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RTFA 07-16-2007 06:11 PM

Fantasy Sports (Who is with me on this?)
I know this has been requested before, but I am going to start this thread in the hopes that all of us running sports boards will pull together and get this thing done.

Recruiting, Drafts and Fantasy sports fill the voids during the off season of most major team sports. Recruiting has it's up and dead times, the Drafts are over and Fantasy sports is all you have going on. So what Im saying,... to us guys...Fantasy sports are a huge traffic builder. No other board has this capability, (Yes phpBB has a limited version see it here http://www.jslstudios.net/) I have been in this "business" for many years. The first one to come out with this is going to absolutely dominate the message board of choice badge.

We need a fantasy sports mod that will cover all of the major American Sports. If you want to add World Sports thats fine with me. Right now the most popular outlet for this is probably YaHoo sports fantasy league. If this mod could integrate with Yahoo log-ins and fetch all the standings from that leage that would be fine with me. Basically a mod that allows you to run a Yahoo fantasy league(s) from your V-Bulletin.

Or a stand alone version using our own board.... might be better. I'm Brainstorming here. It should have "bracketology" like the Arcade mods, Ajax updates, RSS feeds with subscriptions to game score reporting. I don't know, you tell me.

Heck just emulate the jlstudios one would be better than nothing, but I think VBulletin can do much better!

I will start it off and throw in a 100 bucks for this Mod, I think if we Sports Board owners pool together we can get this done. Anybody with this and will help sponsor? I am not a coder, this is not a scam or spam. Just a request from a Sports Site owner... Dude, Someone please make this mod!!!!

Attilitus 07-16-2007 07:03 PM

Do you know where one could get the statistics information required for this kind of mod?

RTFA 07-16-2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1293021)
Do you know where one could get the statistics information required for this kind of mod?

Statistics as referring to what? Features? Game Stats? Scores?

Attilitus 07-16-2007 07:28 PM

Well fantasy sports mods use stats from the real world. Does anyone know a way to get these stats from a web-accessible feed?

RTFA 07-16-2007 07:32 PM

Does this help? Live Demo


Expanding on this...some ideas:

1. Current Standings in postbit. Ranks, Badges ect that can be Admin set and user defined like favorite team or league member user group.
2. Bracket Format
3. Leagues
4. Integrate with something like VCash or simular point system.
5. RSS Scrolls of upcoming games that scroll depending on which bracket you select. NFL, NCAA, MLB,World Cup, NASCAR whatever.

Any other ideas?

Attilitus 07-16-2007 07:33 PM


Fantasy sports uses statistics from real life players. Where can I get these statistics?

RTFA 07-16-2007 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1293039)
Well fantasy sports mods use stats from the real world. Does anyone know a way to get these stats from a web-accessible feed?

Just saw your post, I will research:)

bobster65 07-16-2007 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1293047)

Fantasy sports uses statistics from real life players. Where can I get these statistics?

For NFL Football, you can check out Dano's Feeds at myffl.net .. these are XML Feeds used by phpFFL (a php/mysql based NFL Fantasy Football App). I use his feeds for some custom Fantasy Football related Modules. His feeds are derived by datamining NFL.com.

RTFA 07-16-2007 07:46 PM

So Far:



Attilitus 07-16-2007 07:48 PM

Did some research on this. Currently NBA NFL, ect are trying to extract licensing fees for the use of their stats...

Until that legal issue is resolved, it would be highly risky to invest alot of time into a mod like this.

bobster65 07-16-2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1293066)
Did some research on this. Currently NBA NFL, ect are trying to extract licensing fees for the use of their stats...

Until that legal issue is resolved, it would be highly risky to invest alot of time into a mod like this.

There are plenty of apps out there that could easily be ported over. Some only need a simple user bridge... Im working on porting over phpFFL, Pickem and Squares (kinda like you do at the bar)...

RTFA 07-16-2007 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1293066)
Did some research on this. Currently NBA NFL, ect are trying to extract licensing fees for the use of their stats...

Until that legal issue is resolved, it would be highly risky to invest alot of time into a mod like this.

