chances listening to Celine Dion than Britney (Ranting Raving Lunatic) Spears.

ROFLMAO!!! Good Lord, I agree!! Britney is a *** Removed *** with zero talent...and she doesn't deserve those kids of hers. Celine is a songbird who deserves Mother-of-the-Year in comparison!:D

Shelley_c 01-11-2008 08:15 PM

I have to agree with you deez that she doesn't deserve to have or even see her kids. I wasn't going to mention her kids purely because they were not asked for the path of crap that laid ahead.

Just on a note with regards to Celine is when celine tries to sing she can do it with 9/10ths of her residing in water something britney can't accomplish.

It's now your time to shine Celine. :D

Weapon-x 01-11-2008 08:45 PM

I heard from Entertainment Tonight she uses $715,000 a day.

UncoderMom 01-11-2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Weapon-x (Post 1419781)
I heard from Entertainment Tonight she uses $715,000 a day.

HOLY CRAP!! :eek:

nexialys 01-11-2008 09:28 PM

and this is when she have no rush of drugs.. lol

UncoderMom 01-11-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1419748)
Personally, I feel the finger should be pointed at her parents. The pressure she endured must have been torturing starting out at a young age and her mother pushing her to stardom. Maybe she didn't live her infancy as most kids do and enjoyed her youth so she tried to live it out in her (using the term loosely) "adult years" and got involved with the wrong crowd. Anyway, I'm going for the parents as being the dominant factor towards Britney's madness.

Don't get me wrong, hate her songs. I'd actually go out on a limb here and hope deezlepope doesn't look in this thread when I say I would take my chances listening to Celine Dion than Britney (Ranting Raving Lunatic) Spears.

OMGOSH! Thats GREAT!! Get well soon!!! *insert LMAO smilie*

Feckie (Roger) 01-12-2008 07:14 AM

Do you not think that we are all to blame in a way.


If it was not for the media hounding her and her herself playing to the media,
she wouldn't be acting in this way.

Remember: WE buy the newspapers, magazines, watch TV............

Also do you not think her ex is not playing her, for his own purpose................

Always 2 sides to any story.........:cool:

Shelley_c 01-12-2008 11:01 AM

I wouldn't say we are to blame for the reason that everyone on this earth has two choices (Multiple if we had a choice in a poll) to either Yes, I'm pregnant I should be happy and will be there for my kid when he/she is born. No, I'm going to be a selfish young woman and will abuse myself using drugs , hanging out with stupid people drinking and driving (potentially putting other peoples lives at risk) and go on a downward spiral. Anyway, she had a choice before her baby was born, life was good, she was happy. Exactly what changed in that year?

In short, i think she took a risk which didn't pay off and only now she cannot handle the repercussions. I don't think it's about her fame (maybe she could have blamed this as a infant) when her parents where to blame for pushing her to stardom (when she didn't have a choice) but not now. She had her own mind whether to lead a happy and content life or the way she is living now.

Like I said, I personally think her parents are to blame as they where the people pushing her to it going through rigorous routines day in day out, think of it has a pre-cursor to an unhappy life later in life brought on by the people responsible for looking out for her.

I can't say that society is to blame, not in the slightest. people buy her records because of her raw talent. We didn't ask her to sing or push her to stardom as an infant, or ask her to take drugs and abuse her parenting rights.

As for her ex, yeah, I think he is playing it a little, afterall, he's going to get richer from this farce but always remembering that he is the one looking after the kids and living up to his responsibilities which goes a long way in my books.

Anyway, I'll stop my rambling and end with I noticed your not using an avatar uncodermom? :p

UncoderMom 01-12-2008 12:58 PM

Nice ramble Shelley! I totally agree!

KTBleeding 01-15-2008 02:50 PM

Remind me again why are we all rambling and raving about some washed up vocalist? Two words in the form of a question come to mind: Who cares?

And not to defend the Spears family or anything, but I'd like to see any of you walk in the shoes of a parent with a child in the Hollywood scene and not have them experience a negative impact. Hollywood is a sleazy +++++. She spreads her diseases on the young, weak, and vulnerable.. and we all get so worried and frantic about it.

Shelley_c 01-15-2008 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding (Post 1421935)
Remind me again why are we all rambling and raving about some washed up vocalist? Two words in the form of a question come to mind: Who cares?

- Boredom?
- It's a bulletin board a place to talk?
- Takes the heat of Celine Dion?
- The thread starter had a fit of insanity and created "Train Wreck Britney" thread when they mean't to create "Britney, we all love you really, get well soon" thread?
- Because we care?
- because you really care?
- because the guy next door to me cares?

You pick.

Calash 01-15-2008 04:06 PM

We were talking about Britney, and pop stars of that time in general the other night. It is kind of funny, but when you look back everybody thought Christina Aguilera would be the one on the self destructive path while Britney would be the cutsie pop princess. Now you look at them and they grew up to be totally different people.

KTBleeding 01-15-2008 04:14 PM

That's the sad thing, is people actually DO care about it.

It's a waste of time and energy that could be focused on something much more helpful, inspiring, or just flat out entertaining.

So a 16 year old girl is pregnant.. It happens every single day, all over the world. But this one is plastered all over news stands globally, and now an "unfit" mother can't release a book on parenting that has been in the works. Production is halted and it's put on "hiatus".

