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AndrewD 12-24-2007 10:00 PM

Links and Downloads Manager
What this is and does

LDM is a general-purpose tool for managing libraries of links and files, and handling uploads and downloads in a flexible way, while tracking and control user access. It has a range of integrated media players and a large library of 'plugin' extras.

Installation and Usage Explained in the on-line Wiki, with a brief explanation in the file instructions.txt in the release zip. The recent revision history is given in the first post of this thread.

Please use carefully and always backup your database before upgrading. Post reports of problems and suggestions for enhancements in this thread.

14.06.09 Version 2.3.0 is now the the officially-supported version. Works with 3.7 and vb 3.8. Please post comments in this thread

22.06.08 Version 2.2.9-post1 - This is the previous supported version. Works fine with all versions of vb 3.6 and vb 3.7. All standard features except profile integration and forum prefix selection work fine with vb 3.8.

AndrewD 12-25-2007 05:14 AM

14.06.09 version 2.3.0 [Works with vb 3.7 and 3.8]

shadowevil 12-25-2007 05:35 AM

Mode nice ... *installed*

Hornstar 12-25-2007 09:37 AM

Thanks, this mod has such great potential. Looking forward to installing this for my members when I get vb 3.7 gold :)

yahoooh 12-25-2007 10:05 AM

thanks i will test it ,

what about my requisted features :(
every day i visit your thread to see if there are any update


AndrewD 12-25-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by yahoooh (Post 1408813)
thanks i will test it ,

what about my requisted features :(
every day i visit your thread to see if there are any update


I'm taking a look at all the requested updates during the break. Will see how much we can get done before work takes over my life again.

obmob 12-26-2007 03:20 AM

So far it is working fine. :D

Thanks Andrew!

Rouzbeh1 12-26-2007 05:38 PM

hi Andrew,
i have two requests for the new version (if possible)
1 - could you please make a plugin for LDM that allows me add multiple links for one entry? (useful for freehost linkings, since they don't work with the mirror system)
2 - in vba_modules, could you please add an option to paginate the entries that are shown...
example: i have set 200 entries to show, but want on each page 100 entries...


Alfa1 12-28-2007 03:05 PM

When installing LDM on 3.7, I get this error:

Unexpected critical failure
Critical Error: Links and Downloads Manager v.2.2.8 requires VBulletin version 3.5/3.6

AndrewD 12-28-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1410842)
When installing LDM on 3.7, I get this error:

Yes - have you installed the replacement includes/local_links_init.php which is supplied in this thread?

Alfa1 12-29-2007 02:30 PM

Many thanks.

dodgeboard.com 12-30-2007 08:12 PM

on 3.7 B2:


Critical error: different versions of software, templates, phrases and database.
Software: 2.2.8 database: 2.2.6
Cannot continue - ask administrator to correct.
This happened after overwriting the old local_links_init.php file with the file included in your original post. Prior to overwriting, I was getting the other error:


Unexpected critical failure
Critical Error: Links and Downloads Manager v.2.2.8 requires VBulletin version 3.5/3.6
Thanks in avdance!

AndrewD 12-31-2007 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by dodgeboard.com (Post 1412151)
on 3.7 B2:

This happened after overwriting the old local_links_init.php file with the file included in your original post. Prior to overwriting, I was getting the other error:

Thanks in avdance!

Looks as if you've tried to move a version 2.2.6 database straight onto vb 3.7. The upgrade file I provided requires that you are running version 2.2.8 (the latest supported version). Sorry for not making that clear.

a) Grab the full 2.2.8 release from the vb3.6 thread
b) Upload the code (release/forums)
c) Re-upload the includes/local_links_init.php from this thread,
d) Go to the vb3.7 product and plugins page and upload the LDM product installer supplied with the vb3.6 version.

dodgeboard.com 12-31-2007 04:51 AM

Thanks Andrew- will do that!

dilbert 12-31-2007 11:37 PM

I am planing on doing a clean install of 3.7 (once gold).
Can I import my data from my 3.6.8 Links and Downloads Manager install into a new one?


AndrewD 01-01-2008 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by dilbert (Post 1412936)
I am planing on doing a clean install of 3.7 (once gold).
Can I import my data from my 3.6.8 Links and Downloads Manager install into a new one?


Yes, either with an LDM xml export/import, or simply by copying the relevant LDM database tables to the new database.

dilbert 01-01-2008 06:52 PM

Andrew, you are awesome! Thank you.

Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1413001)
Yes, either with an LDM xml export/import, or simply by copying the relevant LDM database tables to the new database.

tazzarkin 01-02-2008 01:38 PM

Is there anywhere that talks about the default values for "Controls on Which Usergroups can Access Features"? I am testing out this mod, and I have this problem where the administrator can play the files (mp3/video), but when a regular user does it, the first time it plays the file, but the 2nd time it disconnects the user.

When I look in the settings, it shows that an "unregistered" user tried to access the file. However, it was clearly a "registered user". Any ideas?

And is there any where that would show me the default settings for permissions in the LDM? This looks like a cool Mod, just having permission problems when testing it.

AndrewD 01-02-2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by tazzarkin (Post 1413866)
Is there anywhere that talks about the default values for "Controls on Which Usergroups can Access Features"? I am testing out this mod, and I have this problem where the administrator can play the files (mp3/video), but when a regular user does it, the first time it plays the file, but the 2nd time it disconnects the user.

When I look in the settings, it shows that an "unregistered" user tried to access the file. However, it was clearly a "registered user". Any ideas?

And is there any where that would show me the default settings for permissions in the LDM? This looks like a cool Mod, just having permission problems when testing it.

Are you using the windows media player jukebox and the Firefox browser? There's a strange problem with this combination - the Microsoft software makes two requests for the file, one time without sending the right cookies, so vbulletin/LDM thinks the request is coming from an unregistered user. I've not been able to get to the bottom of this.

AndrewD 01-06-2008 04:39 PM

The first alpha of LDM 2.2.9 is now available. See the start of this thread for details.

Nam 01-06-2008 07:01 PM

*Install* I'll play around with it and let you know if there are any bugs.

Rouzbeh1 01-07-2008 09:48 AM

WOW thanks for new features....
will test and post a feedback asap

Rouzbeh1 01-07-2008 11:25 AM

i have set an attribute in admin section and set value for it in the entry too.
where would it be shown?

AndrewD 01-07-2008 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1 (Post 1417078)
i have set an attribute in admin section and set value for it in the entry too.
where would it be shown?

It should appear in the linkbit. In the alpha release, only the standard linkbit displays the attribute value. Once you're satisfied with the layout, etc, I'll include it in all the linkbits.

Another bit of info (not sure if this is explained on the form) - items with negative display orders and items with "Hidden" content are only displayed to usergroups with *can_see_hidden* permission. Items with positive display orders are shown to all usergroups. Currently, all attributes are offered/displayed if created in all categories. In the final version of 2.2.9, it will be possible to show/hide attribute groups on a per-category basis, so that (e.g.) attributes relevant to mp3s are only requested and displayed in the relevant categories.

dilbert 01-07-2008 01:03 PM

I installed the alpha on my test forum, but it used the tables for my live one, so I then updated the fiels on the love site.

How can I add a test site for LDM?


AndrewD 01-07-2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by dilbert (Post 1417112)
I installed the alpha on my test forum, but it used the tables for my live one, so I then updated the fiels on the love site.

How can I add a test site for LDM?


I'm not sure I understand? Have you got vb36 and 37 running out of the same database?

LDM uses tables in the vb database which (at least by default) are all prefixed local_links. You can patch the includes/local_links_init.php to use a different prefix for these tables but they will be in the same database.

obmob 01-07-2008 04:44 PM

A test site? How about setting up a local server like XAMPP? :D


Then import your ldm to your local installation

Rouzbeh1 01-07-2008 06:24 PM

will try again about attributes
one more thing, does autocreate_threads plugin, also handle Thread Prefixes which are new in v3.7?

itsblack 01-07-2008 06:28 PM

Hi Andrew, here is the chinese translation for v.2.2.9 alpha.

It seems that you forgot to add 29 new phrases to the chinese product file. So I compared it with the english version and added them to the thranslation. Some old translations also have been modified. For I have not installed the new alpha version yet, So I'm not sure if I've translated all the new elements appropriately. I'll make it better when I get to use the new version.

AndrewD 01-07-2008 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by itsblack (Post 1417339)
Hi Andrew, here is the chinese translation for v.2.2.9 alpha.

It seems that you forgot to add 29 new phrases to the chinese product file. So I compared it with the english version and added them to the thranslation. Some old translations also have been modified. For I have not installed the new alpha version yet, So I'm not sure if I've translated all the new elements appropriately. I'll make it better when I get to use the new version.

Thanks very much - I appreciate this - I hadn't forgotten with the languages but we're still some way from the final features so I had only created the English phrases so far - I expect there will be some more to translate before this is done.

