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attroll 12-25-2007 10:00 PM

Additional navbar with dropdowns
After upgrading and supporting my 3.0.0 and 3.5.3 version of this hack, I have decided it was time to step into the plugin world to make this easier for people to use.

Despite what category this is in it works with vBulletin 3.0 up to the most recent version of 3.8.

What this does is create another navbar with drop down menus by typing $navbar2 in any of your templates. It is just like the navbar that comes with VB.

I put a lot of description tags in the navbar2 template that gets installed to help explain what everything does. Once you understand what is going on here you can removed these. With very little modifications you can add to, remove or move items around in this additional navbar.

To upgrade you will want to reimport this XML file and edit your options accordingly.

  • Tweak it a bit to get the border on the top of the navbar. There was not boarder on the top of the navbar in the previous version. It was not really noticeable unless you have the navbar directly below the header area.
  • removed the plugin with the Hook "parse_templates" because it was not need.
  • Added plugin with the Hook ?global_start?, this will work with, PhotoPlog, vBAdvanced, Arcade. This will alleviate having to manually add code in the php files as was required in the past.
  • Initial release.
To install the this
1. Download the zipped file.

2. Unzip the file.

3. Import the product-navbar2.xml into your Plugins & Products? Manage Plugins.

4. Next you will have to decide where you want the navbar2 to be displayed. I have included a few options below.

5A. Under current (original) Navigation bar:

<!-- / breadcrumb, login, pm info -->

Below that place:


5B. On top of forums tables:

<!-- / PAGENAV POPUP -->

Below that place:



5C. Top of current navbar:

<br />
<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->

Above that add:



5D. Under your header:

<br />
<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->

Below that add:



5E. Under VB navbar:

<!-- / nav buttons bar -->
Below that add:

This should now work with vBAdvance CMPS, Arcade, PhotoPlog with no other modifications. Many thanks to Mike-D for his help with this.

SwollenCranium 12-26-2007 01:34 AM

Thanks !

ssvp 12-26-2007 04:22 PM

Quick Question.. Might be unrelated but where in the style do you find the options for the dropdown offsets? My dropdowns are about an inch to the left of the drop down navbar item?

attroll 12-27-2007 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by ssvp (Post 1409526)
Quick Question.. Might be unrelated but where in the style do you find the options for the dropdown offsets? My dropdowns are about an inch to the left of the drop down navbar item?

It depends on how many links you have in your navbar2.

Here is an example of a navbar2 with three links and how it works.
If you only have three links, what it does is divide your navbar2 up into three somewhat event portions. Then when you click on a link that has a drop down menu, what it does is place your drop down menu in the start of that portion of the navbar2 where that link starts. I hope this makes a little sense.

To try and better see what I mean go into you navbar2 template and look at the third line. You will see a line that looks like this:

          <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center" style="border-top-width:0px">
In that line change border="0" to border="4" and save the template. Now when you look back at you navbar2 you will see the border and see what I mean about it placing the box to the far left of that portion of the navbar2 that the link is in.

I tried finding a way around this and making it center to the portion of the navbar that the link is in but I could not figure it out. I believe it is in the javarscript that is doing that.

Hornstar 12-27-2007 10:15 AM

Thanks, I used to use your old one until I got my new skin, it didnt seem to like it however I will give this one a go again, and see if my skin likes it better now. Thanks :)

AWMGolfer 12-27-2007 04:34 PM

I am completely new to vBulletin so I'm still getting used to how it all works compared to the other forums I have used. I have installed this but where do I go to actually insert the location of navbar2, is it put in a file or somewhere else? Thanks for all the help to this newbie :)

I got it figured out!!

Veer 01-10-2008 11:34 PM

I can't install the product, getting this vb message:


powerful_rogue 01-12-2008 05:51 PM

Just wanted to say that its working great apart from in a few sections of my forum.

Im running ibProArcade and when you enter the arcade the navbar does not show.
Im also using VbAdvance CMPS - Ive added the navbar2 into the global variables, however the drop down links dont show.

Apart from that it works nicely :)

attroll 01-12-2008 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1420254)
Just wanted to say that its working great apart from in a few sections of my forum.

Im running ibProArcade and when you enter the arcade the navbar does not show.
Im also using VbAdvance CMPS - Ive added the navbar2 into the global variables, however the drop down links dont show.

