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thincom2000 08-20-2007 10:00 PM

CES NuWiki Special Pages
Version: 1.0.1

We are no longer developing this, since we have created a stand-alone commercial product instead: VaultWiki
You can still feel free to use this mod as you wish, but understand that we cannot offer support for it any longer.

*** NEWS ***
8/21/2007 - v1.0.0 - 1.0.1 released

Products to Install: 1 (+1 Project Tools)
Plugins Included: 37 (+5 Project Tools)
Files to Upload: 14
New Templates: 8
Template Edits: 0
Files to Edit: 7+

What It Does:
This mod extends NuWiki by adding namespaces and Special Pages, allowing for much greater expandability than before and closer MediaWiki emulation.

If you run vBulletin Project Tools install the Project Tools Expansion for this mod too for maximum integration!

Follow the development progress of this mod and its child mods at: http://www.crackedeggstudios.com/project.php?issueid=28

Current Features:
  • large query reduction
  • hook accessible Wikispeak parser
  • legacy (MediaWiki) wikispeak for internal/external links, redirects, and templates
  • Namespaces
  • Special:Specialpages
  • Special:Version
  • Showthread URLs use titles instead of thread ids
  • Unique BB-Codes per namespace
  • navbits compression for reappearing breadcrumbs
  • internal wiki links saved for Special use
  • hook accessible alphabet and namespace drop downs
  • tag map & exclusion fields for easy adding of namespaces
  • Maintenance Tools to easily get your wiki and forums up to date

Known Issues:
- None

*** Changelog ***
As of Version 1.0.1:
- fixed some parse errors

As of Version 1.0.0:
- initial release

Hornstar 08-21-2007 07:31 AM

Why doesn't the owner of nuwiki just have these as defaults if they are really good features for it?

I always considered purchasing it but was just never convinced.

edit: on the site i see NuWiki 1.3 Beta 4 Released

I do not see beta 5 at all.

thincom2000 08-21-2007 02:10 PM

Beta 4 was the last one they announced, but they have up to RC1 available for licensed members to download.

ssslippy 08-21-2007 09:48 PM

nuhit has this odd issue of not keeping up with patch notes, Ive been reminding him to post some.

ElfMage 08-22-2007 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1322373)
Beta 4 was the last one they announced, but they have up to RC1 available for licensed members to download.


:) NuWiki v1.3 RC1 was announced and the release notes properly documented. The announcement is available in a blog post shown in the home page.


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1322684)
nuhit has this odd issue of not keeping up with patch notes, Ive been reminding him to post some.

:D I guess you are referring to NuSEO.PHP version 1.5. Honestly this NuSEO.PHP version has not been announced to the public yet. We will do so shortly. My apologies for the inconvenience.

thincom2000 08-22-2007 07:09 AM

Ah yes. RC1 has been announced on the blog. I was referring to a thread in "General News and Announcements" having not been created. Anywho, will we be seeing a hooked NuWiki soon (which would really speed up this mod's installation process and probably result in more installs :p)?

thincom2000 09-10-2007 04:00 PM

There are a few occasions of errors that I have seen. Namely, fatal errors in profile.php among others. If you follow the instructions in the readmes, you should be able to fix this on your own. Also I believe the Template BB-Code currently doesn't work as expected (but I have not tested this extensively).

When the new NuWiki is released (the one with the hooks already built-in), I will update this mod with the additional integrated scripts and bug fixes. In the mean time, if anyone is having conflicts with the CES Parser Permissions mod let me know. Around the same time NuWiki is updated, I should be releasing some Special Pages. First up will be Special:Books, Special:Recentchanges, and Special:Allpages.

Special:Categories still needs a bit more testing. But hey, if anyone wants to help with that let me know. I don't use categories much myself anyway, so someone who is a little more familiar with the MediaWiki system could definitely help.

The MediaWiki-style tabbed postbit still has 1 feature left to add.
Special:Images still has a few features to be implemented before release.
Parser Extensions (i.e. commands like NUMBEROFARTICLES, CURRENTDATE, CURRENTMONTH, etc.) will be out at the same time as the first Special Page addons.
Special:Wantedpages, etc. will just require some simple modifications of Allpages and should be released in a package of some sort.

kushal 11-17-2007 06:46 PM

Any live example?

thincom2000 11-17-2007 11:38 PM

I recommend waiting to install this mod until the new version of NuWiki is released. At that point I will be posting an update that includes a LOT of bug fixes and extra features.

kushal 11-18-2007 02:58 AM

ok! thanks for the update

Kaelon 01-12-2008 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1384673)
I recommend waiting to install this mod until the new version of NuWiki is released. At that point I will be posting an update that includes a LOT of bug fixes and extra features.

