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Olympic 01-08-2008 10:00 PM

vbFEngine Create your own Mods by vbFreelancers
Removed by the Author
due to luck of free time to support it.

The Polymorphic Module
by vBulletin Freelancers

Credit goes to Maria (MicroHellas)
as this module has developed 100% from her.
I just did some corrections according to
vBulletin prototype for security.

1.- What's this?

vbFEngize is a polymorphic module. The package contains the engine which is a set of functions and templates, and thanks to the power of the organized in fieldsets custom fields, you can produce any type of module which is base in database records.

2.- Examples

By setting the correct custom fields, you can produce Module for:
  • Profiles
  • Articles
  • Receipts
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Catalogs
  • Links
  • Classifieds
  • Profiles
  • Collections
  • and anything else related to database records
3.- Standard Fields
  • Category
  • Userid
  • Title
  • Description (using vbEditor)
  • Main Photo
  • Photo Gallery for each record
4.- Including in Lite version Features (functions)
  • Categories
  • RSS for each category
  • Sponsored Records
  • Premium Records
  • Top Records
  • Editor Choice records
  • Newest Records
  • Popular Records
  • Top Users
  • Search by Category, Username, Keywords
  • Bookmarks
  • vbSeo friendly
  • Ability to setup different template in your module
  • Ability to setup different template per category
(1) Records means: Profiles, Articles, Receipts, Items etc

5.- Extra fields
  • Extra fields are reusable (and here is the real power). Eg if you want to use a field "Age" multiple times in a form, you don't need to create it twice. You create it once and then you can assign it to as many fieldsets you want in the same form.
  • Group fields (or fieldsets). No more ungly listing. You can organize the custom fields in fieldgroups, and then assign each field group in one, multi, or all available categories.
6.- Extra field types
  • Text
  • Radio button
  • Checkboxes
  • Textarea
  • Drop list (single select)
  • Drop list (multiple select)
7.- Installation
  1. Upload all files and directories including at "vbulletin" directory to the directory where vBulletin is installed.
  2. CMOD the following directories to 777
    1. /photos (inside vbfengine directory)
    2. /tmp (inside vbfengine/photos directory)
    3. /thumbs (inside vbfengine/photos directory)
  3. For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off
  4. Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.
  5. From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_vbfengine.xml
  6. If you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:
    1. Search For:

      <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
    2. Add Below:

      <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="vbfengine.php$session[sessionurl_q]">Profiles</a></td>
    3. ....or use any other word you want
  7. By default none usergroup has permissions to use vbfengine, so you need to give permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.
  8. *** IMPORTANT *** If you don't give to Guest at least "can use" permissions, then they must NOT be able to see the links (Tell a Friend function).
  9. If you've installed vbSEO, Login into vbSEO Control Panel, click "Custom Rewrite Rules", insert rewrite rules (attached in vbseo-rules.txt to not lose formatting) and save settings.
8.- First steps in use
  1. Set the various options at vbFEngine->Options
  2. Setup the categories
  3. Setup (if you need them) Custom fields. Please note that fields are reusable, so in case that for example you want to use twice the field "Age" you don't need to create it 2 times. One is enought.
  4. Setup Custom fields groups. You can add as many fields as you want to a group, and then to assign this group to one or more, or all categories. Please pay attention for unique display order of the groups.
9.- Authorization for reuse and redistribute (but please read carefully!!)
  • For Personal use: You can modify the code as you want by adding or removing features and/or templates, but in this case you can't share these modifications with other usres/members
  • For Coders:
    • You've the permission to:
      • Rename the files (so you can produce different modules).
      • You can setup the extra fields as you want and then to modify the file: products-vbfengine.xml to auto insert the field's values in database.
      • You can post the final product (including my files) for FREE only and only in vBulletin.org. Nowhere else, except if it's a vBulletin community operating by you.
    • You don't have permission to:
      • Modify the code
      • To add more functions (features)
      • To add more extra field types
      • To remove my copyright. But you can add yours, one line over mine.
      • And for sure you don't have permission to sell the module.

edenx 01-09-2008 05:15 PM

Seems cool but can you give more examples on uses for this?

vbFreelancers 01-09-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by edenx (Post 1418473)
Seems cool but can you give more examples on uses for this?

