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BrandiDup 11-07-2007 02:05 PM

Cost of gas
Where are you located and how much is gas running per gallon where you are?

I'm in San Diego, Cali. In August, it was $2.98. It climbed up to about $3.50 during September. Went back down in October to around $2.50 and I was totally loving life. Then it steadily climbed back to around $3.50 again, which is about what it is right now for the cheap stuff. Its close to $4 for the premium. :down:

Gas prices seem to fluctuate so much these days. They go down very briefly, but then shoot right back up again. What makes me even more upset is that all of the big gas companies are listed within the top most profitable companies. :rolleyes: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortu...anies/profits/

Michael Biddle 11-07-2007 02:13 PM

of course they are the best money makers. Everyone NEEDS gas in southern California. We do not walk anywhere. Its our own fault, and not much we can do about it.

nexialys 11-07-2007 02:14 PM

in Quebec, the gallon is like 3.47$us ...

i hope the gaz go up more and more... the higher will be its price, the harder the engineers will work to find other technologies for transport... the cars are using the same amount of gaz today than it was 100 years ago... pathetic... we need to have other means of transport, not always using wheels and roads... flying machines are already evolved to the point where helicopters can fly vertical and stationary... i suppose they can use some $$$ to create smaller engines which can be used for individuals...

call the guy who invented the microwave, i suppose he is still in area 51.. lol

BrandiDup 11-07-2007 02:21 PM

I completely agree with both of you!

rpainter 11-07-2007 02:23 PM

I just paid $2.86 for regular in South Carolina. I think that i read somewhere that we have the lowest gas prises in the nation. :D

Shazz 11-07-2007 02:24 PM

The people that live in the UK is the worst lol, I can't complain.

Michael Biddle 11-07-2007 02:24 PM

rpainter, fill up a barrel of gas, and mail it to me. I will pay you what you paid for it :D

Brad 11-07-2007 02:54 PM

I pay around $3.00 a gallon.

Michael Biddle 11-07-2007 03:00 PM


Well. Its better then the 3.50. Although more towards disneyland its more expensive :(.

Looks like I am going to #2 on the list today if anyone wants to meet me :D

Wayne Luke 11-07-2007 03:31 PM

In 1998, the cost of a barrel of Oil was $10.00. The average price of gasoline was $1.09 per gallon in the U.S.

Today, oil is fluctuating between $90 and $98 dollars per gallon. Yet, we have only seen the average gasoline price increase 3 fold since 1998. If gasoline prices kept inline then it would be $10.00 a gallon today. This is without environment affecting supply such as hurricanes, wildfires, terrorism and more.

Unfortunately, gasoline is going to simply get more expensive. It is doubtful that the world will be able to keep up with the rising demand especially in countries like India and China vowing to create a car for each family. Hybrids, PHEV, and Hydrogen may be the future. Ethanol is a wild goose chase though. To have enough ethanol to power the cars in the United States every square inch of the contiguous 48-states needs to be planted with corn.

Personally, I rarely drive anymore. If I can't walk to a store and purchase something, I simply don't purchase it.

nexialys 11-07-2007 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke (Post 1377820)
Personally, I rarely drive anymore. If I can't walk to a store and purchase something, I simply don't purchase it.

Hopefully you needed that computer for life sakes.. lol

Andrew Green 11-07-2007 03:44 PM

A little over $4 / Gallon in USD in Manitoba, been pretty consistent for a while now, come down a little over the past few months.

Wayne Luke 11-07-2007 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1377821)
Hopefully you needed that computer for life sakes.. lol

I can actually walk 3 blocks and purchase a computer if I needed to. My current address was specifically chosen because of its proximity to schools, shopping and entertainment. Within walking distance we have a Walmart Supercenter, two secondary supermarkets, a drugstore, autoparts store, over a dozen restaurants, two movie theaters with a total of 34 screens, a baseball stadium, roller skating, 100 or so small shops, etc...

