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Dankness 09-23-2007 10:00 PM

Yahoo YUI! Treeview Menu for VBAdvanced
// YUI Yahoo Treemenu Module for VBA v3 RC2
// by ShawnC
// http://www.shawnc.org

//--> New Installation Instructions

The files located in the Upload Directory need to be FTP Uploaded to your VBulletin Forum Directory. Click Overwrite All if it comes up will uploading
Once uploaded, If you are using VBA v3 RC2 then you can Import the Module in this Directory to your VBA Modules and it will work.

If you are Upgrading from a Previous version see next section

//--> Upgrade Instructions

Please Reupload all files into your Vbulletin Directory as I have changed the Javascript and compacted it with the Yahoo Javascript Compactor, Also All Files are hosted
on your domain to speed matters up now.

In Previous versions you had to Change the Header Template to Add the Javascript files, This has been automaticly done inside of the Plugin now so you will need to remove
any manual Header File Changes.

Delete the Old Module from VBA and ReImport the New Module to make sure all settings are overwrote properly.

//--> Installation Instructions on older VBA

Please read the Installation.txt file inside of the Package

Follow Normal Installation Instructions by Uploading All Files.

Create a new Module inside of VBA, Choose PHP Module(File)

Change the following Settings

File to Include --> treemenu.php
Templates Used --> adv_portal_treemenu
Use Module Wrapper Template --> Yes

Make a New Template and Call it

//--> adv_portal_treemenu

<tr class="alt1" ><td class="yui-skin-sam">

<div id="treeDiv" style="visibility:hidden;">

<script type="text/javascript">

var ultree;
(function() {

function treeInit() {
ultree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeDiv");

ultree.setCollapseAnim(YAHOO.widget.TVAnim.FADE_OU T);

ultree.subscribe("expand", function(node) {

ultree.subscribe("collapse", function(node) {

ultree.subscribe("labelClick", function(node) {

fetch_object('treeDiv').style.visibility = 'visible';

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", treeInit);




//--> ChangeLog

--> v1.00 --> First Version
--> v1.01 --> Fixed Missing Animation Package - ragtek noticed thanks
--> v1.10 --> Fixed minor things
--> v1.20 --> Rewrite for VBA v3RC2 Module format
--> v1.30 --> Added Automatic Template Edits, Compacted Javascript Includes, Added Hidden Startup, Re-Packaged for Out of the Box Operation
Forum Paths have been added to Both Javascript and ForumDisplay.php so this will now work outside of your forum directory,
Removed Ugly Navmarkers that i forgot to remove from the original code for this.

//--> Demo Sites

http://www.srl-forums.com --> Where this module was originally wrote for
http://www.earthbeans.org --> Showing this module in a setting other then VBulletin ( MODx )
http://www.audiopoint.gr --> The Very Original Treemenu code written by Me for A Different JavaScript setup

//--> Information About the Author

I am a Freelance web Developer with Alot of exp in VBulletin modifications. I also run a blog about Web Development mostly using Yahoo, PHP and Linux Server stuff.
If you Like this modication please make a donation as it would make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside :P And helps me support the idea of future free module releases.

Support will be given to those that have Installed this modification only.

Dankness 09-24-2007 09:11 AM



www.srl-forums.com - Look at the very bottom left
www.earthbeans.org - Its not VB but i used the menu here first ( and its using MODX for a CMS )

EDIT : 2 Screenshots One Open and one Closed



Dream 09-24-2007 09:21 AM

hey this sounds interesting. I hate when people ask me this, but do you have a screenshot :P

Dankness 09-24-2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Dream (Post 1345828)
hey this sounds interesting. I hate when people ask me this, but do you have a screenshot :P

Screenshots added.

