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Valter 10-06-2007 10:00 PM

Cyb - ChatBox


Powerful AJAX-based ChatBox for vBulletin.

Main Features:
-One step installation (no file uploads, no manual template modifications required)
-Put ChatBox on any forum page by setting script name and adding variable to desired template
-"ChatBox Full" (always available on separate page)
-"Messages Archive" (available on separate page, with options to edit/delete messages)
-"ChatBox Search"
-Option to block usergroups from viewing ChatBox
-Option to delete messages older than x hours automatically
-"ChatBox Statistics" (new messages since last visit, messages in last x hours, total messages, top x chatters,...)
-View users active in ChatBox (available in CBFull and Archive)
-Text formatting options (color, weight, style, decoration,...)
-Advanced Smiliebox
-Smiliebox options: total smilies available, smilies per row, smilie clipping, disable smilies...
-A lot of customizable stuff, including: set new/old status icons, time/date format, box height, message order, auto-refresh intervals,...
-One-click actions: View all messages posted by user X, Delete all messages posted by user x, Ban/unban user from ChatBox, View last message posted by user X, View your last message, View first unread message
-"/me" action (used when you want to refer to yourself in the "third person")
...and more...

See screenshots for more details.

1. Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
2. OPTIONAL (custom placement on forum page)
Open desired template and put "$cybchatbox" to desired line.

To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - ChatBox

v1.0 - Sep 15. 2007.
-First version
v1.1-v1.6 - Sep/Oct 2007.
-Bug fixes, improvements, several new options added,...
v1.7 - Oct 07. 2007.
-Released at vB.org
v1.8 - Oct 11. 2007.
-Fixed bug where moderators can not delete messages
-New: Set auto-refresh interval for messages
-New: Set auto-refresh interval for active users
-New: Option to enable auto-refresh for guests
-New: Option to reverse message order (newest at bottom)
v1.8.1 - Oct 11. 2007.
-Fixed bug where colspan in Archive is not set correctly for moderators
-Added ability to disable date in mesages (simply leave date field blank)
-Added option to have ChatBox always collapsed by default (ChatBox Full not affected)
v1.8.2 - Oct 12. 2007.
-Fixed bug (reversed message order gives wrong results)
-New: Set timecut in minutes for active users listing
-New: Automatically parse links in messages (can be disabled)
v1.8.3 - Oct 13. 2007.
-Auto-prune setting field restored
-Fixed bug where some users are logged-out after posting message
-Improved detection and listing of active users
-If user is active in ChatBox it will be shown in profile and wol list
v1.9 - Oct 15. 2007.
-New: Not all smilies are loaded on startup. Set how many of them you want to show before user clicks "More".
-New: "/me" user action ("/me" in submitted message will be replaced by author's username, and message appears in color you set)
-Minor bug fixes
v1.9.1 - Oct 15. 2007.
-Fixed bug from previous version where message area height not follows your settings properly
v1.9.2 - Nov 06. 2007.
-New option in user menu: View messages posted by user
-Option to allow users to delete their own messages
-Fixed bug where admin with primary usergroup different than 6 is not able to delete all messages
-Fixed bug where links to member profiles in messages are broken at "/member.php"
-"Delete Selected" moved to phrases
v1.9.3 - Nov 20. 2007.
-New: Set groups able to view Chatbox but not post messages
-New: Set groups able to edit/delete all messages, and ban/unban users from ChatBox
-New: Customize color list in message posting interface
-New: Ban list
-Fixed default text color
-Fixed some compatibility issues for "/me" action
-Fixed bug where some users get db error when importing product
-Fixed bug where you need to refresh page after "Busy" message to continue chatting
-Minor bug fixes
v1.9.4 - Nov 21. 2007.
-Fixed bug with changing colors in IE
-Some code optimization done
v1.9.5 - Nov 26. 2007.
-Fixed bugs with stripping html tags and "/me" action
v1.9.6 - Nov 29. 2007.
-New: ChatBox Search
-New: Click on message icon in main box to open message for editing/deletion
-Fixed bug with page navigation
-Minor bug fixes/code improvements
v1.9.7 - Dec 01. 2007.
-New: Find first unread message
-New: Find your last message
-New: Find last message by user X
v1.9.8 - Dec 05. 2007.
-New: Ban certain BB tags from being used in the ChatBox
-New feature in user messages view: "Locate this message in Archive"
-New: Message icons in Main box now opens Archive where requested message is highlighted
-New in "Top Chatters": Click on number to view chatter messages
-New in "My Messages": Click on number to view your own messages
-Fixed bug where space after username is lost in "/me" action message
v1.9.9 - Dec 06. 2007.
-New: Users with post count less than X can not view ChatBox
-New: Log/view/resolve IP addresses in CB messages
-Fixed bug with searching last message by user X

