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Paul M 01-02-2008 10:00 PM

Flashchat: Integration for vB 3.7
This modification is no longer available or supported.

Flashchat integration with vBulletin 3.7

Note: Flashchat Version 5.0.8 onwards now has the option for vbulletin 3.7 integration.

Standard Flashchat includes vBulletin integration as part of the Tufat supplied files. However, the standard integration does not include Direct Usergroup Integration or other extra's like the WOL Display & Flashchat on a vBulletin page. This Modification adds those features

Standard vB 3.7 integration features

* Authorised members are automatically logged in.
* Automatic login works even if a member has not ticked "remember me".
* All non authorised members are locked out (this and the above are based on usergroup membership).
* If enabled, Flashchat updates the users session location (displayed in various vBulletin online location displays such as WOL).
* Real ip detection when a proxy server is used (only if the proxy server passes on the details).
* Permanant, Private Rooms are loaded by Admins and Moderators (allows for Staff Rooms).

Extra's added by this modification

* Direct login to a room.
* The WOL will correctly display Flashchat as the location (not 'Unknown Location')
* Flashchat can be displayed embedded inside a 'standard' vBulletin Page (i.e. not full screen).
* Direct Usergroup Integration - a section is added to each usergroup in the ACP Usergroup Manager to set the Flashchat permissions for that group.
* The plugin will try to automatically add a link to Flashchat in your Quick Links or Navbar - this feature can be disabled if you wish.
* The automatic link can have a prefix path defined - useful if you use something like CMPS.
* You can define a usergroup to login as Flashchats "Spy" mode. (Version 3.7.002 onwards)

More notes:

* This integration is for Flashchat versions 4.7.x or 5.0.x (seperate downloads).
* The automatic link feature may fail if you have customised templates (it uses template hooks).
* For Flashchat inside a vBulletin page you need to link to .../misc.php?do=flashchat
* This modification does not add any links to Flashchat Administration in the ACP.
* You can set all members to login direct to particular room via the ACP.
* You can also add a room parameter to the url - i.e. .../misc.php?do=flashchat&room=3
* Spys can login into the chat but are not listed in the room - they cannot chat, just watch.
* 3.7.004 onwards has extra code to cope with VBs CSRF protection, which interferes with profile linking.
* 3.7.006 onwards is for Flashchat 5.0.x - The previous version for Flashchat 4 (3.7.005) will continue to be available for the moment.

The CMS file assumes that you are installing Flashchat in your forum root folder - this is the same folder as your usercp.php file and includes folder. Installation will fail if you do not do this.

Support: Please check the instructions, and make sure you have uploaded any files to the correct location - the vast majority of problems reported are due to an error made in editing or uploading files. If you are still stuck and want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, an admin user, and ftp access details, without these I cannot help you. I will look when I have time.

Flashchat 4 : If you have upgraded from 3.6 to 3.7 make sure you have edited the CMS entry in the Flashchat config.php file.

Finally, I am not Tufat.com or Flashchat Support - if you have questions about Flashchat, their forums are here.

To use the this upgraded integration simply download and unzip the file, then follow the instructions in the text file. Once installed, the Flashchat userlevel options for each usergroup will appear in the ACP usergroup edit screens - editing of the CMS file will no longer be required.


v3.7.001 : First release for vb 3.7.
v3.7.002 : Option for Flashchat spy mode added.
v3.7.003 : Fix for 404 page not found error in certain situations.
v3.7.004 : Code added to allow profile views blocked by VB's CSRF protection.
v3.7.005 : CSRF Code changed.

v3.7.006 : Modified for Flashchat 5.
v3.7.007 : Removed 3.6 CMS file, Updated install code.
v3.7.008 : Fix bug in new install code - was using WIC option.
v3.7.009 : CMS file updated to check a users infraction groups.

bigsbydapicka 01-03-2008 03:01 PM

WhoHooo!! Been waiting for this one! Thanks Paul!!!

