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Magic Tool Box
Support Stop For This Version Support Just 4 New VB 3.7.X /*================================================= =====================*\ || ################################################## ################## || || # Magic ToolBox Hack v3.0.1 for vB 3.6.x || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- || # Most PHP code in this file is ? 2003-2005 Rayaheen Software || # This file may only be redistributed to vBulletin license holders || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- || # -------------- Ported by http://www.MISR.cc -------------- || # This Hack was ported to work with vB 3.0.X & 3.6.x || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- | || # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE --------------------- || # http://www.traidnt.net || http://www.Misr.cc || http://www.vbulletin.com || # MISR.CC || ################################################## ################## || \*================================================ ======================*/ Important : This has been tested on 3.6.7 - and should work good for 3.6.X , please test with caution - and as always BACKUP FIRST! What this hack do ? Add extra buttons with new custom BB codes for your text editor Demo :- No Live Demo Just some screen :erm: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...1&d=1198695074 https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...1&d=1198695074 https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...1&d=1198695074 This new buttons that add to the can't used by Firefox ( will fix it on the new version https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...1&d=1198695074 Installation time :- 3 : 5 Min Installation : Upload :- clientscript >>> {forum_path}/clientscript images >>> {forum_path}/images magic_toolbox.php >>> forum root import product-magictoolbox Edit Template :- Template editor_clientscript find PHP Code:
PHP Code:
Template headinclude Find PHP Code:
PHP Code:
Template showthread_quickreply Find PHP Code:
PHP Code:
Now go to vBulletin Options >> Message Posting Interface Options >> Enable Clickable Message Formatting Controls Edit :- Full Editor to :- Enable Standard Controls Quick Reply to :- Enable Standard Controls Quick Edit to :- Enable Standard Controls Edit Magic ToolBoX settings :- vBulletin Options >> Magic ToolBox Any bugs any help ask here :D |
known bugs :-
1- This new buttons that add to the can't used by Firefox ( will fix it on the new version ) 2- some buttons not work correct with Firefox 3- if you got some syntax errors use the attached file replace it with the one on the zip folder 4- To use Magic Tool Box with Quick Reply you should Disable Problematic AJAX Features ( will try to fix it ) If you have any problem with Internet Explorer .... Use this product https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...1&d=1198701522 ================= The New Buttons http://www.egycrack.net/magic/copy.gif copy the marked text http://www.egycrack.net/magic/paste.gif past the text http://www.egycrack.net/magic/delete.gif delete the marked text http://www.egycrack.net/magic/preview.gif preview http://www.egycrack.net/magic/plain.gif Remove Text Formatting http://www.egycrack.net/magic/ltr.gif Changing the direction of writing from left to right http://www.egycrack.net/magic/rtl.gif Changing the direction of writing from right to left http://www.egycrack.net/magic/help.gif Explaining how to use Magic ToolBox http://www.egycrack.net/magic/justify.gif justify Example : [align=justify]text[/align] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/mark.gif mark ( highlight ) : test highlighted text Example : [mark=color of code]text[/mark] to get the code color code Select the palce where you want and click https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ http://www.egycrack.net/magic/glow.gif add glow. Example: Glow Text Example Example : [glow=color of code]text[/glow] to get the code color code Select the palce where you want and click https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ http://www.egycrack.net/magic/blink.gif add Blink. Example: Blink text Example Example : [blink]text[/blink] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/glint.gif add Glint. Example: Glint text Example Example : [glint]text[/glint] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/gradient.gif add Gradient : Gradient text Example Example : [grade="code1 code2 code3 code4"]text[/grade] code1 - code2 - code3 - code4 : can use a maximum of four colors, or just two colors at a minimum, must be separated with space to get the code Select the palce where you want and clickhttps://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ http://www.egycrack.net/magic/line.gif line Example : [line] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/rplayer.gif Listen to the voice or vedio with RealPlayer RealPlayer ( voice ) : [rams]RealPlayer URL[/rams] RealPlayer ( vedio ) : [ramv]RealPlayer URL[/ramv] supported RealPlayer types ( ram Or rm Or ra or rms ... ) http://www.egycrack.net/magic/media.gif Listen to the voice or vedio with Windows Media Player ( mp3,wav,au,wma,mpg,mpeg,wmv,avi,... ) Example : [media]Windows Media Player link[/media] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/flash.gif play flash Example : [flash=enter URL]WIDTH=width HEIGHT=height[/flash] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/web.gif insert webpage in your topic Example : [web= Page Link ]WIDTH=width HEIGHT=height[/web] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/poem.gif Poem Example : [poem font="1,2,3,4,5" bkcolor="6" bkimage="7" border="8,9,10" type=11 line=12 align=13 use=14 num="15,16"] Poem here [/poem] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/frame.gif add frame on the marked text Example : [frame="frameID width"]text[/frame] frameID : frameID width : frame width use space betwen frameID & width http://www.egycrack.net/magic/mleft.gif Moving the text to the left Example: move text Example : [move=left]move to left[/move] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/mright.gif Moving the text to the right Example : move text Example : [move=right]move to right[/move] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/mup.gif Moving the text UP Example : move text Example : [move=up]Move to up[/move] http://www.egycrack.net/magic/mdown.gif Moving the text down Example : move text Example : [move=down]move down[/move] https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ Add the color code that you want ================= |
got some syntax errors
when i click some buttons, blink button is working good, but some other buttons no
Stuffit Expander refuses to let me open this. What's the deal?
did you use Firefox ?? |
any bugs tell me :) |
syntax error unexpected T_STRING.. when i click some buttons and i am on vb3.6.8
o.k i checked it again
all buttons work good with Internet Explorer and some other not work on Firefox =========================== if still have this problem with Internet Explorer try to re import this XML https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...1&d=1198701522 |
Thanks for this but the tool box images aren't showing up.
How do I do this? Do I need to upload the folder Screen anywhere? Thanks, great hack btw. |
Its sorted now thanks, but when I click on magic box links in Quick reply etc... It comes up saying:
Parse error, unexpected T_string on line 292 in public_html/forumsdirectory/magic_toolbox.php Wasn't that where you told us to upload the file? Any help would be appreciated thanks. |
There seems to be an error on one of these lines in the magic_toolbox.php:
$$poem$$ Poem <font color=green><b>Example :</b></font> <div dir="ltr">[poem font="1,2,3,4,5" bkcolor="6" bkimage="7" border="8,9,10" type=11 line=12 align=13 use=14 num="15,16"] Poem here [/poem]</div> <font face="courier new, courier" size=2> ???? : 1 : Font type : simplfied arabic 2 : Font size 1 : 7 3 : Font Color 4 : bold Or normal 5 : italic Or normal Background : 6 : Background color code 7 : Background pic url must begin with <span dir="ltr">http://</span> Frame : 8 : Frame style 9 : Frame size 10 : Frame color Poem style : 11 : Use numbers ( 0 = 2 Columns ? 1 = Slope ? 2 = Intervening ? 3 = Column ) The space between the parts : 12 : use numbers ( 1 = Short ? 2 = long ) Poem Algin : 13 : ( center ? right ? left ) poem formating : 14 : ( ex = words length ? sp = words spacing ) ????? ??????? : 15 : use numbers ( 0 = didin't parts numbers ? more than 0 = show parts numbers and begin from the number you enter ) 16 : number color </font> Note : on poem you should use (=) to Separat betwen the lines partes . and if there Just one part don't use ( =) $$frame$$ add frame on the marked text <font color=green><b>Example :</b></font> <div dir="ltr">[frame="<i><font color=blue size=2>frameID</font> <font color=red size=2>width</font></i>"]text[/frame]</div> frameID : frameID width : frame width use space betwen frameID & width $$mleft$$ Moving the text to the left Example: <marquee width="90%" width="90%" direction="left" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee> <font color=green><b>Example :</b></font> <div dir="ltr">[move=left]move to left[/move]</div> $$mright$$ Moving the text to the right Example : <marquee width="90%" direction="right" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee> <font color=green><b>Example :</b></font> <div dir="ltr">[move=right]move to right[/move]</div> $$mup$$ Moving the text UP Example : <marquee width="90%" direction="up" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee> <font color=green><b>Example :</b></font> <div dir="ltr">[move=up]Move to up[/move]</div> $$mdown$$ Moving the text down Example : <marquee width="90%" direction="down" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee> <font color=green><b>Example :</b></font> <div dir="ltr">[move=down]move down[/move]</div> If it isn't on any of them then it is on one of those lines, line 292 according to the syntax error I am getting. I have imported the xml file again and still getting the error. |
same issues.. ie7....