MARK AS INSTALLED to get support and updates.

Daky 10-07-2007 01:41 AM

Looks good, will try.

aycan555 10-07-2007 02:12 AM

Thank you...

Kaleem 10-07-2007 02:19 AM

Great very Nice :x

/me clicks Install

ChU v2 10-07-2007 02:42 AM

looks good, i like the new style. I will give it a try.

Scr00L00s3 10-07-2007 02:48 AM

Very nice !! Thanks

Kaleem 10-07-2007 02:50 AM

I wanna use only chat box full or in a whole new template but the problem is its creating problems in Internet Explorer and going to Smilies :s
infact not IE its just sometimes it goes to Smilies :s

Scr00L00s3 10-07-2007 03:25 AM

Colour issue. Posting in color works fine until next chat message. Then color tags are displayed.

Magnumutz 10-07-2007 04:15 AM

I like it and i'll install it. BUT, i've got a suggestion... could you make it more like a regular chat/shoutbox?
I mean, set the BBCode, smilies and text field above or below the messages, to give them more space, instead of taking almost half of their display...
Don't get me wrong, it's awesome, but it would be even better like that.

Shazz 10-07-2007 05:30 AM

Wow, cyb is taking over! You've impressed me
5 Star rating

StuntFactoryX 10-07-2007 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Magnumutz (Post 1354579)
I like it and i'll install it. BUT, i've got a suggestion... could you make it more like a regular chat/shoutbox?
I mean, set the BBCode, smilies and text field above or below the messages, to give them more space, instead of taking almost half of their display...
Don't get me wrong, it's awesome, but it would be even better like that.

+1 i agree...

and if your taking suggestions it would be really awesome if we had more smile control. all shoutboxes really seem to lack that. maybee make it so it used its own smile folder instead of your forum smiles. or a option in admin cp like "path to smiles" so admins could choose if they wanted to use board smiles or create a extra folder for just shoutbox smiles. some of mine are rather big and look ok in forums but terrible in the shoutbox.

how this rate to other shoutboxes as far as server load? better, same, no idea? database? flatfile?

Daniel 10-07-2007 05:46 AM

Tagging for future use. :)

Masiello 10-07-2007 06:04 AM

Thank you

Masiello 10-07-2007 06:11 AM

The problem is that if enable the guest to viewing chatbox, it don't show the new messages like vbshout if not refresh the forum homepage

EDIT: please make visible if you have, your PayPal address for donating, I am not rich but $5 not is a problem :)

Hornstar 10-07-2007 08:21 AM

You have good options and good ideas in this, I think this has good potential. nice work.

Xeder 10-07-2007 10:10 AM

It seems good.
But can I show it in vBa CMPS?
Can you also change the message listing?(newest at the bottom)

PoetJA-1975 10-07-2007 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1354594)
Wow, cyb is taking over! You've impressed me
5 Star rating

Thus begins the long line of request for additional features, edits, etcetera....
Interesting share but I shall pass ;)


projectego 10-07-2007 11:15 AM

[high]* projectego clicks install :)[/high]

EnIgMa1234 10-07-2007 01:06 PM

* EnIgMa1234 clicks install :D

Living in music 10-07-2007 02:09 PM

Your MOD make me to belive ...
Installed ^^

linhhon2003 10-07-2007 02:10 PM

nice. installed :)
btw how i can prune SB ?