Even Still, Player stats come in to play with more of a fantasy draft kind of application. A Fantasy sports mod could still be used for scores and game outcomes. Also, I don't think that college sports are ubject to these license. Even if it were limited to say Nascar and College sports in the player stats category...that in itself would be be huge. So to summerize:

1. Fantasy Draft for College Sports with player stats
2. Fantasy Sports (scores) for both college and professional.

Or just a copy of what phpBB sites have from Jslstudios...

v12kid 07-19-2007 05:45 PM

I'm on board on this as well, we need a script asap. I will throw $250 in to get a complete package!

RTFA 07-21-2007 12:38 AM

Ok thats 350 bucks so far....anybody?

RTFA 07-23-2007 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1293066)
Did some research on this. Currently NBA NFL, ect are trying to extract licensing fees for the use of their stats...

Until that legal issue is resolved, it would be highly risky to invest alot of time into a mod like this.

Yahoo fantasy sports is huge, if this were an issue...I would think Yahoo would be aware of it and made sure they stay in the bounds. Yahoo uses these sites for stats...they are linked at the bottom of their fantasy sports page.





bobster65 07-23-2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by RTFA (Post 1298666)
Yahoo fantasy sports is huge, if this were an issue...I would think Yahoo would be aware of it and made sure they stay in the bounds. Yahoo uses these sites for stats...they are linked at the bottom of their fantasy sports page.





Sportsticker is a commercial stats feed that is pretty damn expensive. They also pay a license fee to the NFL.

The dudes comments about stats and the NFL are correct. The NFL is a pain to deal with lately.. hell, they are going around to Fan Websites and threatening the take legal actions against them for simple things such as Post Icons that look like the actual team logo :rolleyes: (ask the owner of Grid Iron Fans about it) ...

Anyway.. until the league does put an official stop to it, there are plenty of data providers out there that are free... I might even still have the links to Yahoos sports feeds that are not public but have been there for the last 6 years or so... I used them for my Salary Cap Football League..

iogames 07-25-2007 04:22 AM

I wanna be in! wanna be in!
I own the domains:

- SuperBowl.fm
- WorldSeries.fm
- Finals.fm
- WorldCup.fm

I will throw $100 here... lets get down to business!

v12kid 07-25-2007 07:45 AM

just as an FYI id be interested in an NBA one before I would want an NFL one :)

iogames $100 brings this up to $450 is it? Or did I add too much?

x YNWA x 07-25-2007 11:44 PM

wot bout a football one not american, english football (socce)

everydayforums 07-26-2007 01:03 AM

Fantasy soccer? phhhhhhhhhpt!

iogames 07-27-2007 12:07 AM

C'mon! where's the $$$ Spirit!

RTFA 07-27-2007 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1299482)
Sportsticker is a commercial stats feed that is pretty damn expensive. They also pay a license fee to the NFL.

The dudes comments about stats and the NFL are correct. The NFL is a pain to deal with lately.. hell, they are going around to Fan Websites and threatening the take legal actions against them for simple things such as Post Icons that look like the actual team logo :rolleyes: (ask the owner of Grid Iron Fans about it) ...

Anyway.. until the league does put an official stop to it, there are plenty of data providers out there that are free... I might even still have the links to Yahoos sports feeds that are not public but have been there for the last 6 years or so... I used them for my Salary Cap Football League..

No body is asking anyone to make a mod where someone could get in copyright trouble over it. I understand what you are saying...so can you understand what we are saying. Look at this:


Make something like this for a VB board...only improve upon it to a VB standard. Look at the demo. Use the free sites for stats, if the NFL is a pain...fine. There are plenty of other sports out there that are not. I am more interested in College football than the NFL anyway..but thats just me. All NCAA sports, MLB, NASCAR, Soccer, NBA...what ever. Lets focus on what CAN we do not what we cant. :)

Mickie D 08-01-2007 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ufgy.com (Post 1301798)
Fantasy soccer? phhhhhhhhhpt!

its not called soccer its called football lmao its called football because you kick it you dont run with it in your hands, its the biggest global game around its played in every country across the globe, its also the most watched around the world aswell!

i mean could you imagine naming a game where you run with the ball in your hands football lmao rofl.

