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-   -   [BOTM October 2007] Nomination Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=156766)

Roms 09-01-2007 08:02 AM

[BOTM October 2007] Nomination Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month of October.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Nominations will be accepted until the 30th of September. Also, please note, that the current voting thread for BOTM September will remain open as well until the 30th of September as well.

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you include the site name or URL for the site you are seconding in your post. If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Please posts only nominations or seconds, no "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be deleted.

Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Danny.VBT.

Best of luck to all nominees!

guile09 09-01-2007 02:16 PM

Site Name:


Mixed martial arts and boxing discussion community focusing on the UFC, PrideFC, K1 and other combat sports.

Reason for Nomination: In less than 2 years, FightForum has become an extremely popular web destination for many Boxing and MMA fans. We have 3100 members and continue to grow at a rate of 3-6 new members each day. On the days before or after a big event, thoses numbers multiply greatly.

FightForum pride's itsell on being one of the most intelligent communities of it's kind. We have a great team of moderators that uphold very high standards and make this site what it is.

The design is very simple, with minimal styles changes to keep the site looking attractive yet fast loading and simple to upgrade.


Site Name:


NewsForum.com is a fairly new community designed for discussion of all the latest news headlines and hot topics.

Reason for Nomination: Our goals are to bring several news sources and opinions together into one place so that all sides of a story can be heard, allowing members to draw their own conclusions.

We have tried to keep the design as simple and fast loading as possible, yet still keep the "news" theme intact.

vertigo jones 09-01-2007 04:19 PM

Site Name: Stirrdup - Uncensored Social News and Social Bookmarking
URL: http://www.stirrdup.com

Description: Social news site built upon the idea that the content that is the most interesting isn't necessarily the same as what everyone agrees with. Stories gain points through users doing what they would normally do while using a site (clicking links and leaving comments) and the ones that gain the most interest are promoted to the main page. If they continue to hold interest, they will stay higher on the page until the time weighted system slowly moves them down to allow more fresh content in. This fixes the "bury brigade" censorship that plagues Digg and Reddit.

Reason for Nomination: The entire site is implemented using vbulletin plugins. Not a single file change. Really shows the flexibility of the system.

unenergizer 09-01-2007 04:22 PM

Site Name: CompleteGFX.com

URL: http://www.completegfx.com/

Description: We strive to provide web masters of all experience levels with low-cost, high-quality web designs and forum templates, while providing superior customer support. Our site is dedicated to support, production of our products, and professional services. We provide professional designing services, template conversions, and upgrades. Our site is unique and our design was meant to "stand out" from the rest. At CompleteGFX.com we offer free skins, such as the popular dark_vb_v2 style showcased on this site.

Reason for Nomination:
CompleteGFX is committed to taking all steps of development in a professional manner. With a growing forum base and services, we are tempting to have professional tutorials and articles for everyone, not just customers. We will continue developing and releasing free and paid styles to the community along with strong support for unexperienced forum users and owners. We are taking a step to improve your website with free and paid resources. Let us help you make your site fun and unique.

Shazz 09-01-2007 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by unenergizer (Post 1330207)
Site Name: CompleteGFX.com

URL: http://www.completegfx.com/

Description: We strive to provide web masters of all experience levels with low-cost, high-quality web designs and forum templates, while providing superior customer support. Our site is dedicated to support, production of our products, and professional services. We provide professional designing services, template conversions, and upgrades. Our site is unique and our design was meant to "stand out" from the rest. At CompleteGFX.com we offer free skins, such as the popular dark_vb_v2 style showcased on this site.

Reason for Nomination:
CompleteGFX is committed to taking all steps of development in a professional manner. With a growing forum base and services, we are tempting to have professional tutorials and articles for everyone, not just customers. We will continue developing and releasing free and paid styles to the community along with strong support for unexperienced forum users and owners. We are taking a step to improve your website with free and paid resources. Let us help you make your site fun and unique.

