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Shelley_c 10-21-2007 05:58 PM

Graphic Requests area?
Whatever happened to the graphics Requests area? I'm quite sure (Pre brad era) that there was a graphics requests area here where members who lack the ability to request images from here.

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea in giving such an area the chance instead of graphic requests cluttering the Design and Graphics Discussions area and possibly implementing Graphic Requests subforum to Design and Graphics Discussions. Personally, I think it would be quite populour and enduce more interactivity between the advanced graphic members and members who lack the ability to design.

no mods 10-27-2007 12:47 AM

Sounds like a good idea two me.

Michael Biddle 10-27-2007 03:36 AM

same. but not me two. more like me too ;)

Dream 10-27-2007 03:56 AM


Yes I'd like this too, I'm thinking of asking for some rank images, and maybe offer a 10 bucks donation for it.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-27-2007 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Dream (Post 1369526)

Yes I'd like this too, I'm thinking of asking for some rank images, and maybe offer a 10 bucks donation for it.

Requests For Paid Services

ChrisLM2001 10-27-2007 08:17 AM

What's the purpose of having a styles section, if the request for styles sets aren't there? I find that I spend more time at the coder's section about style requests, than in it's proper section (which is basically a place to upload ready-made icons/styles).

XHTML/CSS edits really do need to be in the styles section, too. Scripting is the coders' domain; elements and style, designers.

G0F0RBR0KE 10-27-2007 05:59 PM

I agree with this idea 10x!

Shelley_c 10-28-2007 11:16 AM

I think this would be a great opportunity for the community for staff to give back the graphic requests (as a dedicated area) and I'm sure there are many designers who would be willing to take on free requests aswell as many members who would benefit.

I have a set of guidelines and a pixel guide which I wrote/designed that would help as a sticky topic (or maybe a staff member can revise it if needed) and paste it under their name but your more than welcome if this thread is remotely being entertained.


When requesting an image, please indicate whether it's a Signature, Avatar, board logo etc. Please use the following guidelines to make it easier for the graphic designer. Following the guidelines set forth ensures that your request is filled quickly and saving the staff from locking/deleting topics which don't conform to the rules. We ask that you also refrain yourself from creating any threads requesting any graphics from the Graphic Database.

NOTE!! Your first post in this section should contain the Request Guidelines (shown below)

* Type of Image: (Logo, Avatar, Banner)
* Text on image:
* Specific Images: (links must be supplied !)
* Colour Scheme:
* Size (in pixels):
* Animations:
* Things to avoid: (what you don't want in your image)

Pixel Size Template

We are aware that not everybody knows what pixels are, or what size they actually want. We have provided a Pixel Size Template (shown Below) which will help you in deciding what size you would like that Image to be.

NOTE!! Because the graphic request area is not officially a vbulletin.org service, staff are not obligated to fill, or take on requests. The graphic request area is community driven, which means members helping members. However, this doesn't mean a staff member won't help from time to time, it all depends whether they have higher priorities and/or other obligations.

On a final note, We ask that you conform to the guidelines set forth. Complying with the rules will give your request a higher chance of being filled by the designer. However, ignoring the guidelines or posts lacking in information will result in your post being ignored locked and/or deleted.

Paul M 10-28-2007 12:23 PM

Just to be clear here, you are talking about a forum similar to the "Modification not available" forum, but for style/graphic requests ?

Shelley_c 10-28-2007 12:52 PM

No. I am referring to an area for anyone to request images (mainly for their vbulletin boards) which is a free requesting area. This area would not be for requesting images that are found in the vbulletin.org database because the images located in that area are pre-made. requests here would be for images that could range from forum icons to logos, signatures and so forth. Or maybe an image that someone specifically wants to complement a certain style.

For example, I don't like a set of buttons that a styler implemented on a style so I would post a request (all free) for a set of buttons whilst filling out all the info so someone can come along and fill my request.

