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Dannyloski 09-05-2007 10:00 PM

AME (Auto Media Embedding) XML Releases
THE AME (Auto Media Embedding) HACK INSTALLED!


Hey Guys,

Well it came to my attention that some of you guys wanted me to create another thread that would contain the XML Imports for the famous Hack: AME (Auto Media Embedding). I decided to do so as that will make it easier for everyone to keep track of the Available Supported Sites. With that said, please note that I am not the author of the AME (Auto Media Embedding) Hack and I am simply just adding support for other Video Sites that you guys may want to add.

Please keep in mind that I too have a social life and that this is not my Hack, so I wont be on it 24/7. When you ask for a site for me to add support for, I will get to it when I can. Patience is the key - I am doing this for free and because I want to help you guys out, so please bear with me. The support for adding sites that I can offer is limited. There are many sites out there that I would love to add support for, but I cannot because I do not know how to use the "Extract Info" feature of AME (Auto Media Embedding). For those sites that require this feature, support will not be added by me until The Geek does a Tutorial on it or does the XML Imports for those sites himself.

Now having said that, below is a list of the available sites as of now that I have added support for (unless otherwise stated):

List of Currently Supported Sites (As of 09/05/2007):
  • You Tube (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • MySpace Videos (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • Google Videos (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • Bolt (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • iFilm (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • Meta Cafe (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • Yahoo (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • Daily Motion (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • Amazon Links (comes w/ AME Installed)
  • MyVideo (By Ren? Kunze)
  • ClipFish (By Ren? Kunze)
  • Sevenload (By Ren? Kunze)
  • Videotube (By Ren? Kunze)
  • CarpixTV (By Tungsten)
  • StreetFire (By Tungsten)
  • LiveLeak (By DaNIEL MeNTED)
  • LongIslandOnline Videos (By The Geek)
  • DivX Stage6 Videos
  • Veoh Videos
  • Photobucket Video
  • FileCabi
  • ClipShack
  • CurrentVid
  • LiveVideo
  • Revver Videos
  • Vimeo Videos
  • GameTrailers
  • DivShare Videos
  • MTV Videos
  • Joe Cartoon Videos/Cartoons
  • SpikedHumor Videos
  • ESPN Videos
  • CollegeHumor Videos
  • PutFile.com Videos (Not for Arcade Section)
  • ZippyVideos.com Videos
  • MegaVideo.com Videos (By hotwheels)
  • AtomFilms.com Videos (By hotwheels)
  • GoGear.com Videos (By hotwheels)
  • Guba.com Free Videos (By hotwheels)
  • BrightCove Videos (By hotwheels)
  • GodTube Videos (By hotwheels)
  • RedTube Videos *Adult Site* (By hotwheels) [BETA]
  • CutFrame Videos (By hotwheels)
  • Tudou Videos (By hotwheels)
  • Break.com Videos (By hotwheels)
  • FileFront Videos (By hotwheels)

The below RegEx's appear on the .ZIP, but before you import them to your Site, you must do some changes to the .XML File in order for them to work correctly and not interfere with the other RegExs above. Read below to know what to do.
  • RealMedia Videos (.RM & .RAM Extensions)
  • Windows Media Player Videos (.WMV Extension)
  • QuickTime Videos (.MOV Extension)
  • SWF Videos Files
  • MP3 Files

In order to have the above RegExs work, you must do the following:
  1. Right Click the .XML File and Click Edit (Open in NotePad or WordPad)
  2. Look for YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE in the Code (appears only once for each .XML)
  3. Change YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE to your site's name. (ie: If your site is http://www.talkjdm.com, then you would replace YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE with talkjdm)
  4. Save .XML and Import to your Site - Done!

How-To Install these XMLs:
  1. Download the .ZIP File and Extract it
  2. Locate the Site's RegEx you want to add to your AME
  3. Open up your browser and go into your Forum's Admin Control Panel
  4. From the left hand navigation go to "AMECP" and expand the Box
  5. Select "Import" from the expanded list
  6. Click "Browse" and Select the Site's RegEx you want to add to your AME
  7. Click the "Import" button and let the page load
  8. On the new loaded page, make sure that all the settings are like you want them to be and reclick the "Import" button
  9. After a successful import you should see a message saying "Imported like a charm!"

If you want to donate some cash to help me or just to show your appreciation for the supported sites you can do so via PayPal. Simply send any donation amount to shop@talkjdm.com. It will definitely be much appreciated.

Anyways, I guess that's that ... I'll reserve the 2nd Post in this Thread for a FAQs Section and other stuff ... Thanks ...