Apart from that it works nicely :)

I know this worked for someone else. You may want to try this.

Arcaded hack. You will need to go into your darcaded hack and edit a line. Here are the directions:
Go to you arcade/functions/functions.php
open it with a text editor:


global $header, $vbphrase, $vboptions, $stylevar, $headinclude, $bbuserinfo, $session, $show, $pmbox;
global $forumjump, $timezone, $logincode, $_USEROPTIONS, $scriptpath, $admincpdir, $modcpdir, $quickchooserbits;

Replace with:

global $header, $vbphrase, $vboptions, $stylevar, $headinclude, $bbuserinfo, $session, $show, $pmbox;
global $forumjump, $timezone, $logincode, $_USEROPTIONS, $scriptpath, $admincpdir, $modcpdir, $quickchooserbits, $navbar2;

Also try setting you default CMPS settings to Process PHP File Modules Within A Function to YES.

powerful_rogue 01-12-2008 10:12 PM

Thanks for the reply :)

The arcade alteration worked a wonder. Thank you :)

Ive checked my CMPS setting and already had it set to yes.:erm: - Any other ideas at all?

attroll 01-13-2008 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1420384)
Thanks for the reply :)

The arcade alteration worked a wonder. Thank you :)

Ive checked my CMPS setting and already had it set to yes.:erm: - Any other ideas at all?

Did you try doing this?

vBadvance CMPS using vB 3.5 or higher. To get this working with the homepage you will have to do the following.

Go into your ADMINCP-->vBa CPMS-->Default Setting-->Portal Output Global Variables and add navbar2 in the block there and save it.

attroll 01-13-2008 05:02 AM

Ah, I just upgraded one of my sites to VB 3.7 tonight and I just remembered I had the same problem with both the navbar and navbar2 navigation bars. I had to revert vBulletins template and then insert $navbar2 back into it and then it worked.

edytwinky 01-14-2008 11:29 PM

For some reason it keeps showing above my main navbar. I can't get it to appear below my main navbar.

attroll 01-14-2008 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by edytwinky (Post 1421579)
For some reason it keeps showing above my main navbar. I can't get it to appear below my main navbar.


<!-- / nav buttons bar -->
Below that add:


edytwinky 01-15-2008 01:09 AM

Do I put this in my navbar template?

If so I did that and it's appearing below my main navbar but then the advanced search box appears right underneath that.

attroll 01-15-2008 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by edytwinky (Post 1421639)
Do I put this in my navbar template?

If so I did that and it's appearing below my main navbar but then the advanced search box appears right underneath that.

Yes in the navbar template.

I don't understand what you mean by the advanced search box appearing right under that.

edytwinky 01-15-2008 02:08 AM

Here's what i mean:


There's a space between the two navbars and then the search thing is below that.

attroll 01-15-2008 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by edytwinky (Post 1421662)
Here's what i mean:


There's a space between the two navbars and then the search thing is below that.

Something is not right in you navbar2 template I think. Send me a PM and I will send you my email so you can send me your navbar2 template and I will have a look.

s3nt3nc3d 01-17-2008 08:05 AM

Edited: I am an idiot and have fixed my issue. Thanks for this little hack. I've been trying to get my custom drop-downs working for over a week and this finally helped me accomplish that.

accessdeniedzzz 01-19-2008 09:38 PM

where can i edit the links ?

attroll 01-20-2008 12:07 AM

In the navbar2 template that is in you navbar templates.

vnairp11 01-26-2008 03:03 AM

Thanks a lot for this mod ur da man!

here is a tip!

add this before all the codes in navbar2 template

<if condition="!$show['guest']">

blah blah cod code code

add this at the end of all the codes in navbar 2 template


what it does: displays the navbar to registered users only.

Leo Brazil 01-29-2008 04:49 PM

I was cheking all the posts including the the thread for the last version and I couldn't see any screenshoots or any comments about how to set the new Navbar links and names.

Sorry if this may sound stupid, I'm just a newbie...I know...But your mod seems to be great, you've been done a great support in all of your threads, I just want to be sure I'll be able to do it, you know...

Is this version compatible with 3.6.8 ? Or better to go for the last version ?

Thank you.

attroll 01-29-2008 05:25 PM

Yes this version will work with 3.6.8.