Really unlimited. See the screenshoots. By adding some extra fields related to job seeking I did a module for job seeking. In the other screenshoot, by adding some fields (questions) about dating I did a dating module. This way, you can easily create a module for Business directory, for Receipts, for Articles etc etc.

Let's say that you did a module for Receipts. The included standard functions, can show:
  • Top Receipts
  • Popular receipts (according to views)
  • Editor choice receipts
  • Sponsored receipts
  • Premium receipts
  • Newest receipts

steadicamop 01-09-2008 05:54 PM

Is this compatible with 3.6.2 (I haven't been able to upgrade yet) - I am getting database errors for accessing the main page and when trying to add New Extra Fields Group. (Exact database error can be found here - http://www.steadiforum.com/vbfengine.php)

Is this able to pull existing data from the tables, ie - username, date of birth etc ... ?

This is exactly what I have been looking for for a number of years, I hope this works!!



vbFreelancers 01-09-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by steadicamop (Post 1418491)
Is this compatible with 3.6.2 (I haven't been able to upgrade yet) - I am getting database errors for accessing the main page and when trying to add New Extra Fields Group. (Exact database error can be found here - http://www.steadiforum.com/vbfengine.php)

Is this able to pull existing data from the tables, ie - username, date of birth etc ... ?

This is exactly what I have been looking for for a number of years, I hope this works!!



Hello Jason,

Please give permissions to Guest, at least "Can use" to be able to enter. What I can imagine for database errors is that you haven't setup categories yet.


steadicamop 01-09-2008 06:00 PM

My apologies I totally forgot about that - it's done, you should be able to access it now.

I have set one category up - and one extra field - so there is something populated in those tables.

Thanks for your help,


steadicamop 01-09-2008 06:04 PM

Sorry to reply to myself - it would appear the table vbfengine_subcategories is missing from the database, I've just checked and it hasn't been set up by the install.

vbFreelancers 01-09-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by steadicamop (Post 1418496)
My apologies I totally forgot about that - it's done, you should be able to access it now.

I have set one category up - and one extra field - so there is something populated in those tables.

Thanks for your help,


I found the problem, but don't know if I can resolve it right now as I'm connect from my appartment. Olympic removed the subcategories table from the product-vbengine.xml file. This causes the database error
I'll try to see if I've in my laptop any FTP client to connect to the server, to get the code. Otherwise tomorrow morning. I apologize for troubles.

steadicamop 01-09-2008 06:07 PM

No problems, glad it's something minor, I really want to be able to add this to my community and feel relieved that it's not just a backwards compatible issue!

Will keep an eye on the thread over the next 24 hours, thanks once again for your help.


yahoooh 01-09-2008 06:31 PM

wow , thanks

vbFreelancers 01-09-2008 06:43 PM

For those who have installed vbFEngine till this post, please uninstall it and import the attached xml file, as the zip file contains xml file with missing some tables.


Olympic 01-09-2008 06:49 PM

Zip file updated with the correct product-vbfengine.xml file.

Sorry for troubles

steadicamop 01-09-2008 07:28 PM

After manually removing some of the tables I successfully installed the mod - but ....


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO vbfengine_items (id, categoryid, subcategoryid, userid,
                    title, description, paypalemail, price, active, currency, hidden, approved, activateddate,
                                                                                featured, editor, bold) VALUES (NULL, 1, 0, 1, 'Jason Williams', 'Test posting test test test', '',
                                                                                '', 0, , 0, 1, 1199914009, 0, 0, 0);

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 0, 1, 1199914009, 0, 0, 0)' at line 4
Error Number : 1064

I get this error when trying to create a new profile.

Nordinho 01-09-2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1418479)
Really unlimited. See the screenshoots. By adding some extra fields related to job seeking I did a module for job seeking. In the other screenshoot, by adding some fields (questions) about dating I did a dating module. This way, you can easily create a module for Business directory, for Receipts, for Articles etc etc.