- Danny

PS. Please mark as Installed if you have any of these RegExs installed on your Forums, just so I know and can keep track. It would be greatly appreciated ...

Dannyloski 09-05-2007 10:35 PM

Frequently Asked Questions:
  1. When the link is parsed it makes the Video appear two times in the post and my entire post looks messed up, what's going on?
    Answer: You have two of the same RegEx/XMLs installed, please uninstall one of them and this problem will be fixed.

  2. How do I Edit the specific width or height of a certain Video from certain Sites?
    Answer: Go to AdminCP > AME CP > Display > *Choose Video Site Here* > [Edit] > Media Definition Code > Replacement ... In the "Replacement" Box change the width and height values to whatever you want, please keep in mind that you have to do it to all the width and height attributes in this box, not just one for this to take effect.

  3. How can I create my own RegExs or XML Files for certain sites?
    Answer: Visit this link, which is the Tutorial I used to learn how to do it.

  4. Why cant you add support for certain sites like Break.com, AOL Video, etc?
    Answer: These sites require the use of the "Extract Info" Feature in order for them to work. Unfortunately I do not know how this function works so I cannot add support for it. For a more detailed explanation visit this link.

  5. How do I align the Videos to the left or right, instead of having it aligned centered in posts?
    Answer: To align the Video Frame to the Left or Right instead of having it Centered, you can go here: Admin CP> AMECP > Settings > Container HTML > Open ... Now where you see <div align="center"> change it to <div align="left"> or <div align="right">.

  6. While I try to install this Hack/Mod during the Product Import part of the installation the installer goes to a blue screen and hangs. Why can't I install this mod?
    Answer: This Hack/Mod, during Installation of the Product adds a field to the "Post" table in your Database, so if your forums are large then it can take a couple of hours for the installer to get it done. My suggestion would be to shut down your forums, import the Product, let it take as long as it needs (like I said it can be hours), and then reopen your forums.

  7. Does this work with vBadvanced or vB Blogs?
    Answer: No at the moment it does not. This would be something that The Geek (author) would have to add support for when he comes back.

  8. How can I make it so that when certain Usergroups post Videos those posts need to get approval by a Staff Member before they show up?
    Answer: In this situation what could be done is to set the setting "Follow Forum Moderation Rules" to "No" for the specific Usergroup(s) you want this to happen with. What this will do is Moderate ALL of the post made by the Members of this Usergroup by sending the posts made to the Moderation Queue ... You will then have to manually approve each post in order for it to show in the forums. Take into consideration that this will move ALL of the posts they make into the Moderation Queue and not just the ones containing Video Links. As of now, there is no way to only move the post containing a Video to the Moderation Queue ... Its all or nothing basically, so you decide what you want to do.

  9. I posted a certain link and it got automatically parsed into a Video, but I dont want it to be like that. How can I make it show up as just a link?
    Answer: Its a pretty simple solution. When you create the post you simply have to uncheck the checkbox that appears under the "Additional Options" Box that says "Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on)." With this unchecked it will remove the Parsing of the Links to Video and will display them as they should be. If the post has already been made, then click the Edit Button do the above steps - granted the Additional Options Box does not appear on Quick Edit, so you'll have to go into Advance Mode and then do it.

  10. On my Forums I have the Title Extraction option disabled and when a Link is Parsed into a Video, the Container Box shows up with a the name of the Site, such as: Photobucket Videos. Is there anyway that I can change that to something else?
    Answer: Yes there is and its quite simple. Do this go to AdminCP > AME CP > Display > *Choose Video Site Here* > [Edit] > Title. In the Title Box type in whatever it is you want it to say at the top of the Video's Container Box.

  11. Some of the videos start to play automatically, can I change it so that it doesnt auto start?
    Answer: In some situations you can, but in others you cant. It all depends on how the Site where the video is hosted has the settings set up. As of now, all my RegExs have it so that the video does not automatically start by itself, but some of them still do so because where the file is hosted they have it set up for it to start automatically. Basically, there's not much you can do at this point to make it not auto start.

  12. How can I delete some of the Supported Sites that already come with AME or those that I've installed myself?
    Answer: Its quite easy and simple to delete those Sites that you do not want AME to convert into Video ... Simply go to AdminCP > AME CP > Display > *Look for the Video Site you want to Remove* > Select [Delete] from the right hand side > Confirm Deletion by clicking "Yes" on the next screen and you're done!

More FAQs with Answers will be posted as I think of them or as I see them being asked on here ...

Floris 09-05-2007 11:29 PM

This is great, we will consider it for http://wetalk.tv/ where we got AME installed.