back to the topic lol i would be very interested in a fantasy FOOTBALL addon and would pay quite alot of cash for one aswell


v12kid 08-02-2007 07:55 AM

call it whatever you want over there but my money is on for an NFL and NBA mod, anyone else with me still?

iogames 08-03-2007 03:49 PM

Trying to contact this guy:


Sticking TO THE Man ;)

HMBeaty 08-03-2007 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1309052)
Trying to contact this guy:


Sticking TO THE Man ;)

Sorry. I don't have time to do anything like this at the moment as I only have probably a week or so to do even ANY kind of custom work and I've already got a few jobs lined up. My time for shipping off to boot camp is creeping closer and closer. :) Sorry

bobster65 08-04-2007 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by RTFA (Post 1303056)
No body is asking anyone to make a mod where someone could get in copyright trouble over it. I understand what you are saying...so can you understand what we are saying. Look at this:


Make something like this for a VB board...only improve upon it to a VB standard. Look at the demo. Use the free sites for stats, if the NFL is a pain...fine. There are plenty of other sports out there that are not. I am more interested in College football than the NFL anyway..but thats just me. All NCAA sports, MLB, NASCAR, Soccer, NBA...what ever. Lets focus on what CAN we do not what we cant. :)

I think I used that phpbb hack a few years back. Its just a pickem style application. Is that what you are after, a pickem type mod ie, where you have a list of matchup up events and users pick who they think will win and it keeps track of the over all number of correct picks?

iogames 08-04-2007 04:23 PM

Ok, ok, ok...

Since this is a biz, why we can't go to sites like:

- Guru.com [which have gave good results in the past]
- RentACoder.com
- CMSCOder.com

At least we can get a PHP Script to work parallel to vB...


Getting closer and closer...;)



Trying to contact this guy :p

Or this! http://offl.sourceforge.net/ :up:

RTFA 08-06-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1309653)
I think I used that phpbb hack a few years back. Its just a pickem style application. Is that what you are after, a pickem type mod ie, where you have a list of matchup up events and users pick who they think will win and it keeps track of the over all number of correct picks?

Well yes, but not for the same price of a Fantasy sports mod. A Pickem mod would be great , name your price.

manic000 08-07-2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1309731)
Ok, ok, ok...

Since this is a biz, why we can't go to sites like:

- Guru.com [which have gave good results in the past]
- RentACoder.com
- CMSCOder.com

At least we can get a PHP Script to work parallel to vB...


Getting closer and closer...;)



Trying to contact this guy :p

Or this! http://offl.sourceforge.net/ :up:

phpffl would be a better choice

RTFA 08-09-2007 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by manic000 (Post 1312192)
phpffl would be a better choice

Got a link to a demo site?

bobster65 08-09-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by RTFA (Post 1313666)
Got a link to a demo site?

Jason has a demo on that site. phpffl is the best open source Fantasy Football app by far.

RTFA 08-09-2007 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1313668)
Jason has a demo on that site. phpffl is the best open source Fantasy Football app by far.

Yeah, I agree very nice work there. No disrespect to Jason... but the reason all of us chose to ante up and get the VB board was because...well VB kicks phpBB's butt. No contest. So I am sure the one for a VB board would be much better. There are three threads on the front page of this forum about Fantasy sports / Sports Pickem mods. I know when this thing finally hits VBorg...it is going to be the mother of all mods. :)

bobster65 08-09-2007 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by RTFA (Post 1313687)
Yeah, I agree very nice work there. No disrespect to Jason... but the reason all of us chose to ante up and get the VB board was because...well VB kicks phpBB's butt. No contest. So I am sure the one for a VB board would be much better. There are three threads on the front page of this forum about Fantasy sports / Sports Pickem mods. I know when this thing finally hits VBorg...it is going to be the mother of all mods. :)

phpffl is NOT integrated into phpbb. Jason simply uses phpbb for his site. phpffl is a stand alone application. I've actually got some vB integration within my phpffl setup. I've emailed Jason a few times asking about porting it over to vB and have not heard back, but then again, he's busy as heck getting things ready for this upcoming season (he just released a new version a few days ago).... I doubt Jason would have a problem with anyone porting it over, but it will require his permission. I've also got emails into Dano from myffl.net (where the XML Feeds come from) as I want to integrate live gameday functionality into my site. Anyway... phpffl rocks and has nothing to do with phpbb.