Shazz 11-07-2007 03:48 PM

If you lived in a city where everything is already there, I don't see why you would drive much

Brad 11-07-2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke (Post 1377832)
I can actually walk 3 blocks and purchase a computer if I needed to. My current address was specifically chosen because of its proximity to schools, shopping and entertainment. Within walking distance we have a Walmart Supercenter, two secondary supermarkets, a drugstore, autoparts store, over a dozen restaurants, two movie theaters with a total of 34 screens, a baseball stadium, roller skating, 100 or so small shops, etc...

I wish I lived that close to everything....for me it's at least a 2 mile drive to the nearest store (small gas station), anything else is at least 10 minutes away (driving at 60mph). Although I do most of my driving between the hours of 2am and 4am on deserted highways in the foothills and mountains....

Driving fast is in my blood...;) I'd pay $50 for a gallon of gas if my speed withdraw got bad enough. ;)

G0F0RBR0KE 11-07-2007 04:25 PM

Right now

Regular: $2.95
Plus: $3.05
Premium: $3.15

rpainter 11-07-2007 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Brad (Post 1377836)
I wish I lived that close to everything....

Hey Brad, I'm right there with you. I live in the SMALL town of Laurens, SC. If I want to do anything, I either drive 30 miles to Greenville, or 30 miles to Greenwood. I drive 30 miles to work everyday also.

Michael Biddle 11-07-2007 08:16 PM

Well I am in a big city, but nothing is close. I am not walking 5 miles for work, another 10 for school, and then for other work 2 miles. Ill drive. Call me lazy, but what ever

Chris M 11-08-2007 12:56 AM

Right now (at my nearest petrol station):

Unleaded Petrol: 97.9p per litre
Super-unleaded Petrol: 101.9p per litre
Diesel: 101.9p per litre

1 Imperial Gallon = 4.54609188 litres
1 US Gallon = 3.7854118 litres

(1 Imperial Gallon = 1.20095042 US Gallons)
(?1 = $2.0855 US)

Unleaded Petrol / Regular

Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in ?: ?4.45
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in $: $9.28

Cost of 1 US Gallon in ?: ?3.71
Cost of 1 US Gallon in $: $7.74

Super-unleaded / Premium & Diesel / Heavy Oil

Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in ?: ?4.63
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in $: $9.66

Cost of 1 US Gallon in ?: ?3.86
Cost of 1 US Gallon in $: $8.05


And you moan about your fuel prices :p


davidw 11-08-2007 01:38 AM

It was around $2.65/gallon here but the last week its been going up 10 cents every other day. It should be $3.05 tomorrow (at the rate it has been going).

Guest190829 11-08-2007 01:48 AM

/me doesn't need to worry about gas.

I go to college in a fairly nice city with a lot of stuff near walking distance...and if I am lazy there are buses.

Weapon-x 11-14-2007 02:28 PM

I really getting tired of all this price fixing they say gas company's are not doing it but you know something is up. Gas now in Georgia, USA is $3.08.

No wonder why the dollar value in the US is poor.

Freesteyelz 11-15-2007 04:00 AM

While I should, I haven't been too occupied with the gas prices here. I just plug in my gas card, fill 'er up and when the bill comes I pay. It has been always high and just yesterday it was reported that there will be an increase of $0.20. Just another day here.

smacklan 11-15-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by rpainter (Post 1377931)
Hey Brad, I'm right there with you. I live in the SMALL town of Laurens, SC. If I want to do anything, I either drive 30 miles to Greenville, or 30 miles to Greenwood. I drive 30 miles to work everyday also.