IrPr 09-24-2007 10:24 AM

Long time lookin for such modification; cuz of my high forum depth tree

/me downloads and clicks install

soulface 09-24-2007 11:28 AM

nice but im getting this db error when importing the .module file


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
INSERT INTO adv_modules
(`0`, `active`, `userperms`)
('', '1', '5,6,7,14,2,17,3,16');

MySQL Error : Unknown column '0' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, September 24th 2007 @ 02:27:17 PM
Script : http://www.xxxxxxxxx.net/admincp/vba...o=uploadmodule
Referrer : http://www.xxxxxxxxx.net/admincp/vba...hp?do=download
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vb_database

Dankness 09-24-2007 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by soulface (Post 1345903)
nice but im getting this db error when importing the .module file

What version of VB Advanced are you using? I use the older one since i havent upgraded recently, too many php edits to try and upgrade. You dont really need to import the module thou here's how to do it without the module

FTP Upload all the files in the directory

Inside the Zip file is a file named adv_portal_treemenu.tpl

Open this, Create a new template in your style and paste this data in it

Next Create a New Module in VBAdvanced, Select PHP module

Then For php file to include, select treemenu.php

and for template to use select adv_portal_treemenu

and select yes for Shell

save your module and enjoy.

ragtek 09-24-2007 12:02 PM

could you make it for this system also: http://demo.vbcms.de/vbcms.php *g*?

i've tried to change the code, but then my whole site was white

soulface 09-24-2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dankness (Post 1345916)
What version of VB Advanced are you using? I use the older one since i havent upgraded recently, too many php edits to try and upgrade. You dont really need to import the module thou here's how to do it without the module

FTP Upload all the files in the directory

Inside the Zip file is a file named adv_portal_treemenu.tpl

Open this, Create a new template in your style and paste this data in it

Next Create a New Module in VBAdvanced, Select PHP module

Then For php file to include, select treemenu.php

and for template to use select adv_portal_treemenu

and select yes for Shell

save your module and enjoy.

Im using vB3.6.8 & vBA 3.0 RC2..

ok now added this mamually as u said.. & when i go yo my cmps im getting this error..


Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 92

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 92

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 92

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 92

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Dankness 09-24-2007 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1345939)
could you make it for this system also: http://demo.vbcms.de/vbcms.php *g*?

i've tried to change the code, but then my whole site was white

Is that a free CMS? I've never seen it before. I might eventually make it one day when i have some free time.


Originally Posted by soulface (Post 1345956)
Im using vB3.6.8 & vBA 3.0 RC2..

ok now added this mamually as u said.. & when i go yo my cmps im getting this error..

Apparently, VBA 3.0 has been changed alot more then i thought it has. Open your treemenu.php file located in


Replace this line with this Line

PHP Code:

$forums_array = array(0); 

PHP Code:

$forums_array = array(0,0); 

Basicly you just add a ,0 to the line if that don't work then i'll have to look at it later today when i Have some time to install VBA 3.0 on a test board, personally i don't like the way everything was changed on it so i'm not gonna install it on my personal board.

elmati 09-24-2007 01:09 PM

really nice addon!
i dont use yui, i use mootools but it's incompatible with vbulletin :(

thx a lot m8

ragtek 09-24-2007 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dankness (Post 1345983)
Is that a free CMS? I've never seen it before. I might eventually make it one day when i have some free time.

Its a commerzial one but i could give you the "syntax" for a modul, how it have to be.

Dankness 09-24-2007 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by elmati (Post 1345994)
really nice addon!
i dont use yui, i use mootools but it's incompatible with vbulletin :(

thx a lot m8

I started using YUI afew months before Vbulletin switched to it, then when vb switched I was in heaven :) This was originally wrote using a Dynamic Drive JS, then I rewrote it with YUI for a ModX CMS site I had, then i finally put it on my VB last night and decided it looked awesome and figured i should release it :) I love YUI there Documentation is awesome, and Yahoo actually uses there stuff so its tested in a real life tests.

elmati 09-24-2007 01:29 PM

do u try mootools? it's really simple and works fine
i don't know too much of js so, i can't figure out how to take mootools workin with vbulletin :(

otherwise im trying YUI rite now :)

Thanks for this, i'll try to add images, like folders ;)

ragtek 09-24-2007 02:05 PM

i think yui is "better" because it's implemented in vb and it will be more implemented in future
http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=243088 :)

Dankness 09-24-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by elmati (Post 1346007)
do u try mootools? it's really simple and works fine
i don't know too much of js so, i can't figure out how to take mootools workin with vbulletin :(

otherwise im trying YUI rite now :)

Thanks for this, i'll try to add images, like folders ;)

Here just read this

And you'll learn how to change there images and stuff, Yahoo has awesome documents on it.