Itworx4me 10-07-2007 04:44 PM

Doesn't work with cmps.

CMGU 10-07-2007 07:14 PM

look very nice

AzaDiyaR 10-07-2007 07:56 PM

thank you soo much
this working


brvheart 10-07-2007 10:29 PM

what are the advantages over the original shoutbox? Just curious, Cyb always puts out great mods....thank you for this!

Edit - can you add support for /me actions?

Mrdby 10-08-2007 12:07 AM

this better than inferno....u can't block certain user groups from posting.

Mrdby 10-08-2007 12:18 AM

I want my time to change and not be military time.

Mrdby 10-08-2007 03:21 AM

Works Perfect

Masiello 10-08-2007 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by brvheart (Post 1355095)
what are the advantages over the original shoutbox? Just curious, Cyb always puts out great mods....thank you for this!

Edit - can you add support for /me actions?

The advantages are a lot, one is the cookie problem that the latest vbshout version have that don't show messages in the shoutbox after logout and for Guests, this have the data and hour, this in one click remove all message by the user you select, this ban and unban a user by simple click, this have a autoprune without installing prune script and set it from Cron Tasks, this have a complete box to show only window chat, this have a location set from script directive in the option, this show how many users are active in the chatbox in the real time, this have and have...

I Love anyway always Cybernetec and Paul M scripts!

linhhon2003 10-08-2007 06:31 AM


The advantages are a lot, one is the cookie problem that the latest vbshout version have that don't show messages in the shoutbox after logout and for Guests, this have the data and hour, this in one click remove all message by the user you select, this ban and unban a user by simple click, this have a autoprune without installing prune script and set it from Cron Tasks, this have a complete box to show only window chat, this have a location set from script directive in the option, this show how many users are active in the chatbox in the real time, this have and have...

I Love anyway always Cybernetec and Paul M scripts!
got it 2 :(

Masiello 10-08-2007 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by linhhon2003 (Post 1355327)
got it 2 :(

And why you aren't happy?

Valter 10-08-2007 11:20 AM

Thanks for the explanation and kind words Massiello. :)

slyreptile 10-08-2007 02:00 PM

How can we set the refresh option? It seems to refresh every 10 seconds. The "Seconds to show new messages stats" didn't seem to have anything to do with it.

PossumX 10-08-2007 02:17 PM

Great Mod Cyb, I love your works.

I do have a problem though:

I do not see the admin options when I am logged in (Super Admin, and the only admin). I am completely unable to admin this mod when active.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled, to no avail. None of the admin options are available to me.

It would appear that the "can_moderate()" isn't recognizing me (Super Admin) or any other Super Moderator

Mrdby 10-08-2007 06:50 PM

This doesn't auto refresh? I want to add it to my threads also..so when people go into certain topics..they still can see the shout box. Where would I put it at?

Mrdby 10-08-2007 07:01 PM

I see now..i want to add it on my forum display area..where would I add it?

Ozdemir 10-09-2007 04:28 AM

thanx,this is more better than I have using now.

GoTTi 10-09-2007 09:36 AM

what are the commands for admins and staff for this mod?

blindman4556 10-09-2007 04:57 PM

mrbdy, if u go into your vboptions and go down to whatever this one is called. u will see an option that say something about where it will show (default is index) make it blank and it will show on all pages.....

and i was wondering how i would go about editing it so links actually show and are clickable, cause it seems to add a space in the link and making it non clickable

ciprianrpp 10-09-2007 07:33 PM

i have a problem with this. when i post , the post doesn't appear unless i refresh page. but after i refreshed the paged i'm not logged in anymore:(

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