I used to live in Greenville (1984 to 1990)...bet that area has changed alot since then...
Gas is hovering around $3 a gallon here in East Tennessee.

tipoboy 11-15-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1378124)
Right now (at my nearest petrol station):

Unleaded Petrol: 97.9p per litre
Super-unleaded Petrol: 101.9p per litre
Diesel: 101.9p per litre

1 Imperial Gallon = 4.54609188 litres
1 US Gallon = 3.7854118 litres

(1 Imperial Gallon = 1.20095042 US Gallons)
(?1 = $2.0855 US)

Unleaded Petrol / Regular

Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in ?: ?4.45
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in $: $9.28

Cost of 1 US Gallon in ?: ?3.71
Cost of 1 US Gallon in $: $7.74

Super-unleaded / Premium & Diesel / Heavy Oil

Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in ?: ?4.63
Cost of 1 Imperial Gallon in $: $9.66

Cost of 1 US Gallon in ?: ?3.86
Cost of 1 US Gallon in $: $8.05


And you moan about your fuel prices :p


perth, scotland

unleaded = 99.9p per litre
super unleaded= 105.9p per litre
diesel= 103.9p per litre

went to the highlands yesterday had to pay 115.9p per litre for the super unleaded needless to say i only half filled the tank! then to get my monies worth i drove at silly speeds to the next reasonable petrol station:D

Chris M 11-16-2007 12:53 AM

It's now 99.9 where I live, and 10 miles from me it's 112.9 :|


tipoboy 11-16-2007 02:59 PM

was in an esso garage today:

regular unleaded: 101.9
super unleaded: 107.9!!

luckily i wasnt paying as my car likes the super unleaded lol, but petrol prices here are a bit over inflated!!

shokmuzik.com 11-16-2007 07:44 PM

Prices in my town from today (!!)
1 litre Diesel 1,9928 USD = 9.0594519 USD per Imperial Gallon
1 litre Normal 2,1145 USD = 9.61271128 USD per Imperial Gallon
1 litre Super 2,1291 USD = 9.67908422 USD per Imperial Gallon
1 litre Superplus2,2758 USD = 10.3459959 USD per Imperial Gallon

sinisterpain 11-16-2007 09:18 PM

If you ask me the oil companys are just inflating prices. Exxon I believe posted like 5 billion dollars in profits for the quarter. Thank you America.

Chris M 11-17-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by shokmuzik.com (Post 1383936)
Prices in my town from today (!!)
1 litre Diesel 1,9928 USD = 9.0594519 USD per Imperial Gallon
1 litre Normal 2,1145 USD = 9.61271128 USD per Imperial Gallon
1 litre Super 2,1291 USD = 9.67908422 USD per Imperial Gallon
1 litre Superplus2,2758 USD = 10.3459959 USD per Imperial Gallon

Where are you that you get charged $2 a litre :|


Marco van Herwaarden 11-17-2007 05:24 AM

In the Netherlands Super Unleaded is also over 1.50 Euro a liter, that is over 2 USD.

s0lidgr0und 11-17-2007 06:05 AM

$3.23 a gallon in Albany, NY this afternoon.

$78 to fill my truck.

Wayne Luke 11-17-2007 01:18 PM

I don't drive so don't usually check the prices. Walking to the cafe yesterday, I noticed that it was $3.50 here. Not the highest it has been in the past but getting there. Glad that I don't drive and my wife only drives a short distance to work each day. We're paying about $40.00 a week in gas right now.

Ba$im 11-17-2007 08:46 PM

will through we are from biggest country which export gas
it cost from my eyes high price

Chris M 11-18-2007 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1384191)
In the Netherlands Super Unleaded is also over 1.50 Euro a liter, that is over 2 USD.

Without saying where he is from it kinda defeats the point in telling us what he pays...

And yes, normal petrol here is over $2 USD (Super is more like $2.50) a litre but we (as a Country) probably pay one of the highest prices for fuel that I'm aware of... Bloody government and their taxes...


davidw 11-18-2007 12:43 AM

Petrol was high when I lived in the Netherlands - but then again it really never bothered my family that much as 70% of our commuting and traveling was done by walking, bicycling, or train. Then, there was the Peugeot...

biagrin 11-21-2007 06:40 PM

try living in britain where its about $10USD a gollon

Chris M 11-22-2007 12:13 AM

I do, I know, and I hate the government :)


tipoboy 11-22-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1387228)
I do, I know, and I hate the government :)


i second that!!

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