I suppose you could expand this to style requests though I doubt many people will have the time to create full blown styles and I doubt this would work out in the long term. Keep it simple, with image requests were members can request for images like buttons, icons signatures etc and before long the area will become very populour, self sustaining and require minimal moderation by the staff because I feel that many designers would be happy to help out and fill requests.

edit; At this time members cannot post for requests in the image database (and I feel they never should) because this is primarly a release area and people basically get what contributors post.

cheat-master30 10-28-2007 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1370361)
No. I am referring to an area for anyone to request images (mainly for their vbulletin boards) which is a free requesting area. This area would not be for requesting images that are found in the vbulletin.org database because the images located in that area are pre-made. requests here would be for images that could range from forum icons to logos, signatures and so forth. Or maybe an image that someone specifically wants to complement a certain style.

For example, I don't like a set of buttons that a styler implemented on a style so I would post a request (all free) for a set of buttons whilst filling out all the info so someone can come along and fill my request.

I suppose you could expand this to style requests though I doubt many people will have the time to create full blown styles and I doubt this would work out in the long term. Keep it simple, with image requests were members can request for images like buttons, icons signatures etc and before long the area will become very populour, self sustaining and require minimal moderation by the staff because I feel that many designers would be happy to help out and fill requests.

edit; At this time members cannot post for requests in the image database (and I feel they never should) because this is primarly a release area and people basically get what contributors post.

I think that's what he said. Modification Not Available is for free modification requests and ideas... and I'm assuming this would be for free image requests and ideas. Except maybe more like a mix of the modification not available forum and the requests for paid services forum.

ChrisLM2001 10-28-2007 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1370361)
For example, I don't like a set of buttons that a styler implemented on a style so I would post a request (all free) for a set of buttons whilst filling out all the info so someone can come along and fill my request.

I suppose you could expand this to style requests though I doubt many people will have the time to create full blown styles and I doubt this would work out in the long term.

Shelley, even a icon/button free forum will die quickly, because it's difficult to get even paid requests fulfilled. And there will be a plethora of free requests, so many that it'll be filled with hundreds of unanswered threads -- as you know folks will jump on a free anything. Then designers will be miffed in losing business.

I can see a paid requests forum surviving, but a "Plz do me a set of 3D glass buttons for 3 colors and styles...btw, I'm picky" forum will swamp even the good intentioned. Burn out will ensue, and there's not that many designers hanging out here. :(

Dream 10-28-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1369555)

Do people even scratch themselves for 10 bucks on that forum? Anyway thanks for reminding me.

A free graphics requests area still could be nice though. But this is just a suggestion, don't treat me rudely because of it.

ChrisLM2001 10-29-2007 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dream (Post 1370772)
A free graphics requests area still could be nice though. But this is just a suggestion, don't treat me rudely because of it.

If it's design related, being rude to designers is policy with the culture of vBulletin. The real reason there's not many designers around, they do their best to keep them away with 10001 put downs and excuses. It's why I'm v-e-r-y abrasive in these topics, knowing the reaction it'll bring from experience (not that I'm truly abrasive). Only way to survive the onslaught, so I put on my USMC cover and wait with my trusty M14 for snipers.

Game forums of little known games have a larger graphics/design communities, because the attitude top/down is to encourage it (it benefits the game and growth). That's not the case with vBulletin. It's coders rule...and designers, don't worry your pretty little heads about it deal (basically what that vB dev told me last night about web standards).

That's the truth, why any change to help the design community will meet resistance and little help.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 08:34 AM

This suggestion is currently under discussion by the Staff. Once we have come to a decission it will be posted here.

If your goal is to find every little thing you can complain about and immediate create a post on such a topic complaining how bad everything is: Continue how you are doing now.

If your goal is to improve things that are not optimal (yet) in your view, you might rethink your way of bringing such things under the attention.