Hornstar 09-06-2007 12:29 AM

Thanks, I am really happy to see you have released this, it was a shame to see thegeek unable to keep working on his products no longer, so it is great to see you improving this side of it. thanks.

Dannyloski 09-06-2007 02:35 AM

Thanks guys and glad to help ... If you have any suggestions as to which other sites you would like to see added to AME, then let me know and if they are doable I will make those RegExs and release them on here so you can import the XML Files ...

- Danny

efil 09-06-2007 03:09 AM

Thank you Dannyloski!

Dannyloski 09-06-2007 03:26 AM

efil, no problem, glad to help ... I checked out zShare.net and unfortunately it requires the Extract Info feature in order to work, which I do not know how it functions, so support cannot be added for that site at this time. Sorry ...

G_Man 09-06-2007 04:09 AM

Right on Danny. Cheers!!

Mecho 09-06-2007 08:55 AM

Sounds great :)

would u plz tell me if user click on the Video box , they will redirect to the main page or not ? is there anyway that we have all those videos in our default video box , so ppl just can see the videos r come from for example google but they can not click on it ! i want this bcoz as i tested in my board b4 , ppl click on the box so they will exit from ur site and they will c the video in the main page !!

Thanks in advance

projectego 09-06-2007 09:52 AM

[high]* projectego clicks install :)[/high]

Dannyloski 09-06-2007 12:54 PM

Glad you guys like this idea ... I definitely find it a lot easier to keep track of things and update everyone with the New Supported Video Sites too ...

Mecho, if I understood correctly what you are referring to is the Title that displays above the Video in the Post, correct? This Title serves as a Link to the Main Page where the video is actually hosted, but if you want to remove it, it can be done. To remove the Link, simply do the below steps ...

Go to:
AdminCP > AME CP > Settings > Container HTML > Open

In the Open Box Find:
HTML Code:

<a href="$url" title="$title" target="_blank">$title</a>
Replace with:
HTML Code:

What this will do is remove the Link that displays above the Video in a Post. So basically it wont allow the user to click on it for them to go into the Main Page where the video is hosted to view the video there. I hope this is what you were asking as it was a bit difficult to understand what you were trying to refer to in your post. If this was not what you were talking about, please explain a little better and maybe include some Screenshots for be to better understand.

princeedward 09-06-2007 01:25 PM

nice...lets try this one...its looks better than other out there...
thanks bro dannyloski for the release...but i have a question too if you dont mind bro...

what i want to know is...if this one is actually the same with the other media player or video player out there with redirect link on his player???

Redirect Link??? meaning supposed to be if i embed "youtube or other video music" and i play or someone play it...you can click it also to the player and automatically it will brings/drop you to youtube or other video website??? or is there any possible soulution to eliminate or avoid this to happen???

just a friendly question... ;)

anyway thanks and best regards...


Nathan2006 09-06-2007 02:42 PM

Excellent! Danny

Thank you very much


Dannyloski 09-06-2007 04:09 PM

Nathan2006, no problem :up:

princeedward, I believe your question is the same one as Mecho so please take a look at Post #11 for an answer on how to eliminate the Linking to the actual Video Page from the Posted Video.

dbirosel 09-06-2007 05:13 PM

Can i see a demo of this mod in action?

DieselMinded 09-06-2007 05:32 PM

<a href="http://www.dieselbombers.com/showthread.php?t=87" target="_blank">http://www.dieselbombers.com/showthread.php?t=87</a>

princeedward 09-06-2007 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1333676)
Nathan2006, no problem :up:

princeedward, I believe your question is the same one as Mecho so please take a look at Post #11 for an answer on how to eliminate the Linking to the actual Video Page from the Posted Video.

thanks bro danny for the reply....but what i mean is not actually for the video title only...but...for its player itself where the video showup...it has redirect link on it...and anyone of the members can click to it...and it will open the website...where the video came from...like for example...if you miss to click the play icon at the middle of the player or the arrow...it will not play the video...instead...he will open the website to where the video came from......right? what i want to know is if we can eliminate this or is there any posible solution to it...

thanks once again bro...


FleaBag 09-06-2007 06:40 PM

Good idea, thanks. :)

iogames 09-06-2007 08:38 PM

Wow! happy to see you thrive... ;)
MTV Videos?
and BOLT went out of business... :confused:

Dannyloski 09-06-2007 08:45 PM

princeedward, oh I see what you mean now. Your previous post was a bit confusing to understand, so I didnt know what you were talking about. From what I can tell not all video sites open up when you click on the Video itself - this is something that is controlled by the Server on which the Video is hosted and how they have their player settings setup. There is no way that we can eliminate it or get around it. This hack was not created with the intention to remove all the links/credit to the site where the video is hosted and only display the video (and steal their bandwidth), but instead to make it much easier for the end-user by them not having to go into the main site to watch the video and instead be able to watch it from the Post itself. Anyways, why would you not want them to be able to access the main site where the video is hosted, what's so bad about it? (ie: YouTube, Google, DailyMotion, etc)

iogames, yep MTV Videos ... Any video from MTV's Overdrive section will be auto embedded :up: ... I didnt know about Bolt going out of business, sucks I guess ... I never used them but for those who did ...

Subah 09-06-2007 08:49 PM

Thanks a lot,Do we need to remove the old files or just overwrite ?

Dannyloski 09-06-2007 09:01 PM

Subah, If you install these then you will need to remove the other ones. It doesnt do overwriting ... If you do not delete the old ones, then you will get some display errors as found in Question #1 of the FAQs (Post #2) ... BTW, these haven't changed I simply added them in a Zip for people to download all of them and Import the ones that they need/want which they dont have already.

Dannyloski 09-07-2007 10:09 PM

Per request on the Original AME Thread I added PutFile to the list. AME will now auto convert PutFile Video URLs into the Actual Video on your post, if you install the XML for PutFile. It has been added to the .ZIP File in the Original Post.

Please note that it does not support the Arcade Section. If on your Forums you post a link to an Arcade Game from PutFile.com it will convert it and make it look like a video, but will just show a black screen, this is something that cant be changed by me. To make it show up as the link instead of a Video simply uncheck the checkbox that appears under the "Additional Options" Box when you make the post that says "Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on)." With this unchecked it will remove the Parsing of the Link to Video and will display it as a normal link. For more details check out Question #9 in the FAQs ...

kylek 09-07-2007 11:36 PM

Thanks Danny, but I do not see the putfile xml in the zip file, though I do see you added it to the list in the first post.

Dannyloski 09-08-2007 12:40 AM

kylek, I just Downloaded the .ZIP File and its there ... Its "PutFile Videos" ... Try clearing your Browsers Cache or Reloading the Page with Ctrl + F5 and see if shows up for you in the .ZIP File ...

kylek 09-08-2007 12:57 AM

Thank you again,

It was my internet security, hasn't done that in a long time.

hotwheels 09-09-2007 03:28 PM

Hey danny, i am not sure if you are willing to work with other's on the regex stuff. But i am willing to try to help if you have any basic info you are willing to share.

Here is a link to some code i have been messing with and some question's i have about it. I know that the code i am starting with is tough, but i am looking for any basic info on how to get the site url to match the $p1 we are supposed to use in the embed code.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=671 or https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...150863&page=45

Dannyloski 09-09-2007 07:23 PM

hotwheels, I replied on the Official AME Thread ...

I'll do a RegEx for ZippyVideos.com later today, but Break.com will not work without the use of the Extract Info Feature.

karlton87 09-09-2007 07:27 PM

Can you add pornotube and Xtube?

Dannyloski 09-10-2007 12:06 AM

karlton87, pornotube cannot be added. Xtube, I might add if I get some extra time sometime this week - havent checked if its doable or not.

Dannyloski 09-10-2007 12:31 AM

ZippyVideos.com & Xtube.com have been added to the Supported Sites list. I was able to test out ZippyVideos.com and it works, but since their Embed Code is with Javascript when you post the message via the Quick Reply option it will load a blank screen with the video, simply refresh the page and the thread will appear with the Video in the post as normal. This only happens when using the Quick Reply option. As far a Xtube, I did not test it as I cannot post videos of this type of content on my Server, so if it doesnt work it'll be kinda hard to troubleshoot it. This is why I dont normally add support for Adult Sites.

wiredinoc 09-10-2007 05:11 AM

break would be sweeeet. nice work and thanks!

Sitting 09-10-2007 09:31 AM

Thank you for the update... :up:

kylek 09-10-2007 07:21 PM

It looks like xtube is not working right, just shows the link when posted. I will send a pm about testing possibilities.

TR?PST?R 09-11-2007 01:17 AM

Divx Stage 6 does not work either.

Dannyloski 09-11-2007 12:52 PM

TRªPSTªR, what link are you using for the DivX/Stage6? Because, its working for me ...

GrendelKhan{TSU 09-13-2007 12:36 PM

woot! works like a charm :)

TR?PST?R 09-13-2007 10:35 PM

Im using the link to the video.

DoB Rhapsody 09-14-2007 06:17 AM

Great! *installed*

Would you consider adding Filefront.com embedded video player? I run a gaming site and people seem to use it a lot.

0ptima 09-16-2007 02:38 AM

Anyone having difficulties with Streetfire videos?

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