RTFA 08-10-2007 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1313700)
phpffl is NOT integrated into phpbb. Jason simply uses phpbb for his site. phpffl is a stand alone application. I've actually got some vB integration within my phpffl setup. I've emailed Jason a few times asking about porting it over to vB and have not heard back, but then again, he's busy as heck getting things ready for this upcoming season (he just released a new version a few days ago).... I doubt Jason would have a problem with anyone porting it over, but it will require his permission. I've also got emails into Dano from myffl.net (where the XML Feeds come from) as I want to integrate live gameday functionality into my site. Anyway... phpffl rocks and has nothing to do with phpbb.

Right and I am not knocking on it in any way. I think its great and jammed pack with features. But it still has the look and feel of a phpBB application...that is my humble opinion. I meant no disrespect. I would love to have this:

Take all of the features of the jsl.studios pickem mod. Which is not a lot really, I mean its great . But not as much going on compared to the FFL app.

Combine it with the features of Jason's FFL application. Even if they are simply portaled together stats wise..like leaders in the postbit. Like the Arcade mods do, they can still be two seperate apps or not if its easier to combine.

Now, take that and script a mod to be run from within VBulletin, just like the arcade mods or Radio Hacks or whatever. With the look, feel and member stat integration into the forums. Where ever that be Postbit, Sigs, User Ranks, User Titles and on and on. Once the mod hits is when the dominos will start to fall. Like we see with all the other popular mods out there. If the Beta version has sig integration, it will not be long before a post bit integration add on is out.

That Mod when made will hit like a ton of bricks. :)

bobster65 08-10-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by RTFA (Post 1314162)
Right and I am not knocking on it in any way. I think its great and jammed pack with features. But it still has the look and feel of a phpBB application...that is my humble opinion. I meant no disrespect. I would love to have this:

Take all of the features of the jsl.studios pickem mod. Which is not a lot really, I mean its great . But not as much going on compared to the FFL app.

Combine it with the features of Jason's FFL application. Even if they are simply portaled together stats wise..like leaders in the postbit. Like the Arcade mods do, they can still be two seperate apps or not if its easier to combine.

Now, take that and script a mod to be run from within VBulletin, just like the arcade mods or Radio Hacks or whatever. With the look, feel and member stat integration into the forums. Where ever that be Postbit, Sigs, User Ranks, User Titles and on and on. Once the mod hits is when the dominos will start to fall. Like we see with all the other popular mods out there. If the Beta version has sig integration, it will not be long before a post bit integration add on is out.

That Mod when made will hit like a ton of bricks. :)

Im sorry, I just fail to see where you come up with the phpbb look and feel. I takes all of 15-30 minutes to edit the CSS to create the look and feel of your own site, then you can edit the header & footer include files to mimic your site layout.. Mine looks exactly like my vBulletin site and I've already integrated the User System & PMs .. Thats basically all I (and my members) were after in the first place. Im currently doing the same for pickem... just need to finish up the User System and then have a chat with the great bunch of guys over at vbcredits so that a cash system can be included within the pickem.. ie, they pay x amount of credits per week and the weekly winner takes home 75% of the winnings, 25% goes to the end of year pool (all admin configurable)... this would include both vbcredits and vbcredit$ (the later for REAL money thru PayPal)..

iogames 08-13-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by manic000 (Post 1312192)
phpffl would be a better choice

Wow! we're getting close!
Now I need:




sjim 08-14-2007 07:49 AM

I wanted to post so I can subscribe to this thread.
Im using a workaround for the fantasy sports board using a link on my extras menu from the vb board. to the phpBB Fantasy Sports Hack version.


Its primitive and has to be manually updated and games inputted but my
users liked it when I had the phpBB2 board.

They will have to reregister on this a seperate board however.
Its primitive but do-able. Better than nothing i say.

to have a look, log in using demo as username and password.
suggestions appreciated.

iogames 08-14-2007 09:37 PM

Look at this!


iogames 10-23-2007 08:36 PM

Well... any update on Fantasy Games' Scripts? could be another solution?


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