Not saying she's a good mom, by any means (I can't say that, I don't know her). But a GOOD book on parenting should touch issues of drug use, unprotected sex, young pregnancies, and any other garbage that the youth of today is getting into. Because believe it or not, the percentage of kids these days will experience with all of that and MORE by the age of 17.

I mean, if I'm bored.. and unless I'm replying to some dumb topic on a message board like this one, I'll start learning something. Teach myself something, or even just have fun with some video games. The last thing on my mind is what Britney and her sister are up to, and whether or not she did the right thing by sleeping with people at such a delicate age. Believe me, the LAST thing on my mind.

UncoderMom 01-16-2008 03:25 AM

KT you obviously dont have any Kids. Well, I do! And I care about the pop stars of my daughters generation! The pregnant 16 year old isnt just any run of the mill PG girl.. Shes one that has been broadcasted in my home numerous times on that show of hers. I'm concerned. Its not just these two either...

Its more like wth is this world coming too!

and some of the other stuff Shelley mentioned! :p

Some people waste time on seemingly useless games and others on seemingly useless posts ;)

Weapon-x 01-17-2008 03:11 PM

UncoderMom bad news....today on "E" they confirmed she is pregnant with her new boyfriend. What is wrong with this women? Also she AGAIN did not show up for court. Does she think getting pregnant with another man is going to get her kids back. This is just out of control. What is next? Suicide?

People blame it on the media coverage. No that is just a cheap excuses because SHE is the one making the choices. NO one else is telling her to do these things. I really think she has some mental problems. And having another kid doesn't make it even better.

Shelley_c 01-17-2008 03:15 PM

I read in the newspapers a few days ago that if she got committed again that she would attempt suicide. Strange woman. :rolleyes:

Boofo 01-31-2008 05:07 PM

It's sad but that's what stardom at an early age can do to someone. She's still a kid trying to make her way in an adult world and she's confused and lost. Instead of condemning her, we need to step back and feel what it would be like if we were in that situation.

One thing that would probably help her more than anything is to get rid of the groupies and hangers-on that she has attracted throughout the years. I'm sure they are using her for whatever they can get out of her instead of letting her grow up.

Freesteyelz 02-01-2008 09:42 AM

Stardom, maybe...But lack of good parenting may have been key. From the outside looking in her parents are enablers. While it's a specticle I feel for them and hope that Britney gets the medical help she needs. Ah, the sister too...

Weapon-x 02-01-2008 02:24 PM

Update. She's back in the hospital again. Just saw it on E News! What is wrong with this women?

What is next suicide?

--------------- Added [DATE]1201883322[/DATE] at [TIME]1201883322[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 1433269)
It's sad but that's what stardom at an early age can do to someone. She's still a kid trying to make her way in an adult world and she's confused and lost. Instead of condemning her, we need to step back and feel what it would be like if we were in that situation.

One thing that would probably help her more than anything is to get rid of the groupies and hangers-on that she has attracted throughout the years. I'm sure they are using her for whatever they can get out of her instead of letting her grow up.

Just wanted to add she is old enough to figure out her problems. We don't need to hold her hand through life. She doesn't care one bit about these kids, She's late for court and skips court, tell me how should could care for these kids by doing this? Also she needs to get her stuff together and realize her "FAM" is over. No one really cares about her, she's and old child star let the fam die down.

Plus she does all of this for attention. She loves the attention.

Freesteyelz 02-01-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Weapon-x (Post 1433972)
What is next suicide?

That's exactly what she's doing...Luckily for her family and friends she's not very good at it.

Boofo 02-01-2008 08:25 PM

Now, we need to leave poor Britney alone. I can't ride her coattails if she doesn't get better. ;)

EvErDrEaMs 02-04-2008 03:28 AM


Weapon-x 02-06-2008 01:04 PM

News Update: She is sueing someone for putting Anti Pyscotic Drugs in her food.....

To me there is a loop hole in this story to cover up something. EVERYTIME she ate she did not see him put drugs in her food? Come on!


She is saying the past 3 months he's been doing this....

Um she's been doing more crazy stuff beyond 3 months. Shaving head almost a year ago. Etc....

Michael Biddle 02-06-2008 02:20 PM

I say we just let the spartans kick her into the pit of death...

Shelley_c 02-07-2008 06:11 PM

Something needs to give her a big kick to the nether regions. I for one am getting sick to death of listening to the antics this stupid (sorry excuse) for a human being this woman is getting upto.

Send her to the north pole where an ice igloo awaits her. Only in this version of the north pole there's no midnight train where tom hanks will pick her up after she comes out of her insanity phase. Long go the reindeer and the soft white snowflakes streaming off her face and candy canes appearing out of the blue. The north pole for britney will have frost bite in abundance and black charred feet awaiting amputation and hopefully her head.

off with her head. :rolleyes:

Boofo 02-07-2008 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1438373)
Something needs to give her a big kick to the nether regions. I for one am getting sick to death of listening to the antics this stupid (sorry excuse) for a human being this woman is getting upto.

Send her to the north pole where an ice igloo awaits her. Only in this version of the north pole there's no midnight train where tom hanks will pick her up after she comes out of her insanity phase. Long go the reindeer and the soft white snowflakes streaming off her face and candy canes appearing out of the blue. The north pole for britney will have frost bite in abundance and black charred feet awaiting amputation and hopefully her head.

off with her head. :rolleyes:

Ok, but how do you really feel? ;)

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