Second :up:

legionofangels 09-01-2007 04:43 PM

Site Name:
Legion of Angels




Christian website that focuses on fellowship, discussion of the religion and each individual churches approach to it, as well as offering suffering & support to all of life's myriad of problems. General forums as well for the non-religious and/or people who are interested in other things.

Reason for Nomination:
The site has a positive purpose of helping people with some of the toughest issues you face in life.

Graphic Design was meant to try and keep the forum looking like a vB but at the same time all custom skins. Skins were made solely by the owners of the site and not by companies that sell skins. Uses banners from a professional illustrator, donated to this site. Half of the skins are semi-transparent which is fairly uncommon and we also have a Flash Status Display Code showcasing staff members that are currently online.

Still a young website with fairly good activity mainly coming from a very dedicated group of members and staff who visit regularly.

Note: You should only view the "sky" skins in Firefox browser as IE will not show transparent png files and it will scroll slowly.

no mods 09-01-2007 04:51 PM

Site Name:Type 2 Chat

URL: http://www.type2chat.com/

Description: A general talk forum with many things to do.

Reason for Nomination: Lets see. We are a growing comuunity, with many things to offer. From are arcade with a 1,000+ games two are crazy smileys. Were a nice community and would love to have you as part of it, we dont bite So what are you waiting for? Oh and I also release some skins under type2chat, Cool eh? We also have a bot, who isnt very bright, but is pretty fun to talk two, just dont feed it after 12:00, bad things happen:erm:. Any ways, did I mention we have around 40 skins installed? I just couldnt help myself. So I will now end this silly rant. Thank you for your time.:)

Site Name: The Music Junkies

URL: http://www.themusicjunkies.com

Description: Are motto is "Listen to the music", cause thats exactly what we want you to do. Were all about MUSIC!

Reason for Nomination: It be a new site, but growing slowly. Were all about music, not just any one type either. But all music, from rock to christmas songs. And who doesnt like a good christmas song? We have a nice ipod skin that really fits us well. So what are you waiting for, come listen to the music with us.

Darkwaltz4 09-02-2007 12:43 AM

Site Name: vBCredits.com
Description: Official vBCredits Support Site
Reason for Nomination: The best place for support for vBCredits and submitting bug reports and suggestions in an orderly manner. Also includes directory of addons and styles and other scripts that I create. Also looks pretty and naturally, the site to test both current and upcoming versions of all my scripts, including vBCredits.

Ohiosweetheart 09-02-2007 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 1330440)
Site Name: vBCredits.com
URL: www.vbcredits.com
Description: Official vBCredits Support Site
Reason for Nomination: The best place for support for vBCredits and submitting bug reports and suggestions in an orderly manner. Also includes directory of addons and styles and other scripts that I create. Also looks pretty and naturally, the site to test both current and upcoming versions of all my scripts, including vBCredits.

I second this site.

PixelFx 09-02-2007 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 1330440)
Site Name: vBCredits.com
URL: www.vbcredits.com
Description: Official vBCredits Support Site
Reason for Nomination: The best place for support for vBCredits and submitting bug reports and suggestions in an orderly manner. Also includes directory of addons and styles and other scripts that I create. Also looks pretty and naturally, the site to test both current and upcoming versions of all my scripts, including vBCredits.

I third this site :D

Playa82 09-02-2007 07:34 AM

Site Name: Crackmuzik-GFX-Elite
URL: http://crackmuzik-gfx-elite.de
Description: GFX-Site and normal Community about Sigs, Wallpapers, Banners, Designing and many other Sections.
Reason for Nomination: I want to grow my Forum, and maybe this is a good way to see if somebody like it or not...
+ i want to start a big Graphic Community

CLF 09-02-2007 07:30 PM

Site name: Capper's Lobby

Site URL: www.capperslobby.com

Description: If you like to talk sports and sports betting, and you love to give your opinion, then Capper's Lobby is the right place. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, horse racing, other sports... NFL, NCAAF, CFL, MLB, NBA, NCAAB, WNBA, FIBA, FIFA, UEFA, MLS, NHL...

Reason for Nomination: Brand new but soon to be one of the best sports handicapping forums on the web. Also, we would love to hear what others have to say about it. Still working on some things.
Thanks for consideration. ;)

SuperTaz 09-02-2007 11:16 PM

Site Name: Global-Gamers
URL: www.global-gamers.net/forums/
Description: The Ultimate Gaming Site For Gamers Around The Globe
Reason for Nomination: My site pertains to all online games. Whether or not you play console games or PC games, this site has the information for it all. I am now getting more and more members everyday. My site is becoming more and more popular with online gamers everyday. So, if you are interested in a great gaming experience, please visit my site.

Here is the login information for my site to get all of the features.
Username: Tester
Password: test123

Cole2026 09-03-2007 01:46 PM

Site Name: ChristianUtopia
URL: http://www.christianutopia.com/forums/
Description: A Christian centered community. A place where both Christians and non-Christians alike can come and discuss both interesting and fun things.
Reason for Nomination: Great style and modification balance. The site combines intelligent, compelling discussions with a Web 2.0, intuitive interface and design.

Ohiosweetheart 09-03-2007 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Cole2026 (Post 1331426)
Site Name: ChristianUtopia
URL: http://www.christianutopia.com/forums/
Description: A Christian centered community. A place where both Christians and non-Christians alike can come and discuss both interesting and fun things.
Reason for Nomination: Great style and modification balance. The site combines intelligent, compelling discussions with a Web 2.0, intuitive interface and design.

Seconded :)

smacklan 09-03-2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Cole2026 (Post 1331426)
Site Name: ChristianUtopia
URL: http://www.christianutopia.com/forums/
Description: A Christian centered community. A place where both Christians and non-Christians alike can come and discuss both interesting and fun things.
Reason for Nomination: Great style and modification balance. The site combines intelligent, compelling discussions with a Web 2.0, intuitive interface and design.

seconded! :)

Calash 09-05-2007 04:53 PM

Site Name: The World of Necrotania, Writing Community
Site URl: http://www.necrotania.com
Description: We are a writing community that focuses on the Fantasy and Science Fiction Genres, though we accept most any type of work. We offer a place for aspiring authors to post there works and get valuable feedback, as well as a place for readers to find new interests.

Reason for Nomination: We are somewhat unique in our approach to handling stories in that we use eFiction as our archive solution. This integration is nearly seamless, providing not only a single login to the site but consistent look across all areas by using a custom skin that pulls from the vBulletin templates.

In addition, the link now works both ways, providing random stories in vBulletin, as well as a list of the authors posted stories in there profile. The profile page is still being reworked and will soon contain all information on that author; the eventual goal is to replace the eFiction profile page with vBulletin.

vBAdvanced acts as the portal page, providing recently added stories and updated news items on the sites growth.

Since the site opened in 2002 we have constantly evolved and grown into a place that I am very proud to call my corner of the web.

nexialys 09-07-2007 10:36 AM

Site Name: EachParent.com

URL: http://eachparent.com

Description: Parenting website dedicated to offer services and support for parenting communities. We are opening a new community because it is proven that we are good for that. Our main market is the vBulletin communities which need more tools for parenting, like tickers, photo albums etc (this is the coding side of nexialys.net)...

One of the things no other website do compared to us is that we provide a place where to bring members from dying communities... instead of closing the place and loose all the fun, we grab everything, from content to users, and we give them a place where to start over...

Reason for Nomination: a complete different style from the usual vB, cool content, and just some fun.

Floris 09-07-2007 01:32 PM

Site Name: We Talk TV


The discussion forum for lovers of TV shows, YouTube, IPTV and TiVo, etc. A great community that started just recently with a great team, nice content and a good board set-up. September fall season started, so a great time to get back into TV.

Reason for Nomination: Communities are growing every day and despite the already many TV related sites we feel we are a great place for friends who want to share information about TV shows and hardware with eachother, and a great place to find new friends with similar interest. We have various modifications installed, from simple tweaks to the underlying design to a more drastic vBSEO, a blog, and chat. Unique plugins such as TV Showbox above the threadlist and we're building a unique custom style to give face to our strongly growing community. We believe that despite a young site we qualify for a review from the experienced community users here and introduce them to another great community.

I'd like to second:

Joe Gronlund 09-07-2007 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1334233)
Site Name: We Talk TV

URL: http://wetalk.tv

Description: The discussion forum for lovers of TV shows, YouTube, IPTV and TiVo, etc. A great community that started just recently with a great team, nice content and a good board set-up. September fall season started, so a great time to get back into TV.

Second :)

ManagerJosh 09-07-2007 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1334233)
Site Name: We Talk TV


The discussion forum for lovers of TV shows, YouTube, IPTV and TiVo, etc. A great community that started just recently with a great team, nice content and a good board set-up. September fall season started, so a great time to get back into TV.

Reason for Nomination: Communities are growing every day and despite the already many TV related sites we feel we are a great place for friends who want to share information about TV shows and hardware with eachother, and a great place to find new friends with similar interest. We have various modifications installed, from simple tweaks to the underlying design to a more drastic vBSEO, a blog, and chat. Unique plugins such as TV Showbox above the threadlist and we're building a unique custom style to give face to our strongly growing community. We believe that despite a young site we qualify for a review from the experienced community users here and introduce them to another great community.

Second (or Third) for WeTalk.tv :)

Allan 09-09-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by unenergizer (Post 1330207)
Site Name: CompleteGFX.com

URL: http://www.completegfx.com/

Description: We strive to provide web masters of all experience levels with low-cost, high-quality web designs and forum templates, while providing superior customer support. Our site is dedicated to support, production of our products, and professional services. We provide professional designing services, template conversions, and upgrades. Our site is unique and our design was meant to "stand out" from the rest. At CompleteGFX.com we offer free skins, such as the popular dark_vb_v2 style showcased on this site.

Reason for Nomination:
CompleteGFX is committed to taking all steps of development in a professional manner. With a growing forum base and services, we are tempting to have professional tutorials and articles for everyone, not just customers. We will continue developing and releasing free and paid styles to the community along with strong support for unexperienced forum users and owners. We are taking a step to improve your website with free and paid resources. Let us help you make your site fun and unique.

Second ^^

a1whs.com 09-10-2007 08:30 PM

Site Name: Bookmark My Services

URL: http://www.bookmarkmyservices.com/forums/

A Forums dedicated to Stumblers,Diggers,and those interested in social bookmarking sites, service exchanges like forum posting,post to host, content exchange like blog comment exchanges and other web related services !! Place to advertise your services for free basically.

Reason for Nomination:
This is fairly new board (hmm like less than 36 hrs hour old) and personally i have spent lots of time in creating the gradients and color theme, with lots of hacks and mods installed. And is growing at a good rate. Also lets be frank here for advertising it free at this wonderful site vbulletin.org :) :p.

jawatkin 09-11-2007 02:09 AM

Site Name:
WebkinzInsider Webkinz Forums
Third-party fan site for discussion of Webkinz virtual pets & virtual world.
Reason for Nomination:
WebkinzInsider was launched on March 23rd, 2007, and in 5.5 months has become the leading information source and place of activity in the Webkinz Community. This is a diverse community, in terms of the age demographic, ranging from under 10 years old to over 60.

As of this writing, we are approaching 25,000 members, & 1.2 Million posts. During the summer, we were averaging 300+ new users a day (our best day was 413), but now that school has started, we are (only) adding 175-200 per day.

This is a highly-modified template to match the Joomla template on the landing page, and for all the content articles, with a great deal of graphics involved. We've also created a "Safe trading" area to trade virtual items, in which people have to pass a relatively rigorous application and use the iTrader mod to keep track of our "good traders". Over 75,000 virtual trades and very few (less than 20) of our members have been scammed on a trade. At this point, we feel that it's "good enough" to submit, so here it is! :)

Scathmere 09-11-2007 11:22 PM

Site Name: Klash Boards
URL: http://www.klashboards.com
Description: A general discussion and humor forum. Lots of mods, and a great community.
Reason for Nomination: The community stands out the most, it's a great group of people.

FallenMorgan 09-12-2007 12:23 AM

Site Name: Imperial Gaming
URL: http://www.imperial-gaming.net
Description: A site devoted to PC games, namely First Person Shooters.
Reason for Nomination: The site is only a month old, but is somewhat all put together in the sense that there are very few instances of something not having white pixels around it. We use a wide variety of products, plugins, and mods.

CristianoDiaz 09-12-2007 02:51 AM

Site Name: SLUniverse.com
URL: http://forums.sluniverse.com
Description: SLUniverse is the largest and longest running community site dedicated to the virtual world of Second Life.
Reason for Nomination: This summer, the long running (4 year) forums were replaced with a brand new vbulletin installation, a painful but necessary move to grow the site. Using vbulletin as the base, the site has been transformed into a tightly integrated community site by using additional addon products (vbAdvanced, Photopost Classifieds, vbAdvanced Links Directory,vBulletin Blogs) and plugins to provide a consistent user experience. The site also provides two dramatically different themes based upon user preference. Extensive work continues on further integrating and adding new features, but the results already have been worthwhile. The site currently has over 1 million visitors a month, and hopefully the work put into improving it will pay off in even more growth.

enjoyyaself 09-13-2007 09:58 PM

Site Name: Enjoyyaself.com
URL: www.enjoyyaself.com/forum
Description: A general based discussion forum with a lot of diverse individuals.

Reason for Nomination: Enjoyyaself stays true to its name by allowing it's members the right to discuss what they please without having to worry about admins or mods abusing their powers. We provide a very relaxed online environment. We are only six months old and have already attracted close to three thousand members and growing each day. Come check us out.

Brandon Sheley 09-13-2007 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by no mods (Post 1330225)
Site Name:Type 2 Chat

URL: http://www.type2chat.com/

Description: A general talk forum with many things to do.

Reason for Nomination: Lets see. We are a growing comuunity, with many things to offer. From are arcade with a 1,000+ games two are crazy smileys. Were a nice community and would love to have you as part of it, we dont bite So what are you waiting for? Oh and I also release some skins under type2chat, Cool eh? We also have a bot, who isnt very bright, but is pretty fun to talk two, just dont feed it after 12:00, bad things happen:erm:. Any ways, did I mention we have around 40 skins installed? I just couldnt help myself. So I will now end this silly rant. Thank you for your time.:)



TR?PST?R 09-13-2007 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4 (Post 1330440)
Site Name: vBCredits.com
Description: Official vBCredits Support Site
Reason for Nomination: The best place for support for vBCredits and submitting bug reports and suggestions in an orderly manner. Also includes directory of addons and styles and other scripts that I create. Also looks pretty and naturally, the site to test both current and upcoming versions of all my scripts, including vBCredits.

I fourth this site.

bigcurt 09-14-2007 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by unenergizer (Post 1330207)
Site Name: CompleteGFX.com

URL: http://www.completegfx.com/

Description: We strive to provide web masters of all experience levels with low-cost, high-quality web designs and forum templates, while providing superior customer support. Our site is dedicated to support, production of our products, and professional services. We provide professional designing services, template conversions, and upgrades. Our site is unique and our design was meant to "stand out" from the rest. At CompleteGFX.com we offer free skins, such as the popular dark_vb_v2 style showcased on this site.

Reason for Nomination:
CompleteGFX is committed to taking all steps of development in a professional manner. With a growing forum base and services, we are tempting to have professional tutorials and articles for everyone, not just customers. We will continue developing and releasing free and paid styles to the community along with strong support for unexperienced forum users and owners. We are taking a step to improve your website with free and paid resources. Let us help you make your site fun and unique.


FLMom 09-15-2007 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Cole2026 (Post 1331426)
Site Name: ChristianUtopia
URL: http://www.christianutopia.com/forums/
Description: A Christian centered community. A place where both Christians and non-Christians alike can come and discuss both interesting and fun things.
Reason for Nomination: Great style and modification balance. The site combines intelligent, compelling discussions with a Web 2.0, intuitive interface and design.

Third :D

legionofangels 09-15-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by CLF (Post 1330947)
Site name: Capper's Lobby

Site URL: www.capperslobby.com

Description: If you like to talk sports and sports betting, and you love to give your opinion, then Capper's Lobby is the right place. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, horse racing, other sports... NFL, NCAAF, CFL, MLB, NBA, NCAAB, WNBA, FIBA, FIFA, UEFA, MLS, NHL...

Reason for Nomination: Brand new but soon to be one of the best sports handicapping forums on the web. Also, we would love to hear what others have to say about it. Still working on some things.
Thanks for consideration. ;)


Originally Posted by Calash (Post 1333007)
Site Name: The World of Necrotania, Writing Community
Site URl: http://www.necrotania.com
Description: We are a writing community that focuses on the Fantasy and Science Fiction Genres, though we accept most any type of work. We offer a place for aspiring authors to post there works and get valuable feedback, as well as a place for readers to find new interests.

Reason for Nomination: We are somewhat unique in our approach to handling stories in that we use eFiction as our archive solution. This integration is nearly seamless, providing not only a single login to the site but consistent look across all areas by using a custom skin that pulls from the vBulletin templates.

In addition, the link now works both ways, providing random stories in vBulletin, as well as a list of the authors posted stories in there profile. The profile page is still being reworked and will soon contain all information on that author; the eventual goal is to replace the eFiction profile page with vBulletin.

vBAdvanced acts as the portal page, providing recently added stories and updated news items on the sites growth.

Since the site opened in 2002 we have constantly evolved and grown into a place that I am very proud to call my corner of the web.


Originally Posted by Scathmere (Post 1337304)
Site Name: Klash Boards
URL: http://www.klashboards.com
Description: A general discussion and humor forum. Lots of mods, and a great community.
Reason for Nomination: The community stands out the most, it's a great group of people.

I'm going to second/third/etc. these three boards.

SA_TGAZ 09-15-2007 11:05 PM

Site Name: Steeler Addicts - Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Site
URL: www.SteelerAddicts.com
Description: Steeler Addicts (SA) is a new, fresh place to get ALL your up to date Steelers news as it happens. You can pass the time 24/7 with fellow Steeler & NFL fans and talk about the Black-N-Gold where everyone's opinion is valued and appreciated! SA doesn't stop at being a message board though, there are more than 1000 games in the arcade, a Chat Room, vBookie, vbPlaza, Members Picture Gallery, vbRadio and so much more! Check us out!!!
Reason for Nomination: SA is committed to our members. We pride ourselves in making the site as customizable for each member as possible while still keeping the look and feel of our overall theme intact. We work daily to keep the site up to date and always strive to keep the members happy. We work hard to make the site great and we won't stop until we conquer the NFL web world !

FallenMorgan 09-15-2007 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Warden-B- (Post 1331050)
Site Name: Global-Gamers
URL: www.global-gamers.net/forums/
Description: The Ultimate Gaming Site For Gamers Around The Globe
Reason for Nomination: My site pertains to all online games. Whether or not you play console games or PC games, this site has the information for it all. I am now getting more and more members everyday. My site is becoming more and more popular with online gamers everyday. So, if you are interested in a great gaming experience, please visit my site.

Here is the login information for my site to get all of the features.
Username: Test
Password: test123

Seconded! ...or thirded, whichever, too busy to look through pages, lol :confused:

giovannicosta 09-16-2007 08:55 AM

Site Name: Computer Forumz

URL: http://www.computerforumz.org/

Description: A general computer talk forum with 15k posts and we also help people by giving them free computer advice.

Reason for Nomination:We have a nice skin and on the 15th September it was our 1 year birthday so that would be a fantastic achievement that we could put throughout the forum. We value all our members and that is why they come back daily to talk to us about technology, we also listen to all users' suggestions.