Mootoos is pretty good, But since vbulletin already includes YUI why bother adding mootools also? YUI gives you everything and more then you need. I wrote a ModX CMS site awhile ago that every page was loaded via AJAX and it used YUI's Backbutton History module, so even thou the center module was loaded each time you could still use your back button and your bookmark button. Im gonna release some more mods that use the YUI very soon too, just to replace some of the older mods that included prototype and mootools and stuff, that way vbulletin will use the same lib for abunch of ajax goodies :)

ragtek 09-24-2007 06:17 PM

i've put now this into my php for seeing if it is working:

$ausgabe = "<ul>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa</a></span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa</a></span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n blaa </span>

<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa1</a> </span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa2</a> </span>
<span class='level3menu'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa3</a> </span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa</a> </span>
$adv_portal_forumlist = & $ausgabe;

but this shows now some links, but nothing collapsable

Dankness 09-24-2007 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1346201)
i've put now this into my php for seeing if it is working:

$ausgabe = "<ul>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa</a></span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa</a></span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n blaa </span>

<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa1</a> </span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa2</a> </span>
<span class='level3menu'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa3</a> </span>
<span class='smallfont'>\n <a href=\"#\">blaaa</a> </span>
$adv_portal_forumlist = & $ausgabe;

but this shows now some links, but nothing collapsable

Did you include the javascript files in the headinclude?

Did you include the ul list in a div with a id?

Did you call the javascript afterwards?

ATM, All you've included is a unordered list with afew links inside of it. You now need to call the javascript to make it work properly.

ragtek 09-24-2007 06:32 PM

this is the code:


<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: portal_yuimenu -->
<table width="100%">
<tr class="thead"><td>Navi</td></tr>
<tr class="alt1"><td class="yui-skin-sam">

<div id="treeDiv">
<span class='smallfont'>

 <a href="http://www.ragtek.org/#" >blaaa</a></span>
<span class='smallfont'>
 <a href="http://www.ragtek.org/#" >blaaa</a></span>
<span class='smallfont'>
 blaa </span>

<span class='smallfont'>
 <a href="http://www.ragtek.org/#" >blaaa1</a> </span>
<span class='smallfont'>
 <a href="http://www.ragtek.org/#" >blaaa2</a> </span>
<span class='level3menu'>
 <a href="http://www.ragtek.org/#" >blaaa3</a> </span>

<span class='smallfont'>
 <a href="http://www.ragtek.org/#" >blaaa</a> </span>

<script type="text/javascript">

var ultree;
(function() {

    function treeInit() {
        ultree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeDiv");


      ultree.subscribe("expand", function(node) {

      ultree.subscribe("collapse", function(node) {

      ultree.subscribe("labelClick", function(node) {


    YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", treeInit);



<!-- END TEMPLATE: portal_yuimenu -->

and i'm including the files

firebug shows no errors

thx for helping

Dankness 09-24-2007 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1346216)
this is the code:

and i'm including the files

firebug shows no errors

thx for helping

  • Whats the link to the page your tryin to put this into.
  • Does Firebug show your actually connecting to the javascript files in the header?
  • Put Firebug on NET and Refresh the page and make sure everything is found and there's no
    files not found.

ragtek 09-24-2007 07:16 PM

<a href="http://www.ragtek.org/" target="_blank">http://www.ragtek.org/</a>

the navi modul at end of the site
it's just for "practice"

Dankness 09-24-2007 08:18 PM

O it's working as its being told to do on that page....