ChrisLM2001 10-29-2007 09:09 AM

My goal is to work with vBulletin in a professional manner. That means to be treated professionally, and to have a product that aims to be professional. I wouldn't be here with vBulletin if I didn't like the product (who would like wasting their time stating the obvious?). To get to that point on the design side is to remind staff it's not just code that runs a forum, and point out the problems so it can be fixed. The design side needs "luving", too.

The posting combatness I have is due, from experience, in how staff reacts to design suggestions. Simple requests turn into morass of personal attacks and just plain rude commentary. I have v-e-r-y thick skin, so it doesn't phase me, but to others it can (most of the design community here are kids and very sensitive in proving themselves and building their portfolios). The same community that wants to create, and be proud of their creations with the vBulletin community, not be told to stand in their little corner and be good little dumb retards in their afterthought style corner.

The kids and adults see all this side sniping and feel the attitudes, Marco. They also can feel the status quo that died 5 years ago in other venues. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to sense the attitudes toward designers are at the least insulting here, bordering on the obnoxious.

If staff can't see that, maybe it's time that they understand why there's over 2,000 coders and less than 800 designers here -- and a zillion design questions on how to do this or that, that go unanswered, because the community ratio is so lopsided.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 09:18 AM

You are totally wrong in your assumption that our staff treat designers different then coders (or "regular" members).

Also your "combatting" style of posting is most likely to give the opposite result as what you are intending. The result will be most likely (in the most positive case) be that staff just ignores and skips over your posts.

ChrisLM2001 10-29-2007 09:34 AM

They treat them differently, very differently, like treating designers not seriously. How many designers have asked in 3 years for web standard templates/design (nope, I'm not the only one, and I came quite late)? The vBCSS project (after I was banned even)? What was the reaction each and every time?

Marco, staff already overlooks design requests -- Eric Meyers could come in and post why this tabled layout would need to go the way of the Dodo, and they'd ignore or would argue against it. If some coding guru came around with a nifty idea, they'd be tripping over themselves to get the code implimented like yesterday (as the AJAX/plugins issue showed by example -- couldn't let Matt get that coding leg up).

Look what happened to vbulletin-templates? The website, with all the restrictions it had that designers could not modify code in any shape or size, just templates? Remember?

Very real oil and water, when we need to mix cocktails together. :)

Paul M 10-29-2007 10:03 AM

What exactly do you mean by "Staff already overlooks design requests" ?

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisLM2001 (Post 1371005)
They treat them differently, very differently, like treating designers not seriously. How many designers have asked in 3 years for web standard templates/design (nope, I'm not the only one, and I came quite late)? The vBCSS project (after I was banned even)? What was the reaction each and every time?

Marco, staff already overlooks design requests -- Eric Meyers could come in and post why this tabled layout would need to go the way of the Dodo, and they'd ignore or would argue against it. If some coding guru came around with a nifty idea, they'd be tripping over themselves to get the code implimented like yesterday (as the AJAX/plugins issue showed by example -- couldn't let Matt get that coding leg up).

Look what happened to vbulletin-templates? The website, with all the restrictions it had that designers could not modify code in any shape or size, just templates? Remember?

Very real oil and water, when we need to mix cocktails together. :)

I am sorry but i fail to see what all this got to do with vBulletin.org staff ignoring designers.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 12:15 PM

New forum added: Style and Graphics Requests (Unpaid)

ChrisLM2001 10-29-2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1371014)
What exactly do you mean by "Staff already overlooks design requests" ?

Sums up THIS design request for years...


BTW, where did the vBCSS project go?

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 12:30 PM

You are linking to a thread on vB.com (as was the vBCSS project started there IIRC).

So again my question: What does this have to do with vB.org Staff and designers.

Dream 10-29-2007 12:32 PM

I'm receiving this message when trying to post there
  1. Please select an appropriate thread prefix from the drop down list beside the subject field.
But there is no thread prefix box

Shelley_c 10-29-2007 12:36 PM

Thankyou for the consideration of this request/suggestion and I can only hope that the staff will come to the right decision.

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dream (Post 1371089)
I'm receiving this message when trying to post there
  1. Please select an appropriate thread prefix from the drop down list beside the subject field.
But there is no thread prefix box

Will look into this.

Edit: This should be solved now

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1371090)
Thankyou for the consideration of this request/suggestion and I can only hope that the staff will come to the right decision.

See a few posts back: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....0&postcount=21

Dream 10-29-2007 12:51 PM

Thanks Marco, it's working now.

Chris M 10-29-2007 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisLM2001 (Post 1370982)
Only way to survive the onslaught, so I put on my USMC cover and wait with my trusty M14 for snipers.

I see your M14, and raise you a MEC SVD single shot to the head ;)


Michael Biddle 10-29-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 1371163)
I see your M14, and raise you a MEC SVD single shot to the head ;)


Is it just me, or are these bf2 related?

Chris M 10-29-2007 02:57 PM

I don't know what you mean... Crouch, prone, hand grenade, knife, MEDIC :)


Michael Biddle 10-29-2007 03:05 PM

What rank?

ChrisLM2001 10-29-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1371087)
You are linking to a thread on vB.com (as was the vBCSS project started there IIRC).

So again my question: What does this have to do with vB.org Staff and designers.

You asked for an example, and I gave it.

Why are you being so specific now?

--------------- Added [DATE]1193680130[/DATE] at [TIME]1193680130[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by whitemike (Post 1371173)
Is it just me, or are these bf2 related?

Maybe to others, but not to me. Was a WM (and I loved the M14 more than the M16), as I like the .45 over the puny 9mm. ;)

Marco van Herwaarden 10-29-2007 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisLM2001 (Post 1371252)
You asked for an example, and I gave it.

Why are you being so specific now?

Why i am specific? Not that i really understand what you mean by that, but until now you have only posted accusations about our staff, without backing that up.

You post that vB.org staff is biased against designers, and to backup that up you post links to thread on a different forum. Why do you think vB.org staff is responsible for what happens or is posted on other websites?

Seems i have to repeat my question:
What does this have to do with vB.org Staff and designers.

PS I never asked for examples, that was Paul

Paul M 10-29-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1371285)
PS I never asked for examples, that was Paul

And I'm still waiting........

Shelley_c 10-29-2007 05:53 PM

Before this thread is closed, I thought I would mention that it would be a good idea to add the pixel template I posted earlier in princetons guidelines in the graphic requests?

Dream 10-29-2007 08:24 PM

I didn't get it too well what's that for, but you can post it there and ask a moderator to pin it, or else they can move it elsewhere.

Paul M 10-29-2007 08:41 PM

It will get copied over at some point.

ChrisLM2001 10-30-2007 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1371285)
Why i am specific? Not that i really understand what you mean by that, but until now you have only posted accusations about our staff, without backing that up.

Because, it's not I that ran with the ball of...vbulletin.com vs. vbulletin.org, you and Paul are going that tangent route.

Staff is staff to me, as you all answer to Jelsoft, and post on each forum accordingly. And that's where the buck, stops. None of this "official" and "unofficial" junk.

Been there, done that.

Chris M 10-30-2007 10:19 AM

Excuse me a minute...

I don't answer to anybody actually :) I'm a volunteer staff member of vBulletin.org, not any other Jelsoft related or owned website :)

I don't get paid or instructed to do anything by anyone on this site, I do so of my own free will...

Regardless of any previous grievances you may have with some members of Staff from this forum, don't generalise... I'm not Paul, Marco or Danny, nor am I davidw or calorie, Kirk Y or Dan etc etc... I'm Chris M, my own free speaking person, and while some people may not like me, I'm not here to be liked; I'm here to do a job, and sometimes people forget that :)

As for bias against designers? Hah... I'm a coder with absolutely zero graphical talent... I love Designers :) They can do something that I cannot, they can create a layout and image set that I can only imagine... I've just proven your theory wrong :p

And as for rank, I'm a lowly Master Sergeant, but I'm deadly with an M24 or SVD ;)


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