I'm a great fan of your work, thincom. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like a new version of NuWiki is being released anytime soon (and the latest release candidate is pretty buggy) given ElfMage's disappearance. Would you be willing to update this add-on, so that I can test it? We are using a heavily-customized version of NuWiki on our production forums.

thincom2000 01-12-2008 08:25 AM

When I first released this mod, I was completely unaware of the large amount of bugs in this addon alone. I have been working on it almost daily for the past six months, developed a lot of new features, and plugged a lot of holes in its code as well as NuWiki's. I will release the updated package as soon as I get back from my vacation and finish updating it for 3.7.

Alfa1 01-12-2008 01:39 PM

Many thanks for your work!!

Kaelon 01-15-2008 01:05 PM

Thank you so much, thincom2000! I'm really looking forward to your update package, since it can only help to improve NuWiki. :)

thincom2000 01-23-2008 02:51 PM

For those of you who requested that I release an updated version, here is what I have left on the to-do list before I can:

- update file edits in readme
- article ratings
- handle inlinemod deletespam (new in vB 3.7)
- debug support for wikify second post
- add support for cached posts even in dynamic articles (currently there is NO cached support in this mod, requires current parser rewrite)

As you can see, the list is short, so it should definitely be available before the next build of NuWiki.

Alfa1 01-24-2008 01:18 AM

Many thanks for the update. I'll be checking this thread regularly.

thincom2000 01-26-2008 02:38 AM

In working on fixing Thread Ratings on articles, I realized that like ratings, permissions are not rechecked for targets of wiki redirects, and that thread marking for the targets is also not done. I was planning on a complete rewrite of nuwiki.php and showthread.php anyway for the sole purpose of this mod since the plugin count has gotten rediculous and I need to add support for cached posts.

While the next expected version number was 1.1.0, a rewrite of this nature is probably grounds to increase the number to 2.0.0. Of course no one really cares about version numbers but I thought you should know that the changes in this next release are huge.

- Article Ratings complete

Alfa1 01-26-2008 06:46 AM

Thanks! That sounds very good to me.

Kaelon 01-28-2008 07:58 PM

Ditto with Alfa! Thanks so much for your work, thincom! Once you release it, let us know if we can support you through donations, recognition, or anything like that. I am thrilled that you're maintaining this great mod.

thincom2000 02-08-2008 07:02 AM

Hi, just wanted to keep you updated since it's been a while since I promised this SOON.

Since last time (about 12 days ago), I have:
- extended headlines so that their sections are collapseible via AJAX
- extended section editing so that sections are editable via Quick Edit
- rewritten showthread.php
- rewritten class_postbit.php
- rewritten class_bbcode.php

I am basically in the process of debugging my rewrites right now, and I have a number of fixes in mind already for the morning but I'm tired and going to bed.

I'm also considering distributing this with a Help namespace filled with articles (so a bunch of threads would be auto-created on install) about how to use it compared to the original NuWiki.

Kaelon 02-08-2008 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1438729)
Hi, just wanted to keep you updated since it's been a while since I promised this SOON.

Since last time (about 12 days ago), I have:
- extended headlines so that their sections are collapseible via AJAX
- extended section editing so that sections are editable via Quick Edit
- rewritten showthread.php
- rewritten class_postbit.php
- rewritten class_bbcode.php

I am basically in the process of debugging my rewrites right now, and I have a number of fixes in mind already for the morning but I'm tired and going to bed.

I'm also considering distributing this with a Help namespace filled with articles (so a bunch of threads would be auto-created on install) about how to use it compared to the original NuWiki.

Awesome! Thanks, thincom! Do you know how close you are to release?

Also, will it be fairly easy to upgrade a pre-existing (and heavily popualted) NuWiki installation with this support pack?

thincom2000 02-08-2008 06:05 PM

It should be pretty easy to upgrade - the reason I'm taking so long to debug is to make sure nothing from default NuWiki is broken. A number of hooks have been changed, so I'm currently moving all the existing plugins to the new hooks.

Also, a number of AdminCP tools are going to be included to help with the various database changes (for example, old posts would need to be reprocessed using the new system). It will be highly recommended to turn off your board while applying this pack because every existing post will (ideally) need to be (auto-)modified during the upgrade process and the install scripts will probably slow down your site quite a bit during that time.

But don't worry, since a detailed readme will be included explaining all of this, as well as (I think) a Help namespace to describe the functionality of the changes.

Kaelon 02-09-2008 03:46 PM

Good to know, thincom. Thanks!

When you say "every existing post", do you mean every post on the forum? Or just posts in wiki forums? My site has over 1.5 million posts, so re-processing all of them might be traumatic, so I will want to plan ahead.

Thanks again!

thincom2000 02-10-2008 09:50 AM

By "every existing post" I mean every post on the forum. This is to properly support the (now deprecated in my patch) [wiki] bbcode that your users may have used. If you haven't used this code in non-wiki forums, I can add a setting to only process wiki articles.