Let's say that you did a module for Receipts. The included standard functions, can show:
  • Top Receipts
  • Popular receipts (according to views)
  • Editor choice receipts
  • Sponsored receipts
  • Premium receipts
  • Newest receipts

This looks pretty interesting, but still I'm wondering is this to be used with VBClassifieds or VBadvanced, or MAdeByMary products??

aycan555 01-09-2008 11:19 PM

Thanxs for this great hack....

Olympic 01-10-2008 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by steadicamop (Post 1418548)
I get this error when trying to create a new profile.

This is happening when someone tries to remove features from a full version to build a lite one. Upload the attached file in your vB directory.
** Zip file updated **

Jon_Simmonds 01-10-2008 06:18 AM

Whats the difference between the lite and full version (which I guess is not available at the moment?)

Olympic 01-10-2008 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jon_Simmonds (Post 1418808)
Whats the difference between the lite and full version (which I guess is not available at the moment?)

Yes, commercial version is on Beta testing. Additional to Lite features are:
  1. More field types (Numeric, Date, Links)
  2. A custom field can be Required or not
  3. A custom field can be Searchable or not
  4. Advanced Search in all fields marked as searchable. For numeric fields the search can be perform on =, >=, <= or in range (From ... To). Same applies to date fields.
  5. Supports Subcategories (and so RSS for subcategories)
  6. Setting Categories/Subcategories you can setup that posts in this category/subcategory can has its own Forum for discussion (in Lite there is only rating)
  7. Categories/Subcategories can be setup for paid posts (in Lite all posts are free).
  8. And finally Support and lifetime free upgrades.

Jon_Simmonds 01-10-2008 06:47 AM

Sounds good, think this can be adpated to something I have been thinking off.

Could the total value of all items within a category be added up to produce a figure? eg on a car forum could it be used as a members car database and give output such as:
-total number of cars in the database
-total retail value of the cars in the database
-combined power of the cars in the database

Olympic 01-10-2008 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jon_Simmonds (Post 1418808)
Whats the difference between the lite and full version (which I guess is not available at the moment?)

And something else that I forgot:
  • Import/Export Custom fields schema
  • The license in not per domain/installation, but only per domain. So, you can setup as many different modules as you want in the same domain.

Olympic 01-10-2008 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jon_Simmonds (Post 1418817)
Sounds good, think this can be adpated to something I have been thinking off.

Could the total value of all items within a category be added up to produce a figure? eg on a car forum could it be used as a members car database and give output such as:
-total number of cars in the database
-total retail value of the cars in the database
-combined power of the cars in the database

Even if I didn't got your meaning for the 3nd option (do you mean the average value), yes it can be done as its a simple query.

Olympic 01-10-2008 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nordinho (Post 1418666)
This looks pretty interesting, but still I'm wondering is this to be used with VBClassifieds or VBadvanced, or MAdeByMary products??

None of them. It's a MadeByMary product, but it dosen't needs anything else (except vBulletin) to work. Install it and you'll understand it. Even without adding any extra field it works fine.

Jon_Simmonds 01-10-2008 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Olympic (Post 1418827)
Even if I didn't got your meaning for the 3nd option (do you mean the average value), yes it can be done as its a simple query.

I ment the combined total (i.e the sum) of all of the cars powers, if it can be done then great!

gael11 01-10-2008 01:27 PM

Hi, very very very nice and usefull hack !!!

Easy to install and use it, but I've got a SQL error when I'm editing a new profiles.
I give permissions to all usergroups to use the vbfengine.
I still use vb on my computer with wamp.

This is my sql error:
PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vbfengine_items SET description='Test roadbook ;)'paypalemail='',
price=''currency=, hidden=0  title='Roadbook test'
WHERE id=1;

MySQL Error  You have an error in your SQL syntaxcheck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' hidden=0  , title='Roadbook test'
                     WHERE id=1' 
at line 2
Error Number 
ThursdayJanuary 10th 2008 04:21:07 PM 

Thanks for your help !