AndrewD 01-07-2008 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1 (Post 1417333)
will try again about attributes
one more thing, does autocreate_threads plugin, also handle Thread Prefixes which are new in v3.7?

I haven't gone through to look for changes like that - thanks for letting me know.

dilbert 01-07-2008 07:54 PM

Yes, I have my open / in-use 3.6.8 site, and my test 3.7 site. Yes, they are in the same database - unfortunately my host only allows on db with my plan.

If I wanted to attempt a clean install, can I modify includes/local_links_init.php and reinstall?


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1417220)
I'm not sure I understand? Have you got vb36 and 37 running out of the same database?

LDM uses tables in the vb database which (at least by default) are all prefixed local_links. You can patch the includes/local_links_init.php to use a different prefix for these tables but they will be in the same database.

pspcrazy 01-08-2008 01:29 AM

The new version looks great :) Well you also be adding the ability to have partial descriptions shown on main category page by defined character limit where when you click on a more link it shows the full description or mabye when we click the name of the file it takes you to a seperate file download page with the full description as well as comments all shown.

AndrewD 01-08-2008 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by dilbert (Post 1417379)
Yes, I have my open / in-use 3.6.8 site, and my test 3.7 site. Yes, they are in the same database - unfortunately my host only allows on db with my plan.

If I wanted to attempt a clean install, can I modify includes/local_links_init.php and reinstall?

Yes, just edit the line

// Database Table Prefix
define('THIS_TABLE', 'local_');

eg to

// Database Table Prefix
define('THIS_TABLE', 'test_');

and reupload the product xml file via the vb admincp.

You should also re-upload the (2.2.8) installer for your live forum, so that the two sets of database tables each know which version they are

AndrewD 01-08-2008 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy (Post 1417515)
The new version looks great :) Well you also be adding the ability to have partial descriptions shown on main category page by defined character limit where when you click on a more link it shows the full description or mabye when we click the name of the file it takes you to a seperate file download page with the full description as well as comments all shown.

Yes, it's there.

There's a new setting (*length_shortdesc*) which can be set globally (admin/settings) or per category (edit category/control settings) which specifies the length of entries' short descriptions. The short description is used if you choose the short (title+thumb+short description) linkbit for the category (again admin/settings or edit category/control settings). It behaves the way you indicate.

I realise that there's another linkbit described as Short (direct link, no thumb, short description) which does not work as described in the 2.2.9 aplha1.

Apolyton 01-09-2008 05:22 PM

I wanted to put the ldm tables in a separate table and had to make the following changes to the code for the system to install and run properly:

AndrewD 01-10-2008 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Apolyton (Post 1418476)
I wanted to put the ldm tables in a separate database and had to make the following changes to the code for the system to install and run properly:

Thanks very much for this - I'll add the explanation to the wiki, and just check to see if we can make the process even easier.

Rouzbeh1 01-10-2008 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1417089)
It should appear in the linkbit. In the alpha release, only the standard linkbit displays the attribute value. Once you're satisfied with the layout, etc, I'll include it in all the linkbits.

Another bit of info (not sure if this is explained on the form) - items with negative display orders and items with "Hidden" content are only displayed to usergroups with *can_see_hidden* permission. Items with positive display orders are shown to all usergroups. Currently, all attributes are offered/displayed if created in all categories. In the final version of 2.2.9, it will be possible to show/hide attribute groups on a per-category basis, so that (e.g.) attributes relevant to mp3s are only requested and displayed in the relevant categories.

i am still unable too see the attributes in linkbit. (using standard linkbit)
could you please post a screenshot for this?

AndrewD 01-10-2008 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1 (Post 1418860)
i am still unable too see the attributes in linkbit. (using standard linkbit)
could you please post a screenshot for this?

Perhaps you can just check (LDM/admin/permissions) that you have *can_view_entities* permission.

Do yo mind if I take a look at your site - I'd like to see for myself what's going wrong (admin details :))

Attached is a screen shot of the linkbit with some extras - the alpha 1 code doesn't include images as extras but you will get the general idea

Rouzbeh1 01-11-2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1418875)
Perhaps you can just check (LDM/admin/permissions) that you have *can_view_entities* permission.

Do yo mind if I take a look at your site - I'd like to see for myself what's going wrong (admin details :))

Attached is a screen shot of the linkbit with some extras - the alpha 1 code doesn't include images as extras but you will get the general idea

sure, will PM admin details right now.

thanks for screenshot. looks very nice (would be much better if it was possible to set a default icon or button for each attribute in admin panel)

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