Forum Lover 01-03-2008 03:15 PM

i was waiting for this one too... thank u Paul.

bigsbydapicka 01-03-2008 03:31 PM

Permissions do not show up in the user groups??? How do you set them?


Kaleem 01-03-2008 04:51 PM

I m thinking about installing FlashChat 4.8.3, and this is 4.7.x so i guess this will not work then :s

It worked fine.

Paul M 01-03-2008 06:29 PM

As it says ;


This integration is for Flashchat versions 4.7.x and above.

Snake 01-03-2008 09:51 PM

Thanks for this! I'm gonna give it a try pretty soon.

rainyleaves 01-13-2008 02:33 PM

Thanks Paul. :)

BatMNet 01-16-2008 05:48 AM

I'm sorry if i sound n00bish.. but i can't find where to put my customer number in your vBulletin37cms..... I Tried to continue install without it and i think that may have messes something up...

http://main.precisionforums.com/misc...ashchat&room=1 is the forum where it has been installed to.

http://main.precisionforums.com/chat/ is the install file

Paul M 01-16-2008 07:01 AM

None of the vbulletin CMS files need a customer number in them.

BatMNet 01-16-2008 11:25 AM

Yes i did a bit of cross support and saw your name all over it so I didn't feel bad. May I point the thread to others as it makes it extremely easy to understand (i got links to get 3 files)

Paul M 01-16-2008 06:31 PM

Not sure what you're asking me ?

Mr. Hoddz 01-17-2008 08:05 PM

I have done everything I can think of to get this to work, but still no luck.
I have had a look through the settings in the admin cp and can't see that anything is wrong, but I could of missed something.

Are all of the settings by default for admins to have access and also admin access?
When I load up the page all I get is the normal blue mac screen, nothing else.

Thanks, Mr. Hoddz

Paul M 01-18-2008 07:17 AM

Please see the support note in the first post.

Hostboard 02-08-2008 04:38 PM

Need to reinstall FlashChat based on your vbulletin37CMS.php file. Copied it tot he correct directory but when I run the installer it is not showing up. Any ideas?


Boofo 02-09-2008 08:38 AM

Paul, I installed this tonight and you did an excellent jopb on it, sir. ;)

I am having a weird problem when I close flashchat. It sends me back to my old site. Any idea what could be causing that?

Paul M 02-09-2008 11:17 AM

The re-direct is defined in your Flashchat config.php file.

Boofo 02-10-2008 03:04 AM

I found it, thanks. ;)

boxerman 02-16-2008 04:05 PM

Hi, how do i get a link to the flash chat onto my site?

BBF 02-22-2008 04:13 PM

when i'm try to login to FlashChat Admin Control Panel i get this error:

vBulletin 3.7 : Integration Error 02 : Unable to load the vBulletin config file.
*The Chat is work fine*

i miss something?

7lanet 02-22-2008 10:04 PM


tbroush 02-23-2008 05:22 AM

everything is working find outside the forums however it will not show within a window in the forums I used the misc.php?do=flashchat and I get page cannot be displayed.

BBF 02-23-2008 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by tbroush (Post 1449177)
everything is working find outside the forums however it will not show within a window in the forums I used the misc.php?do=flashchat and I get page cannot be displayed.

Also me there was the problem.
try this:

edit template Flashcaht:


replace with the patch to your flashchat :)

(somehow $fcpath doesn't work in the acp-FlashChat integration)

tbroush 02-23-2008 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by BBF (Post 1449243)
Also me there was the problem.
try this:

edit template Flashcaht:


replace with the patch to your flashchat :)

(somehow $fcpath doesn't work in the acp-FlashChat integration)

Hey thanks for responding however the problem was that on my link I did not have &room=1 after /misc.php?do=flashchat so I just added to the end of the link and it work, I did not have to edit the flashchat template.


Paul M 02-24-2008 11:47 AM

Room=1 should not be necessary.

Magnum164 02-26-2008 08:32 PM

Very nice.... Little work to get it going, but at least I got to use my nogin some:)

amnesia623 03-05-2008 02:10 PM

Thanks for all your work on this, Paul

momo2 03-06-2008 12:24 PM

How do i remove complete flash chat ?

jim6763nva 03-06-2008 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by tbroush (Post 1449177)
everything is working find outside the forums however it will not show within a window in the forums I used the misc.php?do=flashchat and I get page cannot be displayed.

I'm getting a 404 error in the iframe instead of page cannot be displayed. When bring up the context menu in the iframe and click on properties, the address says:

Flashchat works fine when I use the direct url http://www.talkvirginia.net/forum/chat/flashchat.php

Any ideas?


Paul M 03-06-2008 11:09 PM

Yes, I know what causes that now - it was a small change between the 3.6 and 3.7 versions - I have just uploaded version 3.7.003 which should fix it. To upgrade all you need to do is re-import the product, the other files have not changed.

thenutthouse 03-11-2008 08:36 PM

If possible, can someone give me a code to enter in a certain template to make it show at the top of my forum pages? Or at least my index page.

And would this use a lot of resources on my server?

Thnx - great mod

Paul M 03-11-2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by thenutthouse (Post 1462497)
And would this use a lot of resources on my server?

What exactly are you referring to when you say "this".

Tolas 03-13-2008 03:45 PM

First of all, GREAT MOD!

Works like a charm. :)

I was also wondering like the poster above, how to best make this show at the top of any page I want. I tied both [AJAX] cChatBox and MGC Chatbox Evo. Both were functional and and worked for me.. cChatBox was able to appear at the tops of most pages, and I could probably get in on the ones it was missing, but it lacks a lot of features. MGC Chatbox Evo had more features and worked on the top of every page including my home page, but the PM system didn't work well for me to allow private chats, and the admin of it is akward. Both of them have a fair amount of lag between refreshing even with values set low.

Anyway, what I am basically after if it is possible at all, is to have flashchat in a collapsible element at the tops of all my pages, the way that both those mods work. That would keep people logged in when they switch pages.

I find that with a link to my flashchat most people will use it for a bit, then just let it fall by the wayside. Having it at the tops of my pages got everyone using chat, a lot.

hopefully I am making some sort of sense, if it is not a possible thing to do, I can go back to the one of the other I guess, or use a combination of one of those and Flashchat


Paul M 03-13-2008 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tolas (Post 1463912)
Anyway, what I am basically after if it is possible at all, is to have flashchat in a collapsible element at the tops of all my pages, the way that both those mods work. That would keep people logged in when they switch pages.

I dont see anyway you could stop people being logged out/in each time you switched page, unless you did some very fancy framing (well beyond my simple html capabilities).

Tolas 03-13-2008 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1464001)
I don't see anyway you could stop people being logged out/in each time you switched page, unless you did some very fancy framing (well beyond my simple html capabilities).

Yeah I was kinda thinking that myself.

I will just have to beat them into using 2 windows or tabbed browsing to use flashchat is all.

Thanks for the reply :)

johnscanlan 03-16-2008 06:18 PM

I love FlashChat. It is working like a charm. In the footer area is a line that says "Who is in chat".

I would like to move this to the top of my Forums so folks logging on can see it right off the bat. Can someone point me in the direction I need to go...



PaulSonny 03-17-2008 06:00 PM

Can this be autocallasped like the Track Guest visits and the Members on Today mod?

Thanks, Paul.

Paul M 03-17-2008 06:04 PM

Um, what exactly would you want to be collapsed ?

PaulSonny 03-17-2008 06:21 PM

Sorry to waste your time profile, I commented on the wrong modification, I just seen the word FlashChat in my list of installed modifications and assumed this was the one, I was meant to be commenting on the Who is Chatting in FlashChat mod.

Sorry, Paul.

ringleader 03-24-2008 12:51 AM


Any idea how I could get this to redirect on no permissions?
At the moment it just logs them out if they try without permission.

I want people to see it's there, but be a subscribing member.

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