Olympic 01-10-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by gael11 (Post 1418957)
price='', currency=, hidden=0 , title='Roadbook test'
WHERE id=1;

The error is here: currency=, . It should be currency='',
Could you please upload the attached file and try again? When you downloaded the zip file?


Olympic 01-10-2008 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jon_Simmonds (Post 1418904)
I ment the combined total (i.e the sum) of all of the cars powers, if it can be done then great!

Much easier. Yes, it can be done.

gael11 01-10-2008 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Olympic (Post 1418965)
The error is here: currency=, . It should be currency='',
Could you please upload the attached file and try again? When you downloaded the zip file?


Thanks for the file, I've downloaded the hack, about two hours ago.

It doesn't work :/

Olympic 01-10-2008 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by gael11 (Post 1418988)
Thanks for the file, I've downloaded the hack, about two hours ago.

It doesn't work :/

Please try again the attached file. I just noticed that there was a second referrence to currency. Sorry for troubles.

gael11 01-10-2008 02:42 PM

Thanks again, works perfectly now !!!

Congratulations for your excellent work

steadicamop 01-10-2008 04:02 PM

The fixed file worked perfectly, thank you - but I'm noticing images aren't uploading, it is selected but doesn't seem to upload, it's too quick and nothing appears on the profile page.

vbFreelancers 01-10-2008 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by steadicamop (Post 1419022)
The fixed file worked perfectly, thank you - but I'm noticing images aren't uploading, it is selected but doesn't seem to upload, it's too quick and nothing appears on the profile page.

Have you cmod 777 directories:
  1. photos
  2. photos/thumbs
  3. photos/tmp
Also in usergroup permissions, have you setup any number? (default = 0)

djbaxter 01-10-2008 04:41 PM

I get the following error when I try to download:


Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

TCE Killa 01-10-2008 04:45 PM

Is this basically a hack in to create your own mods/hacks?

vbFreelancers 01-10-2008 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1419035)
I get the following error when I try to download:

Strange. I just clicked download and it works. If you continue having problems try the version from 3.7.x Its the same.

vbFreelancers 01-10-2008 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by TCE Killa (Post 1419039)
Is this basically a hack in to create your own mods/hacks?

Yes and no. To create mods that are based in database records. eg Articles, Links, Listings, Catalogs, Books etc.

steadicamop 01-10-2008 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1419032)
Have you cmod 777 directories:
  1. photos
  2. photos/thumbs
  3. photos/tmp
Also in usergroup permissions, have you setup any number? (default = 0)

I had chmod'd the directories ... but the usergroup option had thrown me - because I have issues uninstalling it - all working perfectly now though - thank you once again!

Is there any way of allowing existing data from other tables (such as date of birth) to be used in this mod - would save having to type it in twice.

Fantastic mod - thank you so much, just what I've needed for a long time.


vbFreelancers 01-10-2008 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by steadicamop (Post 1419045)
Is there any way of allowing existing data from other tables (such as date of birth) to be used in this mod - would save having to type it in twice.

That's a good suggestion to include vB's fields in the available field list to include them in groups, but to be honest, if we add this feature it will be add to commercial version and not to free one.


ragtek 01-10-2008 05:14 PM

i have some uncached templates on editing and adding items:
# editor_clientscript
# (1)editor_css
# (1)editor_jsoptions_font
# (1)editor_jsoptions_size
# (11)editor_smilie
# (1)editor_smiliebox
# (4)editor_smiliebox_row
# (1)editor_smiliebox_straggler
# (1)newpost_disablesmiliesoption

steadicamop 01-10-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by vbFreelancers (Post 1419056)
That's a good suggestion to include vB's fields in the available field list to include them in groups, but to be honest, if we add this feature it will be add to commercial version and not to free one.


In all honesty, I've been looking for something exactly like this for a few years - for those extra features, I'd happily pay for the commercial version.


vbFreelancers 01-10-2008 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by steadicamop (Post 1419064)
In all honesty, I've been looking for something exactly like this for a few years - for those extra features, I'd happily pay for the commercial version.


There are much more in the commercial version. Give a look at:

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