Mod is work for vbb 3.7.x ??
a very old hack and a very nice tools for our reply box ....
thanks for shareing .... mine is working fine but its not the same . lol by the way it works on 3.7.0 beta 3 >>>>>>>>>>>> |
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...1&d=1198726701 Quote:
V V V V Quote:
Thanks, this looks awesome, however I will wait until you iron out the few remaining bugs. Thanks for this tho.
working good!!!!!!
It is working great now, thanks alot for this mod, been looking for one like this awhile. Great mod!
Slight problem though, I do the whole style I want my text to come out like, and nothing shows up when I click submit. But I'm sure it will get fixed, like I said, great mod. |
Ah no it all works fine, its just when I try to put a border or gradient etc... using Quick Reply, my message shows up nothing. It works on the actual post reply, just shows nothing on quick reply.
Okay thanks man.
like here on vbulletin.org you should reload the page to see it Edit :- To use Magic Tool Box with Quick Reply you should Disable Problematic AJAX Features |
It works great now, thanks alot for this mod man!
Having issue with most of the buttons. Basically I get a black page when any of them have to use the todo statement
I know part of my issue is this PHP Code:
Also I do not even have the mycodes.js as one of the download files. Please help me figure out what is going on Thanks |
it's for vb 3.5.X i didin't remove it when Upgraded it try to change the FIles and folders CHOMD to 755 and make sure you upload files and folders to the right path and i'll check this V with 3.6.8 :) |
I double checked everything and still getting just a white screen on anything that pulls the http://yuwiejunk.com/forum/magic_too...?todo=gradient or any of the others. all the other tags are working fine with the exception of these. The path I am referring to is in the magic_toolbox.php in the above comment. Just to give you more information I am using IE7 as you stated firefox will not work correctly for this mod yet looking forward to when it will :) thanks for all your help
So ... try this attached files If you have any problem with Internet Explorer .... Use this product https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attac...1&d=1198701522 And this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...8&d=1198726701 and iam working to fix your problem :up: |
Same results with new files still opens a blank page when using any of the todo= . Thank you so much for helping with this. This is a truely great hack and my members enjoy it alot :)
Thank You Very Much!! :up: :) |
Would Be Great To Have The Option To Enable This Hack To Some Groups Only!! :( :confused:
I Hope That Feature Could Be Included On The Next Update!! ;) My Best Regards!! ;) :) |
I get a problem with the poem, frame and text formating features..
attachment included |
it would be great if we can get an update for 3.7.0 beta 3 .. that's what i am using right now. i can not get it to work. i dont know how some users got it to work.. when i install this product my user profile gets messed up. i can't use the poem frame or text formating .. basically the todo= features.
thank you all |
:confused: The Magic Tool Bar don't show on my Quick Reply!! :confused: :(
Is there a Code I can Add instead of the Code you specified to be included on the "showthread_quickreply" Template, that is Basically ($vBeditTemplate[extrabuttons])?? :confused: Perhaps by Including that Code like the One on the "mtool_buttons" Template, the Problem with the NO Displaying on the QuickReply could be Solved?? (You're the Expert) :confused: And Also could a similar Code be Used on the Quick Edit Editor ("postbit_quickedit" Template) to be Able to Use the Magic Buttons on All the Editors?? :confused: It shows Fine on my Full Editor when I create a Message and a New Thread!! :rolleyes: Is there a way to Add the Magic Tool Bar to the Quick Edit Editor?? :confused: (I think shoul be done in the "postbit_quickedit" Template) My Best Regards!! |
Sorry for late .... but i have some exams and will finish it 22/1
so ... i'll back again to support and repair any problem with in the end of this week Sorry again for every one here :) |
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Template Usage:
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