You need to include another list inside of your <li>

This should make a collapisble thing

PHP Code:

<ul><li>Child</li><li><Child 2</li></ul>
li>Parent 2
<ul><li>Child</li><li><Child 2</li></ul>

You have to include Sublists to expand on, does that make sense?

ragtek 09-24-2007 08:20 PM

now it makes sense:D
thx man :)
now i know how it have to be, and now i can try to make the part with the forumcache :)

thx very much

iogames 09-24-2007 08:21 PM

Wow! great job!

ragtek 09-24-2007 08:22 PM

now we have an error:
YAHOO.util.Anim is not a constructor

var a = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this.el, {opacity: {from: 0.1, to: 1, unit:""}},...
but its working
maybe this is missing:
HTML Code:

<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.3.1/build/animation/animation-min.js"></script>

edit: btw you have a mistake in your code ;)
<ul><li>Child</li><li>Child 2</li></ul>

Dankness 09-24-2007 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1346241)

the navi modul at end of the site
it's just for "practice"


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1346291)
now we have an error:
YAHOO.util.Anim is not a constructor

var a = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this.el, {opacity: {from: 0.1, to: 1, unit:""}},...
but its working
maybe this is missing:
HTML Code:

<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.3.1/build/animation/animation-min.js"></script>

edit: btw you have a mistake in your code ;)
<ul><li>Child</li><li>Child 2</li></ul>

Well the Anim wont effect it only does the animation and thats a error that its not found.

The javascript is working properly because your Tree was wrapped in the list images, which if it didn't work you would'va been left with a list with regular bullets. For example visit the second demo site i posted and watch as the page loads, you'll see about 50-60 links in a ugly default list until the javascript adds the proper class to it and cleans it up., and the code i wrote in the quick reply box, it was just some example code to spread the theory not a working application :) Thats one of the main benefits of this script is it uses Progressive Enchantment to add the Javascript, so to a 'Lynx' browser or Google those links would still be in a very usable List format :)

Trana 09-25-2007 05:33 AM

A couple of questions....

Does this follow the forum permission system? If a user cannot see a forum will it display it in their list?

Also, my nested forums work great within the tree, but the forums at the root level are not showing any links. Any idea what I need to fix? Please note that my CMPS is in root and my forum is in /forum.


PapaSmurf 09-25-2007 08:03 AM

Im getting this issue, (see attached).

memorex 09-25-2007 12:50 PM

Great mod... there is just one small issue. the text color changes halfway down the list. I like the second color better, how would I go about making all the text this color.. www.mgn.cc is my domain.

Invalid ID 09-25-2007 03:37 PM

Looks cool. Thanks

memorex 09-25-2007 04:17 PM

silly me, my problem was with noscript blocking the yahoo.. hehe fixxed now. Thanks again for the great mod

Evolution06 09-25-2007 07:13 PM

This is awesome so far I did the recommended php templet and also changed that line [$forums_array = array(0,0);] in the file and still get these errors


Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 80

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 92

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /modules/treemenu.php on line 92

Dankness 09-25-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Trana (Post 1346569)
A couple of questions....

Does this follow the forum permission system? If a user cannot see a forum will it display it in their list?

Also, my nested forums work great within the tree, but the forums at the root level are not showing any links. Any idea what I need to fix? Please note that my CMPS is in root and my forum is in /forum.


Yes this of course follows forum permissions system. I did not code this to allow for Root Level Forums, In All Honestly the Forum this is designed for only had 3 and 4 level sub forums with just 2 or 3 Second Level subforums getting Links. The Array is to add 2 level Subforum Links. But there is no option yet for Root Level ForumLinks sorry maybe in the future I'll add it but probably not. Im sure you can try to add it yourself its not hard to do its in the treemenu.php file


Originally Posted by PapaSmurf (Post 1346647)
Im getting this issue, (see attached).

Make sure the Javascript is being included, It appears your javascript is not being included.
therefore the menu is not being transformed into the tree and left as the list.


Originally Posted by memorex (Post 1346762)
Great mod... there is just one small issue. the text color changes halfway down the list. I like the second color better, how would I go about making all the text this color.. www.mgn.cc is my domain.

