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Olympic 01-09-2008 10:00 PM

vbFClassifieds by vbFreelancers
Removed by the Author
due to luck of free time to support it.

vbFClassifieds by vBulletin Freelancers

1.- Features
  • Unlimited Categories
  • Unlimited Subcategories
  • Paid or Free Ads
  • Ability to use different price per category/subcategory
  • Sellers can accept PayPal IPN payments
  • Sellers can setup different PayPal account for each Ad
  • Sellers can sell in different currency per Ad
  • Buyers can post review and rating for Sellers
  • Top Sellers block
  • You can use different template than the site's template
  • You can use different template even per category
  • Editor Choice Ads
  • vbSeo friendly
  • No time limit on use
  • This is our Lite version
2.- Commercial vs Lite version
  • Flexible custom fields, organized in fieldsets. Cutom fields are reusable and of course you can assign each field group to one, many or all categories
  • Sponsored and Premium Ads
  • Bookmarks
  • Tell a Friend
  • Report Ads
  • RSS per category/subcategory
3.- Installation
  1. Upload all files and directories including at "vbulletin" directory to the directory where vBulletin is installed.
  2. CMOD the following directories to 777
    1. /photos (inside vbfclassifieds directory)
    2. /tmp (inside vbfclassifieds/photos directory)
    3. /thumbs (inside vbfclassifieds/photos directory)
  3. For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off
  4. Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.
  5. From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_vbfclassifieds.xml
  6. If you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:
    Search For:

    <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">

    Add Below:

    <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="vbfclassifieds.php$session[sessionurl_q]">Classifieds</a></td>
    ....or use any other word you want
  7. By default none usergroup has permissions to use vbfclassifieds, so you need to give permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.
  8. If you've installed vbSEO, Login into vbSEO Control Panel, click "Custom Rewrite Rules", insert rewrite rules (attached in vbseo-rules.txt to not lose formatting) and save settings.
4.- Copyright

The script cannot be redistributed, reproduced, or published in any way. Modifying this
script and sharing or publishing your modification anywhere without the author's written permission is not allowed, but you can modify it as you want but just for your
own use.

In addition to above restrictions you can't develop and share addons for 3nd party scripts (eg for vBadvanced).

Removal of our copyright link is strictly prohibited.

SwollenCranium 01-10-2008 05:12 PM


dilbert 01-10-2008 06:28 PM

Is it easy to upgrade from this version to pro?

soletrader 01-10-2008 08:57 PM

The thumbs are not showing up correctly.

Matty.B 01-10-2008 10:19 PM


Matty.B 01-10-2008 11:45 PM

Is there a setting to allow so that certain usergroupd don't have to pay for the advertisements? Ie.. I'm the SuperAdmin yet I still have to pay myself $0.50 cents to get one added.. How can I solve this?

seangworld 01-11-2008 04:34 AM

oh good, olympic, you finally moved it up here to vb3.7.
i'll click install since i installed it on 3.7 just a few days ago and told you it works perfectly.

are there any changes in the last few days in the download?

seangworld 01-11-2008 04:35 AM

p.s.: i also nominated it.

Olympic 01-11-2008 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by dilbert (Post 1419099)
Is it easy to upgrade from this version to pro?

Techically is very easy. But as the Pro version supports custom fields, all ads that already have been post, need to be editing to update the extra fields (if you setup any of them).


Olympic 01-11-2008 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Matty.B (Post 1419284)
Is there a setting to allow so that certain usergroupd don't have to pay for the advertisements? Ie.. I'm the SuperAdmin yet I still have to pay myself $0.50 cents to get one added.. How can I solve this?

Marked for a furthure upgrade.


Olympic 01-11-2008 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by seangworld (Post 1419389)
p.s.: i also nominated it.

Thank you for supporting our mods.


Olympic 01-11-2008 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by soletrader (Post 1419185)
The thumbs are not showing up correctly.

Are not showing at all, are you getting broken link?... what exactly?

soletrader 01-11-2008 07:26 AM

The thumbs that get uploaded into the thumbs folder does not become an image. I get a no image.

Olympic 01-11-2008 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by soletrader (Post 1419455)
The thumbs that get uploaded into the thumbs folder does not become an image. I get a no image.

Please check:
  1. If you've cmod 777 the dierctories:
    1. photos/
    2. photos/thumbs
    3. photos/tmp
  2. If you've setup in usergroup permissions an amount of allowed uploads greater than 0. Default is 0

Matty.B 01-11-2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Olympic (Post 1419420)
Marked for a furthure upgrade.


Beautiful :D Thanks for that

soletrader 01-13-2008 05:34 AM

I noticed another problem. When clicking on an image, i get the image loading picture but that is it. It will not load. Any suggestions?

JamesC70 01-13-2008 02:57 PM

I've found what I consider to be a major problem.

I want to use this so that members of the forum can post their own items for sale. However, when they try to buy something, PayPal is trying to pay the email account defined in AdminCP as the PayPal Merchant Account email address.

Why doesn't this script provide PayPal the email address that the seller provides when they place the ad? This would solve the problem.

Also, if an email address is not defined within the ad, the "Buy It!" option should be disabled.

vbFreelancers 01-13-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by JamesC70 (Post 1420683)
Why doesn't this script provide PayPal the email address that the seller provides when they place the ad? This would solve the problem.

Are you sure for it? Because I've checked it on my own. Of course I must admit that I checked it with the commercial version, but I don't think that Olympic has touched any part of the code there. I'll be back after rechecking it.


Originally Posted by JamesC70 (Post 1420683)
Also, if an email address is not defined within the ad, the "Buy It!" option should be disabled.

You're right, and this is totally my faulty approach. I added this restriction, but following wrong condition (if the price=0 and not if the email is empty). I'll correct it and we'll post an update. Sorry for troubles.

JamesC70 01-13-2008 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1420691)
Are you sure for it? Because I've checked it on my own. Of course I must admit that I checked it with the commercial version, but I don't think that Olympic has touched any part of the code there. I'll be back after rechecking it.

I am sure.

Turn Sandbox off (I don't have a Sandbox account).
Put a specific email address in AdminCP, something that you'll recognize in a minute.

Edit an existing ad to show a second email address. Theoretically this is who PayPal should send payment to.

Try to buy the item in this ad, and enter a third email address.

On my end, the third email address is trying to pay the first email address, not the second. I can screenshot all this and email it to you if you like.

JamesC70 01-13-2008 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1420691)
I added this restriction, but following wrong condition (if the price=0 and not if the email is empty). I'll correct it and we'll post an update. Sorry for troubles.

I split my replies, as these are two different problems.

I think a "Buy It!" should be allowed if price=0, as someone could be giving something away. Just thought I'd put my two cents in before you change your code. :)

vbFreelancers 01-13-2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by JamesC70 (Post 1420701)
I split my replies, as these are two different problems.

I think a "Buy It!" should be allowed if price=0, as someone could be giving something away. Just thought I'd put my two cents in before you change your code. :)

For sure it's wrong, not only, as you wrote, someone can give something away, but also because someone can sell something and don't want (or can't be) payment with PayPal. Imagine to sell a Porsche by accepting payment with paypal?:eek:

PS- What means the saying: "I'd put my two cents"?:confused:

JamesC70 01-13-2008 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1420710)
PS- What means the saying: "I'd put my two cents"?:confused:

To "give my two cents" is to give an opinion that the listener may consider to be of low value. Instead of a million-Euro comment, this comment would be worth EU0.02 . :)

Olympic 01-14-2008 07:43 AM


An updated version 1.0.1 of vbFClassifieds has been released. New version fixes:
  1. Bug when a user is trying to pay for an item, where instead of the seller's PayPal email, the admin's email was appeared for payment. Thanks to JamesC70
  2. Wrong coding. Buy it option was hidden if the price was 0. This way it was impossible to a buyer to buy an item from a seller who don't accept PayPal.
  3. Bug. Now the Delete photo appear under the photo, so you can replace the original image.
To upgrade:
  1. Upload vbfclassifieds.php
  2. Re-import product-vbfclassifieds.xml (don't forget to check the overwrite option).
Please note that this version dosen't includes any feature request. This will be an upcoming upgrade.


seangworld 01-16-2008 07:09 AM

i found another bug too.

subcategories when listing an item. my first category i had created was 'automotive' and it has 4 subs. well no other subcategories show up in the dropdown menus. let's say im in the clothing category. if i use the dropdown menu for the subs, it still shows the subs for automotive.

vbFreelancers 01-16-2008 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by seangworld (Post 1422368)
i found another bug too.

subcategories when listing an item. my first category i had created was 'automotive' and it has 4 subs. well no other subcategories show up in the dropdown menus. let's say im in the clothing category. if i use the dropdown menu for the subs, it still shows the subs for automotive.

Do you mean when you're trying to add a Classified?

seangworld 01-16-2008 07:57 AM

yes ma'am.

BatMNet 01-16-2008 11:08 AM

Installed :D

Any chance of the adding of being able to "Approve" certain ads without paying the categories fees (say i'm admin and myself or my brother, regular member, want to post a porche.. I don't want myself or him to have to pay the $.50 to myself :P)

In small.. A way of making

Status: Unpaid and Unpublished (Pay Now) and Approved
to maybe include (in the admin view only ;) )

Status: Unpaid and Unpublished (Pay Now) (Waive Fee) and Approved
or maybe an option within Member Menu for the admins.

vbFreelancers 01-16-2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by BatMNet (Post 1422445)
Installed :D

Any chance of the adding of being able to "Approve" certain ads without paying the categories fees (say i'm admin and myself or my brother, regular member, want to post a porche.. I don't want myself or him to have to pay the $.50 to myself :P)

In small.. A way of making to maybe include (in the admin view only ;) ) or maybe an option within Member Menu for the admins.

Nice suggestion and less complicated to add it. I had in mind to add one more field to usergroup permissions, but your suggestion is much more applicable.

thank you

seangworld 01-16-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by seangworld (Post 1422368)
i found another bug too.

subcategories when listing an item. my first category i had created was 'automotive' and it has 4 subs. well no other subcategories show up in the dropdown menus. let's say im in the clothing category. if i use the dropdown menu for the subs, it still shows the subs for automotive.


BatMNet 01-16-2008 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1422493)
Nice suggestion and less complicated to add it. I had in mind to add one more field to usergroup permissions, but your suggestion is much more applicable.

thank you

Thanks, I feel it would be needed and would be highly used ;)

I had thought of some other ways too.

1. Like you said "usergroup Permissions"
2. When posting classified as an admin you have an option to "Waive" fee.
3. In moderation options a "Waive Fee" or "Add Fee" so that you could even re-charge after a month.

on note 3. Maybe even an option to have certain categories to have a "Monthly Fee".. But this is easily overcome by "Hiding" the classified until you recieve another payment ;)

seangworld 01-17-2008 02:15 AM


vbFreelancers 01-17-2008 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by seangworld (Post 1422837)

Sorry, but it was impossible to duplicate your error. Also nobody has reporetd something like this. Could you please post your URL?

DrKNickel 01-17-2008 12:50 PM

Feature requests:

- the ability to disable Paypal. Paypal is not used in germany, so i want to disable it
- Allow the Buyers to make a price suggestion. The Seller chooses the if he accepts the offer
- A new field called "Shipping" where the sellers can add how much the shipping costs

Thanks for this great addon!


Olympic 01-17-2008 06:08 PM


As a provment that your suggestions are always welcome, I just released vbFClassifieds 1.1.0 with a feature asked from 2 of you (Thanks to Matty.B and BatMNet).

Now, users with moderator permission in Classifieds, they have the option to waive the posting fees and bypass the payment procedure.

From the new zip file, upload vbfclassifieds.php and reimport product-vbfclassifieds.xml

Greetings to all

BatMNet 01-18-2008 12:15 AM

WOW Great work on the release Chris. The "Waive Fee" button works 100%.. I also noticed the name change to lite ;)

Thanks again!

Just to note.. The Font Color for the title of the add.. How can I manually change this (currently runs off "First Alternating Color" style) And this is color has been set for First Alternating Color not for Cat Heads ;) ie... Make the permissions for color selection be the same as it is on vbjournal (they show up white like cat head links are supposed to ;))

Olympic 01-18-2008 05:43 AM


Today I did a search in the web and I really became disappointed (to avoid say upset). It's not the fact that I found much more installations than those showing here, but:

1.- I found installations having removed my copyright link
2.- I found installations having modified copyright by showing the text but removed the link to my site
3.- Worst of all I found it published in sites similar to vbulletin.org without my permission.

Please note that are not all sites having done this, but its a big percentage. All above actions are illegal and against my copyright rules. If someone wants to remove our copyright, he can do it by visiting our site and pay for Brand Free version.

But all those who have publish our mod for download, they must remove it at once. They don't have permission to do something like this.

Thank you

seangworld 01-18-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1422949)
Sorry, but it was impossible to duplicate your error. Also nobody has reporetd something like this. Could you please post your URL?


BatMNet 01-18-2008 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Olympic (Post 1423582)

Today I did a search in the web and I really became disappointed (to avoid say upset). It's not the fact that I found much more installations than those showing here, but:

1.- I found installations having removed my copyright link
2.- I found installations having modified copyright by showing the text but removed the link to my site
3.- Worst of all I found it published in sites similar to vbulletin.org without my permission.

Please note that are not all sites having done this, but its a big percentage. All above actions are illegal and against my copyright rules. If someone wants to remove our copyright, he can do it by visiting our site and pay for Brand Free version.

But all those who have publish our mod for download, they must remove it at once. They don't have permission to do something like this.

Thank you

Thats a downer..... :down:

Thought of something else too ;)
Pictures for categories

VeeDubZ 01-18-2008 07:25 PM

is there the option to stop the posting in a category so that users have to choose a subcategory??

DrKNickel 01-19-2008 11:49 AM


Thanks for the great addon!

Is it possible to have more payment options? Like Paypal and an option like "Sent Payment Details" to user where the seller and buyer can exchange the payment details? And add an option for shipping please :)

I would even pay some bucks to have this done quick :)

Greets :)

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