To change the template and add more links to this navbar you need to do that in your templates in admin for the template "navbar2".

:Judge: 02-03-2008 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pehchaan (Post 1419270)
I can't install the product, getting this vb message:


For this error just replace.. (first line of code in the XML file.)

<?xml version="3.7.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
with this here..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Simple error :)

Leo Brazil 02-06-2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by attroll (Post 1431886)
Yes this version will work with 3.6.8.

To change the template and add more links to this navbar you need to do that in your templates in admin for the template "navbar2".

Just to give you and others here a feedback. It does work great for 3.6.8.
Easy to install and deal with the tamplate for navbar2. There's a lot of comments there to help newbies like me to deal with.
Just perfect, MOTM for sure.

Just one thing ? How about a third navbar ?

attroll 02-06-2008 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1437329)
Just to give you and others here a feedback. It does work great for 3.6.8.
Easy to install and deal with the tamplate for navbar2. There's a lot of comments there to help newbies like me to deal with.
Just perfect, MOTM for sure.

Just one thing ? How about a third navbar ?

A third navbar. Are you serious? This could be done but I can not see where anyone would want a third navbar.

Leo Brazil 02-06-2008 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by attroll (Post 1437367)
A third navbar. Are you serious? This could be done but I can not see where anyone would want a third navbar.

...lol...I knew you're gonna say that.....but I'm serious.....May be it would look better as a vertical bar at left or right. My forum deals with so many things that Navbars like that would be a good idea to lead people faster to what they want.


attroll 02-07-2008 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1437629)
...lol...I knew you're gonna say that.....but I'm serious.....May be it would look better as a vertical bar at left or right. My forum deals with so many things that Navbars like that would be a good idea to lead people faster to what they want.


Hmmm, I have been tossing around playing with a vertical navbar for this hack. I have one on one of my sites now but it is a totally seperate hack that I have tweaked a little more.

Leo Brazil 02-07-2008 03:09 PM

attroll, see that ? That's what I'm talking about....lol....
Hey, don't forget me whem you publish this hack here. The nwebie here will be pretty glad for sure.

attroll 02-07-2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1438274)
attroll, see that ? That's what I'm talking about....lol....
Hey, don't forget me whem you publish this hack here. The nwebie here will be pretty glad for sure.

What type of vertical navbar would you like to see just a listing style?

Leo Brazil 02-07-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by attroll (Post 1438280)
What type of vertical navbar would you like to see just a listing style?

I was thinking about a left column with the links one below another.
If you are familiar with the Vbadvanced, do you know the navigation module. The original one is kinda ugly, useful but looks bad.
With something like that I could use this column for this navigation module and also as a left column at the forum main page.
It's just an idea but I have an open mind....hehehe

attroll 02-08-2008 03:38 AM

I was leaning towards something like this web site has www.appalachianpages.com/forum/

attroll 02-08-2008 05:51 AM

Leo Brazil

I have created a plugin for a left column navbar and installed it as a plugin and it works for me. If you would like to be my first test subject then let me know. Once someone else has tested this I will release it here as a new hack.

Leo Brazil 02-08-2008 10:48 AM


That's the idea I have in mind, the same position and structure of this appalachianpages forum.
But this would be nice if you can incorporate the templates of the own forum, just like your navbar mod, do you know what I mean ? This way the columns will look stylish....lol...
Want me to try it ? Sure, no problem any time.

dirtycrow 02-15-2008 01:23 PM

just upgraded to Version 3.7.0 Beta 5 and this mod no longer works.

attroll 02-16-2008 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by dirtycrow (Post 1443662)
just upgraded to Version 3.7.0 Beta 5 and this mod no longer works.

What did you upgrade from? It should still work.

odln018 02-22-2008 03:31 PM

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be working for me. I've got a second navbar, that I created in my header. I installed this to see what it looks like, and to test how I can modify it for my needs. But I'm not sure if it's conflicting or not, as I can't see this mod at all.

I am running 3.7 b4

Tene 02-23-2008 04:51 PM


sorry new to this but how do i change the button name and links

no need to worry figured it out :$

attroll 02-24-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by dirtycrow (Post 1443662)
just upgraded to Version 3.7.0 Beta 5 and this mod no longer works.

I just upgraded my test site to Beta 5 and installed this hack and it works fine.

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