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blogtorank 08-12-2007 10:00 PM

EPC Autoposter [LITE] for vBulletin
EPC Autoposter [LITE] for vBulletin

What the heck is this?

Posts to your forums automatically via the REAL usernames of by predefining the usernames, rss feeds and the forum ids. Do keep in mind we do have a full blown version of the EPC Autoposter Full Version for vBulletin where you can take complete control over the whole posting aspect more easily.

All in all, everyone was wondering after creating 10, 100, 1000's of users on their forums and not able to to post with these users? So we decided to release this LITE version to accompany our other hack which is stated below.

Key features:
  • Autoposter is easy to use!
  • Simply fill in a few fields and that's it!
  • If you use our EPC vBulletin Mass User Creator, this is your final solution to automated posting. Where you may post from anything that has a valid RSS Feed! So I guess the solution and to fill any void on your forums for using automated posting has come to an end for but we did create a full version of EPC Autoposter for vBulletin.
  • Your forums will appear much more active and alive, resulting in many more users, and many more users = many more sales = $$$!
  • Randomize the posting from an example 20 users, and 20 feeds, as this will assign everything randomly. Everything is totally random.
Complexity of Installation:

2 - Files to upload
1 - File edit
1 - Phrase added
1 - vBulletin CRON job
1 - Create an articles directory to store all articles.

Say perhaps 1 minute to 2 minutes max.

How do I get support:

Support is given to those who click INSTALL...

All support for the LITE version will be held here, and if you purchase the full version all support is handled in the order received by our full-time reps in the CSC, NO support is held here for the FULL version! No need for support actually as we have thoroughly ran it through the ringer in 48 hours, watching the forums fill up :cool:!

So here's the LITE version and it comes with a full set of instructions and if you require any assistance on how to find feeds and what places are best for feeds, do post them in here. Also if you post anything in here that has NOTHING to do with the hack and support related issues, i.e. Starting drama on how unethical it is and blah blah, keep your drama out please!

(Note: this thing can cripple a MySQL server if you are NOT careful, so if you post anything about how the server has gone away, please fix your MySQL my.cnf file to be more optimized. We will be happy to share our my.cnf optimization in the forums if any need help on it.)

Change Log
05/18/2007 @ 20:00

Version 2 ::

Gives support of rotating and posting articles automatically along with the ability to mix in with the RSS feeds. (Create an articles directory inside your forums root for this)

Ability to manage all feeds, from one location which is persisted to the Add Autoposter underneath the RSS Manager Section inside vBulletin. Meaning once you enter these values, come back to this screen, everything is managed in the Add Autoposter for simple use.

Never duplicates posts of text files, once posted it will not post no more.

When posting from articles do note: The name of the text file will be the
Threads Title.txt, or Threads-Title.txt. (So yes the supported file extension is txt)

Do keep in mind the below:



Please do not remove this Copyright notice.
As you see this is a free script accordingly under GPL laws and you will see
a license attached accordingly to GNU.
You may NOT rewrite another hack and release it to the vBulletin.org community
using this code without our permission due to the fact we have a full version
and this full version is a paid version, as this version will differ but some
of the logistics are the same. So do NOT try to release a hack using any part
of our code without written permission from us!
Copyright 2007, BlogToRank


We claim no responsibility and neither does anyone else in your mishaps
deciding to cripple your forums because of your stupidity actions don't come crying here on vbulletin.org about how you made your board die
and etc... You think we are responsible for you burning your own house down? :rolleyes:

blogtorank 08-13-2007 07:50 AM

Reserved for later use.

projectego 08-13-2007 08:30 AM

Sounds interesting... very nice work, blogtorank! ;)

blogtorank 08-13-2007 08:42 AM

Thanks!! We have found feeds all over from using other forums syndicated feeds, yahoo feeds, dating site feeds, social networking site feeds, just insert a few feeds and watch the forums grow. :)

As everyone may or may not know, if you are filling the forums with content or your forums are dying down on posters, this is one solution. Because content = the key to Google and the rest of the engines.

Also, on the news feed ordeal the Owners agreed on setting up a deal for the FULL version, where they are throwing in a free tool to use when in need of feeds.

More flexibility indeed in the full version, so the more support we find off the full version by others purchasing it (measly $2.95), the more hacks we will place out here for free and do some serious upgrades to as well. Our tools and ideas are always "automated." It's the best way to run a business.

Best regards,

thedvs 08-13-2007 09:15 AM

I just bought the Full Version :)

blogtorank 08-13-2007 09:21 AM

Great we will add you as a supporter as mentioned! Also, do note everything is pretty much automated on the full deal except for the licensing. :)


Added you as a supporter and you should receive a welcome e-mail within 1 - 10 minutes.

Rest is up to the Customer Service Reps, do note that we do work 24/7/365 just so you know. Also, all orders are processed in the order received. :) Patience is a need at times.

Hornstar 08-13-2007 10:27 AM

So I can enter in a few usernames, and they will show up as the names posting the rss feeds?

How much different is this from the actual built in RSS feeds in vbulletin? I have never used it so im just curious.


sensimilla 08-13-2007 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1316443)
So I can enter in a few usernames, and they will show up as the names posting the rss feeds?

How much different is this from the actual built in RSS feeds in vbulletin? I have never used it so im just curious.


I second this, what makes it different from default RSS poster in vbulletin

blogtorank 08-13-2007 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1316443)
So I can enter in a few usernames, and they will show up as the names posting the rss feeds?

How much different is this from the actual built in RSS feeds in vbulletin? I have never used it so im just curious.


No you enter more than just a few usernames:

You enter in a list of usernames
You enter in a list of feeds
You enter in a list of forum ids (in Full version you just use the multi-select)

You enter in "bulk" rather than one by one. Big difference when you got a 1 vs unlimited, so hope this answers your question on the difference since you "never used it." Unless you want to painstakingly add in massive one by one, but that's your preference and if you wanted to add in multiple as I stated above then the hack is for you. If it's not then you simply add one by one using the "default" vB RSS News Manager.

Zaiaku 08-13-2007 12:20 PM

Looks interesting but not sure how this is better then the RSS feed poster that is already in vbulletin. The only thing I see that I think is possible in this one is that it can randomize the username you post with.

blogtorank 08-13-2007 12:38 PM

Not sure if you used them both to see how much more flexible it is here, we did forget to add the fact it'll randomize everything. As you can see within the RSS Feed poster where you have to manually enter one by one. Where our hack in the [LITE] will support the following:

1. Enter in Multiple users
2. Enter in Multiple feeds
3. Enter in Multiple forum ids

After you enter this, it'll add them randomly to the forums that you specified, can you do that in the RSS Feed poster? If you installed ours then you'll see why, because I don't see you downloaded it or installed it as of yet :)

Best regards,

EliteLuke 08-13-2007 01:07 PM

Great Mod, Installed :D

radarhunter 08-13-2007 05:14 PM




Insted of having this is the message code of the php file is there anything we can write which copies the full first post of the RSS feed ???

stonner 08-13-2007 07:33 PM

Thank you for sharing. Marked installed.

I have found a list of interesting rss feeds on http://www.rss-verzeichnis.de/index.php?cat=62&feed=

But which URL do I have to use? Can you please make an example?

Thank you

slyreptile 08-13-2007 07:49 PM

Haven't downloaded this just yet. Curious...can this be used to have specific users post specific feeds to specific forums....or is everything random?

SCRIPT3R 08-13-2007 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1316503)
1. Enter in Multiple users
2. Enter in Multiple feeds
3. Enter in Multiple forum ids

After you enter this, it'll add them randomly to the forums that you specified, can you do that in the RSS Feed poster?

so the only real difference is the random selection of username and forum id?

SCRIPT3R 08-13-2007 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by slyreptile (Post 1316781)
Haven't downloaded this just yet. Curious...can this be used to have specific users post specific feeds to specific forums....or is everything random?

seems like you could just use the default vB RSS.

slyreptile 08-13-2007 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1316793)
seems like you could just use the default vB RSS.

That's just what I was thinking. It seems this only adds the random-ness to the feeds.

blogtorank 08-13-2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by radarhunter (Post 1316669)
Insted of having this is the message code of the php file is there anything we can write which copies the full first post of the RSS feed ???

RSS Feeds work to where they will only display what the Author of the Feed will allow per his/her setup. They work as teasers. However as you know in the Full version you will be able to add onto the "Title" and "Message" area. As this is only controlled by the feed owner.


Originally Posted by stonner (Post 1316771)
Thank you for sharing. Marked installed.

I have found a list of interesting rss feeds on http://www.rss-verzeichnis.de/index.php?cat=62&feed=

But which URL do I have to use? Can you please make an example?

Thank you

Within there you would see the little RSS Icon, each one of those is a FEED to the source of each one, like I found in there:


Das ADAIS Forum bietet mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen eine Plattform zum Austausch von wichtigen Informationen.
Feed Lesen ++ Hits: 65 ++ de


Originally Posted by slyreptile (Post 1316781)
Haven't downloaded this just yet. Curious...can this be used to have specific users post specific feeds to specific forums....or is everything random?

Yes this can be used to have specific "users" post "specific" feeds to the "specific" forums. It's random when you drop in a "full" list rather than in batches and etc...


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1316791)
so the only real difference is the random selection of username and forum id?

No this was mentioned a couple times already 1 vs multiple is a big difference than having to enter in one at a time....


Originally Posted by slyreptile (Post 1316833)
That's just what I was thinking. It seems this only adds the random-ness to the feeds.

No mentioned prior...

Hornstar 08-13-2007 11:17 PM

So can this do:

1. Enter in several usernames. Enter in one forum ID (news section), enter in several news RSS feeds
2. Enter in several usernames. Enter in one forum ID(jokes section), enter in several jokes RSS feeds

Or is this just going to randomize everything and have news rss feeds being posted in my sports and jokes section and have my jokes rss feeds being posted in the news section?

blogtorank 08-13-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1316933)
So can this do:

1. Enter in several usernames. Enter in one forum ID (news section), enter in several news RSS feeds
2. Enter in several usernames. Enter in one forum ID(jokes section), enter in several jokes RSS feeds

Or is this just going to randomize everything and have news rss feeds being posted in my sports and jokes section and have my jokes rss feeds being posted in the news section?

Yes, once you enter in a several usernames, enter in ONE forum ID and enter in several feeds it will randomize the feeds with the users. You can specify any forum in the lite version by forum id, within the full version (see screenshot number 2) you can just do a multi-select from the box rather than trying to figure out your forum id.

So answer to your question is, yes.

Best regards,

drdeathuk69 08-14-2007 12:44 AM

Where do you enter the names ??

0tolerance 08-14-2007 01:02 AM

It looks very promising to me :),
i will deffinately check it out!

blogtorank 08-14-2007 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by drdeathuk69 (Post 1316966)
Where do you enter the names ??

You don't show as installed so I don't know if you are actually using this or whatnot.. Because it shows how you enter the names in the screenshots above under the hacks description....

blogtorank 08-14-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by 0tolerance (Post 1316969)
It looks very promising to me :),
i will deffinately check it out!

It is pretty promising, let me know if you have any issues after you click install ;)

cheat-master30 08-14-2007 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1316793)
seems like you could just use the default vB RSS.

With that, I don't think you can use multiple usernames to post feeds. This may have legit uses for having bots for each section of the site or whatever.


Originally Posted by slyreptile (Post 1316833)
That's just what I was thinking. It seems this only adds the random-ness to the feeds.

It is also meant to allow you to post automatically through 1000s of created users with his other modification to make them not look inactive and non posting.

slyreptile 08-14-2007 10:24 AM

Thanks for the clarifications! I'll check it out.

drdeathuk69 08-14-2007 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1316974)
You don't show as installed so I don't know if you are actually using this or whatnot.. Because it shows how you enter the names in the screenshots above under the hacks description....

i have bought the full version

website addy is www.autochat.co.uk

Andrew Greenway is name that bought it

blogtorank 08-14-2007 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by drdeathuk69 (Post 1317309)
i have bought the full version

website addy is www.autochat.co.uk

Andrew Greenway is name that bought it


How do I get support:

Support is given to those who click INSTALL...

All support for the LITE version will be held here, and if you purchase the full version all support is handled in the order received by our full-time reps in the CSC, NO support is held here for the FULL version!
Please see the above mentioned portion inside the hack's description, as the support is not given here for this... You should receive a welcome e-mail pertaining to this.

raiderlax 08-14-2007 03:18 PM

So I'm confused, what this does.

Okay so I think this is what it does:

You take a rss feed from another site, put in into your control panel, and it takes the content from that rss feed and posts it on your forum?

Is this right?

SCRIPT3R 08-14-2007 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1316791)
so the only real difference is the random selection of username and forum id?


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1316908)
No this was mentioned a couple times already 1 vs multiple is a big difference than having to enter in one at a time....

ummm, so it DOES NOT have the ability of random selection of usernames and forum ids? either you did not understand what i asked or you're contradicting yourself?

SCRIPT3R 08-14-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by cheat-master30 (Post 1317179)
With that, I don't think you can use multiple usernames to post feeds.

correct, but he didn't want to use multiple usernames for the same feeds. so no need for this hack.

InTeNsE-HuMoR 08-14-2007 05:31 PM

Does this work for 3.6.5?? If I have certain fields that are required (like post prefix, post icon) before a message is posted, will this work with that?

Zaiaku 08-14-2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1316503)
Not sure if you used them both to see how much more flexible it is here, we did forget to add the fact it'll randomize everything. As you can see within the RSS Feed poster where you have to manually enter one by one. Where our hack in the [LITE] will support the following:

1. Enter in Multiple users
2. Enter in Multiple feeds
3. Enter in Multiple forum ids

After you enter this, it'll add them randomly to the forums that you specified, can you do that in the RSS Feed poster? If you installed ours then you'll see why, because I don't see you downloaded it or installed it as of yet :)

Best regards,

No I haven't yet. That what I was wondering what advatages there was for this over the default already available in vb. I myself don't have a need to randomize different topic post in random forums or by random users. But not the say I wouldn't sometime in the future. I still there its a thoughtful mod.

tpearl5 08-14-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by blogtorank (Post 1316405)
As everyone may or may not know, if you are filling the forums with content or your forums are dying down on posters, this is one solution. Because content = the key to Google and the rest of the engines.

You should've said "Original content = the key to Google..." RSS content is treated as duplicated content by search engines. They know where content originated. I've never seen a thread that contains an rss feed on my forums have a good rank at all.

I wouldn't use your mod as a way to completely fill forums in hopes of search engines catching on, but as a supplement to existing content to stur up conversation.

blogtorank 08-14-2007 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Zaiaku (Post 1317558)
No I haven't yet. That what I was wondering what advatages there was for this over the default already available in vb. I myself don't have a need to randomize different topic post in random forums or by random users. But not the say I wouldn't sometime in the future. I still there its a thoughtful mod.

Thanks for the comments, and yes it's just the fact of "streamlining" dead forums with live postings and if they wanted randomization then all the better. :) Just our idea of "expanding" what's there in vB was in mind, as any mod on the forums here in that matter is here to "expand" or give a difference.

Best regards,

blogtorank 08-14-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by tpearl5 (Post 1317626)
You should've said "Original content = the key to Google..." RSS content is treated as duplicated content by search engines. They know where content originated. I've never seen a thread that contains an rss feed on my forums have a good rank at all.

I wouldn't use your mod as a way to completely fill forums in hopes of search engines catching on, but as a supplement to existing content to stur up conversation.

Yes they do know where the originating content comes from is true. We didn't say use the MOD to fill your board completely, we issued the MOD to expand the ideas and minds of others, mainly for the fact of taking a board that gets only one post a day, two or low numbers and start posting something relevant to their board.

We have used craigslist.org feeds inside our advertisement area on our forums, and surely 40 new ones started posting immediately. That is what we call enticing others to post and etc... That's our goal in this is to help others perhaps get their boards posted to more frequently, then they can turn it off and let the "actual" "real" users post at heart!

Best regards,

InTeNsE-HuMoR 08-15-2007 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by InTeNsE-HuMoR (Post 1317488)
Does this work for 3.6.5?? If I have certain fields that are required (like post prefix, post icon) before a message is posted, will this work with that?

^^ Could you answer that before I download please.

bazzup 08-15-2007 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by InTeNsE-HuMoR (Post 1318040)
^^ Could you answer that before I download please.

I just installed it on my test forum and its working ok

blogtorank 08-15-2007 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by InTeNsE-HuMoR (Post 1318040)
^^ Could you answer that before I download please.

I don't have 3.6.5, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work on 3.6.5, if it don't work do report it, but it seems someone stated that they do have it working on their test forums quoting you.

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