As of this morning in my debugging:
- redirects working
- templates working (going to add permissions -> you can't "include" a template that you can't edit)
- tables of contents working again, using [TOC]no/force/book/_blank_[/TOC] bbcodes

andrewkhunn 02-11-2008 01:14 AM

I am anxiously awaiting your work as well thincom. Just thought I ould pop by the thread and let you know you have at least 1 more person very interested in the extra functionality you are providing now that ElfMage has gone MIA.

thincom2000 02-11-2008 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1439947)
(going to add permissions -> you can't "include" a template that you can't edit)

I decided against this because users with different permissions may edit the same article. The buggy situation: a second editor (without template editing permissions) wouldn't be able to save the post without removing templates that the last editor added.

Since templates should be more for quick formatting than for content anyway, I guess I should be satisfied to leave template-including permission-free.

I spent today updating post preview with the new parser, and fixing all the horrible bugs that arose. Now post preview will show a fully-rendered wiki article in the wiki postbit, instead of the bland "Preview" box.

Left on the agenda:
- rewrite wikify second post (probably about 2 days)
- test auto-links (probably about 1 day)
- test cached posts (need to delete postparsed row on save of used link to support templates and "red" links) (1 more day)
- handle inlinemod deletespam (2 hours or so)
- create legacy-to-bbcode permanent conversion tool (3 hours or so)
- create help articles (2 to 3 days)
- create install.xml (2 hours or so)

So that leaves about a week before this is ready for public release. Keep your fingers crossed that I can actually write the help system faster than that.

thincom2000 02-12-2008 04:20 AM

Okay I wanted to ask who actually uses the Second Wiki Post feature. This is the most incompatible piece of code I've come across so far that I think I may just revamp the way they are utilized and handled completely (e.g. with a [SPLIT] bb-code), so that as far as the database is concerned the first and second wiki post are actually the first post.

Whoever uses it, please tell me WHY (what makes it a good feature for you) so that I make sure not to break anything when I do rewrite it.

tscargo 02-12-2008 10:22 AM

Hi Thincom,

Looking at this thread I see you have been extending NuWiki ?
I am planning to integrate Wiki functionality on a new vB (3.7) powered site.
But due to the absence of ElfImage from the NuHIT forum I am a bit worried.
Would you be able to offer (paid) support and bugfixes to NuWiki (and your extension) ?
Or do you know of a similar (but supported) vB/wiki extension ?



thincom2000 02-12-2008 03:37 PM

Hi. Yes, I believe myself to be knowledgeable enough about NuWiki to be able to offer support for it.

In other news, just a tiny set-back. While working on the Second Post feature, I attempted to merge 2 articles, only to discover that the system I had written to handle NuWiki article merges didn't work as expected.

andrewkhunn 02-12-2008 04:32 PM

Is this newest iteration of yours going to be 3.7 tested? That is about the biggest issue for me at this point. All the other changes and tweaks you're making over and above 1.3 RC1.

Also, thanks for this!

thincom2000 02-12-2008 04:46 PM

Yes, I am currently doing the development on a 3.7 forum. By the way, I rewrote auto-links and they seem to be working.

Kaelon 02-16-2008 06:44 PM

Any update, thincom? I can say that your work is highly anticipated. :) Thanks again!

thincom2000 02-16-2008 08:10 PM

In attempting to finish the task list I put up a few posts ago, these bugs have reared their ugly heads:

forum move/delete not handled (unresolved)
history compare & revision broken (unresolved)
empty quick edit selects (unresolved)
[S]section editing with legacy headlines causes truncated sections[/S] (fixed)

andrewkhunn 02-16-2008 10:04 PM

Forge ahead! Many of us are totally hoping you pull through.

thincom2000 02-17-2008 05:13 PM

Progress Update: finally figured out why quick edit wasn't showing the font color dropdown - CSS is the last place I would have expected a bug.

forum move/delete not handled (unresolved)
history compare & revision broken (unresolved)
[S]empty quick edit font color select[/S] (fixed)
[S]section editing with legacy headlines causes truncated sections[/S] (fixed)

Again, this is in the first post, but you can follow this mod's daily development changelog here: http://www.crackedeggstudios.net/pro...28&do=lastnote

andrewkhunn 02-27-2008 04:38 PM

How are things progressing thincom? In terms of overall percentage to complete?

thincom2000 02-27-2008 07:31 PM

Hi, I apologize for this. I have been attending to my other mods for the past two weeks and have made very little progress with this mod in that time, except for maybe 1 or 2 bug fixes. I have had a few ideas about how to handle a second wiki post. I am thinking of using H1 to designate a headline where the second post would start, but I have yet to start coding this.

I would say that overall the mod is about 90% complete. As for my previously posted to-do lists, I am about 50% through those.

andrewkhunn 02-28-2008 01:22 AM

No need to apologize. We're all here just counting on your good will. Besides, as long as we have something workable by 3.7 offically being released, I am not in any hurry necessarily.

Thanks for the work!

tscargo 03-26-2008 03:11 PM

Is anything happening ? I sent thincom an e-mail asking about the possibility to spend time on finishing his enhancements (paid), but unfortunately have not heard back from him.



thincom2000 03-26-2008 04:43 PM

Hi, I have just been bogged down with work recently and have not been able to put in much time with this mod. I just responded to your PM.

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