Terraner05 09-17-2007 09:38 AM

Site Name:

I-Mod Productions



I-Mod Productions is a young Modder community Network, which supports Modders on their way, give them private subforums to work and one to advertise their work.

It is a Network, where Modders can swap their knowlegde and create wonderful stuff!

As we are close to the Software Company Stardock, we want to bridge from Modding to Game Design and help Modders to create their own Game, based on Stardock-Games Basics.

With a Team of 8 Developers, we have a quite large knowlegde and want to make Modding Fun and Successfull!

Reason for Nomination:

In nearly one Year, we have reached much in Modding, gave Modders new hope and work together with Stardock on their new Games.

Starting a Mod Team is difficult, more than 60% fail in creating a successfull Mod Team which could have brought out an amazing Mod. This is a fact we want to change.

First tries shows us that it was quite a good idea, and people see a chance in it.

Allthough we have just started and have less active Users, our social, free help is there, and we want Modders to get to know that we want to help them.

If this Idea and belief is something you can compete for, then we will!

We hope our work and beliefs find an echo ;)

-Stefan (I-Mod Director)

H@v0c 09-17-2007 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Terraner05 (Post 1340718)
Site Name:

I-Mod Productions



I-Mod Productions is a young Modder community Network, which supports Modders on their way, give them private subforums to work and one to advertise their work.

It is a Network, where Modders can swap their knowlegde and create wonderful stuff!

As we are close to the Software Company Stardock, we want to bridge from Modding to Game Design and help Modders to create their own Game, based on Stardock-Games Basics.

With a Team of 8 Developers, we have a quite large knowlegde and want to make Modding Fun and Successfull!

Reason for Nomination:

In nearly one Year, we have reached much in Modding, gave Modders new hope and work together with Stardock on their new Games.

Starting a Mod Team is difficult, more than 60% fail in creating a successfull Mod Team which could have brought out an amazing Mod. This is a fact we want to change.

First tries shows us that it was quite a good idea, and people see a chance in it.

Allthough we have just started and have less active Users, our social, free help is there, and we want Modders to get to know that we want to help them.

If this Idea and belief is something you can compete for, then we will!

We hope our work and beliefs find an echo ;)

-Stefan (I-Mod Director)


NLSMike 09-17-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by SA_TGAZ (Post 1339777)
Site Name: Steeler Addicts - Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Site
URL: www.SteelerAddicts.com
Description: Steeler Addicts (SA) is a new, fresh place to get ALL your up to date Steelers news as it happens. You can pass the time 24/7 with fellow Steeler & NFL fans and talk about the Black-N-Gold where everyone's opinion is valued and appreciated! SA doesn't stop at being a message board though, there are more than 1000 games in the arcade, a Chat Room, vBookie, vbPlaza, Members Picture Gallery, vbRadio and so much more! Check us out!!!
Reason for Nomination: SA is committed to our members. We pride ourselves in making the site as customizable for each member as possible while still keeping the look and feel of our overall theme intact. We work daily to keep the site up to date and always strive to keep the members happy. We work hard to make the site great and we won't stop until we conquer the NFL web world !

I second this site. Besides mine my next favorite site on the net. :up:

cowboyznut 09-17-2007 03:23 PM


Site Name: Steeler Addicts - Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Site
URL: www.SteelerAddicts.com
Description: Steeler Addicts (SA) is a new, fresh place to get ALL your up to date Steelers news as it happens. You can pass the time 24/7 with fellow Steeler & NFL fans and talk about the Black-N-Gold where everyone's opinion is valued and appreciated! SA doesn't stop at being a message board though, there are more than 1000 games in the arcade, a Chat Room, vBookie, vbPlaza, Members Picture Gallery, vbRadio and so much more! Check us out!!!
Reason for Nomination: SA is committed to our members. We pride ourselves in making the site as customizable for each member as possible while still keeping the look and feel of our overall theme intact. We work daily to keep the site up to date and always strive to keep the members happy. We work hard to make the site great and we won't stop until we conquer the NFL web world !
I third this site.

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