Hmm, I can't view the forum list on your forum. Best thing to do is use the web developer toolkit, and under the Information Menu->Get Informaiton, click on the links and try to see what the class is they are listed as. Then change the class to work. I tryd to force a class on the menu but Yahoo's treemenu overrides it so you would probably have to change the treemenu.css file i'm guessing. I put a link somewhere in the first page of posts with a link to there documentation pages and you can learn about there CSS files there.


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1347021)
This is awesome so far I did the recommended php templet and also changed that line [$forums_array = array(0,0);] in the file and still get these errors

Hmm, what version of VBulletin and VBAdvanced are you using? Try changing the 0,0 to to Subforum ID numbers and see if the error still exists? I did not design this module for the new VBA 3.0 but I don't see why it would not work with it.

Evolution06 09-25-2007 07:31 PM

Powered by vBadvanced CMPS v3.0 RC2 vb is 3.6.8


Also if you click on any of the urls it takes you to page not found.

I tried changing it still nothing.

Dankness 09-26-2007 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1347029)
Powered by vBadvanced CMPS v3.0 RC2 vb is 3.6.8


Also if you click on any of the urls it takes you to page not found.

I tried changing it still nothing.

The url's not found is because your on a page outside of your forum directory apparently. Somewhere inside of your vbulletin advnced settings has a option to rewrite links for various pages. It should be default set to clientscript.php you can add forumdisplay.php to it and it should rewrite the links with the proper url to it. I use the older version of VBA so i dont know where they hide it in the new VBA settings ( thats why i didnt upgrade i dont like the new layout for admin settings)

Evolution06 09-26-2007 03:35 AM

ok so I just put a redirect html code into index.php file in public_html folder and moved my portal.php to forums and redirected to that now to just get rid of those errors at the top of the page other then that everything works good.

Any idea on those 2 error codes? I checked those 2 lines but not sure whats wrong.

Line 80

if ( (in_array($forumid,$forums_array, true)) OR (in_array($forum['parentid'],$forums_array, true)))

Line 92

if ( (in_array($forumid,$forum['childlist'], true)) OR (in_array($forum['parentid'],$forum['childlist'], true)))

Dankness 09-26-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1347224)
ok so I just put a redirect html code into index.php file in public_html folder and moved my portal.php to forums and redirected to that now to just get rid of those errors at the top of the page other then that everything works good.

Any idea on those 2 error codes? I checked those 2 lines but not sure whats wrong.

Line 80

Line 92

what does line 17, look like on your script?

$forums_array = array(36,109,164,207,221,224);

It should be something like that, but yours probably just has a zero?

try adding some forum ids to it and see if it goes away?

What this array is for, Is your Level 2 subforums that you dont want a link to, IE
Level 2 forums that are not forums but catagorys.

EDIT : Included is a new treemenu.php file, replace the one in your modules directory and rename this one to treemenu.php, It does not have support for Level 2 and Level 3 subforums, and just provides a link to every thing Below level 1.

Evolution06 09-26-2007 05:18 PM

file uploaded and renamed to treemenu.php errors went away but nothing shows now. I mean no module no links

rainyleaves 09-27-2007 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dankness (Post 1347614)
what does line 17, look like on your script?

$forums_array = array(36,109,164,207,221,224);

It should be something like that, but yours probably just has a zero?

try adding some forum ids to it and see if it goes away?

What this array is for, Is your Level 2 subforums that you dont want a link to, IE
Level 2 forums that are not forums but catagorys.

EDIT : Included is a new treemenu.php file, replace the one in your modules directory and rename this one to treemenu.php, It does not have support for Level 2 and Level 3 subforums, and just provides a link to every thing Below level 1.

Works great!!

Ps: How can I excluding specify forums?

* CMPS 3.0rc2 + VB3.68

beduino 09-27-2007 03:24 AM

Same errors,
Last version of vbulletin and vBa.
Some news about?
tks in advance


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1347224)
ok so I just put a redirect html code into index.php file in public_html folder and moved my portal.php to forums and redirected to that now to just get rid of those errors at the top of the page other then that everything works good.

Any idea on those 2 error codes? I checked those 2 lines but not sure whats wrong.

Line 80

Line 92

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  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete