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Lea Verou 08-10-2007 10:00 PM

e-steki User ModLog v1.1.3 - An alternative to moderation AutoPM
A big thanks to everyone who nominated or voted this for MOTM September 2007!
e-steki User ModLog

What is this about?
This modification shows the user a table in his UserCP with the latest moderator actions that are performed in his posts/threads.

1. Why this and not Moderation Auto-PM?
  1. Its not intruding for the user. In fact, I decided to make this because the Moderation Auto-PMs I was receiving by tons were too annoying to bare.
  2. Its not in the Modification Graveyard, so there is a much higher chance of updates and support ;-P
  3. It allows more types of actions to show (unfortunately exept hard deletes).
  4. Its more visually appealing ;-)
  5. Users have to make more clicks to discuss an issue with the moderator, which makes it a little harder for them to protest ;-)
  6. Most forums have some "moderation routines" that involve many moderator actions. Especially in this case MAP can be REALLY annoying.
  7. You can select to hide the Moderator column, so no hatred will begin after the action as the user will not know who performed it.
2. Features
Admin Features
  1. Absolutely NO template modifications and you even get to control where the table will be placed in the UserCP with a simple setting!
  2. Ability to hide who the moderator that performed the action was.
  3. Fully phrased.
  4. Your moderators will not see their own actions, but the actions performed by other moderators on their posts/threads (customizable).
  5. You get to control which action types will be shown and how many of them.
  6. Ability to set a cutoff limit, so that actions that are performed before X days will not show.
  7. Ability to specify which mod/admin usergroups' actions will display.
  8. Displays actions from the moment you install it, even old ones, it doesn't display only the actions that are performed afterwards.
  9. Supports e-steki Featured threads.
  10. A nice, usable and extensive manual instead of an ugly readme.txt ;-)
End user Features
  1. Easy spotting of the action type by the nice colorful small icons (provided by famfamfam.com. Thanks!)
  2. Actions that were performed after the user's last visit will display in bold. Of course, they are sorted according to the date and time they were performed.
  3. There is a link to the thread that the action is about. If the action is about a post, then the link takes the user to that specific post. There is also a link for the forum that contains that thread, in case the user does not remember what it is.
  4. The table is collapsible, and if it has nothing to display it doesn't show, just like the other tables in the UserCP.
  5. The username of the Moderator (if the admin has selected him to show) is formatted according to usergroup and links to his profile (so the member can send him a pm to talk about it, if he wishes to do so)
  6. Full date and time displayed.
Don't forget to Mark as Installed!
Support will be provided only for a few days after each release.
Thanks a lot to famfamfam.com for the icons and to SirAdrian for his answers to my questions.

As the admincp screenshot was resized by those stupid attachment limits that Paul M refuses to change, here is the original one:

Lea Verou 08-11-2007 08:26 PM

First post reserved.

JD45 08-11-2007 08:44 PM

Oooo..Oooo...2nd post..:p

Thanks for the hack, looks outstanding. I'll get it installed today and ditch the other one I'm using.

Jon_Simmonds 08-11-2007 08:44 PM

Third post reserved :P

Looks good will give it a go on my test board :)

Lea Verou 08-11-2007 08:46 PM

Tell me what happened please :)
(Btw I may not reply immediately, as I'm going to sleep shortly, its 1:00 AM here)

Zaiaku 08-11-2007 08:55 PM

Looks interesting. I'll keep an eye on this for my new site.

JD45 08-11-2007 08:59 PM

Got it installed w/o any problems. I adjusted the settings in vboptions, went an moderated one of my own topics, checked the usercp but didn't see a listing of any sort. I did turn on that option in the main options. Also, checked to see if the hook was present and it was.

I check over things once more to be sure I did everything right.

Edit: Posted a new thread, close, stuck, soft deleted and nothing new in the usercp?

Lea Verou 08-11-2007 09:01 PM

Have you got the setting "Show actions that the same user has performed?" to Yes? (default is no)
Otherwise your own actions will not show.

What moderation action did you perform?

JD45 08-11-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Michelle (Post 1315441)
Have you got the setting "Show actions that the same user has performed?" to Yes? (default is no)
Otherwise your own actions will not show.

What moderation action did you perform?

Yes, and I closed, pinned, soft deleted and finally hard deleted. Also, I have all those action id's put in the settings as well.

Lea Verou 08-11-2007 09:13 PM

You are not supposed to put them there!
You put there only the ones you DON'T want to show! (I would be a sadist if the setting was the opposite way :p)

JD45 08-11-2007 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Michelle (Post 1315458)
You are not supposed to put them there!
You put there only the ones you DON'T want to show!


I went too fast...everything works fine! :D

Lea Verou 08-11-2007 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by JD45 (Post 1315464)

I went too fast...everything works fine! :D

:) :) :)
Finally, a mod I released with no bugs! :D
Now I can go sleep in peace :)

Lea Verou 08-11-2007 09:20 PM

Why did you edit your post again? Is there any new problem?

edit: Phew, he re-edited :)

EnIgMa1234 08-11-2007 10:18 PM

Nice job Michelle :D

FreshFroot 08-11-2007 10:44 PM

pretty good hack Michelle, you have some nice new hacks out this week. Keep it up girl!!

johnrizz 08-11-2007 10:48 PM

I have a dumb question as I hang my head in shame! Where can I find those action id's?

JD45 08-11-2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by stone0075 (Post 1315512)
I have a dumb question as I hang my head in shame! Where can I find those action id's?

Look in the readme the hack came with....they're near the bottom. 1-31

Rickeo 08-11-2007 11:55 PM

bloomin amazing loving this you have outdone yourself on this on thank you so much :D

NFLfbJunkie 08-12-2007 01:32 AM

Very sweet addition to my forums. Great job.

NFLfbJunkie 08-12-2007 01:46 AM

Action #18 "Post x by y removed" did not work for me. I removed a post on a test user account, and when I logged on as the test user, this action did not show up in the CP.

Konstantinos 08-12-2007 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1315579)
Action #18 "Post x by y removed" did not work for me. I removed a post on a test user account, and when I logged on as the test user, this action did not show up in the CP.

make sure u add the mod id in the settings of the hack

NFLfbJunkie 08-12-2007 01:58 AM

I test Action #15 - "Thread removed", which is not listed in the "
Actions you do NOT want the user to be notified of" in the control panel, and it worked. So I don't think adding #18 fixes this.

JD45 08-12-2007 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Konstantinos (Post 1315584)
make sure u add the mod id in the settings of the hack

No, you don't add anything. You only put in what actions you DON'T want to show. Same mistake I made.

BTW: Nominated for MOTM.

Lea Verou 08-12-2007 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by JD45 (Post 1315638)
BTW: Nominated for MOTM.

Thank you so much!!!! :D

@Junkie: unfortunately it doesn't display hard deletes, only soft deletes, as I mentioned in the first post and the manual. This is caused due vBulletin's way of updating the moderator log (my hack fetches the actions from the moderator log filtered by the userid of the thread/post poster). This might be fixed in a future version, if I think of a way to do it.

Lea Verou 08-12-2007 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by stone0075 (Post 1315512)
I have a dumb question as I hang my head in shame! Where can I find those action id's?

They are in the manual, in a pretty table :p
Note what JD45 said though, you should put there only the ones that you want to prevent from showing.
Perhaps in a future version I can make this setting more user friendly.

Gray Matter 08-12-2007 05:50 AM

This hack is amazing! Uninstalled Moderation Auto-PM and installed this one, and it's working perfectly. ;)

Very quick install and so easy, too. :p

Wulfnoth 08-12-2007 10:02 AM

There is no link in the usercp of my forum. maybe because i have customized the templates? can you please release the manual template-edits for this mod?

winduff 08-12-2007 01:26 PM

looks great, but I receive an mySQL Error when accessing the UserCP!


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.7:

Invalid SQL:

modlog.moderatorlogid as id,
modtable.username as moderator,
modtable.usergroupid as modgroup,
modlog.userid as modid,
modlog.action as action,
modlog.type as type,
modlog.dateline as dateline,
modlog.threadid as threadid,
modlog.postid as postid,
editlog.postid as editpostid,
forum.forumid as forumid,
thread.title as threadtitle,
forum.title as forumtitle,
deletionlog.reason as delreason,
editlog.reason as editreason
FROM moderatorlog AS modlog
LEFT JOIN user AS modtable ON (modtable.userid = modlog.userid)
LEFT JOIN thread AS thread ON (thread.threadid = modlog.threadid)
LEFT JOIN post AS post ON (post.postid = modlog.postid)
LEFT JOIN forum AS forum ON (IF(modlog.forumid,forum.forumid = modlog.forumid,forum.forumid = thread.forumid))
LEFT JOIN deletionlog AS deletionlog ON (deletionlog.primaryid = IF(deletionlog.type = 'post', modlog.postid, modlog.threadid))
LEFT JOIN editlog AS editlog ON (IF(modlog.postid OR modlog.type!=20,editlog.postid = modlog.postid,editlog.dateline = modlog.dateline AND editlog.userid = modlog.userid))
IF(modlog.postid>0,post.userid=1,thread.postuserid =1) AND modtable.userid != 1 AND modlog.type NOT IN (11,12)
ORDER BY modlog.dateline DESC

MySQL Error : The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
Error Number : 1104
Date : Sunday, August 12th 2007 @ 08:24:39 AM
Script : .../usercp.php
Referrer : .../index.php
IP Address :
Username : Chris
Classname : vb_database

Lea Verou 08-12-2007 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Wulfnoth (Post 1315791)
There is no link in the usercp of my forum. maybe because i have customized the templates? can you please release the manual template-edits for this mod?

Probably. Tell me where you want it to appear and I'll tell you the template edit for it. Also ensure you are running vB 3.6.8.


Originally Posted by winduff (Post 1315906)
looks great, but I receive an mySQL Error when accessing the UserCP!

This is a rather difficult issue. The product may be only adding one query, but that query is a rather heavy one. Your server either doesn't support such a large query, or you have a too large forum, so the limit is logical. I'm working on it, perhaps I'll make the product add 2 queries instead of one but much lighter ones. Keep your eyes open for an update (probably it will be released soon), and for the time being, disable the product.

Lea Verou 08-12-2007 04:01 PM

Version 1.1
Added option for specifying a days limit for the display of actions.
You are strongly advised to upgrade, as this option makes the query much lighter for the server.

winduff try this version, and set the day limit to a relatively low number (equal or less to 30). Tell me if your problem was solved.

Wulfnoth 08-12-2007 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Michelle (Post 1315961)
Probably. Tell me where you want it to appear and I'll tell you the template edit for it. Also ensure you are running vB 3.6.8.

I want the link appear above the PM-section.

johnrizz 08-12-2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by JD45 (Post 1315520)
Look in the readme the hack came with....they're near the bottom. 1-31

(DUH) my bad! lol....:D

AzzidReign 08-12-2007 06:13 PM

Awesome mod!!!!! I love it!

Axel Foley 08-12-2007 06:43 PM


this is a really good hack...thank you for your work...:)

The only thing I can tell you is that the "edit post" action (#20) is not working for me.

I have emptied the relevant field in the options in order to log EVERY action. ;)

Have you tested all the actions?

Thanks again...hack of the month for me...;)

Lea Verou 08-12-2007 06:50 PM

I discovered a bug with action #20, about an hour ago. It notifies the thread starter instead of the post poster.
Unfortunately, this means that I'll have to rewrite a great portion of the code, due to vB's crappy moderator logging on post edits :mad: (In fact I reported that as a bug to vbulletin.com, it does not store the postid in the moderatorlog on post edit).
I thought I had got over that bug in my code, but it seems I've missed something.

So, I'm currently rewritting the queries in order to overcome that problem.
Support will be temporarily not provided, so that I can focus on fixing the problem.
You'll have to wait a little bit.
I expect to release a fixed version later today or tomorrow at most.
Sorry and thanks for your patience and kind words :)

PS: Of course all the other actions are working fine, the problem is with post edits (action 20)

MrZeropage 08-12-2007 07:47 PM

very nice and useful, thanks :)

COBRAws 08-12-2007 07:59 PM

More screens please?

How does a user start a conversation with the staff member who moderated his/her post?

NFLfbJunkie 08-12-2007 09:46 PM

After installing is there supposed to be a link to show the actions from within the USERCP, or do actions only show when they have been made? I don't see a link anywhere in my USERCP.

Lea Verou 08-12-2007 10:00 PM

There is nothing else in the hack that can be displayed in a screenshot.
As for the conversation, he can go to his/her profile (if the moderator column is selected to be displayed) and start a PM one, the old fashioned way. :p

@Junkie:The table shows only if there are any actions for it to show, and it shows in the usercp home. Ensure there is something for it to show.

winduff 08-12-2007 10:18 PM

Hey Michelle,

cheers for updating so fast. Unfortunatly, I still get the same error. I guess my server doesn't support such a large query - I even set it down to 5 days max, no positive results...

I'll wait and see, maybe you'll come up with something :)


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